Wednesday, December 30, 2009

247. Awak Dgr Sini..

THis is a real story happened to me in UM.
Cofee scent is still fresh in my mind,
we were sitting on a walkway just outside our
dormitory. Farid was smoking, i am regretting
every second goes on till this very day..
'farid.. i'm sorry'
'aku pun tak tau la pocket, cinta ni memang gila kan,
unexplainable.. heheh' smiles that ends with a slow chuckle.
U can see that he is a guy in love.
he love her so much and u can feel it by the shine
of the lampu kalimantang in his eyes, it shone like
never before, somewhat watery just by the sound of
her name mentioned.

'i mean.. Ima tu tak la lawa sangat kan,
banding ngan siti ker, noor ker ana keee..
Ima ni langsung tak menonjol, nak kata gedik pun dak..
mature jer kalau sembang.. gelak kuat kuat pun tak'
Pocket just look at the guy in luv and chuckle every
now and then or sigh like life is treating us
bad enough just to fill in the silence.
What presentator would call as 'space-filler'.
Its where u say 'aaaa' 'aaaannnndddaaaa'
when u dont have any idea what to say infront of people.
TokDet kita punya space filler is 'apa namaaaa'

'aku tertarik la ngan dia, nak kawin kalu kena pakai
berapa ribu ya la ni? Kena la start kumpul duit'
'wah sampai pikir nak kawinka farid? heheh bagus jgak tu'
'tp sebab ima ni tak lawa sangat aku rasa segan plak ngan
mak bapak aku, mesti depa harapkan yg lawa sikit buat menantu kan'
'tak laaaahhhh'
'tp betui wei, kalau nak kira lawa.. noor lawa lagi,
tinggi idung mancung, tp dia ngan penyet nyer itam lak lagi,
pendek plak tu, heheh'
'ada ka hang nii heheh'
'tapi aku habaq kat hang.. aku bukan cintakan dia pasai rupa,
tapi pasai dia layan aku baik, dia tak sombong, hati budi dia bagi
aku amatlah menyentuh perasaan'
'humm aku paham'
'cara dia layan aku, cara dia sembang ngan aku,
tak macam orang lain.. aku rasa best la ngan dia,
dia tak nampak aku macam orang bodo, orang lain kalu.. bla bla...
Farid just went on and on with his feeling for her,
i just nodded and smile.. make some noise only when its needed.
'weh.. aku nak tanya hang betui betui ni..
apa pendapat hang pasai Ima? pasai kami?'
'aku rasa dia la yang paling lawa dlm kelaih kita hang tau,
padan ngan hang yg rempit terensem tuu, heheh'
i said without thinking first.

poured his cofee to the ground..
'pocket, hang tak dengaq pun apa yg aku cakap dari tadi,
common jer reply hang.. n bila hang nak komen, hang pakai bantai ja,
kiranya nak komen jugak la, nak bagi aku anggap hang ni kawan lagi
walaupun tak dengaq pun apa yg aku dok cerita ni..
hang ni teghuk la pocket' and left the scene of the crime in silent.
he was pissed off.. who wouldnt.
he was right and i was wrong, but that was 1998.

now its 2010 and i am going to change that in me,
i am going to listen now and comment only if
i know the subject or understand the story well.
kalau ya pun nak bg komen yg general..
pada pada la kan, jangan miss terus the very point.
umph!! so i will!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

246. WhyWait?

A weekend that have a Christmas Holiday
entangled within, for those in kedah,
even though Christmas Holiday falls on
Friday,I heard some company take
Thursday instead as a cuti day.
Well anyway, i've gone back to my
Kampong dat have a crossroads
connecting Yan, Jenun, KotaSarangSmut
and Gurun.
A place that the highest structure there is a
four story building(Sek. Rendah alahaaaiii..)

On the way coming back to penang,
there was a slow traffic from the place they
stick a noticeboard that says
'Simpang Sungai Dua 5km'
till the Plaza TOl sungai dua... I wonder why?
at first i tot there was an accident, but there was none, and yet i'm driving
20km/h on the hiway i'm paying RM6.70 per trip!! oooiii!!
Yes i know the kancil doesnt go that fast, but even this slow pocket can
usually make 80km/h in his usual driving sober (As if i drink kan..)

In the end i found the root cause, it was because people are paying it cash,
and since everyone is paying it cash, the 'banyak' lane became full till the
two lane area is also clogged with cars and lorries making people who
paid forward like me a victim. Stuck in the clogged artery. sakit jantung woo!!
('banyak' lane is because i dont know how many lane there were.. heheheh)
I was frustrated with all the other driver but relieved that i've paid forward.
Yes that was me people, that kancil driver who drive slowly making
noise 'pon!!pon!!pon!!' in a Christmas Song tempo waving his card smiling:D

Yes that was me who drive straight after the 'crowd' and paid without waiting,
A 'crowd' of lazy driver who did not pay it forward.

Yes that was me who didnt care about any coins in the car,
who didnt have to ask 'mana tiket toll tadiiii!!?'

Cant u realize it that paying it forward is the way to go?
Maybank having their ATM equiped with Touch'N Go facility,
Touch 'N Go lane are increasing daily, not to mention the Smart Tag!
and u still cant get the message?
soon we may be buying our daily cofee by a swipe of the card,
and McD drive through may be using smart tag instead
('may' yer pocketeers, tak tau lagi tuuuu')
so people? why wait?

Notice that i've used the word 'people'
instead of 'pocketeers' in the karangan
above, i know u pocketeers definitely
own one and are using it like nobody
else care already :D Good for u.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Tuan tuan dan puan puan,
benda ni betul betul nyer maksudnyer susu harian ker, Typo?
pasal bg pocket patutnyer 'Dairy-Milk' gitu..

ada la orang gi langkawi blikan..
makan la pocket nii, orang blikan la katakaaannn...
skali tak shedap!.. so sambil nak telan tu dok belek lah.
loh!! Daily Milk?

tak der orang check spelling ker?

kengkawan, nak makan ker tak nih, susu harian tu susu apa tuh?
susu kambing? susu lembu? susu ibu? waaahhhh...
ke'valid'an kampeni ni dipersoalkan.
nak kena tgk dulu baru consume lenkali..
benda benda lain pun, kena tgk dulu baru consume,
blogging pon...

Sebenarnya ada citer lain nak post,
tp somehow pasal nak cuti dah soo...
besok lah taruk karangan panjang sikit.
ada plak coklat yg 'susu harian' nii, heheh

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

244.Something that got to do with ladder

wahid is MC today, so during meeting i've asked..
'eh Wahid is not ere kah?'
'Wahid called me this morning saying he got n MC for today'
'MC? for what? demam?'
'i dont know, i was still mamai but he mentioned something bout
slipped of from a ladder and something that got to do with
a moving lorry, not sure the detail lah pocket'

and my mine got this image...and the moving lorry would be...

alahaaaaaiiii.. what ever it is wahid, hope u'r all up and well.
sihat sihatkan diri yer wahid... rehat dulu..

susah la ada videographic mind nih.. heheheh:D

Saturday, December 19, 2009

243. Pokahontas Kah?

Seperti yg pocket tulih dalam post lepas :
241. Ingat Pokahontas Tak?
orang zaman sekarang ni tak reti nak buat movie dah,
'dah tu? hang tu terer sangat?' tak.. pocket tak pandai,
tp pocket selaku pengguna tak perlu pandai..
pocket consume and smile or frown if i dont like it:D

anyway, jalan ceritanya sama sejibik cam pokahontas,
cuma apa yg beza nya kali ni bukan orang red indian
kat pulau tapi orang na'vi kat planet yang kononnya
lima tahun duk dlm cryo chamber baru sampai.
Kalau pokahontas buleh memukau penonton 10 tahun dulu
ngan keindahan animation nyer, (Sepuluh tahun dah ker?)
AVATAR memang akan memukau anda ngan keindahan CGI nyer,
memang lawa.. jangan persoalkan logik ker tak,
jangan kita kisahkan pun because it is pure entertainment
anyway, tp memang lawa..
ngan muka Zoe Saldaña yg ada shining pore tu,
ngan pokok pokok nyer yg bersinar masa malam nyer tu,
ngan lumut yg dipijak tu shine memalam tu nampak lawa sangat..
ngan ikran(flying dragon) yg lawa dlm keganashan nyer tu,
memang lawa lah!!

NekTiri tengah merempit, alaaa tak der gambo dragonnyeeee..

Mcm katun kot? yes masa memula nampak orang na'vi main
basket ball tu memang nampak katun sikit, tp lepas
10 minit duk tgk.. mula nampak macam orang betul cuma biru..
tp xbesh sikit pasal bukan orang betul, kalau tak character
Nektiri tu amat lah seksi nyer heheh, native lah katakan.(Kain kurang sikit heheh^^)
Expression nektiri sebek masa dia tau kata hero menipu
tu amat lah menjadinya..
'ollooo looo looo' rasa pocket dalam ati heheheh:)
NekTiri ngan Jek, biasalah, hero kalau tak cintan ngan heroin tak sah!

Citernyer macam pokahontas jgak bila hero kita jumpa
awek nama 'NekTiri' ni n kena belajar the way of the na'vi,
n of course dia buleh nyer jadi one of the native who
speak and merempit like the native.
even better bila dia buleh merempit ngan special dragon sikit.
Daaaannn, macam jgak pokahontas, hero n heroin kissed.
tgk trailer pun cam ada dah kan.

perang nyer plak semangat la gilos,
cuma ada suara suara sumbang dari belakang dok kata ..
'camana nak menang niii ?'
yes, pocket pun pikir, memang tak menang nyer lah.
tp biasalah kan.. hero mesti menang:D
mcm mana bow and arrow buleh menang ngan machinegun,
well that is for u to see lah pocketeers ^^

Ending nyer tak macam pokahontas, bila hero kena tembak
pasal kaver bapak mertua, orang orang hero bawak balik
naik sampan kan...(Pocket actually tak ingat sangat dah)
tapi cinta mereka tak ke jinjang pelamin lah kan.
Antara yg besh pasal pilem ni, alat alatnyer:D robot ni machoooooo..

ending filem ni besh lagi pasal semua orang dapat apa yg mereka nak...
NekTiri dapat Husband,(Kot)
jack sully dapat kaki, (Dia patutnya former marine yg lumpuh)
people of na'vi dpt keamanan,
orang jahat kena bunuh, (Actually pocket dok harapkan kematian yg lebih mengerikan)
Dr Grace? dia dapat sample (Ker dia 'jadi' sample?)

so sama ker citer ni ngan pokahontas?
humm sama awalnyer, ending nyer beza kot,
tp takkisah la sama ker tak sama.
persembahan yang berbeza, approach yg berbeza,
usaha yg berbeza, n i need to conclude that...

CGI nyer lawa sangat sampai pocket nak tgk lagi!!
Idea nyer besh sampai pocket bleh wat satu lg post,

one more time anyone? :D

Friday, December 18, 2009

242. Ingat Pokahontas tak?

nowadays, movie maker dont know what to do in
making movie anymore, proof?
movie from best selling books are starting
to fill cinema's all over the world.
For instance, a chinese movie was made recently
about that comic we use to read in our younger years,
the pedang setiawan.

They're remaking everything back.
ring from japan was reproduced by holiwud,
so does other horror movie in the same genre.
missed call
How i would like to see kuch kuch hotahei with
hugh jackman and reese witherspoon as the star:D

The remake of a few other movie like
king kong and many other,
most of it, the original version was in Black n White,
so i wont know .. i'm not that old.

Tomorrow i'll be going to see another remake..
the remake of pocahontas..
where one guy from a civilized world are coming
to a mine mineral in a lost world of pandora.
yes, definitely the hero who came will be inluv with
a native girl and the difference will be the border.

pokahontas ended with the hero got shot.
Accidentally while covering the girls dad.
Father in law to be:D

i wonder how will this one ends...

SalamMaalHijrah everybody,
first thing i'm doing this year is watching movie.
hummm.. a good start ker? alahaaaaaiiiii :D

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

241.Bone Nose

Its the time of the year where everyone was hoping
for santa claus to come early, Tumbling down that
chimney bringing us present.

for Kilang worker like me, we are definitely be
hoping for that extra cheese we call bonus.

Yes... 'how much is this year bonus MrBig?'
'well its about x point zero' where x here is an

now i dont have to tell u about the management speech
where they'll start to tell about the hard times of the year,
how they are actually trying their best on even getting us the x.0,
how Obama is actually contributing on how large my new LCD will be.
what ever it is, i am glad the we may be getting x.0
cause even as less as an x, it is better then nothing.

but pocketeers, with what i'm getting.
i know that i'm not gonna be able to buy the new LCD.
i may be replacing my guitar strings but definitely
not the new LCD.

There was also rumours saying that if u'r good,
santa will be giving u more and better present.
and if u'r a bad girl, then santa will be giving u
the sugar cane only:D
where in bonus terms u'll get about 0.4 x (X here is unknown)

and u must not talk about the present from santa,
his present is for u and not to be compared with others.

the mystery would be, how do u know the elf that
prepared the present is not making a mistake?
u cant compare so.. u wont know what u'r getting is
normal, less.. or more than the others.
if u have been a good boy all year long and u'r
still getting 0.2x (X here is unknown)
would u go to see santa asking
'santa, have i been a bad boy all year long?'
getting the 'yes u are!! stupid, u failed me here and u failed me there..'
on the face would be a bit too much...

of course if the elf did make a mistake by multiplying
your bonus ten fold, i know no one will ask santa.
we'll definitely be keeping it to ourself.
'Waahh, i got 12x (X here is unknown) heheh, LCD come to daddy^^'

so guys, been a good boy/girl this year?
and if u have been bad,
(Which i know u must have been, cause i lurve getting your comment ere at 10am^^)
Would u go n see Santa to complain?

must think of
a way to jinx the elf..
hoping i would get 12x...
(X here is unknown)

if yes people!!
LCD tv for one of
u lucky winner!!
Dream on pocket..
dream on...

Monday, December 14, 2009

240. 'Tapi dia minum...

...Kenapa Pocket tidak?'
'macam undang undang jalan raya jugak,
ada lampu merah, untuk anda stop,
ada lampu kuning untuk anda pedeghaih (Men'deras'kan kenderaan)
ada lampu hijau untuk anda jalan jer terus.
ada double line untuk anda tidak potong atau u turn
ikut suka ati,
ada papan tanda 'awas lembu' supaya anda tidak
tertanya tanya apakah makhluk yang duk tido atas
jalan tu, macam jalan tu bapak dia yang punya, bodo
macam lembu, well lembu lah.

secara betulnya kita haruslah mengikutinya kan...
kerana undang undang tu dicipta untuk keselamatan
pengguna jalan raya, supaya tak xciden, supaya semua
orang tahu giliran siapa dulu di disimpang, supaya
semua orang tahu ada lembu dihadapan, so jangan jadi
lembu dengan melajukan kenderaan.

so seperti juga undang undang jalan raya, ada yang
ikut, ada yg leka, ada yang tak amik peduli, ada
yang tak tau pun tak leh u turn kat traffic light
unless ada papan tanda kata buleh.
So farid, dia tak ikut, somehow dia bagi signal masa
nak membelok dan dia juga berenti kat traffic light, (Masa tu baik la plak)
tp dia tak kisah nak parking ikut suka ati, bagi dia
tak merbahayakan nyawa, tp dia tak tau dia
menyusahkan orang.'

'tapi kan pocket, kalau dah dok kat traffic light
tetengah malam, orang tak dak pat penjuru, takkan
nak berenti tunggu jugak kot? bukan nya ada polis..'

'Tunggu jugak lah! pasal once kita sekali langgar,
kita mesti nak langgar lagi, then masa skali lagi tu
kalau kita leka... nyawa mungkin melayang.'

'macam la hang tak pernah langgar lampu merah?'

'pernah!! pocket pun bukan nya baik sangat, masa
muda dulu, bukan setakat lampu merah pocket langgar,
bumper orang pun pocket langgar lari ikut suka ati.
dan pocket insaf, kalau buleh tak nak wat dah, kalau
buleh nak jadi baik dah.'

'alaaa, kalau langgar pun, tak jadi kes kira ok
laaa..tak kena saman kira ok laaa kan?'

'undang undang dunia buleh la tak kena tangkap kira
lepas, undang undang tuhan buleh ker lepas? DIA yang
cipta manusia yang buat undang undang jalan raya,
ingat DIA tak pikir nak buat apa ngan syurga n
neraka DIA?'

usually when we mention about heaven and hell, the
japanese wont ask much there after. and this is how
i've explained to MrHero or any other japanese who
ask.. why is it that Farid drink, and i am not.

So pocketeers, should u need to answer a question
like that, maybe my method could answer them good
enough, unless if u have anything better :D

Any other method of explaining why farid
eats 'chicken' in thailand and i am not?

Lapik pernyataan:
tak, by putting the above, pocket is not saying
that pocket is a good guy who never double park
or turning to the left without giving the signal,
i did my fair share of the nottiness too..
Nottiness ok...not a total kejahatan beyond repair.
(Mostly those that's related with the opposite sex)

but i am trying my best not to overdo it and not to
do it again, but like i said... once u ignore a red
light, its tempting to ignore it again ^^;

Friday, December 11, 2009

239. MyLast...

General Koo,
yes i've heard u'r going to thailand this monday,
i dont know whether its your first time going there or not.
Hell, i dont care, just wanna show u the pic i took
the other day.

well last time i went to thai wit Mr Hero,
u know him, how he dress up with macho
way of walking tall among us peasant.
Or atleast that is what he think.

Now i'm not going to write much in this post.
Just going to show u photo with description here and there.

He was generous enough to allow me into
the Business Class lounge with him.
His gesture of walking all the way from the
ticket counter to find me there in the cafe
just outside of Penang Airport really blow me.
He really wanted me there.. and so after my
ridiculous 5ringgit nasi lemak, i went to join him.

And ate again... oooiiihhh!!!
This was my third plate after nasi lemak wit kari ayam,
consider this as the penutup.
(Again!! and u wonder why am i 92kg)

From Above:
Chicken Sausage,
Hash Brown,
Roti ngan TunaBoy
Omellette ngan anchovy from nasi lemak:D

now after all those i've described above,
do u think i'll take this in flite sandwich?
and so i built meself a hut for the kaunter pertanyaan :D eheheheh
(Remember 50 first date?)

Well no need to tell u bout my work..
its work work and no play for pocket.
(As if u can believe this kan...)
On the way back, in the airport,
i was invited yet again by MrHero,
that was suppose to be tuna sandwich and quiche
my roll cake with tonic n lime. MrHero was having
the same thing so i copied it by mineral water^^)
The bihun and vegetable was a bit questionable.
so i keep my hands off this menu:/

On your right will be a pic of the
staff in the Business Class Lounge,
how i am jealous of her cutting.
(Itu dia tuan tuan dan puan puan...
pocket melayan estrogen dalam dirinya..

so General Koo... relax and enjoy,
it is u and MrG this time.
dont forget to have the pulut pauh ya :D

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

238. Ah Fatt...

To tell u the truth, i am not that much of a reader
in Fatt Chin Choy blog. I'm only reading his post if
ever stumble upon somebody elses blogroll showing
his posting with interesting tajuk.

its like that milo theory in my previous post :
236. If U Know That...
i dont wanna sip this one, for i might like it :)

But i've read his story on sunday, a post by the title of
'Mengembangkan Idea' where he was telling
a story of him not having any story to tell.
(confusing yes, but bear with me ^^)
And he needed to see the Kapten to ask a drop or two
of the kapten's mind. Pengeras was offered and the
captain spilled a couple of ideas.

ONE: concentrate and stay the course.
-basically stay the same tajuk from the first word
till the last. Dont go winding about some duck
migration in allabama and end it with how pulut and
ketupat is not the same thing. heheh:D

TWO: Even the simplest thing can be a good story if u tell it right.
-The captain was using a cat for example.
A cat that one would find during his way to work can
be a good story if u see it from another point of view,
>The cat view,
>The man who step on the cats tail view,
>The man who saw a man who step on a cats tail view, (yg ni normal ^^)
>A new driver who got freaked out with a cat that
crosses the parking lot till she couldnt control
the car and crash it to the wall eventually letting
it fall to the first floor of KBMall leading to two
death and one fatal injury. Blame it on the cat!! the cat!!
alahai kesian nyer kat mangsa.
>Well the list can go on.

A good tip there pocketeers, and we who write should think bout it :D...

But instead of perceiving his post as per stated, i choose to read between the
line:D . He might as well be actually complaining to the blogging community...
How we are telling it straight forward about the cat and how we starts our
story about duck migration and end up telling about
pulut is pulut... ketupat is ketupat.
A wake up call for those who understand.

Ok ok, ah fatt... sorry n taihen moushiwakegozaimasen deshita m(_ _)m
Even if u didnt meant it, i'm taking it positively :D
So how about it pocketeers? Write better next post ya? ^^

NotaDuli : Oh sheet!! i've sipped milo!! dang i think i like it.

annoying to read about a girl next door
but ends it with a pic of a frog. hehehe,
particularly luved dat one though.

Monday, December 07, 2009

237. Talking To The Green Friend

previously i've posted about me asking number to a katak in a twisted ended
post: 235. She Who Lives Next Door
I tot u'd be saying dat pocket has gone insane, talking to katak.
But u guys was refering to the jantan betina of the katak instead.
a good point indeed. i never knew how to tell the difference anyway.

But previously i've heard about people can actually talk to plant.
the plant will definitely be talking back.. in a very subtle vibe or frequency
no human can hear though... but somehow by absorbing this vibe or
frequency from the talking plant. would actually lower your stress level.
I guess all those people who study botanical wont be stress out so much isnt it.

Hell, i wouldnt know.. cause i've never talked to plant yet...
other then to a big tree...
'datoooo, kami anak cucu nak tumpang kenciiiinnnngggg'
and if u ever found any trustworthy blog or HP saying talking to plan is good
then please by all means pocketeers... tell em ere.
(All i've found was that talking to plant would make the plant grows better instead)
so... if ever the talking-to-plant-would-reduce-stress theory is true.
Then to all the wives out there, please dont be mad at husbands who
talk to their plant. Giving the plant nice name like ...
...and talking about how was work.
When is the next cuti,
Todays lunch was bad.
the son is sick again etc...
Cause ladies... we are just stressed out and meditating :)

But it wont hurt if u just check where is the
handphone and the bluetooth device is :D

Thursday, December 03, 2009

236. If U Know That...

If u know that u'r going to be addicted with milo before u even drink it, would u take the first sip?
Milo? hek enneee.. milo jer?
but pocketeers,ofcourse i'm writing here as
Milo cause i dont wanna provoke any party
or being religious here but u know what
i mean, drink here is not only those that u
can find regularly from the store shelf but
those that is from behind the counter or
those that is cheaper in langkawi rather
then anywhere else in malaysia.

If u know that he is going to break your heart like a glass smashed on the rock ...
(Literal translation of kaca terhempas ke batu heheh)
... will u even bother to take the path?

In a negative sense, he may be taking advantages of
u where u'd loose your money and priceless dignity.
Not to forget time and commitment.
Ofcourse when the investment was in progress,
u were in the cloud with pink sky,
floating in your own feeling,
drunk with the luv nectar.
u wont realize the damaged.
The pain starts when u woke up.
one will always wake up one day.

In a positive sense, u will learn the true meaning
of luv by failing so much with other men...
thus will lead u to a better luv with the right one.
like dat guy who invented the light bulb did said..
'i didnt failed 1000 times, i just found out 1000ways
not to make a light bulb:)'

If u know that love after marriage would be less romantic, would u ask him
'bila nak datang jumpa abah kiter?'

cause with all do respect, but rumors said it that
when u'r with that guy who are partly bald with beer
belly, u wont walk holding hands anymore...
when u'r with 4 of little 'him' running all around the
house hyperactively, no more pantai bersih watching
the sun goes down together no more,

Then why on earth would we ever had the idea of tying
the knot? lovey dovey season is much romantic and fun
dont u think?
the hegen daz shoving activity,
the shut-up-and-watch-the-movie time.
the long calls that force selkom to review its 5+1 plan.
the gift with a card dat writes 'happy tuesday:)'

no pocketeers, u dont have to reply saying
'not all people is like dat pocket... la la la..'
in the comment area...
just look into your own surrounding and list down
5 father and mothers who is still lovey dovey
on the day of their daughter's UiTM graduation day.
i leave u with a pause...
a long pause maybe,
a short one as it may,

and i ask u...
do u still think that the rumor is wrong?

Farid... he just smiled and left.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

235. She Who Lives Next Door

he lives next door,
not that far, well lets just say that we share the
same lawn. I see her often, but since she does look
alike with her sisters, i may be wrong, was it her?
or maybe it was her sister that had an issue with
the house cat previously.

she is quiet. Doesnt talk much, i sometime do tried
to talk to her but she just kept quiet, she's either
intimidated with me or she's just maybe someone who
doesnt talk much. its ok, i luv her company,
she do come to my house just to see my grandmother,
which i appreciate it alot. since my brother filantera
is out to work from 8 to 5, and i am in penang.
atleast i have someone who come and see my grandmother often.

I've asked for her number so many time previously
but she refuses to give em to me. i hope she know
that i dont have any bad intention to her other
than to ask about my grandmother's condition.
well if it happened that we would go out on a date
then after, blame it on the hormone lah :D hheheheh
although i would deny it if my charm would ever work
on her. we're not from the same background so impressing
her would be difficult.

anyway here is her photo the other day which i took the
early morning of aidiladha. This would be my only potrait
of her cause she is a shy one. This pic is slightly from
her right side just to show her big eyes and her sharp nose.
A description of an anak mami dont u think? eheheheh:D
excuse my handphone quality picture, but i think this is
enough to show her beauty.

The connection to blogspot is quite slow today,
so i have to put her pic else where and then put
the link here. sorry if any inconvenience caused^^

Why do u post this meaningless post anyway pocket?
u might ask... well the thing is, i've took a picture
of her and i tot it was a beautiful pic. i dont wanna
share it in my facebook, cause i am not that facebook
familiar kinda guy yet. so... here it is, a pic of her. Fair enough?
For those who cant find the link before,
now that the connection is back,
here is the phot:D

Thursday, November 26, 2009

234. DiAgliTrus

There was this movie Kaserin haigel
and jerad batler as the main actor dat
i tot was too sexy for young blogger
like Chaa to watch without parental
(As if she's that young)

a hillarious movie perfect for those
sunday night time-wasting-movie
session. It was suppose to be about
we who are always afraid on how ugly
the truth is in relationship,
as we always prefer to look away to
a better answer.
a better excuse.
but in the end the conclusion was
love is never like math where 1+1 is 2
but more like sastera, where u might l
ike this poem, but i dont.

we always talk about how men are a Mr-fix-it that dont listen
and girls are always a listener who dont do anything.
Like my comment in IntanIzani previously about the toll gate girl...
and the same goes to Zara about the teacher who nag at her
in her post Palat.
there i was proposing a solution but i failed to listened.
Oh i listened alright, after i've understand the problem..
the next thing comes to mind would be 'what to do about it?'

well anyway, in dat movie, according to jerat batler,
men are simple and very appearance base minded.
So for girls to get men out there,
let it be for hubby stock, BF stock even for chicken stock,
LP Lum mentioned this in her post : StocKs sukA-suKa atAu StockS isTeri..
...improve your appearance.
How i think otherwise. Please let it be otherwise...

To make my point worth discussing,
let me spoil u the details. those who havent watch it yet,
here is the spoiler, proceed with full caution...
jerat and kaserin danced passionately and the luv god cupid
shot both of them with his notty luv arrow.The arrow stuck
on the left eyebrow letting an awkward feeling in the elevator
while going up to their separate rooms.
(They're suppose to be boss and worker so..)

But the hormon just couldnt be kept under the lid so they kissed.
instead of heading to the same room, they went on their separate
room hoping to re think about a relationship that may bond.
Jerat then went after to see kaserin, to pour his heart out to her.
Telling her 'i think i love u and please be mine' maybe...
(Terkulat kulaaaat, macam budak nak gi jumpa cikgu besar heheheh)
but she was with her Macho dentist BF,
a cat person macho who also owns a convertible.

kaserin came out leaving her BF in the room to talk to Jerat,
kaserin was facing jerat.. didnt tell him nothing, giving the look
hoping him to tell her to ditch the BF,
hoping him to men up and tell her that he wanted her.
But he didnt. Well i guess most guys wont...

do u girls would actually thought we men would say
'ask him to go away and come to my room instead tonite'
what if u are actually loving the BF?
what if the passion and love that i thought happened
just now was fake and momentarily kinda thing?
(Pocket memang selalu perah-santan so... macam kena slalu dah)
asking u to leave your BF and seeing u regret it the next day?
or asking u to leave him and get a slap right after.
i wont risk the relationship that we had until today.
Even if its just talking and no touching. But i luv it.
And by saying such thing may ruin everything...

so what do u think pocketeers..
do u really want us to men-up and lead the way?
Regardless of what may happen?
Previous posting 59. GonePocketGone was also related :D

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

233. Maaf yer pocketeers,

Pertamanya pocket nak kena mintak mahap,
mintak mahap kerana sebagai manusia pocket tak lari
dari kesilapan, tapi kesilapan ni besaaaaaaar punya!!
(Sambil mengangkat ikan tenggiri)
Pocket selama ni dok follow satu blog ni n dok ingat blog
itulah blog CikQemm, Pocket tak pernah pun gi blog
CikQemm dari link nama nyer kat komen area tu,
entah kenapa..
since pocket dah ada link kat tepi tu,
so pocket ikut jer la kan...actually silap!!
it was someone elses!!

n on the 6thNov'09 CikQemm menang pertandingan 111111 ari tu,
bagus lah, since pembaca pocket yang dikenali yg menang,
rasa happy lah kan, kalau mamat dari US mana nuu ha, dok tak dok
mai blog kita tekejut tegempaq tau kata dia menang,
dia nak claim jgak jgak... pocket memang bebetul nyer kasi
ketip kuku lah kalau gitu>:D
Anyway.. she deserved it.
(Pertandingan baru kat tepi tuuuu!! sila check(^0^)m
so pocket pun mintak lah alamat n antar la adiah nyer kat dia.
Dok check la jgak blog yg dok ingat blog dia.
Tak sampai lagi ker? kalau sampai mesti dia buat post tentang
adiah tu kan... hummm, risau jgak. Takut Pos Malaysia
menggagalkan pocket.
dok check...
dok check...
memang la tak dak kan...
dah tu silap blog damonnggg!!! aho!! kono hanakuso oyaji!!
(Cik AyaqMasak yg mengerti bahasa juppung sila translate)

n in the last post 231. Lempeng Lempang Kelempung
CikQemm commented:
n this time i've checked from the commentator link.
n i've realized that i was wrong.
all along!! ooi!!! She did the posting about the hadiah on the
Nov'18th 2009
sila check untuk kesahihan:)
so today nak mintak mahap la sangat kat CikQemm kerana
memollow anda di blog yg lain.. hahahahah
(Tak nama pollow tu)
N pocket janji akan buat log untuk nama betul n nama blog
pocketeers sekalian supaya tidak silap lg...

kena stalking balik nih :D

so that i can address u better and so that i wont be mistakenly
following my dearest pocketeers in someone elses blog..

malunya... (_ _;

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

232. Slap! pangggg!!!

my past post : 231. Lempang Lempeng Kelempung
was told differently from what really happened.
well yes there was someone who got slap from
poking someone else in the stomach.
Its just that it was not me...
Somebody told me that i should come clean to prevent
future misunderstanding should i accidentally refers
this story after. And to clear the misguided perception
the reader may have on pocket the all so innocent guy
who got slap. as if i am that innocent:D No.. i'm not

it is just not the same as the story i've told.
i was hoping to see how u react to the whole story.
A bit unfair to you guys of course for twisting
the words as such. But it is for a good reason and let me tell u why.
(Kalau tulis untuk report polis ni dah kena punggai dah kan^^)
I thought by telling the story as if i was the one
getting the slap would change your perception in the
whole story, i was fishing for your sympathy.
but i did make it a point that the person who got
the punishment was well punished for his crime.
Poking people when he shouldnt have.
Continue poking people when he was warned.

Clearly i have failed to do so with Hope, CikQemm,
sha, amy, ayaq masak, lieya, Kujie, and Lp Lum.
Or atleast they were the pocketeers that mentioned
my wrong doing of poking people too much heheh,
i guess they are those who know what are the message
i'm delivering. That i was wrong.. but in this case,
the guy who got slap was wrong...
ok now i mixed everything up.

Ok!! i was the one slapping, and farid was the one
from production poking me. there i've said it.
I was wrong for slapping him but u got my point right?
he was poking me when i was doing my job!!
what else can a guy do to make a point.

when u are being bullied,
Bullied here are referring to everything from the
movie from Afdlin SHauki to the act of letting
someone else pay for the food u just had with.
Even to the act of hassan's brother in Sergeant hassan...
'aku buang buku kau!'
'aku amik balik'
'aku buang songkok kau'
'aku amik balik' gitu gitu.
when u are being bullied,
what do u do to make a point?
after u've told them or give them a hint
that u hate their act of using your sabun too much,
(Sabun cuci baju pun nak kongsi ker?)
after u've told him for the 52nd time...
do tell me if u ever wanna use my leather
shoes laaa!! dont just take take...(Melayunyer english)

Maybe a slap would make it clear...

Monday, November 23, 2009

231. Lempang Lempeng Kelempung

a post with a title just like what MsCheryna Pirez kept on doing
at her blog recently, menu just like those in Cafe World.

'OOOiiiii!! hang check lagu mana ni,
awat dok mai lagi barang shining nii!?
check ngan mata ka idung wei!!?'Pocket was shouting
cause somebody else just shouted at him for letting
defective part gone into the production line.

now people, this metaphor of saying..
'hang ni check ngan hidung kot!!'
is actually saying 'hang ni anjing kot'
because dogs are a being that searches using
its smelling ability.
Quite harsh dont u think?

'sat sat Pocket, bagi aku check .. '
the guy who checked the part before was confirming
whether it is a valid reject or not.
Farid is a guy who joke alot, well he is also a friend
so that explained why both of us joke alot.
'haa tengok la, hang pusing pi la berapa kali pon,
tegha tu jugak.. shaining jugak... check lagu mana hang nih?'
half jokingly provoked. he didnt answered.
Yes we have a supplier customer relation,
when it comes to work, i keep my straight face
and do what i have to do.
keeping the pressure cooker hot.

since he was not answering, so i poke him on his stomach,
Poke! poke! poke!
he have those after married belly, the soft and bouncy
kinda flesh. the wife must be cooking him delicious meals.
'wei, sat la pocket.. aku nak konpom nii' chuckling smiling bitterly.
'nak kompom apa lagi, teghang dah..' n i poke him again,
Poke! Poke! Poke! 'wei.. jangan la wei, buat keja buleh dak?'
he is irritated with me poking.the smile faded
'elleeeh, buat keja konon, kalau hang buat keja benda shining macam
ni tak mai la, buat keja konon' and i poke him again.
Poke! Poke! Poke!
If there is a sound everytime i poke,
it'll be toing! toing! toing!!

'Wei wan, jangan la macam ni, jangan cucuk aku buleh dak,
aku tak suka la...serious nii.' it seems like he is nearing his edge,
i luv it like this, let him suffer, it is clear its his
problem and he is to be blame.

but i poke him anyway, poke! poke! poke!
'serious konon, pi mampuih la hang,
kalau hang serious buat keja, tak dak la...'
kena sedas kat pipi,cheh!! tak guna betul,
farid lempang pocket? buleh ka?
tak la sakit sangat, bunyi jer lebih,
tp malunyaaa!! dia yang buat salah,
Dia yang inspection tak betul,
pocket yang kena lempang?
adil ker?

Cheh!!bukan ada ka law about physical contact?
chilanat btul...

Friday, November 20, 2009

230. SahabatPenaKu...Wani

Pocketeers, i use to have a pen pal,
i got a hold of her address first in 1992
from a column in a newspaper. The funny thing was,
i found the newspaper cutting from a 'kedai gunting rambut'
an old surat khabar waiting to be used as a packing material
for the hair i guess. Sent her my first letter, and she replied
back a year later, (Or at least it felt like a year)
and we've been corresponding tru Pos Malaysia ever since.

i've lost her phone number when i came back from japan,
(Changed my phone number and lost the last sim card)
that was 2004, now its 2009 i'm starting to miss a portion
of love from this heart of mine. Her very existence as my penpal.
Hope she got married with the actor i heard she was dating with.

yes, it is my fault that the communication broke down.
I know that 5 years is a long time for someone to realize
that he's missing something, i'm not going to list down
all the excuse i have. (It sounded silly anyway)
But I am just going to ask for your forgiveness.
wani... will u ever forgive me ?

And so i've sent her a letter to her usual address she use to live.
Hope the letter arrived to her safely and calculating that she'll be
receiving it immediately, then today is the day she's suppose to read
this blog.
This is a scheduled post as i am now in thailand.
But sure hope she leaves a message in the comment area.

Since ayaq masak is saying that my post usually ends with a question.
She mentioned it in her post Sibuk la sibuk sibukkk
then i'm going to put in the usual ending here as well...
POcketeers, have any pen pal from your earlier days?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

229. Bii, apa mau buat biii...

Sambungan dari citer semalam , 228. Bii, apa mau buat biii...
Heavy as it seems, but i still need to spill it out. :)

'Maaaad, dengar cakap Appa yaa, malam ni jumpa bonda,
besok Amma buat paratha ya, Mad makan paratha Amma ya,
tp malam ni musti mau jumpa bonda tau' Param loosing
his control of his tears starts to lie to the poor boy,
planning on how can he send his wife's paratha to Mad
if he dont know to which family mad will end up to next.
Thinking of words to put to Sheila,
persuading her to let him take care
of mad just a day more,
just for a day more.

Listening to this lie from his father who took him in
when he was just a baby 6 years ago, Mad unwillingly
agrees to take his bags and approach the car.
His Amma is at the door now, so does Ganesh.
Param was escorting Mad to the car when mad realizes
that something is wrong, yes bonda sometime do come to
pick him up for a night or two, but she never come to
pick him by herself. 'something is wrong!' he thought..
he dont know what it is, but he thought it is best for
him to search for the best protection he have, his Ammaa.

He ran back to her who waited at the door.
Seeing him running, his Amma open up her arm, to hug him,
to soften his landing, to hold him even for the last time.
But as he was reaching her mother's hand, he felt a fast
tug by his collar and the next thing he know was that
he is on the driver's big shoulder, taking him to the car.
'ammaaaa!! ammaaaa!!!'
crying on top of his lung, but there's nothing the little
hand with only 3kg of muscle can do, struggle hoping
for sympathy.

'Tu la, kan saya dah kata, jangan bagi bapak dia mai jumpa,
tapi u degil param! u jangan salahkan saya dalam hal ni,
u yang buat ni pada diri u sendiri, Mad akan saya hantar
ke family lain, u tak payah cari dia. anggap saja dia dah mati.
elaun u jalan... u jangan risau, saya janji sampai 14 tahun,
saya bagi sampai 14 tahun' A lady stood in front of Param with
all the might of an authority character, suit and high heels,
coming back from work maybe.
'MemSheila, mem tengok la isteri saya saaanngggat sakit hati tu,
dia sayang sangat sama mad, kesian la sama kami mem,
kami tara perlu itu duit, kami cuma mau Mad saja,
tolong la mem, tolong lah' Param was trying his luck,
kneeling to Sheila. Showing his hand to his wife,
who are rocking on her bottom, foot touching each other,
crying her eyes out looking at mad being manhandled inside the car.
'u yang salah! besok Farid datang kan!?
u suruh bini u nangis lagi kat dia,
moga dia tau kesan dia datang jumpa anak dia disini.
Baru padan muka dia. huh!!' pushing the begging hand away,
walking boldly with her 4 inch heels, approaching the car.

And the car roll away, with a silenced silhouette of Mad
struggling in the car, trying to get out.
'Appa, mad mana pigi appa?'
'appa pun tara tau la ganesh..appa pun tara tau'
n he hug his wife who are still rocking,
striking her forehead, crying, cursing her life
for her beloved Mad was taken away.

Farid can only stood frozen like an ice statue with sadness the
next day when he arrived at Param's house to visit his only son
from a 'mistake' he made in his younger time.
The food he brought, the plastic truck he bought is meaningless
now that Mad is gone. Param is patting him on his back,
trying to calm him down, somebody please shut that old lady up
cause her wailing is freaking agonizing.
'ayyooo, ampun farid!! ampun!! kami tara buleh buat apa apa juga fariddd..!'

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

228. Bii, apa mau buat biii..

'bii, sudah la tu bii, nanti dia bangun juga, nangis lagi,
susah juga mau bawak dia pi, hati hancur saya faham bii,
kita sayang dia macam kita sayang anak kita sndiri juga,
tapi bii, Mem dia kata hantar tempat lain,
hantar tempat lain juga kita mesti mau buat,
bii.. sudah la tu bii'
Param was talking as slow as he can,
trying his best to pacify his wife who are hugging Mad in his sleep.
Regardless of the sound of a weeping lady, he is still sound asleep
hugging his bear. Dreaming about his day maybe, running in the yard
with ganesh, the only relative he knows all his life.

'tada la aneee, itu MemSheila haa, mentang mentang dia kuturunan raja juga,
mentang mentang ane keja sana juga, dia boleh suruh ini suruh sana,
dia tarak kisah perasaan, dia tarak kisah anak dia sndiri, makan ka, minum ka,
nanti Mad mau pigi hantar mana pun kita tara tau, Ganesh rindu Mad nanti,
apa macam kita mau buat aneee? Bii rindu mad nanti, apa macam aneee!!?'
breaking into cries dat would hurt any man's feeling. sobbing like a baby,
a 4oyears old baby. Striking her palm to her forehead, making a low volume of
'pap!!pap!!pap!!' ignoring her husband who was trying to hug her.

A sound of car stopping by their front yard,
slow humming like any other high class car should hum,
'thump!!' Even the sound of the doors closing sounds different.

'Bii, jangan la buat Ane ini macam, Ane tarak buleh tengok la Bii nangis ini
Ane sakit hati la Bii, sakkkit hati nii Bii, sudah. Amik baju n mainan
Mad suma,
kereta suda datang tu..' a sound of fear mix with sadness in his voice.
'ammaaa.. apa pasai nangis, Mad minta maaf, apa Mad sudah buat ammaaa..?'
Mad woke up, eyes half in tears just by looking the weeping lady who have
been feeding him from the beginning of time.
'tara apa apa juga Mad, besok bonda Mad mau jumpa,
Appa sudah siap beg ni, Mad pi jumpa bonda ya'
'tamau! tamau! mad tamau jumpa bonda! Mad mau duduk sini, Ammaaa,
besok Amma janji masak paratha, Mad mau makan paratha Ammaaa'
cried Mad, trying to swindle his way not to meet bonda,
but just to his surprise, his Amma just shut up and ran away,
hiding her tears. Mad clinging on param instead, hoping for sympathy,
praying to god Param wont let go,

'dey Param, we dont have all night lah!!
get the boy in here or we will go and get him.'

an angry voice from outside shouted.

What to do param, one hand its the feeding hand,
another is the loving arm.
and here is a 'coma' for this story,
hope i can finish it before i'm going to thailand on the 19th.
Write u again yah pocketeers:D

Monday, November 16, 2009

227. K0ngkek!!

Tajuk diubah sedikit mengikut nasihat yang tua lagi berpanglaman.
how was your weekend?
i betcha u guys had a great weekend arent ya?

anyway, pocketeers sekalian pernah dgr nama semut kongkiak tu tak?
makhluknya seperti gambar dibawah.
kepalanya besor banyak dari badan,
keras cam ketam jgak kepalanya tu,
ada dua siung punya la besor!!
skali ketit mesti bengkak punya lah!!
Mama bebaru ni kena ketit,
ada tiga kesan 'ketit'an nyer n jadi
mengelembung with air bisa the next day.
siap demam lagi tuu!!
permanent parut kat kaki mama, kesiaaan mama..

so since mama hangin ngan kongkiak nii,
kitorang gi bli racun anai anai n start pouring in like no one else care.
we bought three bottle of the juice and poured it all over the place
till there was certain chemical smell in the air.

mama was soo irritated with the existence of this kongkiak,
till she poured the concentrated liquid onto the first nest we found.
50ml of the racun was suppose to be dilluted with 2 litres of water.
hahahahahah... the poor ant was dead the very moment the juice
touches the ground. Its like even the smell of the racun anai anai
killed them instantly.
after she finish up pouring the second bottle of the racun anai anai,
she despatched Filantera to buy her some petrol to burn em alive!!
hahahah, talk about woman's scourn kan.. :D

the flame was nice!! we never thought that soil can actually burnt.
n the smell was somewhat like ikan bakar!! i wonder what was the
delicious smell we inhaled.

Conclusion for todays post would be...
Ladies in pain and permanently scarred is Jenosaidal
(gi tgk kat link itu untuk makna, pocket tak nak taruk perkataan sebenar
takut lain macam punya orang plak yg datang blog ini ^^)

setuju tak?

eh kejap, betul ker nama makhluk ni kongkiak?
pocket tahu makhluk ni sebagai kongkiak...
certainly nama nya tidak seperti tajuk diatas...
pocketeers yg dari negeri lain...
korang kenal tak semut nii?

Friday, November 13, 2009

226. Janda Baik punyaaa

i am panicking, never have i've seen adults confronting each other before,
and now both of them are in their offensive mode, if this is a boxing match..
i think i can hear the coach asking kak ida for a few left jab and one good hook. but this is not.
'kakak, saya tinggal duit sini yer' my effort to leave the crime scene,
'hang tunggu pocket, aku nak potong ayam sikit kat mak hang'
kak ida is loud and crispy, crispy voice is basically the opposite of
will smith's voice in hitch. (Lousy description as usual)
and so i waited in that restaurant. it was at the edge of our kampung,
started not much of a restaurant but since kak ida have made a
break through in her nasi ayam, more and more people come to share
the location. kak ida being the nice person she is allow
kasim to canai his roti in the morning,
malik to tarik his tea all day long and not to forget
PakMan to grill his sate in the night.

'masa abang seronok dulu abang bawak cek pi sana sini, bila dah bosan abang tinggai cek, tak dapat anak konon alasan abang, tapi pasai apa ngan pompuan tu pun tak dapat anak jugak!? la ni sapa yang mandui?'
'yang lepaih tu lepaih la, kita buat yang baru, abang ada satu port baguih punya kat ipoh sana, jom la kita pi sana bukak nasi ayam ida... mesti laku punya'
'tak mau!! ni la cinta ida, ni la peluh ida, ni la ayaq mata. masa ida miskin, abang tinggai! bila ida dah buleh juai nasi ayam sikit abang mai nak baik balik.. macam mana abang jumpa ida nii haa? sapa duk gatai bagi tau kat abang !!?'

ok!! domestic issue being shown in the public like it was a theatre,
kak ida was a girl in her late twenties. i never knew her as a janda before,
of course those particular item was never mentioned to a school boy like me.

Her nasi ayam was a hit. She was a hit,
Always kept her apron clean, and somehow if i would dream of her,
then i'd be dreaming her in loose kebaya, maybe she kept on wearing
those kinda baju all year long that i got the impression that she dont
wear anything that dont have any button upfront.

All the boys luv her, she's beautiful in her own way,
clean and neat with her pony tail and muka bujur sireh.
All the senior boys luv her too, a young girl holding a cleaver
as big as her face chopping off chicken is a sexy scenery:),
All the girls look up to her as an idol in succesful lady.
Single lady owning a car back in the 80's.. Akogarerunaaa...
All the makcik also loving her as a nice and polite girl she is,
regardless of the fact that their husband is actually flirting wit her.
'She is ok' was their review.
All of them love her nasi ayam, its delicious and most chinese like
nasi ayam with chicken cooked just a milisecond before well done.
but none of them know where she's from or who she is..
let alone what is her marital status...or at least untill that day.

'tapi hang bini aku, hang kena dengaq cakap aku'
the skinny man with the goaty spoke loudly trying to make his point.
imagine him as Na51r B1lal Kan ok..
'la ni baru nak mengaku!? 4 tahun dah abang tinggai la baru nak ngaku!?
selama ni abang duk mana? pi mampoih laaa!! jantan tak guna!'

'hang jangan kurang ajar ngan aku ida!!' he grabbed kak ida's hand.
Trying to hurt her. and then kak ida got a hold of her best friend for
the four years of chopping ayam.
Her cleaver.
And the spirit of 2490 chicken came to her when she held the cleaver
up high to Na5ir's face and say... 'baik hang blah... aku buat nasi ayam satgi'
and there and then talak was officially announced. she is now formally a widow.

The weirdest thing happen the next day n the week after...
kak ida is no longer a hit, her nasi ayam is no longer a hit,
the 'senior boys' always come to that place but eating in the
back side of the restaurant, as if dont wanna be seen.
the senior ladys are warning their husbands,
'do not eat her lousy nasi ayam anymore' they said.
n the girls are not saying hi to her anymore.
'pompuan tak pandai jaga laki' kata mereka.
i was there and i dont think so...

i am her nasi ayam fan, still go on having her nasi ayam and it tasted the same.
but she continue to bring back more and more of leftovers afters.
i dont get it.

now that people know her title, their perception has changed?
now that she is a janda, everybody is looking her from the corner
of the eyes cursing bad things?
what is it with a title? janda duda muda teruna dara?
'Nasi ayam janda' is not as delicious as it use to be?

There was no nasi ayam,
no cleaver no roti canai,
but there were kak ida,
there was a restaurant,
a janda who got unlucky
for marrying
a bum.
Poor kak ida,

Thursday, November 12, 2009

225. Attire to Change

This is a sequel from previous post.
the question of people would change spiritually / technically
if he's in a different outfit.

Remember rambo? he can never go to war without
tying his shoelace, bandanna on the forehead,
and his rambo knife on the side.
If he dont do this ritual, he's as good as dead.
blown away by the simplest footman or a peewee
mercun raya. (Pop-pop yang baling atas lantai meletup tu)

well enough about baju, what about yourself?
hair, belly, shoulder? i definitely be going to the beach
more often if i have a six pack. now its just one pack..
one large pack..huhu (Lagi satu cerita pasal nii... nanti lah!!^^)

i Know a girl by the name
of susanti, she use to be
quiet a matured girl who
only smile with her lips
closed in together.
Tudong tidily tucked
under her collar.
tiny mole by the left lips
is like a lonely chocolate
rice on the cream icing.
Her spectacle enhance
the lady-look in her
making it hard for me to
ask her number. Adoilaaa...

But recently...
she coloured her hair red,
removed the mole, stashed the
spectacle over some light brown
contacts, either she requested
a smaller uniform or she amended it, but there is no room
between her baju and kulit anymore, even a semut will have
a rough time crawling in those tight spaces.
(I'm over exagerating, but u know what i meant lah kan..)
now that her appearance changed, her personality also changed.
ceria and upgoing, call me up from accros the hall
'abang pocket!! mangan yok!!'
in another word,
Dari dayang senandung yang serious memanjang tu,
ke fauziahGHouse yg dia jadi pembantu rumah dlm anak mami tu :D (Anak mami yek?)
Now... i dont even want to ask for her number anymore,
terasa cam too ceria till i cant cope up. hehehe

dgr dgr ada yg baru putus cinta?
apa kata tukar penampilan? potong rambut,
gi buang taik lalat kat maner maner,
tindik telinga? tatu ker.. (Jangan jangan, haram nih)
mengharapkan perubahan hati kearah positif
Moga kenangan pahit terbasuh hilang bersama rambut dulu,
moga ruang baru boleh tersedia for the next man in the que.
Good Luck!! :)

kepada yang bersemangat baru, keja baru ker..
apa kata tukar sikit samting insignificant just to
celebrate the new changes.
a new ring maybe,
a new tudong style?

agak agak buleh ubah perasaan dlm diri tak?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

224. Attire To Win

Once it was mentioned in SmapxSmap show that a
person will be influence by his attire either
spiritually ...(U'll felt like a saving the world wearing a batman suit)
and even technically,
(supposedly will perform better if u're wearing
the full ice hockey war-suit playing icehockey)
Well in SMAPxSmap version, they were trying to
play billiard wearing a famous billiard legend's vest.
Supposedly they should become better,
but instead.. all the same.
(Kalau dah tangan pengkaq tu hang pakai pi la
kulit billiard legend tu pun.. gagal jgak)
I believe this is true, when u'r wearing baju kurung,
u'll giggle less , Giggle kat sinih bermaksud mengediks.
(This is an overstatement, but u know what i mean)
An ustat who's wearing serban is less likely to be
caught standing in line to buy 4 digit coupon.
Leather overall with full face helmet?
I'll ride my EX5 faster i think... maybe 60km/j?

but that's spiritually, base on feeling.
I do feel superior when i'm auditing wearing a full suit.
regardless of the supplier who's wearing better suit.
(With cufflinks and silk shirt,
waah.. pocket tgk rase terancam.. nak la jgaak)
and when this superior feeling sink into me,
somehow the question that i inquire seems like an
intelligent question. i would know,
cause i'm not dat intelligent. heheheh
(Macam tekejut, wah ganas nya soalan yg aku bg tadi,
fuiyooo, tekulat kulat supplier nak jawab!! hheeh
sndiri perasantan^^)

so anybody agree with this theory?
i heard Ms Cheryna Pirez was wearing pink for october. (This post is better of posted last month i think)
or was it for the first of october?
how do u feel?

saw bendul's picture wearing snooker's vest once,
looking dang good and dandy. How do u feel bendul?
any different if u'r in a tournament wearing t shirt instead?

saw the unifor they wear downsouth once,
kept on imagining how Tny would look in it. She'd
definitely be a pegawai yang garang.

so how ya pocketeers? ada butui ka?

edited :
so that it would seems
less conspicuous.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

223. Hanya Utk Satu Senyuman...

ada la satu movie ni yg shahrukh khan belakon,
Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi
citer pasal Surinder ni yang character nyer seekor ulat buku,
keja pagi balik petang, button up macam nak pakai tie tu,
rambut sikat rapat ke tepi, spec frame tebal ngan talipinggang
sikit lagi nak cecah tulang rusok.. well u know the usual description
of a dork.
Suri kawin ngan awek ni, comei lagi indah,
rambut panjang ke pinggang, energetic and fun,
love dancing. basically the fun group u can easily
find owning people's attention in school cafeteria
with their beauty, Tani was her name, mcm jpung plak.

They led a boring day each day, (basically suri is a boring guy)
untill one day Tani voiced out her interest on join
a Dancing competition. Suri without question handed
her the money hoping that the competition would make
her smile.

she went on the training for the competition where she
met Raj Kumar, who was actually her husband but without
the spectacle and the dorky outfit with hair standing just
like those in KodTen comercial. And of course,
a shaved face. Now how in the hell can one wife cant see
her own husband under the thin disguise is a little bit
questionable but lets just go with the movie will ya.

yes, u know the plot already, she then fallen for Raj
while coming home to her husband daily to be Suri's wife.
Will she follow the cool and fun Raj Kumar? (Who is actually her hubby, rediculous kan?)
Will she stay faithful to her husband, the boring Suri
She will find out who is Raj Kumar, then what happened?

The ending was... well u have to see it for yourself,
get the DVD, or daunlod or anything if u can.
A light movie just to fill in your sunday morning,
But i'll be watching Postman Pat of course :)

yg menariknya kan...
Kenapa lah satu lelaki yg ulat buku lagi tak macho,
lemah dlm sport, tak pandai sgt kat skolah, colour yg
dipilih untuk baju adalah coklat kosong, tiada fesyen
rambut untuk dibanggakan, tiada kawan yang hensem,
tiada keter atau motor ensem nak bagi wife dia bangga.
not to mention walk funny and always bullied in his
own group. Now why would someone like that...

...nak belakon macho, sebagai lelaki yg nothing like himself,
tight pants with colourful shirt, with 'club freak!'
written in labuchi on the chest, hair style that would
attract any body who's able to see the 12cm tower.
a fun and happy go lucky kinda guy who scream 'chalte! chalte!'
out in the open market, and someone who would stand on the
stool after he won an eating competition.

kenapa ya?

maybe kerana nak bagi teman diri ini bangga,
nak bagi si dia bangga nak brag to her friends,
'Girls! girls! smalam kan i dating ngan the pocket!!'
'Seriooouuusss!!! jelesnyaaaa!!! how in the world...'
hoping that all of her friends would be jealous.
nak bagi si dia happy ngan seorang teman yg presentable,
teman yg dia tak malu nak jalan pegang tangan dlm Jusco,
teman yg dia rasa cam nak gi jer tegur any office mate
kalau terserempak kat jusco pasal nak menayang teman dia ini,
Teman yang punya la menarik, pompuan lain duk perati diri ini
sambil si dia duk genggam trophy dia claiming her property.

Boleh pakai tak alasan ni?

Proud or bangga ngan something is also a feeling that would
cause a smile, hanya untuk senyuman itu, Suri pulun...
Hanya Untuk Satu Senyuman
lagu nyer besh :) pocket suka..
Sila lihat di sini untuk sambungan yiutiub