come 12midnight tonight, its the end of a wonderful year,
awaiting a mysterious year the second after.
if they say that every night we have to sleep on our bed
with our hands on our forehead chanting..
'nak cari kayuuuu, nak cari kayuuuuuu'
eh!! silap, to movie lain.
If they say that every night we have to sleep on our bed
with our hand on our forehead thinking what have gone
wrong, what have i achieved for today...
How was today?
Was it better then yesterday?
How to make it better tomorrow?
Then lets do a bigger version tonight people!
How was this year?
Was it better then yesteryear?
How to make it better next year?
This year? well i got the habit of posting daily starting from August,
well there were days that i've skipped.. well what can i say,
some days my mind are just as blunt as the tunggul kayu
infront of my house. Sure hope next year, i can reach 300 post by
31stDec'12!! :D
i've started the DermaDarah Campaign for myself,
am aiming to reach 100times, 4 times a year would required
me to be in full health for another 25 years just to reach 100 times!!
wow!! For those who are wondering how old i am,
lets just put it this way, i may or may not finish this quest ..
before i'll die of old ages:D hahhahahaha
I have tried keeping fishes in the house...
i think i wanna make a business
out of this next year! :D Wish me luck:D
I'm buying an oven!! Hopefully by next year,
i dont have to go to TGI Friday everytime
i'm craving for a beef ribs. Ohh.. any tips on the oven pocketeers?
So what else pocketeers?
What about u guys?
putting it in words rather then letting it trapped inside that
mind of your is definitely better sis :D
its a small step towards making it happen.
changing from thoughts to printed idea^^
Today is the day to reminisce.
As tomorrow its the day to plan.
The day after that... is the day to do
Saturday, December 31, 2011
493. NakCari Kayuuuuuuu...
Thursday, December 29, 2011
492. We Got So Much Of That...
a joke i heard the other day,
Laugh out loud about it then,
hope it'll do the same to u:D
On a train somewhere in europe
there was a seat where all four
penumpang have to face each other.
An american guy sitting infront
of a malaysian guy,
a colombian guy by his side facing
a bangladeshian.
At first they didnt talk,
they just sat there minding
their own business. But the colombian
started to talk about his country and
so does the malaysian, bangladeshian
and American... telling a bit of this
and that about where they're from and
where to head for a good charkoeyteow
But the colombian kept on and on talking
The american couldnt stand the boasting
and over the top 'my-country-is-better-than-yours'
story that he pulled a 100dollar note
and start flashing it infront of everybody.
Now that he got everybodies attention,
he crumpled the money and throw it out
of the train's window.
'We got so much of that,
i dont mind losing one.eheh'
chuckled the american.
Seing this the colombian just could
not face defeat and so he pulled out
his colombian cigars. It was told that
Colombian cigars can sometime go as
expensive as 2000USD.. ohh. He cut the
cigars butt and start smoking it...
after 3 to 4 puff of smoke exhaled,
he just threw away the cigars..
off the train.
'we got so much of that,
i dont mind losing one.'
he smiled his cynical smile
looking at the american.
The malaysian and the bangladeshian starts
to look at each other and hastily searching
inside their bag for something expendable.
The American and Colombian just out of
curiosity, waited.
oh what is expendable in malaysia and bangladesh?
..and then the Malaysian stand up.
everybody looked up at him.
wahh so strong and healthy this guy is.
what is he going to do?
He grab the bangladeshian guy
by the collar and threw him
through the open train window.
fading screams acompanying
the malaysian macho face.
He didnt look back at how the
Bangladeshian land..
THe american and colombian was numb-struck
by this just looked at the malaysian,
hoping that he himself could explain
his action.
With his thumb pointing to
the back of the train he said...
'We got so much of that,
i dont mind losing one'
kalau ada bangladeshian baca ni,
jangan mara yer :D just a joke ^^
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
491. TebalTebalKulitSawa
Ima ke kaunter hardware store,
nak beli cat nippon paint.
'so nak cat rumah yer,
cik buleh pilih kaler dulu.
Besar mana dinding yang nak cat tu?'
tanya staff cik Farid kita..
'dalam 12 kaki panjang,
6 kaki tinggi jer..' jawab ima
dengan mata terus memandang katalog
'ooo, kalau gitu 2 tin cukup,
just make sure jangan tebal sangat..
sudah lah'
'kenapa?' tanya ima kembali menatap
wajah farid, tangan terus menyelak
katalog warna cat.
Farid menyambung..
'ada dua sebab tuu,
satu sebab nanti takut cat tak cukup,
satu lagi sebab.. kalau sapu tebal nanti...
takut bilik jadi kecik sikit..'
heheheh :D
ooih!! cat tu tebalnyer sekaki keerr!!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
490. RumahTangga...
Monday Blues Post...
...even though today its Tuesday.
'Ima.. you.... dah berumahtangga belum?' tanya Farid takut takut.
'belum... ' long pause looking outside at the pakcik yang sapu lantai.
'...well actually berrumah tu dah, tangga nya belum.' sambung Ima.
'eh?' Farid senyum, mengharapkan jawapan metaphor positif untuk
'sebab i beli rumah singgle storey jeerr.. beli tangga besi RM120 tu
buleh kira berRUMAH TANGGA tak?'
so pocketeers, how is your monday blues?
Monday, December 26, 2011
489. People'sMisery...
tell me..
Since when is it that knowing people's
misery would make u feel better?
Why pocket! that question is easy!
-when u come to know that he who took
your girl got run down by an 18 tyres
truck, and now living through a mechanical
paru paru using his Socso or insurance
money down to the pit and his family
is now considering to pull the plug.
Wow!! i'd say that i'll be happy to hear that of course!!
oh but that is just happy for the
vengeance right? OK, wrong description.
-when the father who ditched your mother
for another small frame bimbo 23 years ago,
leaving your mother to trudge the strong
current of life alone by herself,
that father was found dead recently and
left u with some EPF money and a piece of
land for u to 'parang-parang' over.
why? who would'nt be happy? Money Money Money!
Oh but that is just happy for the money right?
So that u can pay the HBO and a grand livina..
ok.. wrong again.
Both of the description above is wrong.
What i meant was, when ever u tell your husband
or your BF or simply the ear-dat-listen that
u had the worst week,
5 interviews and still nothing,
the bonus is too less,
your 'God-Blessed-Deformed-Leg' is aching,
or you just simply had a bad hair day...
..and the advise they gave to you was to sabar
and they remind u about other people's misery...
'ko tahu, kat somalia sana lagi teruk hidup diorang'
'5 interbiew? weh, si samad yang tak cukup 10 tu,
dah gi 50 interbiew tahun nih, dok tanam anggur gitu gak'
'kira ok gak ko dapat gak, aku tak dapat langsung!!'
'ko bayangkan orang yg tak der kaki, camner?'
'ko bayang orang yang tak der rambut.. camner?'
(CikBolat jangan angkat tangan, kamu masih berambut)
ever had those kinda nasihat?
yes yes, i know all about bersyukur and thanking god
bout what we have and blessed with. Yes i know!
..but psychologically speaking, telling people
that his life is not that bad by comparing
to other's misery is not that much of a good
advise dont u think?
Why do I have to care about u not getting your bonus?
u'r rich enough with your monthly salary.
If people's heartbroken can be soothe by hearing
other's misery, then put the picture of those
people who die of starvation on the dining hall.
and serve your son and daughters a 400gm of nasi,
with a piece of ayam masak merah no bigger then
Your thumbdrive. 'Bersyukur lah, orang kat somalia
sana nuu laaagi tak der makanan'
pour them another bowl of gravy sis!!
..and when u'r signing them off to a public school
that have the worst SPM Passing rate in the state,
tell them about those who never made it to school,
never made it to PMR even.. so that they would be
grateful. At least they made it to school.
In advising people, it has become too common
for people to compare our nasib with those
who are less fortunate ..
and we're suppose to feel good about this why?
Sunday, December 25, 2011
488. Ngarut Nya Cinta..
sesekali pocket nak mengarut..
then kamu mesti nak tanya..
'kenaper? selama ni tak cukup mengarut lagi ker?'
iyer la.. ni kira lagi mengarut okeh..
pocket rasa pocket jatuh chenta
ngan Kim Possible nih la!
buleh tak? ala buleh laaaa...
suar baggy nyer..
senyuman nyer..
pusat tu tak la bekenan sangat.
flat chest nyer..
talipinggang longgar tu menarik.
muka bulat nyer...
rambut merah lagi panjangnyerr..
attitude? kena tengok katun nyer baru buleh tahu kan.
talk about tengok katunnyer..
suara nyaa..
dengusan nya..
serak serak dihujung ayat nyaaa..
cuti pocket is full of her youtube.
so sapa yang fit the above description,
sila angkat tangan
Saturday, December 24, 2011
487. OhBapak ku..
Yesterday night i get to see
this movie.. Finally :D
am luving it the whole way!!
..and starting from now on,
i'm going to declare that
TomKruz adalah bapak pocket :D
if he ever going to die,
i'll be there on his death bed
with suri hoping for his harta.
Okeh, pocket merapu.. sori.
(Disclaimer, above ayat is
Saturday-Working-Blues sentences.
do not take it seriously^^)
A few things i want to point out.
its not my bapak's fault, its the writer's.
1) Diamonds for payment,
dont u wanna put them in trays
for easy verification of the
ammount and authenticity?
i mean its easier to know that
there was 30pcs of diamonds
if it was in trays with separate
slots for each and every one dont
u think?
2) The BMW that my bapak crashed
was not equiped with any security
that EthanHunt can start itwithout
any fuss.
3) Barang barang IMF tak leh harap.
glove abih bateri lah,
cat nak buat face mask abih lah,
talipon kena ketuk dulu baru 'self-distruct' lah
4) Countdown ... in any case...
is not helping :D
5) Mak oih baju heroin kitaaaaaaa
masa kat parti di india tuuuuu..
6) Pocket still rasa awek yang jatuh
bangunan tu lagi hot
7) Pengarah memang suka bagi TomKruz sakit.
kira cam hero hindustan lah kan.
kena langgar la dalam ribut pasir,
kepala sangkut masa nak masuk bilik
dari luar burj khalifa,
jatuh atas keter pun terhantuk kepala
lah.. adehaaaiii.
8) EthanHunt jauh lagi muda dari pakcik
jahat tu, tapi still tak sempat nak ligan?
kat rusia tak sempat,
dlm ribut tak sempat,
kat india pun tak sempat. kenapa?
ada lagi nak kata,
tapi macam tak sesuai n panjang dah la plak..
so off the pocket doing his work on a fine
saturday morning.
Friday, December 23, 2011
485. Random Post
Random post.
1) Monster, dinasour, musuh ultraman,
Dalam bahasa melayunya 'raksasa' kan?
Ke 'raksaksa'?
Pasal rasa kalau sebut mcm 'raksaksa' je.
2) Paranoid adalah perasaan tak senang duduk telebih lebih
merisaukan keselamatan, kejayaan, kenakalan dan juga jenayah.
'kang MC tak dapat kang, kita makan durian manyak sikit lah!
bg badan ni panas sikit!'
'awek aku sampai ke tak lagi tu? talipon lagi lah'
biarpun 3 minit lepas dah tepon.
'kang kalau aku sigong, mahu menjerit ni,
nak sigong ke tak? Nak sigong ke tak?'
(post lepas nye klip.)
N Pocket yg menyamar sebagai pondan hanya kerana
takut kantul masa tgk ghost protocol dengan cuti MC
adalah paranoid telebih lebih kan? Hehe
3) Pocket selalu bersangka buruk dengan titisan titisan air
di dinding toilet awam. Makcik cleaner basuh dinding kalu
takper la, kalau 'air' lain?
Eii welkh!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
485. Winning Or Losing
Pocketeers, an emotional post.
i have wrote something like this before,
here i am posting about it again.
This life is a game,
there is not such thing as 'fair',
nothing that spelled near as 'same',
or 'good' and 'bad'.
Its about winning.. and losing.
You ask a guy,
'oh so u have a blog?
how is the traffic?'
'well about 120unique a day' was his
answer and u smile 'oh good!'
while inside your heart, u thought..
in blogging comparing to this loser..
'i won!'
u went and cut the line for people who
waited to use the ATM machine, U hold
up your hand asking for permission,
the old lady was nice enough to smile
and let u cut.
U smile back,
while inside your heart, u thought...
'i won'
i have taken a short cut in getting
my money today and this makcik... lost
u were walking with her and
intentionally u've 'sigong'
her chest. She gave a short shriek
and yelled 'hoi! aper ni!!' in full
furious of the mother dragon who
have red blazing fire as her hair
she got angry at you. U apologize
and told her it was an accident.
For what it matter, u didnt felt
Pujuk punya pujuk, rayu punya rayu..
Due to love and the fact that
no one else can send her home, she
accepted your apology. And off u go
holding hands like u'r suppose to.
U smiled, she smiled back..
u thought..
'I won'
... in a game of asking for apology
for what i did that clearly is wrong,
she lost
He hit u again, hit u hard this time,
a few bruises on your shoulder, a swollen
finger and a cut in your upper lips.
U thought u had it this time,
u'll leave him this time...
But he beg for mercy,
kneeling by the front door
putting his hand together,
asking for forgiveness.
U fall for those 'kesian' eyes
just like puss in boots.
u say 'OK'
he say 'sorry'
He smiled...
484. Melting Point...
.. is a temperature at which a
solid changes state from solid
to liquid. (Wikipedia)
...is basically a point where
the bond between particle breaks
down and thus changes its form
with the help of external force.
Bond : perokok
Particle 1: man
particle 2: cigarete
external force:
Kempen kerajaan yang halus mulus
bagaikan angin meniup telinga
dipetang ari,
makian atau teguran isteri,
batuk batuk bagai nak rak
ditambah dengan dengusan
tak puas ati tiap kali si suami
nak isap rokok kat luar restoran
masa anak bini dok sedap makan ketam.
ohh jangan dicaci ikut suka ati,
kang meletup sisuami,
tak jadi nak beranak lagi :D
tak dilupakan juga ngan harga
makin meningkat, tempat merokok
jauh dari ofis dan
kesihatan anak beranak:D
Bond : Marriage
Particle 1: Suami
Particle 2: Isteri
External Force :
Kemiskinan, mak mentua, isteri yang
dok tendang laki tetiap kali dia nak
merokok.(Heheh, jangan tau! tak baik..
tegur pelan pelan okeh)
si suami yang naik tangan tetiap kali
ditegur kenapa balik lambat.
dan tidak dilupakan juga kepada si suami
yang pemabuk atau kaki judi tak nak jaga
(Tp ada exception sikit kat taik pit,
entah kenapa isteri mereka jarang tinggalkan
bewak idup tu, anyone know why?)
Bond : Carrier
Particle 1: employer
Particle 2: employee
External Force:
kemiskinan, mak mentua,
(Eh kenapa yang ni sama?)
utang umah, utang grand livina,
utang kredit kad...
Internal Force:
Entah kenapa utk 'ikatan' ni,
ada internal force which is ...
bonos kureng, keja banyak, keja mengarut,
keja berat sebelah, department lain rilek
department kita jer penat,clerk tak comel,
receptionist tak layan.. heheheh
so pocketeers,
any other bond or ikatan
we can discuss?? :D heheheh
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
483. 3 Things U Wont Agree...
3 things i think u wont agree with me.
i'm ok with lez, lets refer to the word
as the letter 'L' from now on okeh..
segan gak nak taip nam kali..
I'm Ok with L, now i'm not saying that
L is Halal or How does the community should
look into the matter.
Its wrong i know..
but i'm OK with it.
Why? u might ask.
What is sexier then one sexy lady?
two sexy lady being sexy of course!!
heheheh >:D
2) I think people should look into smoking
issues in a more serious aproach,
saman on sight,
or even better katok on sight.
put aside the whole cigarrette is contributing
a lot in Malaysia's economy from the taxes
cause healthwise, we are in jeopardy.
A young girl by the age of five was walking
and her eyes got hit by the cigarete fire
making her blind.
I guess the smoker was holding his cigarete
with his arm straight, walking through the
walkway and a five year old girl height would
be about that much also no?
Imagine you grown up to your beautiful and happy
twenties without your eyesight? when u ask your
mother why.. the answer was 'a smoker did it'.
How would u feel?
me? my work uniform got burnt last night,
the smoker was holding his 'torch'
recklessly in a pasar malam.
3) Big Big companies like Honda, FOrd, Suzuki,
Celcom, Digi, Maxis and even 'Anakku' should
put their commercials in NuffNang more!
(Oh but this one i think u guys
do agree with me right? heheheh)
Hey hey!! its wednesday!
another 2 days to work till the HOLIDAY.
Book a one night stay in the HardRock Hotel
maybe pocketeers?
ohh as if i have the cash ^^;
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
482. VlogDuluDulu...
A post triggered by previous post :
481. WhyDoWeNeed...
i am old.. i am so old that i lived
through the black and white TV, The
colour TV untill now its the LCD Tv..
CikBolat is so young that she only
knows LED TV which just came out
(Lawak jer tau!jangan la amik ati plak^^)
Back in our days, we use to have letters
as our way of corresponding with people afar.
sending it now would mean she'll be reading
it 4 days later (if she is still in malaysia)
and for you DhiyaFariza, it'll be another 2 weeks
till u'll be getting my surat out there in
al-mansoura. Its more personal sending letters,
your handwriting and smears of your sweat would
give a hint of existence. kissmark on the
habihlaa kami lelaki penasaran tak leh tido :D
Then someone who are bunga enough
in our MRSM come up with this brilliant
idea of recording his voice into a
cassette and sent it to his girl.
waaaahhhh.. i remember hearing the
reply for the first time. it was heaven.
Even though she was somebody elses girl,
i am still falling inlove.
She's putting some luv song at the back
as the Background music, talking and
chuckling her cute cute laughter..
sometime she even sing to the background
music.. ooii!! kasihanilah kami!!
She talks on, her sweet sweet voice just
would melt and send us to the diabetic
ward for our insulin shot. There were
interuption, seems like her younger sister
came bugging her and she treated her with
the cutest baby voice.
'ala dik ah tayang ni nak kena
gigit ngan mak cu ni!! gigit diaaaa'
Adehlaaaa... cut me up now,
and see my heart bleeding:D
He kept on sending cassette one after
another and she kept on replying.
The Background music changed, one that
made me choke myself was the sound of
the wave crushing over the beach. Oiih!
They went on i guess, heard rumours that
one of the cassette lost from his possession.
well what can u expect.
We're boys with different background >:D
So this is another use for a tape recorder.
Traditional Vlog.. not for Video Log,
but Voice Log.
People nowadays will not be having the same
adrenaline rush like we do.. just because
u guys got yourself handphones.
Hey hey.. lets start sending surat people!
i know the chemical will be different :D
Pocket pun nak kena belajar Vlog
cam cik Hanie&Jue jgak ker haa?
Monday, December 19, 2011
481. WhyDoWeNeed...
...a tape recorder,
oh i forgot, u guys are generation that
never saw a tape recorder. well basically
an audio recording device. It can be anything
base on when is this text is being read.
MP3 for people who look up to Najib and
Pak Lah as their PM :D.
so why pocketeers? why?
The most common one is when u are too lazy
to take note and thought that those laziness
would wear off when the clock reaching 11pm
and the FOX channel is showing TerraNova
series for the third time.
well newsflash pocketeers,
no!! laziness will not wear off :D
Another one is for listening your own
voice conversing in foreign language.
yes yes you over there..
i know u know this
then anyone else ayaq masak.
Pocketeers, on a fine day when your
is as merdu as the tweeting bird.
Try to record
your voice while u'r
conversing in english and
hear em again...
u will be amaze at what u'll hear..
is it the same as Selena Gomez when
she's in that 'wizards of waverly place'?
or maybe with an accent like harry potter,
pronouncing water with an apostrophy at
the 'T'...
like WA'ER
i tried this, i sounded just like
a malaysian who speaks english :D
'yes lah, u know..
det wan never can sell waaannn
and this is quite interesting..
We need a tape recorder to eavesdrop
in people's conversation. On a fine day
when everyone just in the mood to gossip,
try to start recording and leave the device
hidden on your desk camouflage like it was
some decoration duck or a paper weight
in the shape of a dog poo.
U'll be surprise at the result :D
'waahhh, pergi jugak pocket, orang baru nak
gossip pasal awek dia, kacau daun betul lah'
'korang tahu, pocket tu bodek gila gila punya,
sebelum si farid tu jadi boss dulu, cam biasaaa
jer diorang kawan. sekarang... siap belanja makan siot!!
galaxy tab yang bini si farid pakai tu? pocket lah !!'
'pocket tu sebenarnya taik pit, dia ngaku sendiri
dulu masa aku rapat ngan dia dulu, hampir masuk
pusat lah wei!'
oi oi! bila masa plak pocket masuk pusat?
camni punya overweight pun layak jgak nak
jadi taik pit ker? apoooolah.
Any other reason why do we need a tape recorder pocketeers?
Sunday, December 18, 2011
480. NakSofa! NakSofa!
the rumours is out..
people are talking about it,
some even counting days...
cant blame them..
its a yearly thing.
once a year..
where workers like me are hoping for bonus.
some says we'll get 6month of bonus..
(ko ingat ko keja petronas ker aper? tipu!tipu!)
some says we'll get it by the last day of 2011.
(so that all of us can get drunk celebrating
new year? what is there to celebrate?)
some even say that there is nothing to hope for..
nil, nada, nahi, zit.. maner ade bonos wei!
(oh how we wish that this is not true)
however it is,
how much money even we're talking about..
when ever there is money promised to be out...
cant stop the people from forecasting and planning.
If we're getting 2 month, i'm getting that ALZA.
If we're getting 1 month, i'm getting a MyVi
if we're not getting anything, i'll update my resume.
some even made a list...
new sport rim for the honda is about 3k plus..
maybe a trip to langkawi with the family would be
another 2k plus, ohh.. tak cukup!
have to get there by car instead.
Oh how i would love to get me those Lorenzo's Sofa
that pass for three to sits while watching movies,
that enough for me to sleep on without my leg tangling,
and of course... one that will not squeak if u...
if u...
if u'r doing sit up on it. heheh
The best thing about bonusses is,
kita hanya merancang, tuhan yang menentukan.
after the bonus, we will still be seing those
guys come to work by his old iswara. oh i tot
u'r handing out your resign letter?
those trip to bali.. changed to pangkor.
those new white and soft leather sofa...
never made it to our living room.
As for me, let us be realistic, no sofa for me,
i just want to clear up my C card.
hoping that next year, i can actually pay for
those faster TM Internet subscription or pay
for the HBO. humm hummmm
What about u guys, done planning
your bonus already?
Saturday, December 17, 2011
478. MelawakKasar
Pocket orang kedah,
Lahır hospıtal alor setar.
Pertama kalı jejak negerı orang pada
Tıngkatan 4. Ke perlıs masa budak skolah yang ada walkman kaset dok bangga abıh dah. Aıwa tuu, 79 hınggıt jer ponn.
Fırst tıme pocket sampaı penang adalah masa keja. Woh! Takut sıot. Kononnya orang penang kasar bahasanya..
'apa dok ghaplah jıngga,
jangan dok jadı sıru la kat sını!'
Adalah sunggoh menakutkan pocket.
Oh what ıf ı offend them wıt my kedah joke?
Selepas 2 tahun dıpenang pocket dapat tahu kata, ıts about the joke that separates Kedah n Penang.
Orang Penang melawak attack personal tapı orang Penang tak penah amık pusıng atau tak penah rasa atı.
'nı apa lcd kamera hang kechık sangat nı!? Nak teghopong muka orang !pun susah!' usually would offend people, but not anak mamı penang.
'hang nı gajı saja dok mengaku rıbu rıbu, tapı kedekut taık ıdong masın!'
Kalau kena kat orang kedah, akan keluarlah ayat balas yang menggambarkan bahagıan tubuh orang yang berulat atau buruk dıhurung semut.
'Penang melawak kasar tapı tak terasa atı.'
Tapı hakıkatnya manusıa adalah manusıa, hatı nı dıcıpta utk merasa. Mengaku lah yang kamu dısakıtı and tell.. Jangan dok bangga sangat. Pocket g jejalan bebaru nı sempat menyaksıkan orang penang 'melawak'
Masa dok kondem anak hang hıtam, bını hang tak retı hurup rumı, pak hang kakı pendek sebelah, memang dıselangı hılaı tawa. Tapı lepas tu yang nangıs dlm toılet pun ada, yang mula belı face whıtenıng lotıon pun ada. Yang tak bagı anak kawan pun ada.. Inı ke yg kıta mahu?
regardless from whereever we are.
Try not to offend anyone when jokıng okeh. N thınk fırst before sayıng anythıng.
'keter kena tarık pasal xbayar kot, takkan la keter macam tu pun kena curı koot'
Ohh, mcm la kıta nı semekın sangat tak mampu nak bayar kan..adehla
Thursday, December 15, 2011
478. Pocket Bertambah Demam
this morning i got sick,
i got so sick that i'm sleeping with the hanky
placed right below my nose so that if any water
drip, it would not make the tiled floor slippery.
And boy did it dripped!!
i woke up at 9am with the hanky so wet i could
perah and get a glass of liquid. ohh!!
and so i slept hoping my health would recover.
waking up at 12 to eat maggi with a couple of
sausage. At 3pm i went to the Petronas nearby
to get some money.. even though it was mid of
the month, i still had to que. oh why?
After the AbangLah settled their business,
a makcik approached the ATM with an anvelope
in her hand.. she didnt know what to do and
she turned around to ask me how to take money.
oh makcik, but i'll charge u after u know..
about 20 ringgit for my service.heheh
okeh that was a joke.. why would a nice guy
like me would take an old lady money's right?
sheepishly she gave me the card and the password
was handwritten underneath a handsomely written
paragraphs of love letter.
Since i could scan a few words 'mak' and 'abah'
i'm guessing its a loveletter from a daughter.
Men just dont write nicely like that :D
She talks a lot, i guess the makcik is malu malu
being a malay lady but dont know her way around
the ATM machine, i guess people really do that
when they're segan segan. Cant blame her..
'anak makcik ni .. dok kat KL. katanya dia
hantarkan wit lama dah, tapi si bapaknya bagi
hilang kad plak... bla bla bla.. keja bagus katanyaa..
bla bla .. ari tu pi siam.. bla bla'
well basically from her talking,
it was her fourth month working in the big city,
she opened an account under her name to send money
to her mother. her mother holds the card for
easy cash out i guess..
'Jadi makcik, kalau nak tengok berapa duit ada
tinggal tekan la kat sini, saya tekan na.. '
was part of my instruction
it was about 5k... ooihhh!!
and then i helped her to take out RM800
Give a few pesanan not to talk to strangers and
get onto pakcik's motorcycle as fast u can before
some perampok come and take her money away.
and they went away with me still behind the glass
wall of the petronas mart lifting my hand to the
pakcik. Off they went leaving me feeling intimidated.
leaving me feeling small...
oh oh.. i need to get a new job that can allow me
to send money to my mother more then RM150
Demam pocket bertambah demam....
MC again tomorrow?
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
477. WW: NampakTak?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
476. TakRetiMasak...
475. MyDesk..
Monday, December 12, 2011
474. BatangBergulung..
Sunday, December 11, 2011
473. Know Your Game...
Saturday, December 10, 2011
472. GulungLagi!
Friday, December 09, 2011
471. U Tak Tipu Kan?

Thursday, December 08, 2011
470. DahSetahun.. Tak Rosak Lagi
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
469. Ai.. takkan tak kenal kot?
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
468. BrokeDown Pocket
467. Btul ker teww?
Monday, December 05, 2011
466. KatSana?
465. Kangkang
Saturday, December 03, 2011
464. Am Blaming U

Friday, December 02, 2011
463. Sikat...
now tell me,
do i need a comb?
no kan...

Thursday, December 01, 2011
462. hello!
Pocket tengah dok gaduh,
Pukul! Tendang! Tarik rambut!
..nasib baik ambut pocket ada
2mili je so xleh tarik. Hoyeah!
Anyway, pernah terpikir tak
mcmmana orang pekak pakai talipon?
Okeh, pekak adalah kata kata kasar
utk orang yg tak dengar cakap.
Jantan yang tak dengar cakap bini
pun buleh di jerit 'oi pekak!' bila
masa dimarahi.
So mari kita sebut betul betul...
'Orang yang kurang deria pendengaran'
kan sopan sikit gitu :D
Orang yang kurang daya pendengaran pakai
gak talipon, sms jer la kan. Tapi make
sure masa sms masuk tu ada lampu nyala.
Kang tak perasan la plak kan.
Ari tu tgk diorang guna vdo call
utk sembang. Besh sgt tgk!
Full of expression.
Er.. orang yang kurang deria pengelihatan
plak macam mana? Takda masalah apa!!?
Asalkan ada button ijau tanda angkat
talipon n button merah tanda letak
talipon sudah la kan.
Buleh je diorang meraba kat mana buttonnya.
Kita yg tak buta ni pun bule sms dengan
mata dok fokus driving.
Inikan plak mereka. Yang sense jari
diorang sensitip telebih lebih tu.
Yes, Mungkin diorang xleh dail,
tapi kalau kita yang talipon dia.
Buleh je sembang.
Kalau touch screen mcm mana orang
'tak nampak' nak angkat talipon?
Ohh.. Pocketeers,
Towards borderless society,
kekalkan talipon ber'button'!