now it has become some kind of blogger recognition
by the amount of faces decorating this widget they
call 'Follower'.
Of course every now and then by showing your
nuffnang cheque, u'd also be announcing that u'r an
achieved blogger too.. but not all people brag about this.
(Takut kena culik dan cek dirampas terus dipukul dan disiksa, mati terbakar kot.)
Anyway.. it is a custom for us to follow back
whomever following us, that is just the
manners in blogging....
i think...
who said so?
Up to the blogger i'd say.
Some of u i'm not following, but i still leave a comment
everytime u'r posting, ok i may have missed a few post
but dont blame me, they put a time period for me to blog.
Anyway, I wanna follow u back,
but in the follower widget,
if we click over the icon of your
cute face, this will pop up,
where is your link in this?
some of u have,
and like this sample over here,
some of u dont.
then how to follow u back?
without a link here, how to follow u back?
any ideas pocketeers?
PS: this lady Mya did commented in my post before
so following her back is not an issue.
this is just an example ok :D
sorry Mya if this offends u,
sorry tau!
hmm slalu gk aku kena mcm ni.. so resultnya xde la follow blk.. they should atleast leave their blog url at ur comment box
Ni N3 yg best and these days I was wondering abt this issue too.. followers and to follow back.. rasanya klo pioneer bloggers,tujuan asal berblogging (personal blog lah) adalah curhat,kenangan memori peribadi,sharing info ngan kengkwn dsb..
Tp sejak ada icon follower ni,ada certain pll yg put rules 'i 4low u,u must 4low back'..c'mon lah.. x semestinya kne begitu(kot,agree dak?) same interests & cathcy stories&photos&issues orait lah..tp klo totally conflict of interests,x kan mahu 4low jugak(juz nk syiokkan ht) Apa kata anda,bro?
I'll follow if I feel like following
tapi dah takde link gitu camno nak follownye?
aku pun selalu jumpa kes macam ni.
mereka patut ambil tahu maslah ni.
xleh nak follow la jwb nya kan
betul2.. setuju! pernah jugak jadi mcm ni.. hmm..
bukan nak kata semua kan,
yang memang follow kita ngan komen dan kunjungan balas bagai, ok jer.
kita pung buleh follow balik.
Yes Tny,
u got my point,
this post was not all about her not putting her link, multiple purpose here, u hit the best one.
populariti is twisting people's intention,
dulu nak curhat,
sekarang nak popular.
dulu nak berkomuniti maya,
sekarang nak traffic hit.
Dulu nak camwhore..
well sekarang pun sama gak la kot :D
unwritten rules macam tu memang banyak dik, i guess, kita perlu tetap ngan pendirian kita lah kot:D
i like your post, i'll follow.
feeling like following would be because u like his/her entry.
that would be better, but if u cant read his/her entry, tak leh lanak follow kan :D
kita selesaikan supaya mudah berkomuniti :D
memang tak leh,
kena plak buat undisclose profile.
komen la berapa ratus blog pun,
kunjungan balas pasti kurang :D
ada gk kna cmni.mmg xdpt folo blik la
by da way stju dgn Tny.
*TH ni tgk jnis blog gk kalo nk folo balik pn.yg berisi akn folo bck,kalo yg jnis mceritakan sal diri,pastu publish kn diri je mmg mls la nk folo.ehehehe.aci x?
ha susah nak follow balik kan kalau x de link diorg
Kalau ada link pun, tak semestinya saya follow. Kalau saya rasa menarik, baru saya follow, itu pun jadi invisible follower.
ha'ah kan pocket,..selalu jumpa mcm niey. sayangkan klu blog yg best xdpt follow back. as always,..like ur entry..n ada org masuk my bloglist tebaek dr Ladang le,..sapee ekk??, kenal tak encek pocket tuu??haha..
kalau mcm tu susah nak follow..
betul jugak... cemana nak komen balik kalau dah camtu... huhu... lbh senang follow blk yg selalu komen je kot... lebih berbaloi rasanya... just my opinion~ =)
hmmm...i'm not a follow-back team, unless if that person rajin p komen my entries la..that i'd follow back...bcoz follow means following your updates kan? not just follow to kasi banyak followers..hehe...so i don't know how to put the link..huhu...
saya pun setuju.
sy kdg2 just cri kt chatbox kalau-kalau ada tinggalkan link. huhu
setuju,selalu jugak mcm ni,
x tahu nak buat mcm mn..kalau ade yg tinggalkan url,baru la boleh follow :)
poblem ni poblem..selalu gak jumpa mcm ni..kita beria nak folo die balik tp xde link..~ apa ley buat..
eh..betul..kengkadang pelik...camne nak follow balik org2 camni...klu dia bagi link tak pe jugak...=]
umph, ramai gak yg publish kan diri sndiri tp besh jer nak follow, ikut cara penulisan kot :D
yes, pocket setuju gak ngan Tny.
tu lah nak tanya tu,
kot ada tips kat memana ker buleh cari:D
kamu memang,
lebih kurang tahu dah perkara itu tentang kamu :D
tu yg suka kat kamu tuh heheh:D
sayang kan,
dah usahaaa kawan tu datang nak follow kita utk menambahkan follower dia, tp tak der kesan,
dah tu camner?
memang susah..
memang lebih berbaloi,
nama pun follow.
mereka yg selalu komen deserve an honour from us,
tp ramai yang follow pasal nak menambahkan follower,
pocket rajin gi komen kat blog kamu:D so kita folow molo yer ^^
bukan dari dulu dah ker :)
yes, dulu ada gak yg tanya, kenapa pocket tak der chatbox.. sapeerr yer.. kamu kot?
pocket tak der chatbox pasal tak nak orang cheapskatenyer dok iklan kat blog pocket :D
so in the end, memang kena tunggu mereka komen dulu lah yer :D
kita buleh letak post, tanya..
kepada cik SalIjou, sayer nak folow kamu tp tak der link!! :D
memang satu benda yang susah kot nak taruk link dlm follow widget tu, terpikir plak pocket, pocket nyer icon terpapar ker link sndiri?
dulu pernah bwt entri psl tue..
tp ada jgk yg x alert..but nvm..dorg yg tak bwt..hahaha *kejam
btw, klw echa, echa suka folo org yg suka komen blog echa..haha..serius.
tp klw org tue tak folo balik x mrh pn..bkn paksa pn.. ;)
tp ttg "u folo me, i'll folo u back tue, tgk s.box echa pn ley tau dh tp echa ttp folo jgk..
even dia just folo je..
idky, but that's me..
lps dh folo balik, then x keep and touch peduli lah..haha
( ni pdpt sdri la ea..no offense )
aku kdg2 pun sasau gan nak cari link blog dorang , wuuu
it depends on why you blog.
there was a time when blogging was also about socialising, so i follow u if you follow me. but i believe you might faced this before, pocket.
People who were following you so that they have u as their follower in return. But they don't really read your blog!
In my busy situation these days, I would say that the number of people who followed my blog have remained constant like a star. I have to also understand that this is the result of not really reading other people's blog, so whatever you wrote might not be commented. And I can't blame others.
Nuffnang, in a way is the main contributor. And some bloggers are attention seeker:)
Want me to elaborate more?
I guess, that's for you to decide:)
Ermm.. tulah gamaknya yg terjadi.. mcm2 jenis org ada dlm dunia maya nih.. huhuhu.. BTW sy suka ayat ni::
Dulu nak camwhore..
well sekarang pun sama gak la kot :D
hhuhuhu..sadis ayat "Takut kena culik dan cek dirampas terus dipukul dan disiksa, mati terbakar kot". tu la jgn brag melampau lampau.
isu folower tu, aku hargai sume follower kitorang tapi bukan moto kitorang i folo u folo me. tapi kitorg sentiasa visit page follower and left komen.
apa guna jugak follower ramai tapi tak baca entry yg berpeluh ngko nulis tgh tgh malam kan.
folo2.. jgn smp x menang tgn wat kerja..
bg yg beginner boleh la diterima utk kasi up followers kan, tp klu followers dia dah reach 1k, dia still gak stick to the principle of "i follow, u follow me back"..tu dah kira tamak tu..hehehe...
blogging world is much more interesting if we got friends more than just followers. u get what i mean, do you ^^
owh i definately akn follow pengomen entry i tp klo takde link mmg i xleh nk follow so i guess that is not my fault la kn..hikk~
kdg2 mencik dgn phrase,flow me back..what theeeeeeee.i nye ske lahh.rse mcm nak gerudi jek udong beliau.hihihi
haha..betul, kene bakar sepak smp idup2 smp la mati..tah npe la berani sgt letak dpt berapa, org leh guessing dah popularity dia, kang kene samun...org skrg open sgt
hehe..iye..noted~ ^^
dealing with the very same problem too :( and suddenly they all boleh unfollow because we didnt follow them back. how lah
ouch. how lah mya tak perasan pun this post? ish. sorry ya pocket =)
hopefully, others will take note this,a lot happen to me :D
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