Monday, October 31, 2011
432. Best 11
431. Gadis Tenggelam Dlm BathTub...
Sunday, October 30, 2011
430. Tengok tudung tu.. comel kan,

Saturday, October 29, 2011
429. Thunder! Thunder! ThunderKeeetttt
'eh.. tapi Ima bukan dah tunang dah ker?'
'daahh, tapi tak jaddiiiii' dengan suara manja
macam frust dihiasi dengan bibir muncung macam
nak sedut siput sedut jer dia menjawab.
'lah kenapa plak?' Pocket ni kalau pasal orang
tak jadi ker.. pasal putus ngan BF ker,
memang lah ada lektrik sikit,
asyik nak tahuuuu jer..
macam pompuan kan :)
'entah lah, betunang 2 tahun pun
tapi dia macam tak nak usaha pun
nak bagi jadi, duit tak terkumpul pun.
nak kata gaduh selalu pun tak jugak
tapi terasa macam dah takleh teruskan
jer ngan dia, dia macam tak der
wawasan jer, tak der usaha'
tanpa bertentang mata dia explain.
sedih agak nya, terkilan agaknya..
jadi begitulah pocketeers,
syndrom tunangan orang.
bila dah tunang tu si abang terasa
macam dah booking si adik ni,
terus tak der usaha dah,
nak takutkan tekanan dari family?
kalau cik abang yang muda iyer lah,
Maybe Cik Abang tu takutkan mak bapak lagi,
kalau CikAbang nyer tu dah 35..
saper nak kacau kacau lagi?
perli perli masa makan nasik
gitu gitu jer laa kan..
Family banyak bunyik sangat?
Dia tak balik terus umah mak bapak..
laagi senang.
(pocket ada real life contoh,
tunang sampai 6 tahun.. tak kawin kawin,
tak der wit? dok gi jalan jalan sampai
bankok singapore tawau kemunting dah..)
so.. acaner nak wat? cik adik sekalian..
mari kita wat standard dimasa depan untuk
bertunang, tunangan kilat jer semua.
masa masuk meminang tu,
kad jemputan kenduri dah siap,
'Err mintak sila yer.. 14hb depan'
catering dah booking dah,
Tarikh pun dah tetap!! :)
baru la tak jadi kes macam diatas.
buang masa si pompuan jer, kesiaaan mereka
CEO selkom nak masuk meminang pun tak leh,
pasal orang kampung dok warning..
'tunangan orang tuuuu' walhal
tunggu dua tiga tahun tak jadi gak pon..
wahai cik adik sekalian.
tak rasa rugi ker?
sila bertunang kilat okeh :)
laki nak kumpul duit selepas tunang?
tak der nyer.. 2 out of 10 maybe ?
tapi kalau syarat nyer..
'tak der wit,tak der la tunang'
so anyone buleh antar tepak sirih
dan lepas akad buleh masuk dlm 'THE LIST'
of mereka yang buleh 'GOROGORO' atas tilam
Cik Adik.
(Gorogoro adalah perkataan jepun
untuk golek golek malas okeh!!
jangan pikir benda lain)
sure CikAbang panic.
Citibank punyer personal loan berapa peratus yer?
RM30K kalu 10 tahun, berapa ringgit sebulan tuu?
428. Gaji, Baby Dan Piano
Friday, October 28, 2011
427. Ke Singapore Daaahhh..
Thursday, October 27, 2011
426. EGO
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
425. ThenWhat?
...? ker pocket pung tak tahu,
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
424. Makan Berhidang Bertajuk
423. TigaEkorGagak...

Sunday, October 23, 2011
422. SapaMakanCili....

Saturday, October 22, 2011
421. AyatAyat Lama

Friday, October 21, 2011
420. Final Grave Digging
Sambungan dari : 419. GraveDigger4
yang sambung dari : 418. GraveDigger3
yang sebelumnya tu: 417.GraveDigger2
yang bermula dari : 416. GraveDigger...
The itik and ayam talked till the time
come for the itik to prep for the next
customer. Farid signal the time by knocking
on his wrist a few time and she understood.
Both of them properly get dressed and leave
the room that holds their secret.
Farid gave her 500baht for her time.
It was his fault for not realizing.
SHe was the victim. Daily target not secured.
It seems like she's targetting 5-8 customer
pernight, Farid was her second.
They got out of the room and went to the
counter where Farid suppose to wait for the
boss. To his amazement, all the other boss
were already there waiting for him,
they start to teas him as he was the
latest one coming out of the room. 'Two time ka!!?'
The lady just smiled keeping the secret
all for herself.
Farid did explained to them saying that
nothing happened, that he thought it was
the actual body tweaking massage, that he
did nothing but just talked.
'yer lah yer lah, kami tahu, kami pun sembang
jer tadii heheh' was their reply in their
broken english laughing histerically in the end
ohh how uncomfortable the feeling was..
not only the uncomfortable vibe from the bosses reply
but also from his unwashed body with the foreign
sabun starting to itch here and there. They left
the place with Farid waving his hand at the scrambler
lady wishing never to see her again.
There u go pocketeers,
I know its hard to believe but that was the
story from someone whom i know quite well.
whom i knew his juvy record and cases with the ladies,
i trust him, and his last answer kinda make me trust
him even more. listen.
I did asked, 'at first u didnt realize that u were going
to that place, OK fine, so u were tricked to go there.
But now that u are already there, what kept u from
actually doing the dosa-besar?'
His reply was nice.
'Those junk mail people kept on distributing
that shows picture of Aids victim and
Sex transmitted Disease did make me fear her.'
'ooooooo' unnoticingly i opened my mouth in awe.
'Fear to god and kursus kahwin lah kot pocket'
was the answer that i wanted to clap my hand and
hold his hand up high like u'r announcing a winner
from a boxing match.
'waah farid.. u are really something' i said.
dont u agree with me too pocketeers?
A strong guy like him are very hard to find...
although i wish that i will never be tested
the way god tested him. i still envy him.
cause i dont think i can top that.
he kept his silence for a while, looking into nothingness
like trying to picture something in his head. and he said...
'and of course, the scrambler lady is very much the cause,
if it was someone who look like lisa surihani, it would be a
totally different story altogether pocket.'
baru jer puji .. tarik balikk!! tarik balikk!!^^
419. GraveDigger4
Thursday, October 20, 2011
418. GraveDigger3
Sambungan dari the second story here : 417. GraveDigger2
417. GraveDigger2
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
416. Grave Digger...
This story i'm about to tell u is a top level

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
415. Percanggahan
pocket tak paham..
Monday, October 17, 2011
414. Profail

Sunday, October 16, 2011
413. ThatWasThen...
'hello, nama saya pocket, saya nak tanya pasal rumah
kat inderawasih tu, yang namber ni ada kertas iklan tu,
ada kekosongan lagi tak untuk saya masuk menyewa?'
'ada! mai tengok besok okeh, nanti kita kira macam mana ya'
a young and vibrant voice replied, seems like she was laughing
about something when i called her.there was a crowd behind.
The next day i went and stand infront of that two storeys
house with filantera.We were allowed to enter the gate by
this small cute lady who introduced herself as Ima after
20minutes of giving salam. She look somewhat like that
lady nurse in hantu bonceng, small and petite with hair
to the chest, i think there was a short underneath that
big t shirt, nice legs.
She must be into modelling .......yang tak cukup inci.
(amboi mengata kat oraaanng!!)
We entered the house and she started to explain
about things in the house.
This key is stuck,
that sink is broken,
someone did it there..
and somehow the way everything was going on,
it was like i have said 'yes' to the room and the payment.
She just kept on telling me about how hard it is to get
a good penyewa.
'So ini bilik nya, tingkap tu tak der la kan,
sebab asalnya pun memang bilik utk orang gaji nii,
dekat ngan dapur. Best part is u got the toilet all
for yourself!' and then she continued to tell me all
the other rules in the house,
the toilet must not be locked during the day cause
someone is renting the ruang tamu as a tuition class,
the room must be kept tidy,
the hot water is for every one in the house,
the back side of the house is kinda dangerous,
the second floor was off limit.
'eh, kenapa saya tak leh naik second floor kak?'
'bukan tak leh, tp kena inform kami dulu lah kan,
kang kami dok bogel ker aper, daaah ilang rezeki
pocket seminggu' Ima replied half jokingly.
'acaner tu?' Frankly speaking, i dont mind sis :D
'iyer la sayer dok master bedroom, ada dua lagi
housemate kita dok kat bilik lagi dua tu,
kakak jepun ni keja cikgu. muda lagi.. dalam 28 kot,
sorang lg RHB bank nyer exec. Pompuan jugak,
so macam pompuan second level, lelaki ground level gitu'
'oh yaa kaaaa? ok...' with an unimpressed face i replied,
but deep down i was as happy as a boy who got his first kiss.
the quadricep was twitching to leap. tahan! tahaan! tahaaaan!!
'okeh lah, kalau gitu besok saya bawak
barang barang saya masuk lah yer kak..'
'eh, ni dok berkakak kakak ni umur dia
lagi tua lagi nih, kita baru 24.. lah'
'oh ya kah? sorry yer ... Ima' with a smile in the end.
tahaaannn!! tahaaaaannnn! jangan lompat lagi!!!
We left the place with a smile in our face
just to stop the car nearby to leap three four times
by the side of the road letting out the happiness.
i'm gonna see some action!
i'm gonna see some action!
with melody just like little girl singing
'yeaa yeaaa! nak gi mandi kolam! yeaa yeaa!'
end of my karangan gatal.
as much as i was happy then,
i am worried now.
This story was back in 2004,
I wonder how is now?
how will the future be?
our next generation?
My grand daughter calling me
with boys shrieking sound as
they're doing pranks to other
boys at the back.
'oh they're just my housemate atuk'
Tell me pocketeers, how is ...'NOW'?
Thursday, October 13, 2011
412. RealSteel

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
411. BajuTradisi

Tuesday, October 11, 2011
410. PapaRodhi..
Monday, October 10, 2011
409. Kebelakangan ni "dapat" tak?

Sunday, October 09, 2011
408. Syik! Asyik! Asyik!...
...asyik asyik nya berchintaaaaa....
Asyik = Obsessed
have u ever met anyone who's so obsessed
with something that talking to him/her
would be difficult and frustrating,
u cant ask anything to these type of people
without him turning the flow of the
conversation to the thing he is obsessed about.
'aku sihat la, tapi cik annuar kita nuu
tak sihat sihat jugak, haii bila la orang
kat malaysia ni nak perasan yang kita ada
PiEm yang korap dan terlibat dalam dosa dosa besar'
'oh, sihat la .. okeh, saya balik dulu yer!'
was his reply after just a simple
question about his health. Stupid no?
Its like he want people to change into
his way of thinking, and anyone who is not,
is loss in this world without guidance
to meet the creator. left miskin with rags
to cover from the coldness of winter,
titi to block rain and untreated river
water to wash the rag u slept with.
U know how we men are always competetive
in making money, that is why we dress u
the way we do, as a trophy for us to brag about.
Those shiny metal we bought u, show em off..
the more u show em, the better we look.
As the best Money Making Machine :D
But some are so obsessed in them that they
want everyone to make money like all those
meliyana do, or at least think the way
they want you to.
'oh u buat akuarium?'
'ader la 2 kaki nyer marine'
'u ni bodoh tau, buat aper taruk hiasan
yang menyedut duit kat living room tu?
baik u buat bisnes, u pandai pasal ikan,
aper kater u bela ikan hiasan utk dijual?'
'eh, i .. aaa.. macam tengah study lagi nii.'
Nah kena sebijik jadi bodoh. but mind u if u
ask him what are they doing?'adaaa lah sikit sikit'
after a few digging, u found out that he's one
of those who did forex and lost a few thousand in
that and now in the depth of debt. Hek Enneeee..
talking to people who are obsessed is no fun.
sometime i would call them stupid, stupid for
looking stupid infront of people,
bragging like he knows the politic better,
looking down on people like i'm not making money enough
preaching like i'm a mualaf, (I do look like a mualaf though^^)
questioning my action like i'm a stupid boy
who bought the wrong house.
stupid kan...
and i know, they think i'm stupid too.
stupid for not knowing who muhyidin yasin is,
stupid for spending so much in an aquarium
when i still have debt to pay,
stupid for... well i'm a bit malu already. shutting up.
oh obsessed people, who need u guys anyway.
i'll call u when i need advice ok :D
Saturday, October 08, 2011
407. Kalau CInta Itu Wujud...
Friday, October 07, 2011
406. 3 KuehChara
Macam biasa, tajuk pocket tak pernah nya
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
405. KalaMalam BulanPurnama

Tuesday, October 04, 2011
404. Mencapai Bintang
yet another story that dont have anything to do with the title.
yes i know.. its inapropriate. and its dang filthy,
but atleast i'm not putting some artist name luring u guys
to read my post but the story got nothing to do about the STAR.
'Que behind vanessa hudgens at Universal studio singapore. hoyeah baby!'
It was the 70s, i was in my standard 6.
Its another 4 month to UPSR and the teacher was handing out
our Karangan Bahasa Melayu result paper. Back then we dont have
anything like a report card, just a simple A or B as a mark of
'Normah! C ' screaming..'Salam! D' laughing,
'sumathy! A' mentioning our grades infront of the whole class,
I knew it already that mine will be the last one as usually i am
the one with the worst result. my karangan usually wrote so badly
that the teacher usually would personally say' teruk sangat nii!!
kena baca buku melayu sikit nih' as if i'm reading english book
that much.
'ok macam biasa saya akan bacakan ayat dari karangan-contoh
untuk hari ni, saya pilih ayat ini kerana saya suka dengan perkataan
yang digunakan untuk menonjolkan lagi situasi yang dihadapi.'
And she stop to flick her papers.
'tumin berlari kearah pintu' half screaming
'dia terus membuka pintu sambil mencapai kasut sekolah nya
yang berada di atas rak dan berlari dengan kaki ayam kearah
perhentian bas, bas nombor 2 sedang berhenti di lampu merah,
bas seterusnya adalah 30 minit nanti. tumin harus menaiki bas ini,
atau dia akan lambat ke sekolah'
'eh macam kenal jer ngan nama tumin tu?' i tot,
'karangan ini dari Pocket yang tetap mendapat C kerana kesalahan
tatabahasanya, tapi saya suka dengan cara penggunaan perkataan
yang dipilih.. Mencapai! berkaki ayam!' and she explained that it was
better to use 'mencapai' rather then 'mengambil' or 'memakai kasut'
as the word shows urgency.
oh i cant even describe u guys how proud i was that day,
me being refered to in my karangan darjah nam?
what a great experience. Sampai sekarang dok ingat woo.
heheh, i bet for u guys its not that much,
but for me it was heaven :D
depan awek tu yg besh tuu:D
just another piece of memory in this
small thumbdrive stuck inwards from
my left ear.
till next time pocketeers :D
Pocketeers, sila buat ayat dari perkataan 'Mencapai' ^^