Babai 08...
yes, pocket tak abih lagi nak mengemas rumah.
yes, call me pemalas tapi memang susah nak mengemas
rumah yang memegang pelbagai kenangan itu.
baru kemas sikit,
jumpa barang nostalgic,
ngelamun setengah jam...
talipon a few people related...
and start kemas balik 2 hours later.
Dah tu bila nak abih?
(On the way nak gi antar tilam pun sempat singgah CC.. dah tu camno?)
Baru jer lepas baca post ayaq tadi,
kinda nice way to put what happened in 2008.
tried to write as she did, but couldnt.
somehow pocket tak leh nak segregatekan kenangan
mengikut bulan.
Apa yang pocket buleh buat adalah...
cuba ingat apa silap yang pocket buat dalam blogging
dan mari improve by 20% in 2009:) yea!!
Pada 10December tahun lepas, pocket started this new
campaign called '40 days equals habit' introduced by Banji,
that's why i'm putting numbers at each post title.
The running number for this campaign.
I wanted to blog every day, if i'm not posting, i'll be bloghopping.
but i've had my days that i cant reach the internet
there were days that i've missed.
Hopefully 2009 will be filled with lots and lots of
post. 132 post in 2008, i'll try to aim for 165 post
in 2009. Huh!! banyak tuh!! extra 33 post meaning
extra 2 post every month. tak la susah sangat kan?
2008 pocket telah membuat silap dalam komen
kepada tiga pocketeers, silap yg besar sangat.
dia tanya
'dimanakah tempat lahir ku?'
dan pocket jawab 'perlis!'
walhal terang terang dia tulih tajuk blog
dia 'memori of a pure kadazan girl'
(Something like that lah kan.. tak la soalan cenggitu, bukan nya kadazan pun, sajer je buat contoh)
and for that she stopped coming to my blog,
she even ignored my comment in her post.
2009, Pocket akan jadi pembaca dan penulis
tegar. heheheh:)
2009 akan pocket mulakan ngan nota:
7 january is amy's birthday :)
2008, Pocket cuba menulis dalam english,
tak lah pandai sangat, tp cuba jugak. Maybe
tak mampu menyentuh hati Pocketeers
2009, Pocket akan cuba pulun lagi nanti.
baca lagi buku buku novel untuk rujukan,
baca lagi buku buku penulis terkenal,
memoga pocket buleh tulih buku nanti whuuuhuuuuu!!!
(Kebelakangan ni rojaaaakkk!!!)
2008 akan berakhir ngan 58 link,
Some of them active, some of them dont.
2009 diharapnya berakhir ngan 20% lagi which is something about 70 active link.
doakan the pocket!!!heheheh:)
dan banyak lagi...
akan pocket sambung lagi nanti.
nak kena antar barang yg disumbat dalam keter tu,
nak ujan plak ...
Lupa lak nak ucapkan...
Selamat Tahun Baru dan Selamat Berhijrah
POcket berhijrah ngan berpindah randah, anda bagaimana?
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
138. Hello 09,
Saturday, December 20, 2008
137. Hikkoshi...
Dalam bahasa melayunyer, pindah
Pocketeers sekalian,
maafkan pocket, sekarang ni
dalam proses memindah.
dari Banda Perda BM ker
satu tpt lain, dedekat sini jugak.
alasan mengapa pocket pindah is
-merely tak larat nak bayar
-450 inggit sebulan,
-pasal charlie.
so sementara pocket nyer comp
is unplugged ni, sorry lah bebanyak,
akan lamat sikit nak update.
Mostprobably akan out untill januari.
(Lama tuh.. how do i ever live without u guys)
babai for now, hai u again 2009:)
(Maybe akan curi curi gi CC jgak utk nak online ^^)
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
136. LosingAFriend
i once had a friend, a good dear friend,
She was a maxis help center staff at pulau tikus,
we've met in a strangest way i'd say,
it was a bus trip from Batewes to SungaiPtani,
I got into the bus, having to choose from sitting
on the side of a big indian uncle or a small
framed girl with her pink tudong and a blouse.
Cant remember other detail other than the nice smell
of cheap perfume.
We got acquainted during the trip.
the simple question u ask when chatting in EmAiArSi
A/S/L? :D with a smile.
But then there's nothing special about that isnt it?
i didnt took her number the first time i met her,
but meeting with her again the next sabtu after that
makes me think that its fate.
(Teramat la meluatnyer bila nak gunakan perkataan jodoh utk bebenda cenggini)
I got her number the third time she saved me a seat on
the bus. Different time, a late bus arriving to SungaiPtani by 1030
yet still she manage to be there.
(Ghost? yes i tot the same too, but ghost dont have numbers or uses a nokia cheap handphone)
We got closer and closer after that, a few lunch,
and lots and lots of phonecalls. I dont have my EX5 yet back then,
or else i'd be dating with her like ali and asmidar
somewhere in feringhi rock wahahah.
But it was that wretched night that i tried to call her,
COuldnt get her handphone so i called her house phone instead.
I have called her house phone a few time before, talked for hours.
'Hello, boleh cakap ngan siti mardinah?'
'err, tak der siti mardinah kat sini'
'eh.. yer ker? siti siti, sayer selalu panggil dia siti jer'
'ada pat siti kat sini, siti yang mana?'
a distance voice.. 'sape?' , 'laki nama pocket'
'hello pocket!! sorry, adik i tadi..' siti answered.
'eh, u bukan namer siti mardinah ker?'
'er, sorry, bukan..'
and after that i blurted out words that i'm not proud of.
i dont know why, just merely mad for being lied upon.
words by words shot out, not even trying to listen to her,
i even said ...
'go on deceiving people siti,
i hope u got a deceiving husband in return'
... and many more.
I can hear sobbing sound in the other end of the phoneline,
but rather than stopping, i choose to go on and on instead.
SHe did tried to defense herself but the dark side of me was
too smart for her, too persistent in blaming her till it
outsmart myself from seeing sense.
I even forgotten to ask her real name.
The shouting session ended with the slamming
of the phone and a number deleting session.
Well that was the impatient immatured me. The 'Gaki' in me.
The other me however cursed this act and wish that
i could call her up again and ask for forgiveness.
Kneel down if i have to, asking her to forget those words i've said.
i understand your reason,
it is just girls with real name issues,
u'r simply being carefull. i understand and I am sorry.
but dont punish me by leaving me.
(Eh? bunyi macam laki yang bininya lari la plak kan...)
ok let me rephrase that,
dont punish me by not being my friend.
Walking to SungaiPtani as a punishment or...
12pcs of KFC in 30 minutes punishment...
but dont punish me by leaving me...
(Dah jadi macam laki yang bininya lari balik...)
i need u in my phone number list.
i need u in my wedding invitation list.
i need u to see my newborn daughter.(Nanti)
i need to see u getting married.
i simply need u to be my friend.
we dont have to be calling 7 times a week,
but a call every eid would be enough.
or your daughter wedding invitation card.
last thing i've heard from her is that she becomes a teacher in SIK.
How many schools is there in SIK yah pocketeers? any pocketeers know?
I might be going to seek one by one.
Just a CurHat, its going to be januari soon,
remembered that song January by an indonesian singer.
as a matter of fact, i did slammed the phone on january.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
135. Telur Dulu ker...?
.... ayam dulu?
persoalan ni memang la dah ada dari dulu lagi,
agak bodoh jgak sebenornyer, lantak la kan,
ayam dulu ker telur dulu, asalkan ko nyer gaji
tak affected, kira ok lah. hokanneeeeee...
tapi persoalan ni dah jadi mcm nama khas
untuk keadaan begitu kan..
(Apa nama khas nyer tu? aaa yang ni kita tak tahu)
jenerel moto mengalami masaalah kewangan.
mintak dari kerajaan depa utk loan,
kerajaan pakcik sem tu kata
'bagi kami reconstructure company hampa, baru kami bagi loan'
jenerel moto kata 'tak buleh! tapi kalau tak bagi loan ekonomi
negara akan telangkup'
kerajaan: 'reconstructure or no loan'
jenerelmoto: 'tak mau reconstructure, loan or economy collapse'
so dok lawan situ lah...
sama cam sifat pekerja kita jgak..
'bagi kami kenaikan gaji yang bagus, bonus yang bagus,
baru semangat kami nak keja!' kata employee
'hampa keja bagus dulu, baru kami bagi bonus
ngan kenaikan gaji yg bagus!!'pulak kata employer
macam mana plak ngan politician dan pengundi?
'undilah saya, dan saya akan buang semua tol kat malaysia!' kata politician
'buang tol semua dan kami akan undi kamu' pulak kata pengundi.
industri perfileman tempatan?
'tak mau tengok lah filem melayu, tak besh pon, skrip lemah' kata penonton.
'mai la tengok, then kami ada duit nak majukan skrip di masa akan datang'
pulak kata producer filem.
so sampai mana kita nak bertekak?
satu pihak kenalah beralah, satu lagi kena la tepati janji.
kami dah keja sungguh sungguh,
kami bagi bonus bagus bagus,
kami dah undi,
kami dah buang semua tol
kami dah tengok pilem melayu,
kami dah guna penulis penulis mahal utk tulis skrip.
tapi selalu nya cakap tak serupa bikin.
Bonus pocket masih lagi cikit.
nak bayar tol kat BKE tak pun Penang Bridge,
dan filem kita masih lagi skrip lemah.
(While writing this, i was browsing my memory bank
for any week dialog in any local movie i've watched,
but couldnt found one, have any?)
camana plak ngan ...
u cuba la percaya kan i sikit,
tak boleh, nanti u curang,
kalau u percayakan i, i takkan curang.
kalau u tak curang, i akan percayakan u sepenuh hati.
u kena la percayakan i dulu.
u jangan la curang dulu.
i tak curang!
i tak percaya!
ting tong tang ting teng tong ting tang tong.......
and the ayam dulu! telur dulu! question goes on.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
134. Los dan Faun
wah! wah! wah!
gi tgk kat TGV berdekatan ngan kampung pocketkat sini ari tuuuu, los dan faun is showing near u!! gitu gitu.
so pocket pun abih kan wit gaji pocket ngan membayar 9 inggit setiket itu dan masuk ke panggung ngan mineral water dan popcorn ditangan:)
terpegun jgak ngan permandangan yg
menyedihkan bila pocket masuk ke panggung.
ado la dalam lima row jer orang... tu pun rongak...
dua seat ocupied, another ten was left blank.
mana peginya semua orang!!?
oh!! diorang gi tgk trenspoter,
tak pun cerita cinta pontianak dalam filem twailait.
filem los dan faun pun bermula...ngan sauntrek yg besh (Bleh daunlod kat hompej dia)
ada dua lelaki duduk terikat ke kerusi ngan paras air ke paras dada...
well u have to see the whole story for yourself lah pocketeers cause i
aint gonna give u spoilers for this one. Keseluruhan nya lawak sewel lah!!
ada satu pregnant sister ni (Comel jgak) duk ngadu kat husband dia yg
perut dia sakit pasal gelak banyak sangat. heheheh
Plot nyer tak simple jgak, complex sampai faun kena amik 13 minit
utk menceritakan kat penonton kenapa pasir, kenapa rumput,
kenapa ida nerina serena misterina!!!!
masih lagi mudah utk difahami sampai pocket yang tumpul
ni pun tak perlu tanya orang sebelah ada apa dengan 'brokbekmaunten':Dmacam movie 'si-es-ai'jugak!,
cam penyiasatan nyer movie,
sikit jugak starski en hatch bila ada dua hero yang blur blur tapi hensem(Hensem ker?).
Satu pendekatan baru, tabik spring utk chief kodok. rasenyer tak der lagi citer cam ni kat layar perak kita.
(Kalau ada bleh sapo sapo bg tau pocket tak?)
sama cam lain lain cerita penyiasatan, penjahat kita takkan tau sapo sampai la abih cerita. bukan cam cerita polis yang kita selalu tgk.
Dan, chief kodok telah berjaya mentwist kan sikit dihujung filem yang membuatkan pocket terasa cam bagus sikit dari filem sepi tu.
Seriously pocket dah tau dr awal lg yg
piyer andre tu dah mati dah dan awek
tu duk nampak antu (Atau bayangan)
Twist nyer filem los dan faun ni besh!!
besh yang macam maner?
aaaa.. yang ni yang kita tak tahu...
kena la gi tgk!! heheheh:)
walaupun ada jgak kesilapan technical yang pocket berjaya kesan...
level air masa dua lelaki yg kena ikat tu..
satu scene air dah naik sampai dagu,
scene pas tu air still baru naik sampai dada..
tapi pocket still rase besh movie nih.
besh banyak dari filem 'antu kampung buahbuahan' tu.
kepada sesapa yg tak gi tgk lagi..
sila la gi tgk. besh besh!!
kepada sesapa yg dah tgk dah...
acaner ? besh ker?
kepada sesapa yg memang tak layan filem melayu.
gi tgk yg ni, pandangan anda mungkin boleh berubah.
Monday, December 08, 2008
133. Vandalist Pocket
Why is it that recently i am having this urge...
feeling of doing vandalisme to the things around me?
its like the need for food,
the need for sex,
the need for pleasure,
the need to shed tears,
the need to bath...
and not to forget the toilet.Felt like i wanna use a good slingshot that i can
buy from the internet and shoots marble (Or simply pebbles the size of cucur kodok heheh)
from a moving car, aiming at the coming car
on the other side of the road, just for the fun of it.
10points for Cars (Additional 10 points if the windshield is cracked)
5 points for lorries,
20 points for motorcycle visor. (Additional 10 points if the rider is shot down.. hehehe)
Felt like i wanna paint the building with my 'P' Mark,
as big as i can paint. I dont have any money to buy
the paint so i have to steal them ofcourse.
And proudly show the 'P'mark till u can see it from
the nearby Jusco. wahahahahaha!! Pocket rawks here!!!Felt like i wanna stand on a three storrey building in
the middle of the day, tossing eggs to the car parked below.
(Lets aim that Black Sentra only and let see how many i can hit)
I wonder, will the egg hardened after 3pm?
cause on a sunny day, the car surface is kinda hot.
it'll be like fried egg!! sunny side up!! yeaaaa!!!
Felt like i wanna burn 8pcs of worn off tyres in the dark of the night outhere in tapah highway and do the fire dance. Not much damage that i can do, but the fire mark will definitely leave a black mark on the road.
But since i dont like to be shot by marbles when i'm driving or feeling revolted by the hundreds of eggs covering my parked car. Hardened till i have to scrape off the 'sunny side up' away. With tower of fire accompanying me providing me light though i'm terrified of it.
I guess i dont want to do any vandalisme then.
and i hope no one would do it too. Hoh!!
(Any urge of vandalisme in your heart lately?)
Saturday, December 06, 2008
132. ManyakNya Iklan
To whom this may concern,
I would like to stay anonymous
but my e-mail add would give
away my name, I am a fan of TV3.
But then again i dont think i have
any other choice since RTM is not
that much up to date, and i cant
afford Astro.
The house i am living in somehow
doesnt get good transmission for
NTV7 and 8tv, so i'm stuck with
(I heard that there's another channel with another number that resemble the number 6 but since i'm not getting it here, so i wont know)
I am sending this e mail to actually complaint to
your side that your channel is showing too much
commercial till the viewer get upset and started to
change to another channel. well at least i did.
Yes i understand that you're getting paid by showing
commercial. And i do think that your staff salary
is actually paid by the large amount of commercial
that you've shown during prime time and other time slot.
But 18 of 20 seconds commercial for every 4 minutes
of movie in my opinion is simply ridiculous.
Deni meet Vaughn
they talked
Vaughn little brother was informed to be 'wasted' by drug
Vaughn rushed to the crime scene.
Uses a block of wood to rampage the casino that supplied the drug.
and he was caught while leaving the casino.
Commercial again....
Now now... that was my actual experience of your Commercial.
Then the whole movie need to be continued after the nightline.
I got fed up and went to bed thinking to myself, need to find the
DVD Walking Tall instead.
In a twisted indirect way, your commercial actually promoted
the Pirated DVD issue.
Hopefully your side can reevaluate the qty of Commercial
shown. Your kind consideration is much highly appreciated
by this viewer who dont have any other channel to turn to.
Adalah e mail yang pocket baru jer antar kat TiviTiga untuk
komplen yang diorang taruk banyak sangat iklan.
agak agaknya apa yg diorang nak jawab nanti kan?
(Pastinya beriban riban e mail yg diorang dapat diorang just
monitor jer kot ... alahaaaiiii)
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
131. KenduriMemalam
kebelakangan ni banyak sangat pocket taruk gambo,
terasa cam takut lambat upload pulak nanti.
bukan apa, pocket nyer comp guna 17 tahun lepas
nyer technology, so pepaham jer lah.nak tgk gambo pun kena encrypt kan dari green character moving downwards like those u see in the
muvi metriks. hahahah.. (Tipu tipu, and u know it^^)
Ari ahad gi kenduri adik beradik, sepupu duai, bau bau bacang. Kenduri itu diadakan di sendi bich risort. Wallaweey, kenduri dalam dewan kat hotel tuu!! last time pocket gi kenduri kat dewan dewan ni adalah kenduri kavitha kat Butterworth.
Sebelum tu kat Negeri semilan, kenduri bon.pocket bukan official photographer, just gi makan, tp sebab pocket bawak dewi so apo buleh buat kan.. kena la layan dewi tangkap gambo, dewi punya la seronok... banyak sunggoh dia tangkap gambo. yang nakal nakal pun ado jgak... tp better pocket tak tunjuk kat sini. Kang marah pula subject yang ditangkap tu kalau terserempak nanti.
Memula nak masuk dewan tu para tetamu harus mendapatkan nombor meja. Masa tu jgak la kena sign Guest Book tu, cantik nyer guestbook nyer.Then masuk jer dalam dewan tu teramat la ter'kezut'
ngan keindahan dewan yg patutnya kosong tu,
ada dua pintu gerbang. belon belambak lambak
dibiarkan terbang diawangan.
(Rasanya diorang guna utk nak tutup direct light
kat situ supaya kaler merah abih satu dewan tu)
Makanan nyer cam sodap la jgak. pasal ado kambing.
since pocket yang tak kisahkan kadar kolesterol dalam
badan ni suka sangat makan kambing, so overall i'd say
that the food is great!! hahahahafrom my opinion the kenduri is kinda grand!!
ngan bunga idup nyer menghiasi 30 small tower
menghiasi the isle, belon duk menghiasi ruang udara.
pikir pikir belon baper inggit sangat idea nyer tu yg besh:)
Enjoy the pic ya'alll
Saturday, November 29, 2008
130. Senawang
Bebaru ni dok gi KL la plak, ahai, boring nye...
dalam duk kekurangan OT ni rasa cam
tak nak kuar banyak sangat. Almaklumlah,
lepak dalam kilang wat OT pun Besh.
645pg : gi kl, landing kat KLIA kol 7 setengah gitu gitu,
ado keter datang amik kat KLIA, member yg boring sangat.
5 petang, abis of first day, pulang secepat mungkin ke MidValley
nak checkin, dari pagi duk sms ngan bob dan zam dan nasir utk
jumpa diorang.
Woohoooo, besh nyer pasal dah lama tak jumpa diorang.
Zam tak balik raya pose ari tu pasal wife dia ada isu sikit.
Nasir ngan wife dia jer balik. Bob akhirnya balik.
Ada Afzanizam sorang lagi click kami begitu juga Tun,
tp diorang jauh sikit. so this time its people in KL lah.
setelah abih layan jepun
makan nando's, pocket gi
jumpa bob yg makan ais
kachang sesorang kat atas
foodcourt Midvalley tu,
duk sembang la ngan dia ...
mostly pasal dosa dosa lalu,
Biasa lah ... masa kecik dulu,
'nanti kita besar nanti kan,
kitaaa ...'
dah tua tua ni,
'dulu hang ingat dak?
kita pernah...'
Then zam call bob, katanya dah hampir,
so kami pun bergegaslah naik lif ngan awek
berbaju puteh yang lawa lagi sexy.
Tapi bob kata kuku kaki dia buruk,
pocket tak tgk la plak...
tgk kat tulang selangkadia jer :)
heheheh Zam sampai menjemput kitorang ngan altis dia,
aduhaii, jeles! tapi tak per... nenanti aku beli jugak..
kita lumba dua nak? hahahahah tobat kalah,
pasal zam bawak kami ke seremban/labu dalam 30 minit jer.
(Utk orang yg tahu, laju ker tak tu?)

9 mlm, sampai la kat seremban tu utk jumpa naset kat first shell sebelah kiri tu. naset kata dia ada kedai bagos punya nak bawak... so kitorang gi lah ikut dia, makan kat senawang. kedai nyer namo johan seafood.
makanan nyer tak la besh sangat, biasa jer.
tp waitress nyer ceria la jgak. ker diorang senyum kat
kitorang yg duk sembang
cakap kedah ni kat negeri
semilan tu lah kot. ohoh..

1040 malam,
bayar 76 ringgit dan pulang,
sampai kat cit1tell balik kol
1130 jgak. abih jgak bateri
pocket nii ha, terlelap kejap
dan bangun balik tgh mlm
utk basuh baju dan sterika
kemeja utk besok sambil tgk
planet of the ape lakonan
mark wahlberg tuu.
so gitu lah isnin pocket lepas.
sorry for not updating from monday yah...
been busy, i cant believe there's no CyberCafe
at Mid Valley and the comp at CyberCafe itself
Boring boring..
Sunday, November 23, 2008
129. 'NariYok!!'
Have u seen this movie pocketeers?
The title if u translate it directly..
would be as the stated in the title :)
Have u seen it fellow pocketeers? i bet u do,
not at the cinema, maybe from cd or dvd.
(or simply tivitiga)
What so interesting about this movie anyway u might ask, well ...
One: would be because i've seen the original
japanese version and its interesting how the
american try to make it as similar as the
original one. And they did a good job i might add.
(Kalau pocket kater lately american pun dah tak tau nak wat movie apo buleh tak? tak lama lagi kuar la kabhi kushi kabhi gam dlm versi omputeh. heheheh.. ker dah ada dah?)Two: would be because of j lo lah kot!!
heheheh, i am still wondering how u wear
anything under those yellow dres that she
wears in her last dance with mr Clark. ahaaiiiii
Its a story about a man who got bored with
his life and got interested to do something
else when all the thing people try to get
in this life is already in his pocket.
The thing that trigger his action was J lo
ofcourse, but then he realizes that it was
not J lo that gives him the excitement.
but the dance itself.
Got into a ballroom dance competition but
ended up stepping on his partners skirt.heheh
The first time i've watched that movie,
i thought it was the 'men-reaching-40-symptom'
but its more to that,
Man needs excitement in his life. Something to look forward to.
the promotion to aim maybe, the CAR, The Yacht, The 8 LDK (Living DIning Kitchen)
with parking space for three cars:)
But for those who owns everything. well...
a ballroom dancing competition might be a
good thing to look forward to.
BUt.. why cant Mr Clark tells his wife u might ask.
Mr Clark answer was the best :) it was somethin like this..
'the one thing i am proudest in my whole life is that u'r happy with me,
if i couldnt tell u that i was unhappy sometime is because i didnt want
to risk hurting the one person i treasure most. i'm so sorry,
Dalam pocket punya pemahaman yang cetek ni...
'pasal aku tak mau hang rasa aku tak happy ngan
hang sedangkan kita dah happy bersama.'
atau yang sebenarnya,
'aku malu kalau hang tau nanti nampak tak macho
la aku duk menari, macam gay jer. heheh'yes they say that there should be no secret between couples.
But sometime what u holds in your heart, your interest, your passion,
is too stupid to be discussed with her.
The fears of rejection,
The fears of being laughed about.
I mean, my luv for Morning Musume is just for me right? Bendul diam!!
My Strange fetish for tulang selangka and gadis berskirt labuh. something i wanna keep a lid on.
what about u guys, anything u dont want him or her to know about u?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
128. Amy'sTag
POcket, semalam sebenarnya ada cerita yg pocket nak citer.
Tp, skali baca Amy's comment katanya ada tag. So pocket
rentikan niat suci murni nak cerita tentang toilet...
come to think of it, pocket dah tak ingat pun dah citer nyer.
Tak prewrite, so tak der backup.
Anyway.... memperkenalkan... pocket nyer meja!!:)1) Benci sangat kerusi baru tu pasal tak leh nak tido sandar dah.
2) Ada cermin bulat kat atas monitor, utk tgk MrG menghampiri ker tak..
(So that pocket boleh berenti tengok junk mail dan sambung buat kja)
3) Besor tak monitor tu? zaman sekarang ni pun still pocket guna monitor
prasejarah tu... boring boring, perasan tak meja sebelah takder monitor?
pasal meja sebelah dpt monitor flat lagi nipis (LCD?).. tak aci!!
4) Botol air kesayangan pocket yg kaler biru tu... heheh, sehari tiga kali jgak refill!!
5)Ada talipon kat tetengah antara comp pocket ngan comp mamat sebelah.
Direct line ... nombornyer .... mcm segan lah nak bagi tau :D heheheh
6)YG berselerak atas comp tu adalah sample NG Button. Tak sempat nak study lg.
Apa yg besh nyer duk kat meja ni?
hummm.. tak tau lah, duk tengah kut,
That's me comp with the 'P' Mark.
Front row is the Electrical Guy
Back row is the Metal Guy,
And me as the plastic guy in the middle,
able to chat away front and rear :)
Well 'chat' here doesnt have to be
chit chatting, lets call it discussion shall we:)
And one more thing... The view,
Well i think i have the best view there. >:)
since its in the middle, so i can turn my head to the right without looking suspicious.
heheh cant blame a man who wanna whistle while he's working right?Hey hey, i think that's about it about my workstation.
People who i wanna tag would be ....
Banji (Definitely he wont be doing it but i always want to know how his work place is)
Bendul (Well, i think he did it once... but i wanna tag him anyway... put here the link will u bendul?)
DaFilantera!!(Yes u bro! inside the cleanroom, the full aircond, how is it in there bro?)
Cheryna Pires (Sha, u did mentioned that u've changed work place.. so wanna show us your new place?)
Danisha (Last post is Sang Hijab Pencinta, miss u sis, put in your pic also yah!!)
And ofcourse.. those who have a workplace u can be proud of.
Jauh perjalanan, luas perjalanan kata orang. Put in your workstation pic also ya..
CikSaloma... how about u? can u show us where u work? :)
another post that have my work station would be the 16. Manager Kebersihan
Sunday, November 16, 2008
127. Muda Gak Suka
as if this movie title:) heheh
Hey hey!!
pocket dah gi tgk m@daga5car!!
besh la jugak citer tu. Laughter all the way.
(Or was it me who lowered my level,
and opened my heart for the movie)
Seluruh panggung bantai gelak.
Seriously terasa takut pun ada jgak.
Kenapa takut? pasal as u guys all know,
this animation attracts children as well
as the adults. 60% of the seats are well
occupied by the minor.
Most of them still dont own mykad.
When u hear laughter, u can hear their laughter more than the adults.
Apa yang menakutkan pocket adalah suara tawa tu
berderai selepas lawak bahasa, bukan lawak slapstick
macam masa nenek tu pukul Alakay.
Tapi masa Buruh tgh buat strike mintak maternity leave.
Level pemahaman kanak kanak sekarang dah tinggi la kot.
Agaknya ada kesan jugak la kot Pelajaran Matematik dan
Sains dalam bahasa inggeris.
(Tapiii!!! Empunya hilai tawa tu melayu ker cina ker india, pocket tak tahu)
Citer ni pasal anak dari bandar sana yang dah pulang
ke kampung. Perbezaan antara anak yg moden dan bapak
yang masih lagi 'kuno'
besh la dgr suara ben st1ler (Semalaman di muzium)
devid shuimmer(Kengkawan)
ngan Chris Rocks ('Yard terpanjang' ngan adam sanle)
Sora badak tu pocket tak tau, maybe dia glamer tp
simply pocket tak tau. heheh sorry lah!!Pocket thinks:
the whole movie was too hilarious that i've forgotten about the storyline,
too many issue till it weaken the main story, but then again,
the four story emerged into one just fine in the end.
I dont have to comment anything about the beauty though,
cause this is not fainding nimo, Alakay's paw was not even drawn nicely.
But luved the hair :) heheheh, Luved this movie...
and if u have the time,
go on and laugh yourself in there.
Moral of this movie:
1) One simple sentence can be different if it has gone
through more than one mouth and ear hehehehe:)
2)Man also needs maternity leaves
3)Luv is unconditional (cinta tak bersharat?)
anybody else gone and seen this one?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
126. OneKiloMeal
korang pernah dpt junk
mail ni tak?
yang ado gambo kedai
burger kat negara asing
nih, detail dimana kedai
ini boleh digugel nama
He@rt @ttack Gr1ll.
Apa yang menariknya ialah,
berapa punya banyak daaa diorang makan daging.
Kalau pun tak 100% daging, maybe ada tepung ker
bawang sikit dalam patty tu, but still banyak nyer
daging yg diorang makan dalam satu hidangan!! Aduhaiiii...Tgk la gambo sebelah!! pat keping tuu!!
Stngah paun setiap satu,
kalau pat keping, sudah 2 paun.
kalau dalam gram plak.. 900 gram!!!
Roti yg dua keping, tomato n bawang ...
mahu mahu jgak 1000 gram, which is 1Kilo!!
huhuuu, kira nya pas makan jer benda ni
trus naik sekilo lah .. heheheh.
Pocketeers sekalian pernah makan kuaterpaunder
MekDi tak? Pocket pernah try makan dua biji sekali hadap. Muaknya lebih daripada kenyang.
Fries pun dah tak nak suap lagi dah.
Tu baru suku paun makan dua biji!
kalau 2 paun.. aduhaaiii..Ari tu BegeKing pun ada jgak buat perangai double tripple nih, ingat lagi masa tu balik KL dari tengok Zafirah. Begeking kat restoran jejantas sungai buloh tu, huhuuu.. pocket ngan filantera makan sorang satu tripple patties. wohohooo... kenyang gila babesh. cam nak tido jer pas tu huhuuuuu..
tp berapa berat begeking punya patties tu pocket pun tak tau. tak sampai pun setengah pound kot. Pasal pocket rase Mekdi kuaterpaunder lg besor. aduhaiii...
atleast ubi yg diorang gunakan adalah ubi yang freshly peeled.
Tak lah ubi tepung yg dibuat macam french fries yg kita dpt
dalam mekdi, tgk dalam kotak ijau kat sebelah kanan gambar.
Pocket yang gmot ni memang terliur bila tgk
makanan yang jumlah nya banyak cenggini,
minyak yg keluar dari dalam daging ayam KayEfSi,
(Pernah dpt ayam KayEfSi yg baru masak tak? menitik nitik minyak nyee!!)
minyak yang menitik ke bara masa kita bakar daging,
Huhuuuuu.... nafsu melampau ku sudah terbakar
tapi kan...
kata orang, orang gmot jer terliur or rase teringin
nak makan bila tgk permandangan sebegitu.
Orang kurus pulak sebaliknya jijik bila melihat
minyak minyak tu. Betul ker?
Pocketeers sekalian camana?
(Besok nak dinner ngan ayam KayEfSi lima ketul!! tte larat ker pocket nak abih kan yer?)
Monday, November 10, 2008
125. Eating Pocket
As if eating habit,
I know for a fact that all of u pocketeers are well
verse in international food. At least u've went to
eat Japanese, Indian, Chinese and even Mexican.
How do u eat anyway?
(Blogging have been soo personal that I wanna know how
do u guys eat. weird? yes I know)
I have, whenever I go to singapore for audit, the food
will definitely be chinese seafood. Where the food
be served in big plates and everyone on the table
'kepit' in.. heheh... of course I'm the guest of honor
so the best part of the dishes will be served to me
first and then everyone 'kepit' in. Am not bragging but
I envy them who kepit the food like a race...
Who can 'kepit' the most udang win heheheh...
The garnishing will be on the main plate,
decorated nicely with chilli cut into flower shape.
people kepit one dishes after another. Besh jer tgk
orang makan meriahnya... heheh
The restaurant Chennai near the RFC in Sungai Petani.
where they serve great briyani and also nasi daun pisang.
where u top up the nasi for free with the house curry.
no decoration,
no garnishing,
just flat on the table.
right hand shoveling the food in.
food mixed on the daun pisang.
Finger touching the food with curry mixed together.
'dey aneee, dhal lagi!!'
Malay? nutting to add ere, most of us are,
yang kaya sikit tu makanan dihidang atas meja,
sayur and telur goreng. ayam goreng angkat
sorang seketul dan letak sebelah pinggan.
Yang miskin tu amik jer dari periuk, makan jer sesama.(Tepi tangga)
Cubit ayam dari main plate dan makan reramai.
korang amik sambal ngan sudu ker ngan tangan?
ikan dulu, then sayur, then ikan with sambal,
selang seli ngan nasi:) cepat ker lamat tu, selera anda.
the thing is, I've heard this rediculous supersticious that say
Man way of eating is the same as the way he 'eat'
'Eat' here is referring to physical intercourse between
different sexes for pleasure purpose or for reproduction.
Interesting? but then how do u make up your conclusion?
I have a friend who will eat one lauk at a time,
move on to the next lauk after the first one finished.
How do u conclude that?
Hummmm, pernah tengok orang yang koyak lauk,
susun diatas camca kemas kemas dan suap. hummm.
How do u conclude that?
What about..
makan laju laju,
makan lamat lamat, (Kunyah 40 kali is said to be sunnah rasul)
makan tak ikut urutan, kejap ayam kejap sayur,
makan ikut sangat urutan, abiskan ayam then abiskan sayur,
makan ngan tangan,
makan ngan chopstick!! kepit kepit kepit!! heheh:)
How do u conclude those with how one's 'eat'?
Ever heard of this supersticious pocketeers?
How true it is, I may never know. do u?
Friday, November 07, 2008
124. MovieUGoWith
U guys do go to movies right... well most of us are,
some of us dont. those who are, would give reason :
like the environment,
luv the popcorn,
quality time while watching,
luv to be with her in the dark. (Oooiii!!!)
those who are not, would give the reason :
susah lah nak bawak bebudaak.
hate the smell of socks and bad odour(Its ok if its mine, NG if its the big fat guy infront)
can always buy DVD for a much cheaper price.
no one to be with in the dark(Alahaaaiii)
anyway, for those who do go to watch movies,
do u choose your companion? like this movie should go
with Bendul, i dont think amy would luv this,
ayaq masa would definitely dig this...
actually think 'with who should i go if i wanna watch this movie?'
cause i've once gone to this movie with someone and
she came out not talking about the movie.
'so how was the movie?'
'biase.. buang duit ada jgak, nothing special'
it was 'along came polly' ben stiller and that girl from 'friends'.
now i dont wanna be picky
but he or she who go with me to the movie, must atleast enjoyed the movie.
i hate it if all the group start saying...
'hek enneee... sapa ajak kita mai tgk movie ni td!!?'
'bodoh giler la ending dia... rugi jer aku datang'
cause different people with different taste.
some hate malay movie, Sepi.. PiJiEl..
some hate musical movie, MammaMiya.. HaiSkulMusikal
some luv shooting movie,
some hate JonWu movie,
i've asked Farid, what does he think of Sepi? his answer was that he hated it.
'but why?' i asked... 'i dont know, never seen it'
'then how do u come to that conclusion?' me still confuse..
'Cause its a malay movie'
hummmm so i wont be asking him to see Los&Faun or antoo fighter nanti...
i've also asked ima wether she enjoyed dat movie EagleEye-SheaLabeouf.
She luved it, me on the other hand, hated it.
Its not much different from dat movie stealth
where the fighter jet able to think like human
and make decision for itself.
Basically i would prefer to go to a movie where
i'll be enjoying as much as he or she would.
But picking friends to go to the movie is such a selfish thing to do.
for instance..
'Farid.. jom gi tgk DeDavinciKod'
'eh pocket!! ima nak tgk jgak.. buleh ikut?' mencelah
'tak leh, ima tak pandai english, farid ok lah'
is such a mean thing to do dont u think?
(am not good in english either, still trying to 'absorb' the language naturally)
Which comes to my bottom line.
Am going to see the Quantum of S0lace tomorow,
Anybody wanna join me?
Monday, November 03, 2008
123. OldStuff
The other day i've read filantera's
post by the title, Cinta 101.
The story was simple yet...
i am still touched by the story and
i know everyone will...
(Go on and read it for your self to know what i mean)
Pocketeers, have u ever own something that
have been your possession for a long time?
And i mean long time as if more than 5 years.
Its hard for a pocketeers who still not old
enough to own a MyCard.
But most of u are more than that arent u?
so i bet most of u have your dear...
token of life,
item of memory,
a horcrux as if part of your life is recorded
inside the item.
I have a dear girl back in the kampong who still have her 'baby'
as she calls it, a cheap fabric sew to the shape of a rabbit,
stuffed with cotton.
(What's the general word for teddy bear? nuigurumi in japanese... but in english?)
It is hers for 14 years already and she's taking SPM next year.
basically its her bantal busuk lah... cant sleep without it. huhuuuuuu
I guess it comforts us to own something and never letting it go.(Same with luv?)
I myself own a plate bought for 400 yen per 6 pcs set. (That's Somewhat 14ringgit)
Now i have the last one. Ounis and GaijinSan broke one. (Or was it two?)
It was bought in the year of 1998. So now its nearing its 10th years with me.
Hope i can still eat from it on my 60th birthday:)
Can still remember i called up Ayie and Yan to my place
serving them with nasi ayam on the very same plate.
Back then it was still with its family. A family of six.
And not to forget my dear belt.
I bought it for 7000 yen. Quite dear for a belt bought with
my first salary working in Gangga Indian Curry House in Fukui.
it was 2002.. someone else bought the same belt.
I heard she's still wearing hers now when she's teaching
somewhere down south.
I'm at the last hole of the belt.
I need to work out more so that I can still wear
this belt attending to my daughter's wedding ceremony heheh:)
do u have any pocketeers?
a plate maybe,
a red ribbon maybe,
a belt maybe,
a cooking book maybe,
a bantal mucuk maybe,
a blog perhaps?
Friday, October 31, 2008
122. Invisible Pocket
Have u ever heard the story about the king who asked
all the tailor in the kingdom to make him
an-out-of-this-world dress? and so comes a tailor
who produced an invisible dress for the king. Everyone
who looked at the dress cant see anything,
but they nod saying that its an invisible dress,
even quote 'only the smart one can see the dress'
Everyone nodded,
the king nodded because everyone nodded,
no one wants to be the stupid one, not even the king.
so every one say that they can see the dress.
Just like tok penghulu who can see the kambing dancing
with the lembu under the tree from NujumPakBelalang.
(Cant Get enough of P Ramlee)
And of course everyone fear the king.
for the king is the source or living.
without the king consent one cant even fart.
Once the dress is ready, the king wishes to wear
the invisible dress and take a stroll in the town.
The tailor lift the invisible dress carefully as if it cost a
million ringgit. (There's nothing actually, just angin la kot)
and put it on for the king.
He walked in the town, all the people looked and cheered
at him. well, he's the king isnt it? all the townsfolk was
murmuring how beautifull the dress is,
everyone dont want to be stupid. everyone feared the king.
Then out of nowhere,
come a little boy about the age of 3 or 4, too young to vote screaming
"what a shame! a naked man walking proud in the mid
of the town! and its not that big either!hahahah"
(OK, i add the 'big' thing.. heheheh cant help it^^)
and as the king hear this, he ask the guard nearby.
"is it true that i'm naked?" and he finally know it was the fear
and ego that makes people sees the invisible dress.
and the little boy was right,
an honest opinion fromsomeone who would
not gain nor loose anything either way.
Ever heard that story pocketeers? cant remember much
but i think that's about the point of the story.
(Telling the story took me half of my word count quota)
The thing is, have u ever wanted to say the thing on
your mind regardless of what people might say.
Voice it out just how u wanted it?
Just like that little kid from the story.
'i like u'
'i hate the merry go round'
'i like cofee'
'i dont want to move in with u'
but pocket, we usually think of people's feeling.
Foreseeing what may happen if i say this and that.
which is a good thing since all of us are adults.
and we dont want to be hated by our mulut celupar.
(There u go, i'm being adult again)
instead we kept on staying behind the bushes.
'umph, awak ok'
'i bukan tak nak naik, tp macam sakit perut la so..'
'teh pun ok, tp sini ada kopi tak?'
'considering the distance of my house and your house
to the workplace, and i have to take that guy for our
carpool, i think that it is wise for me economically and
hygienically to consider on postponing that idea till
next year, and we'll see'
well i guess we've grown up to be a good people.
WHo would think first before we speak.
(Or type for the blogging community)
regardless of how the outcome may effect us,
we tend to put communities harmony first.
So Pocketeers, regardless of what is wrong or right, let me hear what do u think:)
(Hey!! dah abih type dah teraasa cam dejavu,
bendul pernah tulih karangan yg sama dulu
honne and tatemae)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
121. Pocket and Soccer
pocket tak sukakan bola sepak.
kenapa? sebab pocket tak pandai main bola sepak.
kenapa? maybe sebab pocket dianugerahkan dengan
special design di kaki kanan masa lahir mengurangkan
kemampuan bermain bola sepak.
Have u ever tried!?
yes i've tried and i've tried so hard to like soccer.
satu tika dulu pocket pernah main dua tiga kali,
seronok sangat main satu position ni dimana
pocket kena pastikan siapa yang menendang bola
keluar dari padang dan angkat bendera bila bola out.
tapi terasa sedih bila dapat tahu bahawa pocket
bukan bermain untuk pasukan GooAr cmpdak HiSchool
tp utk pihak penganjur.
Teramat lah sedihnya...
pocket punya la tak pandai main sampai diorang tipu pocket,
layan pocket cam budak spastik jer. hoh!!
impact nya membuatkan pocket kurang dan makin kurang
untuk mengetahui apa apa pun tentang BolaSepak.
Sampai sekarang tak tau warna rasmi MU ataupun CHelsea.
Sampai sekarang tak tau MU dan chelsea tu dari negeri mana...
Dan titik yang membuatkan pocket bukan sahaja berenti
terus dari mendekati bola sepak... malah menjauhi
bola sepak sekali dan seterusnya adalah :
Narrator: and he's going for it, passing the
defender, what a great move by beckham,
a slick foot work there
and he shoot!... goooaaaallll!!! an accurate kick to
the corner of the goal, that's the third goal today
from beckham and bla bla (voice fading out)
Farid : gooooooolll!!! fullamak cantik nya gol dia.
Pocket: umph, international macam tu la, memang la cantik...
(Flipping a magazine about gardening)
Farid was still smiling ignoring pocket.
Pocket: padang dia pun cantik jgak, berbelang belang gitu.
tak macam padang skolah kita kan...
and by that i became the laughing stock for the
rest of the night. hurt me like a knife piercing
my ears as they kept on laughing.
now tell me pocketeers, is it my fault that i hate soccer?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
120. HecticWeek
19 Haribulan 10 : Came back from kon's wedding at 1130pm. how penat...
20&21 Haribulan 10
Went to work as usual,
Our TS satu nam smilan pat smilan
re evaluation audit is on wednesday,
work work work...
22&23 Haribulan 10
Flew myself to Thailand.. the usual,
went to a screw making company...
never knew how screw was made.
well.. now i know.
Audit ere and there...
japanese food all the way...
huh!!24 Haribulan 10
Flying back from thailand and met MrK!
(Remember QuaterPocketer story?)
Went to BurgerKing in SuvarnaBhumi airport.
This time i ordered chicken for him:) eheh
As i've landed in Penang, i got a call from the family to go for bowling.
huish!! penat nyer tapi keceriaan semua orang membuatkan lelaki ini
dapat jgak 137... sikit la utk orang yg bebetul main bowling.
banyak la jgak utk orang yg pegang bola setahun sekali:)
25 Haribulan 10
i still have to scan in at the company by 7am. worked till 3pm and i've went back for the preparation.
table to arrange,
pengantin's table to decorate,
kids to look after...
(More to teasing them around.. heheh)26Haribulan 10
The wedding day. sunny day... the sky is blue, light piercing everyone's eye. Right after Zuhur prayer, the bride and groom arrived to the wedding ceremony. What a crowd. (But this time i'm the only photographer.. not like previous) all clad in their finest outfit. but i'm wearing a checkered shirt ahaaiii...I have to say that i was not totally satisfied taking the bride and groom's photo inside the room. I have so much more pose that i wanna make em pose for me, but the time constraint and battery.
Or is it me who needed to demand more.
Lets hope kon himself comment on that :)
The night ended with me going to work again!! Night shift from 1am to 7am, aduhaiiii kasih aduhai. I am so out of shape till i've fallen asleep every 1 hour but i've managed to write a few post for my entry here...
a few audit report...
an e mail sent...
so starting tomorrow people, i will be posting more story
ere like usual:) got so many story to tell... question to ask :)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
119. Kon's Wedding
Pertamanya ingin sangat lah pocket memanjatkan
ampun maaf kepada Pocketeers sekalian kerana
lambat update (_ _; ini kerana pocket teramat lah
bz nya kebelakangan ni. (Demam pun gi keja jgak)
Setelah kami memenuhkan tanki dengan petrol.
dan juga nasi lemak roti canai tempek untuk tanki
pemandu. Kami menyertai arus kereta di atas HiWay Utara Selatan yang caj melampau lampau punya mahal tu. Bukan la nak komplen banyak. Tp setakat gi SP selatan dari SP Utara tu pun kena singgit pat ploh. ku rasa kau cekik darah.
Ari ahad tu ada Sepang GT ker apo ntah. Pocket tak layan sangat so tak tau pun apo... tp yg pastinya perjalanan kami ditemani oleh Motor motor mahal yang terasa mahal lagi dari keter kancil, tapi diorang tak payah bayar tol. So unfair when they're doing 170km/h but not paying anything. huhuuu...
kami sampai di kl, lots of arrangement went on. in the end i have to drive the kids to the wedding place. dpt drive H0nda 0ddesey lagi! huhuuu.. bukan nak buhong la.. padan la keter tu mahal. heheh. tp pocket tak amik gambo benda tu... alahai. kena posing dpan 0ddesey tu baru besh. heheh.. tp sayang seribu kali sayang... sebab 0ddesey tu jgak lah tak sampai ontime. manoooo la pocket yg biasa jalan satuuuu ni jer nak reti drive kat KL yang berselirat ngan highway, tol, flyover and traffic light. sesat sekali kat plaza tol SgBalak ... dan gi pusing plak ke Plaza Tol batu sebelas.. hahahah...The next day, matahari panas sangat.
and the wedding was fabulous. heheh
tgk la keter tu,
tgk la orang yang shoot tu.
tgk la Mamat yang panas tuu.we depart back from there at 330pm arrived in Penang at 1130 pm, a little slow if u ask me, but
i'm not doing 100km/h cause of the rain. and we've stopped at three R&R just to freshen up.
Seriously baru tau yg kat R&R tu ado tempat
mandi... pocket mandi jgak.. besh jer rase:)
so disitu lah tersedar...
maybe they're taking the bigger portion of our money, but with the effort that they've put. Ok la kot... tak gitu?
(Pernah singgah Bukit Gantang? cantik kan ^^)Ehh!! tajuk nyer Kon's Wedding kan?
sekali promote HiwayUtaraSlatan daaaa...:)
last but not least... The Couple^^
Congratulation Kon...
Friday, October 17, 2008
118. KL Trip
i am so dang bz now... why?
its because i have an audit next week,
i have to go to thailand again 23rdOct
and i'm going to KL Tomorrow:)
Its Kon's wedding tomorrow.
Kon's engagement was on march and he's tying the knot
tomorrow night. heheh, one more bachelor tied down
to the ball and chain :) heheh
so pocketeers, i am sorry but next ngacuman from me would be monday morning:)
cant wait to show u the phot i'll be taking.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
117. ComPocketition
as if competition
pocket, ere in this company, i work as the CSI.
which stands for Crime Scene Investigator,hahahhah:)
well, my work scope also requires me to the same thing as
u've seen in the TV except for the 'Freeze!! bang!! bang!!'
'u have the right to remain silent, everything u say can or
may be use to againts you in the court of law.'
heheh, like those macho and handsome FB1 solving murder case.
For me it'll be more to solving problems with the production line.
so whenever people having problem with a plastic part,
'pocket pocket, masuk!!'
'pocket masuk dah laaaa'
'pocket ada problem in line 3, button stuck'
'pocket nak gi dooohhhh' walkie talkie berbunyi..
gitu gitu.
every problems is considered as one case.
My evaluation is based on the amount of cases i've
solved and the smoothness of the production line producing the product.
hummmm hummmm... well that's all about a bit of my work.
The Problem.
i have a colleague. He's good, not that i am worst
or anything but having him by my side makes me feel the heat.
The feeling that i need to solve more cases daily.
at least more than him.
The feeling that i have to ensure the production
line is smooth. At least better then his.
Like a race to the end. I simply want to be there first.
No Doubt that this is a healthy competition, but i hate it.
Why do u need to compete? u might ask.
it is all coming down to MrBig's approval.
a simple word of 'good!' by the end of any case.
Now we are having good competition ere in our kilang,
but sometime i do felt it that his good intention is somewhat...
'questionable' (Its normal during competing to have this thoughts)
and i bet he felt the same way with me too.
its like i'm feeling this vibe that he is stabbing me in the back
by doing this and that... (Of course he is not..)
and i bet he is feeling the same way too about me.(This i'm not sure)
but yet we are friends who sits in front of each other during lunch. :)
and i do believe that the 'back stabbing feeling' is just my 'sangkaburuk'
The question.
I bet u guys have your own competition right?
competition between two contestant (Usually its only two)
where u'd do anything to outsmart your opponent.
sacrifice some of your needs just to make sure its u on the
winning stand and not him/her. Now it doesnt have to be in work only.
There is always 'MrBig' in every situation,
Bapak and Mak, (Utk adik beradik)
Mak Mentua and Pak mentua, (Utk Menantu)
Ketua Kampung,
Ketua bahagian Permat@ng P@uh
Kapten Kapal Terbang, (But this is work)
Husband (Utk yang bermadu)
two men impressing one girl or ...
two girl impressing one man maybe?
how do u compete dalam aman yer?
how do u keep it straight? no back stabbing..
how do u 'sangka baik'? (Keeping the positive thoughts)
hummm... Care to share your story pocketeers?
Sunday, October 12, 2008
116. TheDayRubber TookFlight
Pocket.. remember the story TheDayPaperTookFlight?
Well this one is similar, but in another time with different character :)
Salty, he tried to lick the salty liquid, tracing the origin.
Its from the corner of his mouth. Wiped some of the liquid that
flowing out and found his hand drenched in red colored water.
It was blood. He is bleeding.
Realizing this makes his eyes watered.
Pocket looked up at Norasliza. She's still in silent.
Facing the ground, hand covering her eyes.
as if she's crying, although pocket knows she was not. huh!!
Everybody was looking at them,
pocket wanted to say his defensive speech but he realize that
its no use to tell the whole class why is he on the floor bleeding
and Liza was 'pretending' to be crying over there.
Besides, talking with an aching jaw is not that fun.
The word would come out wrong.
Aching so much, yes his jaw is.
In pain so much, yes pocket is, but...
is it the gum that causes the pain?
is it the lips?
is it the teeth?
might be his pride.
Yes, his pride is hurt, even a standard 5 schoolboy knows about pride.
Hurts him more when it was N0r4sl1za (Actual name)who pop it once to him.
He Likes her, but now she clearly hates him.Everyone watches them in aw,
what did pocket do to make him worthy of such punishment?
A knuckel to the cheek. Slamming any form of dignity down the drain.
'apa yang dah jadi ni?' asked an adult voice, a voice of authorities.
'semua jangan berkumpul disini, sila kembali ke kerusi masing masing'
Pocket is still sitting on the floor, soundless.
Ashamed of being hit by a girl. kept on saying to himself 'i dont deserve this'
Cikgu Ani moved the fallen chair to the side. Kneel down to pocket and ask,
'kenapa pocket? sakit kat mana?' POcket kept his silent.
The nice smell of cikgu ani kept him amused.
'laaa.. daraah, meh sini cikgu lap' and as Cikgu Ani was taking out her hanky..
'hiiiiiiiii...'liza starts to cry. Even with his blurry eyes, pocket can see that liza's
tear starting to fall down. (What? She have to wait for Cikgu Ani first?)
'laaa.. liza yang tumbuk, kenapa liza pulak yang nangis?'
Cikgu Ani tries to keep her voice unemotional,
trying not to step on any side yet.
handing the hanky to pocket like..
'do it yourself will ya!'
'pocket teghebeeee' at the top of her voice.
'pocket!! betui ka?' sounded disapointed.
'isk! bukan, kami tak teghebe dia pun!'
'betui hoo! dia teghebe kami dengan getah.. kuat!! sakit..waaaaaa'
liza was fishing for pity.
'dak!! kami tak salah!kami cuma teghebe bagi getah tu lalu depan mata dia saja, yang dia pi jengoih muka dia ke depan tu pasai apa!? padan muka kena mata! hoh!'
and Cikgu Ani hug Liza, calming her.
Looking at pocket with disapproving eyes.
Hoh! She's clearly on her side now.
pocket salah ker?