Sunday, November 13, 2011

444. Jiwa Raga

here is a strange thought.
remember that story about a father who bought
a 'raga' to bring the grandfather to the market place
so that the grand father can live there all by himself.
They were a family in poverty and could not feed
more then 3 mouth a day by the father's income.
(camana pun, ko ingat kuching ker aper ?
nak buang bapak sndiri kat market kan)

so the father put the grand father in the
'raga' and start paddling his bicycle leaving
his son and wife behind.
Then all of a sudden the son shouted..
'bring back the raga will u!!'
The father shouted back,
the son replied...
'so that i could use it to send u to the
market place when its your time'
(No need to buy, since the usage is like
once a generation, its a good investment)
oh oh.. kejam.

anyway... i guess the moral was...
how ever we're treating our father,
our son will treat us the same too.



So here is the strange thought.
if u ever felt like u wanna rebel to your father,
not listening to your mother, disobeyed them
by go out drinking, smoking and get yourself
a tatoo...

Doesnt that will mean that your father
and/or mother too was about the same
when it was their time before?
A rebel in the family burdening your grannys
by 'bending' the law.. and sometime breaking them.
so proceed...
its their turn to feel the pain.
serves them right for doing it
to their parent before.

if u are a good person, obey your parent
and even your future inlaws..
Then by all means, respect your parent
with your utmost respect for they were
good too with their parent before.

understand me pocketeers?
twisted kan.. ohh dont listen to me of course,
lets break the chain and be a good son and
daughter regardless. And hopefully our
next generation will come with the SIRIM
stamp on their forehead ensuring the quality
of the personality programmed from the factory.

heheh, That was the pesanan khidmat masyarakat.
but think about it, twisted but cant u see any
truth in there pocketeers? even for a lil bit?


Sarah Mohd Saleh said...

sgt kejammm tawu kalau buat parent cmtuh.die penat besar kan kite tup2 kite reply cmtuhhh.ank durhakaaaaaa

Pocket said...

yes memang kejam,
alhamdulillah pocket di'lemak'kan tuhan dengan parent yang amat manyayangi pocket...
so the idea doing such thing
to them is too stupid to even
be considered.

but u have to admit kan sis...
tak semua orang 'lemak'
cam pocket kan :D

littledolphin said...

i get what u mean.

saya tak ada rasa macam nak buat benda-benda macam i guess my parents were good children to their parents.hehe

anyway ada lah jugak certain things like asyik-asyik nak maybe i should break the chain and kurangkan sesi berKELUAR.apatah lagi bila starting last week my curfew tukar from 12 am to 8 pm -.-

Nadzirah Kamarazaman ( NK ) said...

mmg kejam la kalau mcm tu.
What goes around comes around :)

zonaku said...

yes..... even if our parents are not god ones towards theirs... we may be THE generation that doing the best we can.

kalau kita baik pada parents, insyaallah se ua benda jadi elok dalam hidup kita.

zonaku said...

yes..... even if our parents are not god ones towards theirs... we may be THE generation that doing the best we can.

kalau kita baik pada parents, insyaallah se ua benda jadi elok dalam hidup kita.

zonaku said...


zonaku said...


Bashtiah said...

I got what u meant by 'lemak' pocket...but still, it's a tough thing right to treat the 'bad' person well. It's like 'dapat buah busuk, nak diganti dengan buah mangga'...

Dhiya Fariza said...

i've been thinking the same thing too, its like if i do something really bad, does it mean my parents had done something similar like me before?

but then the thought of God came in the way, before i do something bad i think twice now, not thinking bout what if what if and what if

Unknown said...

rs nk lempang je ank yg snggup buang mak ayh snd.xpatot

cmne teruk perangai mereka,mereka tiada galang ganti.hnya 1 dunia akhirat.

Jue said...

Very well said beb. Xtau ko pnah dgr x psl ada sorg anak kja pangkat tinggi giler, gaji bsaq p anta bapak sndri umah org tua as if bapak dia tu xde makna dlm hidup dia
struk mn parent kita pnah lyn kita waktu kecik, they still our parent

Martika Diyana said...

yupe2.. ade berfikiran "it is karma.." dulu parents kite pun buat macam tu la kot kat atok n nenek.. hehe

but for me, tak perlu nak ulang n jadi macam derang.

i have some friends yang kat luar rumah, derang la paling evil. tapi bile balik, aku pelik derang leh sayang giler kat parents derang.. jadi anak paling patuh. for me, tak perlu berlakon. (sbb mase tu jiwa asik nak memberontak) haha

but now, i realize yang berbuat baik ngan parents is the best feelings ever. panjang nak citer haha.. but thanks to Allah, give me chances to take care of my parents :)

Pocket said...

good for you for being the daddy's good girl.

pasal nak keluar tu biasa,
pasal lari keluar tu tak biasa :D
so jangan.

lagi lagi bila mak bapak larang keluar, tp nak kena keluar jugak. ohh.. pocket dulu dok kampung.
memang tak der tempat nak keluar pon hahahah:D
nearest wayang was 30km away.

so kalau kita baik,
anak kita nanti pasti..

kenapa double comment ?
net connection kekadang buat hal kan. pocket pun selalu!!

that is why i asked people to break the chain. biar camana punn mak bapak kita terhadap tok nenekkita, kita kena improve.

betul tu!
lagi lagi kalau kita dibesarkan ngan didikan itu, diorang pun dok tengking mak diorang ikut suka ati, apakan lah kita.

so be tough.. and break the chain.
i know i'll try :D

u got what i mean kan:D

one thing for sure, i know you will fix the water tap problem, screw the lock to your daughter's door and even take care of them when they're taking their exams :D

cause its just goes down from generation to generation.
yes we do become naughty from time to time, but hey! do not cross the parent!!
for your son and daughters will do too ^^
betul, masa idup ber'bin' kan sibapak,
dah mati ber'bin' kan si mak.

and u just cant replace them with any other too.

anak tak larat nak bela mak bapak?
banyak sangat dengar.
pasal tu la pocket nak keja baik baik, moga ada la rezeki sikit nak jaga mak bapak.

that is why i state there the 'pesanan khidmat masyarakat' tu.
lets break the chain,
kalau family tu dah besh,
sila teruskan.
kalau ada percikan api sesekali,
sila rentikan.
mari kita buat baik buka hanya untuk mereka, tapi juga untuk kita,

the future kita.

Unknown said...

i used to be a rebel type of person... but once gettin older, the rebels sounds foolish to me haha.. so its like karma actually, what goes around comes around... its a bad blood i guess..

una berry said...
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una berry said...

even though I don't really have a good relationship with my parents, they've sacrificed a lot for me. so I will never have the heart to do that despite the fact that I'm not really a good child to them.hurm.

Mutiara Bernilai said...


good thought!

hahaha..x baik tau,
ntah2 kite ni je yg rebellious,
mak bapak kite dlu baik, cuma di uji dgn kite2 yg sbegini utk mencuci dosa mreka yg lain..

tp pernah gak terfikir mcm tu dulu. dulu ok. skang dah tua, so kne blajar jd matang sket. haha

Akue Achik said...

dulu msa muda (eseh), sy seorg rebellion towards my parents..but as time goes by, I learn from my kdg2 terslipped juga..huhu

anyway, tnpa mereka,siapalah saya..

mcmn buruk pun prngai ank, mak bpak bole trima, knp pla sy mst buang mreka bila mereka sudah tua?


aemynadira said...

ya my ustazah ever told me we treat our parents is a reflection of of how our kids will treat us later..that's i dont want to be rude or cruel to my parents..but sometimes i cheat to a bad daughter......and i'm sure my parents are good to my grannies said so..hehe..

Izyan Masri said...


intan.maisarah said...

Roda bukan hidup ini

Menjadi anak yang baik itu tak susah

Mudah sahaja

Anonymous said...

kebenaran yang terserlah. orang kata karma. pe yg kite buat kite dpt balasan yg serupa.

tp generasi skrg rasanya yang cerdik dah byk.senang nak cerna nasihat.kot?

ape pun. kembali kpd ajaran agama yg kita anuti. mana2 agama pun tak pernah ajar utk melayan ibu bapa sebegitu rupa.

dhiera zainudin said...

tanpa ibu bapa, tiadalah kita. beri contoh yg baik kepada anak2 nescaya mereka akan terdidik dengan didikan yg baik~

fatin said...

infact, parents yg x mahu diperlakukan sebegitu oleh anak mereka.. ia bermula seawal bayi lagi..

untuk nak mereka jadi anak yang baik, parents perlu jadi dahulu.. baru anak mengikut teladan..

teladan yang baik lebih berkesan dari kata-kata yang hanya disebut dimulut..

rebel to parents takkan berkesudahan..

p/s:pocket, ur blog have a new look ya!

rozeeta rashid said...

i am rebel! haha. dulu je la. yeahh. i agree with u. probably our parents are like us too somewhere in their pasts.