Ere I put a pic that I think beautiful enough to show to everyone. Melaka’s pic.
Heh.. sori bebanyak lah pocket, kebelakangan ni kanari bz siut.. tak tau la camne. Kna la pulun sket..

I have been damn bz for the past few days lah pocket… my utmost apologies for those who visited my pocket but found no update. Heh.. I’ve been flying with MAS for 7 times in 5 days. Not to brag bout my luck or that naik kapal teghobang tu besh sgt. (jealous ngan yan yang naik kapal teghobang kechik tuu..) but to ngacum to you guys that my life have been very penat lah lately..
16Dec Pegi : Bayan Lepas ~ KLIA ~ Senai (Johor)
16Dec Balik: Changi (Singapore) ~ Bayan Lepas
17Dec Pegi : Bayan Lepas ~ KLIA
18Dec Balik : KLIA ~ Bayan Lepas
19Dec Busy with the arrangement for another trip.
20Dec Pegi Balik : Bayan Lepas ~ KLIA ~ Bayan Lepas
21Dec Penat cam nak mampus jer bangun pagi..
Something like this lah pocket.. and my birth day was on the 17th, got sms from frenz and family at melaka… TQ lah : )
I think I luv my job.. gaji tak la mahal sangat .. keja langsung tak der kena mengena ngan minat.. but still… I luv my job.. why? Cause..
I get to know people (though I know they don’t remember me)
I get to go places (Though it was not that big deal.. setakat lalu jer tpi port Dickson .. huh!!)
I get to work with people
I get to taste foreign cuisine ( nashi goreng ikan mashin shingapore beshhh wooooo)
N I get to flirt all over Malaysia (Don’t tell her I said this..)
Hheheh… cam besh jerk an .. (actually tak la sangat^^; )
Anybody went anywhere lately?
So today I’ve got a wonderful news bout the motor, Kurnia already paid the workshop the money, but I need to go and see the thing before they can start doing the repair.
Heheheh.. heharapnya bleh la menunggang lagi.. cam dah lama tak naik motor .. cam dah lama tak balik kg naik motor..
tadi kna handle customer visit, huh.. cam ganas jer rasenyer .. takut jgak.. kali ni pun kna xplain bout little bit of this and that in Japanese.. huhuuu… cam takut jer .. pasal dah la jpun tu tak mau tau pun apasal ko gagap cakap jpun.. apo yg dia nak tau.. xplain bebetul kasi paham.. tak paham kalu .. bad impression.. hohooo.. takuuuutttt…dan cam biasa la kan ..bleh makan lunch kat restoran yg besh besh.. heheh.. like besh nyeeee… (walaupun tak sedap mano)
Then terpikir, korang tak pernah rase yg makanan yg orang lain makan cam besh jer .. kekadang masuk pantry n jumpa orang tgh makan maggi perasa kari.. cutting sket .. rase cam besh sesangat.. balik bli la maggi .. masak la same cam orang tadi tu masak .. tp tak sodap mana… tte pelik kan ..
Kalau orang tgh makan karipap… bleh mintak sket tuh!! Punyer lah tingin nyer .. tp kalau sndiri bli .. walaupun karipap yg samo … abis kan pun tak.. huhuuu…apasal yek?
Masuk restoran,order ‘nasi goreng ikan masin ngan bali ais satu’ n kawan kita plak order .. ‘nasi daging merah n teh ais satu’ … biler makanan sampai ..mula rase cam nasi daging merah dia lagi sodap .. tte nande nanda?
Orang memang tak bersyukur ker ?
Somebody told me that she looks like Crystal Kay
Come to think of it, she does look like crystal kay a little bit..
So I’ve surfed the net to find similar pic.. similar with her..
Looking at these pic.. anybody see any resemblance?
Heh.. I do..:P
This Sunday I’ll be going to watch the Harry porter again. This is because the last time I’ve went to see the movies, I was occupied with the boy who went there with me since he wanted to answer the call of nature(and he’s 10 so I cannot let him go by himself soooo… ). Guess what I’ve missed? The most precious scene, Hermione appearance before the ball dance. Hoh!! That’s the main cherry of the whole film janai!! But its ok .. since its not that boy’s fault.. I’ll be going to see it again anyway.. this Sunday:) heh.. hopefully I’ll get good seats this time.. my last seat was E1.. far to the left.. hoh…
Bebaru ni dapat la peluang gi Singapore, heh.. cam besh jerk an keja aku ni pocket.. kekadang gi johor minum air kathira.. kekadang gi Singapore.. ari tu gi Jakarta.. heh.. all in a days work lah .. nak kater besh sangat tu tak la jgak tp kna la enjoy the work kan .. heh..
Pada 23 hb tu bertolak la dari kilang ni naik picanto.. huh!! jeles jeles.. berlepas dari airport sini dan sampai ker Singapore pada 12 tgh ari.. makan nasi ayam dulu .. huh.. cam sodap kan .. mahal nak mampus.. tp bleh la tahan .. ado terasa cam beras yg dipakai tu lain benor jer .. heh..:P
Orang temasek cam comel comel belaka .. heh.. (dedulu diorang panggil Singapore temasik kan .. )will somebody tell me why is these girls wearing this kinda skirt to work? Where do they work.. anyway… anyway … they’re damn cute lah.. but ofcourse.. for those yg tak sesuai ngan skirt.. tu memang nampak tak sesuai la kan heh..:)
Yang pakai baju itam tu kwn yg gi skali ari tu.. n why in the hell is that guy wearing the blue shirt would think that silver tie goes well with blue shirt?.. n the janggut .. come on laa.. heh:P
So you guys.. done any travellin lately? Heh..
Harry potter.. who don’t luv them? Gotta think a way to go and see the movies on this coming 18th… heh.. but just to my luck, all the person that I know here is no kaki wayang.. huh… maaa.. usaha jgak la gi cari member tgk…
Asked a fren on pocketing, she said
‘tak der gambo… cam baca surat kabo jer .. surat kabo pun ado gambo.. cam novel. Manoooo la nak menarik minat.’
Hooh.. memang blog pakcik tak der gambo… its because I don’t have any digicam so my photo is kinda late.. n another one from her …
‘mano la makcik nak reti baco English heh… ko mix mix la ngan melayu … bkan rojak.. tp ari ni English.. besok melayu.. ari ni English balik .. besok n seterusnya melayu.. baru la makcik bleh tumpang bacoooo’Hummm… she got a point there.. tak sumer orang nak baca omputeh tetiap ari…
Its just that most of my ideas is best delivered in English… dunno lah.. any way for a starting .. I’m putting some pic today… I’ll get creative the next time:)
Dan saya juga akan mula menulis dengan bahasa melayu. Walaupun tak selalu, saya akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk berbahasa melayu sebanyak yang mungkin… hehehh…
Today I have to go to ipoh to go to customer site.. got some work to do, huh.. during pose pose ni kan .. cam tak nak gi jer .. what can I do.. need to go. I’ll be going for only a day, wont be sleeping there even, go and back .. I’ll be breaking my fasting in penang .. so.. to all pocketeers, have a happy life yer ..
Its a pity I wont be eating the Ramly Mee Rebus today, since whenever i went to Ipoh to that particular customer, i'll be eating at that particular place. The nasi ayam is hell besh siut.. heh.. maa.. its ok .. its alright .. its a goooooooooddd try!!! hahahaha..
Somebody talked bout sunyi lately, so here goes my versions of sunyi…
Sunyi is like going to clubbing but nobody knows you…
Sunyi is like going to sleep thinking, how are you?
Sunyi is like having your lunch alone but the table next to you is riuh rendah
Sunyi is like opening your e mail but no new e mail
Sunyi is like sitting on the beach where lovers sit and holding hands, alone
Sunyi is like watching movies by your self(Mr & Mrs Smith)
Sunyi is like asking for movies that u luv at the counter, but they don’t have it….
They’ve never even heard of it…(tte samishiiiiii)
Sunyi is like giving aisatsu kat boss but he didn’t even look at you
Sunyi is like opening your blog, but no one write’s any comment:P heheh
Macam orang tk baca pun apo celoteh kita ni kan pocket..^^;
Actually u suck in writing la bundle!! That's why...
Shut up lah pocket!!
To da sisters yg kiut, biler lg nak nulih blog?
Making life more interesting…
A friend wrote this somewhere.. considering life getting boring and boring, we’ll have to find something to do to make life better.. I think this concept is just the same as my old concept which is.. bosan la nak gi skolah, tp ado awek tu so just pikir nak gi tgk awek tu jer lah.. the school is just an excuse to see her. Hummm I think this idea is quite popular also.. afraid to go to japan, think of all the nice car we can drive if we go there..(well this doesn’t apply to me la kan ..)
Life does get boring from time to time, why haaa.. work is not interesting .. of course la kan .. unless me doing kitchen design.. hoh.. It’ll be heaven for me.. people would beg me not to do any over time .. heehh.. why? Cause I’m so damn luvin it .. heheh.. but now .. just doing Quality relative work.. huhu.. I’m not allowed to do any design any more…huh!!
So what to do? Find an interesting thing in this mess to cheer things up la kan .. hummmm.. interesting thing? Like gardening? :P like body building ? like learning new language? Of course we cant go places like pangkor or tioman cause of the job.. I’m sooooo interested in photographing so … I would very much like to go places and tangkap gambar like nobody cares.. but quite hard also lah since my only cuti is ahad .. sabtu have to do the OT (Some time la kan).. what to do haa kekawan? Bowling like that guy? Don’t have da frenz to be gila bowling again la plak.. maybe I’ll stick to gardening…. Seems like fun ..hehehe what to do haaa.. kak yg kiut?.. what do you do in your free time haaa griffindorz? ..
Hehe.. anyway.. have a fun life lah!! Heheh… whatever it is u’re doing… :)
Today I was late again, the morning meeting was held at 815 every morning(except for Friday due to assembly).. as a result the boss shows me the grinning look again. Hoh!! Not a good start.
Heheh,, this story is just for boys, have u guys ever wonder why is it that women can really know where do you stare, its like they actually looking intently at your eyes while u’re having a conversation with them. They can really know if u’re interested in her stories or just playing ‘I’m all ears’ (in other words, I’m listening but thinking bout that damn nice looking car that pass us just now). Maybe it’s a fact that us men cannot do multiple thing in one time, wanna scratch ..scratch…don’t sneeze..hehehe..well something like that lah pocket…and we cant lie, kitto bareru.. Question : can men really lie? We all know that women can be really tremendously good in lying but can men lie? I don’t think so.. cause I’ve always kantul in few of my previous attempt huhuuuuu!! ok this was the real story….
I was staring to this beautyfull 'scenery' in my office, as I was getting khushuk ….
Kak Hana : Haaaa!! Mano tgk tu !!?
Me : Eh tak der lah.. tgh duk pikir pasal report nii haa..
Kak Hana : yer la tuu.. cam la orang tak tau mano dia duk usha..
Me : mano ado .. report ni haa.. cam tak kuar ayat la plak..
Panicked and starting to pretend like typing something….
Kak Hana : Huh!! nampak sangat anak mato dia td kat mano.. jangaaaannnn tunang orang tuuuuu
Me : Hehehe… ado ado jer la kak hana nii.. ^^;
Huh!! am I that obvious?
Woman can really know where is your focal point when u’re talking to them. At her eyes … her nose… her dagu … not to forget a little bit further to the south. Hummm dont want to elaborate more on this points, I dont think the sisters gonna like it.. heheh..
what other quality that u find amazing bout woman haa pocket? hummm for me, it'll be the kesabaran during doing the hair, the face, the tudong and the accesories. Huh!! ganas kan.. they can spend one hour just doing the preparation for a date and all we can say is
'lawa awak ari ni' with a little smile :)
me? i'm botak cuz i dont wanna do my hair.. niss still wit da long hair?
Today is da soccer match between our factory’s and our customer’s. This match actually triggered by some crap talking of me and our customer during chit chat time.
Cust : u ada team bola ? bebaru ni kami lawan ngan ‘XYZ’ menang la plak.
Me : Hoh.. kira nya team u kuat la yek?
Cust : hummm kuat la .. kalau kat melaka ni antara yg plg kuat apa…
Me : hoooo.. (nodding)
Cust : nak lawan?
Me : I’ll have to discuss with the management first laa..
Cust : then discuss la.. tell me the outcome minggu dpan..
We’ll be sending the formal letter asking for the match..
Huh!! Just like that .. already set for a match. And I am da organizer for dis activity, well at least a part of the organizer lah.. I’m the contact person between our customer and us… hopefully our team can win lah.. so for our team member.. if any of you reading dis(most unlikely).. score 1 for meJ
Next week will be dead bz for me lah pocket.. customer coming.. some outstanding issue have to handle.. I don’t think I’ll be able to tell u any of my uninteresting stories no more. But some how I luv writing, maybe I’ll try to squeeze in to write some story jgak lah…. To all my readers, write la comment.. It’ll be encouraging to listen to others feedback.. huh... I’ll try to write some in your’s too.. hehe…
Niss… tingin la plak nak jumpa eli… mesti comel kan..:P heheh
Yesterday customer came, two Indians from Johor. Sharp, nice and talkative kinda guy. The boss let me handle their visit to our factory. I dunno why la but I think I’ve handled the factory tour awfully. Its like I’ve lost my word. Somehow… boss if you’re reading this ( which I hopefully not ) sorry banyak banyak lah for letting u down.. need to study more lah.. huh!!
After the Visit. As our courtesy, we have accompanied the customer for an early dinner.. it was a dinner at a place call Ayuthaya (Thailand Restaurant) we ordered a tomyam, green curry , udang in pineapple sauce , ikan rebus or something.. soft ketam deep fried and the simple Kailan Ikan Masin. Hoh!! Just listening to the menu again reminds me of the exquisite taste of all the menus. The tomyam was especially sedap. It was quite sweet compared with all the tomyam that you can eat in a normal gerai melayu. The udang was big and full of pineapple flavor, it was even served in a pineapple kulit as a container for the udang.. hohoh… the green curry was sedap also but that one was just for one bowl so could not makan banyak banyak. I could not pig myself with the ikan since the customer wanted to have the fish, so its like tolong serve kan customer. Any way pocket I was full.. I think I’ll go to that restaurant again with u la pocket.. and we can pig ourself wit the tomyam and the udang .. hoho.. (Gaji day heh heh)
Is it wrong if we use our good money for treating ourselves after a month of hard work? Can but within reason la kan :P you’re getting 2000 every month and you’re treating yourself with a rm1500 worth of trip to Thailand is unacceptable right? Heheh and everymonth?? Out of the question…
I am now, sitting at my place, without anything to do (well actually got so much to do.. but dunno where to start) so what to do.. ?toleh kanan, and usher the new awek who just joint in last week to the shipping dept. She’s Chinese, not so cute, but sexa dakara.. worth sakit tengkuk toleh kanan to ushar for 30 minutes a day:Pheheheh…
That day I’ve went to be a photographer for a friend’s akad nikah ceremony, after the ceremony. 2 o’clock .. speed my self to the kedai gambar to develop the photo. Then run to the kilang to do some of my work (imagine it .. working on merdeka day) at 830 pm.. after work, I gone to the kedai gambar to get my developed photo. Somehow the tauke was not around until 10 o’clock in the night. Huh!! I sure do go a long way to get my photo. Well for a good reason la kan .. the photo turns out lawa bangat..!! huh!! Well for me lawa la .. don’t know what others think though.
Here is me wit my new lens, notice the inai at the tangan. Saper tahu tu gambor apo angkat tangaaannnn!!..( it was a bewak and a fishbone.. please don’t say it was a cicak)
Read a friend blog the other day, he was getting better in bowling. Huh!! Jeles jeles… wanna pulun bowling jugak lah.. its nice to know that your friend is doing something with his or her life. Your friend is actually living their life to the fullest… not being the same old pakcik who go to kerja in the morning and come back routine’ly without any passion to live no more.
Heheh good for you mate..:)
Dey!pocket!! today is soooo penat lah .. dunno why..maybe it because i have been jalan jalan a lot lately so no feelings anymore to do any work lah.. i've taken people's photo during the annual dinner recently. I wanted to make some money, but it turns out that i dont have any time to go and cuci... hoh..and all the person who wanted the photo from me.. will come to me (when i was so goddam bz!!) asking ..'when is the photo will be ready?'.. Dey!! cant u see that i'm in no condition to talk bout the stupid picture.. huh!! ntah hapa hapa ntah.. yeah i know that they wanted the photo to simpan wat kenangan or something.. but please consider la that i'm in sooooo deep shit right now.. totally not in the mood to sell anything to you. so .. can u please back off!!! tte iitakatta kedo .. dekinai.. sometime being a nice guy is very tormenting.
so thats about it la for today pocket.. one of those gloomy day for me.. but .. i've seen her.. i've talked with her.. eaten some nasi beriyani.. beef steak wit her.. so .. its actually balanced out .. all the minus and the plus... keep on senyum and keep on wit da life lah..
Introducing!! MaNuAwek!! hehehe the name is 'birdnest ferns' dis awek seriously can grow, once i've saw the same kind in some taman, grows up to my height.. hehehe huh.. talk bout murah rezeki kan .. there are saying that kalau si isterinyer tinggi lg, then murah rezeki..
She needs to drink every now and then, so as a pakwe.. i'll always ask her to drink like everyday, in the morning and late in the afternoon. she has been quite nice to me lately, spreading her 4th hands since she became my awek. huh.. guess what, she can talk. whenever i talk to her, she'll talk back. but i have to open up my ultrasonic deep inside the heart voice control to the maximum la...heheh..
Haaaa bundle, i've heard dat one.Seriously talk to your awek, or if you're a girl.. talk to your pakwe.. cause these green makhluk tuhan can make tough decision for you or they can be the best 'ear' listening to your problem..hehehe..why? cause they wont bangkang u :P hahahah....
She luv da sunlight, but overdose could cause burn mark, so .. i'm placing her in the best place so that she can get the sunlight only during the evening. so that her beautyfull hands wont burns. If u watch closely, she's already burnt in a few places. huh.... so thats it pocket.. MaNuAwek, dont you be tellin da rina bout dis NuAwek plak, then she'll freak out and start callin me every 12 seconds:P hehehe. To you ma ferns... sory for not giving u all da sunlight u always crave for... its for your own good ... If you're reading dis, just wanna tell u dat i luv ya:) huhu
Today was the wedding day. Last night I have went to the bride’s house, why? Cause I have to know the way first, its better that I got lost in the middle of the night than to get lost this morning and start to call everybody who is already busy with other arrangement.
So last night I’ve went there, they were doing the inai so I’ve joint them. I’ve got a biawak and a fish bone on my handJ I’ll show it to you after the photo of it is developed. So this morning I’ve arrived there at 8 in the morning. Had my self two roti canai and a nasi lemak, and there I was terpacak in front of the brides house. She told me that she’ll be going to make up at this place, where the make up person is so good. He even done Siti Norhaliza’s face. And he is the private make up artist for Bienda (Whoever that is lah) if the Bienda ever comes up here ( to the north side) Ok back to the me terpacak waiting for the brides to invite me inside.
Then after I have met the brides family, sit myself on the floor watching the merdeka march, waiting.. waiting.. already 920 but still waiting.. then I’ve got this call.. ‘eh aswan!! Sory kak husna tak ingat kan aswan, kak husna dah sampai dah kedai makeup nii haa.. kang ado orang gi amik aswan yek..’… and u know what pocket, I was supposed to take the b4 and after make up photo of the bride but she forgot about me.. how come?
HEHE , maybe the akad nikah thing was all in her head, she could not think of any others kut. So after the make up (which cost about rm80) and the bersiap baju and the tudung. Here comes the groom. So off we went to the nearby masjid. The imam is already at his place, the groom take his place and the khutbah starts. By then I’ve already starting to take the groom’s pic. And also not to forget the imam’s. then here comes the lafaz. Hehe.. at this point.. the masjid was berkelip kelip with the camera’s flash light. Huh.. and the groom handsomely lafaz the akad nikah wit one breath …’sah?’ asked the imam, ‘sah’ answered the saksi. Hohoho.. takuuuuuutttttt.. if it was me in that situation, I would surely have gagap…
Somehow kan pocket.. during the akad nikah ceremony, I couldn’t stop smiling. Dunno why.. some day it’ll be me on the grooms place shaking the imam’s hands swearing the oath and the ‘I do’… well of course for my case ‘ aku terima nikah nya siti norhaliza binti taruddin dengan maskahwin 25 ringgit suku tunaaaaaaiiiiii’ huh!! That’ll be hard pocket!! My heart starting to beat tango rhythm just by thinking of it.
And the make up that the bride have to go through, she didn’t have any food for the day just because she didn’t want to ruin the lipstick.. hoh!! Maybe I’ll think about this matter in some other time lah pocket.. hheheeh.. nanka kowaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiii
Lately it’s been raining here, I don’t know weather it’ll be raining on the day. Hopefully everything will go just fine lah pocket.
I wanted to buy this lense, huh.. what do you think? The right one or the left one, both of them is 50 mm. f 1.8 the prices is 300 something. Fell in love with this thing the moment I saw it at Midvalley kl. Why do you need this ? well if you go to a party where no zoom is needed. Then why bring along your 80 mm sigma zoom? When you go to a place where the light is limited, u’ll be needing a lense that can provide u with aperture as big as possible. Which this lense will provide u with such aperture. So in other word.. I want this lah..heheh.. I’ll be taking photograph at this akad nikah ceremony this merdeka. I thought I’ll be the plan B.. but I was wrong.. I was the plan A.. meaning they actually hoping for me to take the photo for such ceremony. Huh!! I’ve never seen any akad nikah ceremony yet… I don’t know the moments.. this pressure is really getting to me. So I’ll need the lense by today .. or .. I wont perform effectively. (heheh.. as if I don’t know u .. If u want something, u’ll be tergedik gedik to get it till u cant sleep) Ahhhh diam lah pocket!!
Hoh.. pocket, today I’ve accidentally scolded a colleague. Its not intentionally... its like this. I want this thing to be done this way. Send to this area first then some body will come and settle things up and then bring this thing to that place and everything will be settle in the most efficient way la .. well at least I think this is the most efficient way la kan .. but then she just wont understand. She just kept on asking why this and why that.. why don’t u do this and do it like otherwise.. I’ve given her my reason.. why not this and why not that. But she just wouldn’t understand. Huh!! How haa.. and then .. I wanted to explain thing easily so I wanted to draw it to her.. she take this as an insult and she says ‘ alaa .. jangan la lukih lukih.. cam sayer ni bebudak lak .. ‘’ memang la ko to cam bebudak!! Benda simple gini pun aku nak kna lukih kasi paham’ scolded me in high pitch. It was an accident. I swear. Didn’t mean to hurt her feeling.
Then she was just diam and nod anything that I’ve said. ‘ok tak?’ I asked, ‘ikut suka ati ko lah’ tte. Hummm..now I’m feeling guilty. Hoh.. guilt can really can kill kan .. Pocket.. its hard to do work.. especially if your work demands u to hope on somebody else’s work. Then u would want everything to work the way u want it to be.. the way u want it to be.. and u forget .. that others also have opinions ..others also doing work to get some gaji at the end of the month.. huh!! Seriously susah la ..
Its 745 in the evening and she has gone back.. to her husband, to her kids… I think I’ll call her up and apologise lah.. should I or shouldn’t I ?
Just arrived from KL this morning at 5 o’clock, huh.. ngantut bangat sih. Seriously exhausted beb, but it was for a good cause. Wanna hear my story?The story goes something like this.
I went to kl on the midnight of Friday, it was rainy and I was full. Ate a nasi goreng ikan masin at 8 and a magi goreng at 1130 huh!! Added up with teh tarik besar, still I bought an air kotak wit some almond for the road. The trip to kl was quite cozy, since I slept all the way. I was exhausted from my whole day work.. what do you expect? Reached my destination at 6 in da morning, the local bus already in business and I missed the first trip. Well what da heck.. wait for a while and off I go to the kerinchi. Walked to mama’s house and as soon as I reached there the mama is already waiting for his son. Huh.. a warm welcome to this lonely travelers.
I didn’t sleep after that , since the mama have a lot to say and tell .. stories, secrets, thoughts etc… at 930 the Amira woke up, and things lightened up at that dull wooden house with her cute smile. Echoed with her laughter and her high pitch voice. Quite a doll I might say.
At 10 she wanted to go to ‘schwimming’(six years old’s tongue), well why not? Then we went for a dip in the Public Swimming pool just beside the Univ. LRT Station. Just to my surprise, she already good in swimming, well with the help of the papan polystyrene la of course. After two hours of swimming, we got back to the house and have our self some nasi lemak and only then did I had my shut eye. Huh.. woke up at two, rushed my self to KLIA to see her for the first time after 8 month. Huh!! Rindu bangat beb..
Peh .. panjang sangat la plak pocket.. I’ll continue my story the next time lah.. besok ker lusa.. anyway, have a happy cuti pocket. Eat as much as u can, just don’t get bigger dah lah.. For me my visit to the house of pain (Gym) will be continue as usual.
Hahaha.. last night I have gone to drink drink wit da frenz.. and arrived at my house at 11 in the night. Then slept until 730 in the morning with the underwear still intact..huh!! I even slept with the same outfit as I went out wit da frenz.. hoho.. kalau la ado bini .. mesti kna leter nyer lah.. hehe..
Pocket pocket… what do you think bout frenz and girlfrenz.. is there any different.? I don’t, why? Cause I think if u wanna be sincerely frenz wit a girl or a guy.. then u shouldn’t treating them as if there have jantina loooo.. why.. then u’d be cam control.. ngan kekawan pompuan pun cam nak ngorat jer layan nyer ..Some time I had chances of going to karaoke wit those who are famous in the ‘office’. Have to admit there are cute and body lawa and everything.. but somehow no sparks. No Chemistry.. I didn’t even treat them as girl even.. hantam jer .. like they also boy like me..why? because we’re only frenz heheh.. am I normal?
Eh Pocket!! Tonite I’ll be going to KL to meet her tomorrow.. a little bit tak sabar sket nii.. hehe.. so babai la pocket..keep on hunting.. for one day.. u’ll find da right one.:)
Tomorrow I’ll be going to KL to meet her.. well I’ll be meeting her on the sabtu petang.. huhu.. tak sabar la plak nak makan kfc.. (although yesterday I ate two pieces of those evil chicken leg deep fried in hydrogenated oil) but still.. KLIA’s KFC will taste better .. hoho..
I don’t have anything to write to you today pocket.. other than that my life is still penat .. and money just wont be enough Eventhough u’re doing ot every sabtu ahad and everyday until 8.. why? The curse of utang.. huhu.. but still u have to live your life la kan .. hehe well u have to stop on buying things u never needed.. for instance da pocket pinggang.. don’t even think of buying the third one.. I’m warning u
The banji is already reading my blog lah pocket.. so watch out what u say.. don’t be telling off our secret yek.. but even if u’ve write anything in here which is our secret.. well It’s ok la kut .. cause da brother understands.. huhu.. terasa segan la plak ..knowing da banji is reading this.. but then again felt like wanna pulun to write more.. why?.. well now that somebody is reading ..have to write often la kan .. hehe.. hopefully all my other frenz also can read my blog.. then I’ll be writing like two times a day hahahaha..
HekHokHekHok Pocket,
I’ve been going to gym for like three times a week lately. Well I’ve paid my good money 50 ringgit per month. So I have to go at least 10 times a month to get 5 ringgit per entry right.. which is still damn mahal cause normal gym would charge u only 2 to 3 ringgit per entry.. worth it? Hummmm dunno lah.. but I wanna look good for her.. wanna dress the baju she bought for me.. wanna be as macho as can be so that all da other girl who sees us together, would jealous like hell .. and say ‘where did she pancing a guy like that?’ heheheh …. Pathetic ? yeah but I know she would do da same to me also.. heheh
So this gym I’m going is quite fun .. got a little area for aerobic.. two thread mills ( the lari machine) 4 bicycle that bring you nowhere ( I dunno what its called) a few other weight lifting machine. I thought I’ve got a hang of weight lifting.. but I was wrong.. last night .. I got pening lalat that nearly knocked me off the floor.. it was after the 15 minutes lari.. then I’ve gone for the 20 kg barbell.. done that do some crunch for the perut.. and then .. just as I was gonna do something for the triceps.. the pening lalat come.. huh.. I could not balance my feet and almost fallen to the ground like nangka.. hahah.. but some how I could reached for the machine to hold on to.. and cover macho like I was just resting.. huuhhu.. takuuuuuttttt…. Next time .. I wont be doing any of those serious lari no more. Just 10 min.. then stop ..then lari again three time.. hai .. manja kan .. hummm I know.. lagi pat tahun la nampak nya baru nak dapat cutting brad pitt..ehheeh
Anyway .. happy nyanyi, lapar nak makan kfc kat KLIA..:)
Hahaha.. guess what pocket.. I’ve went to that gym I was talking about.. quite interesting .. quite penat.. of course la kan .. a gym is a house selling pain.
Went there yesterday. After work, parked my Honda nearby and climbed up that stairs, the gym was fourth floor, hwaa.. getting there also needed some effort to burn fat.. hehe!when I entered the gym, everybody’s know me already.. ‘this was da guy who come twice but didn't enrolled in’ heheh.. ofcourse la kan .. u need the time to think of all the thing first.. da money .. da time .. da work .. and then after signing some documents.. received this lousy t-shirt.. and start da workout lah.. heheh this is where the pain starts.
The instructor told me to run for 15 min.. and so I did.. run on that mesin lari for 15 min.. I thought it would be a kacang one.. but I was wrong.. it was tougher than I thought. Maybe my veins was all filled up with lemak from all those chicken I’ve been eating .. I got dizzy, I couldn’t run no more. Stop and jalan jalan around to relax myself.. hahaha.. pathetic right? Hummmm…
Then comes in the instructor .. he teaches us on the appropriate stretching.. at this point I was having muscle pain already all over my body. Huh!! Am I that old??!.. then comes the barbell.. this one was 20 kg, he told us to do 12 rep. two times. Hohoho.. this one kills the bisep.. and then comes more and more torture.. haha.. I was so sakit tangan.. I couldn’t straightened my hand. Bengkok jer.. after done with the torturing.. every body was given free time.. I spent mine by the water machine… heheh.. penat beebbb..
Sampai rumah by 11.. and I was pening already.. huh.. am I going to do this for at least another three month?hohoho..
Pocket.. no pain no gain they say.. well don’t wanna gain anything then .. but that brad pitt cutting.. huh.. yatte miyou kaaa…. Sankagetsu gurai.. heheh
DongKaDong DaPocket!!
Today have been quite a hectic day, after this I’ll be racing my way to that superbly delicious bihun sup at the pasar malam. I luv da bihun sup lidah, seriously make your lidah melt.. hahah.. have to stop describing bout the delicacies I’m going to pig myself to, cause I’m starting to ‘terliur’ already J
I’ve read her blog again today, the way she’s writing her blog.. just like talking.. just like novel .. with every words arranged like it was a play. I’m infatuated. Me liking her? I don’t think so, why? Cause I hate all the things that she’d written bout herself. From my point of view.. she’s like so getik and so perasan lawa.. n so on .. my list wont end.. bottom of my list.. it’ll be like during my day in MRSM, I was once public humiliated by one of those kinda girl. Huh.. hate every moment of it..
But every day I’ll read her blog. Why ? cause I like her English.. I like the way she’s writing.. the way she express herself, even though getik but still interested me. Dunno lah.. pervert ? hahaha.. that I’ll have to admit.. I am pervert.. heheh.. is pervert a sin? Somebody please answer this.
Is it a sin to read others blog without the owners permission.? I don’t think so..Do you like it if there were other occhang reading your blog every night with that creepy smile on his face.. huh.. thinking like that would really give me a creep lah .. I’m not ok with that condition also.. hummmmmm
Ps: tgh duk henpon de talking wit u.. really miss u..
heheh.. hai pocket.. today have been quite hectic for me.. all the works.. all the things have to be settled.. you'll be terkejut besor if i tell u what happened to me today. of course i wont tell u .. why? its embarassing..
ok ok .. i'll tell u lah.. jangan la marah.. so today i went to this gym.. and they have given me all their bull shit .. sweet talking to me into signing up for their three month subscription. hehhe.. and the worst part is .. i fall for it.. haha.. how do i ever have da time to do such thing.. and the cash that i have to pay for this three month is like too mahal lah.. 150 for three month.. is it ok or not..
But the thing is .. i have been doing dumbbell for almost two years.. but still cannot see any result.. well any serious result .. so i think i have to make that first move lah.. maybe i'll not be as macho as bradpitt.. but if i can be kurus sket pun dah ok ..
Humm i know what u're thinking.. 'still wit u're hangat hangat taik ayam kan.'. hummm maybe.. but i'll try as hard as i can .. so that i can reach my goal. wish me luck lah.. okeh .. babai.. see u next time when i'm macho as hell:P.. hahaha!!
hai pocket...
long time no write.. sorry.. today i went back to da kampung, do some gardening .. which makes me feel happy even though for a while only.. life has been very penat .. but then again .. if u're not doing dis life of yours.. who's going to do it for u? kan..:) Pocket!! this month she will coming back from japan .. wowiiiii.. like happy bangat.. hehe.. missed her alot.. like alot .. thinking of her .. missing her ..makes me feels sakit at my tulang rusuk kiri.. like my hati is actually react physically to this feeling of 'rindu'... how? dont ask laa.. i'm no doctor..
Actually i got nothin to tell u today poket.. sorry lah.. lately to much things happening to me .. and i dont think i can think straight right now.. i think i just wanna end this now lah..
ps: have u ever wonder how much one little thing can do to your life.. little thing.. little news.. somebody's marrying somebody.. somebody died.. that guy cheated on his family... that girl is pening to think bout her new born baby's name... this guy ran over a child wit his car. the grief.. the sadness.. and of course not to forget the happiness and the joy............. these and those thing will effect u .. what if ?what if happen to me? how do i bear it .. huh!! (PS tp panjang nak mampus)