Friday, November 13, 2009

226. Janda Baik punyaaa

i am panicking, never have i've seen adults confronting each other before,
and now both of them are in their offensive mode, if this is a boxing match..
i think i can hear the coach asking kak ida for a few left jab and one good hook. but this is not.
'kakak, saya tinggal duit sini yer' my effort to leave the crime scene,
'hang tunggu pocket, aku nak potong ayam sikit kat mak hang'
kak ida is loud and crispy, crispy voice is basically the opposite of
will smith's voice in hitch. (Lousy description as usual)
and so i waited in that restaurant. it was at the edge of our kampung,
started not much of a restaurant but since kak ida have made a
break through in her nasi ayam, more and more people come to share
the location. kak ida being the nice person she is allow
kasim to canai his roti in the morning,
malik to tarik his tea all day long and not to forget
PakMan to grill his sate in the night.

'masa abang seronok dulu abang bawak cek pi sana sini, bila dah bosan abang tinggai cek, tak dapat anak konon alasan abang, tapi pasai apa ngan pompuan tu pun tak dapat anak jugak!? la ni sapa yang mandui?'
'yang lepaih tu lepaih la, kita buat yang baru, abang ada satu port baguih punya kat ipoh sana, jom la kita pi sana bukak nasi ayam ida... mesti laku punya'
'tak mau!! ni la cinta ida, ni la peluh ida, ni la ayaq mata. masa ida miskin, abang tinggai! bila ida dah buleh juai nasi ayam sikit abang mai nak baik balik.. macam mana abang jumpa ida nii haa? sapa duk gatai bagi tau kat abang !!?'

ok!! domestic issue being shown in the public like it was a theatre,
kak ida was a girl in her late twenties. i never knew her as a janda before,
of course those particular item was never mentioned to a school boy like me.

Her nasi ayam was a hit. She was a hit,
Always kept her apron clean, and somehow if i would dream of her,
then i'd be dreaming her in loose kebaya, maybe she kept on wearing
those kinda baju all year long that i got the impression that she dont
wear anything that dont have any button upfront.

All the boys luv her, she's beautiful in her own way,
clean and neat with her pony tail and muka bujur sireh.
All the senior boys luv her too, a young girl holding a cleaver
as big as her face chopping off chicken is a sexy scenery:),
All the girls look up to her as an idol in succesful lady.
Single lady owning a car back in the 80's.. Akogarerunaaa...
All the makcik also loving her as a nice and polite girl she is,
regardless of the fact that their husband is actually flirting wit her.
'She is ok' was their review.
All of them love her nasi ayam, its delicious and most chinese like
nasi ayam with chicken cooked just a milisecond before well done.
but none of them know where she's from or who she is..
let alone what is her marital status...or at least untill that day.

'tapi hang bini aku, hang kena dengaq cakap aku'
the skinny man with the goaty spoke loudly trying to make his point.
imagine him as Na51r B1lal Kan ok..
'la ni baru nak mengaku!? 4 tahun dah abang tinggai la baru nak ngaku!?
selama ni abang duk mana? pi mampoih laaa!! jantan tak guna!'

'hang jangan kurang ajar ngan aku ida!!' he grabbed kak ida's hand.
Trying to hurt her. and then kak ida got a hold of her best friend for
the four years of chopping ayam.
Her cleaver.
And the spirit of 2490 chicken came to her when she held the cleaver
up high to Na5ir's face and say... 'baik hang blah... aku buat nasi ayam satgi'
and there and then talak was officially announced. she is now formally a widow.

The weirdest thing happen the next day n the week after...
kak ida is no longer a hit, her nasi ayam is no longer a hit,
the 'senior boys' always come to that place but eating in the
back side of the restaurant, as if dont wanna be seen.
the senior ladys are warning their husbands,
'do not eat her lousy nasi ayam anymore' they said.
n the girls are not saying hi to her anymore.
'pompuan tak pandai jaga laki' kata mereka.
i was there and i dont think so...

i am her nasi ayam fan, still go on having her nasi ayam and it tasted the same.
but she continue to bring back more and more of leftovers afters.
i dont get it.

now that people know her title, their perception has changed?
now that she is a janda, everybody is looking her from the corner
of the eyes cursing bad things?
what is it with a title? janda duda muda teruna dara?
'Nasi ayam janda' is not as delicious as it use to be?

There was no nasi ayam,
no cleaver no roti canai,
but there were kak ida,
there was a restaurant,
a janda who got unlucky
for marrying
a bum.
Poor kak ida,


kojah said...

janda cun =P

Adila said...

skrg janda muda bkn hot stuff ke? haha

PuanPepel said...

huhuhu...poor kak ida...

awat pasai janda tu yg dipersoalkan...

ada beza ka rs nasik ayam janda ngan nasik ayam dara...? hehe..

yang dok kalut pasai rumah tangga org pasepa?? p makan dah la..
dia janda pon..dia tak kaco duit laki org len...dia cari sniri..
susah payah dia.. dia tak reti jaga laki ka... laki dia tak reti nak menghargai bini..?

janda la laku wei....

syeka sweetheart said...

nasi ayam karia sedap..
pi la try..

~ mizzAmy ~ said...

erm... amy ada beberapa org kawan yang dah dapat title J di usia muda. both of them are hotsss... yang sorang tuh, memang seriously jaga badan. setiap kali dia keluar makan, setiap kali tuh la bila nak bayar. alih-alih dah ada org bayarkan. sampai camtuh sekali okeyh....

but now, she's married. kawin dengan anak teruna. untung jejaka tersebut dapat isteri se lawa kakak tuh. title J nowadays cam dah tak di kisahkan sangat lah..

cheryna zamrinor said...

someone asked me this:

"Mesti ada sebab dia jadi janda. Takkan laki dia tinggalkan dia tak pasal-pasal?"

It has always been the part where:
"Laki dia tinggalkan dia" and not the other way around. Why? Because our culture is accustomed with that.

If "bini dia tinggalkan dia" for sure everyone kesiankan that guy.

For sure, "Gatal sangat bini dia tu, tinggalkan dia utk lelaki lain. "

Because if a man is leaving his wife, he still has quotas to be filled up. But having the quota filled, than made the quota emptied and re-filled is not our norm:)

A woman can't do that.

Because why?

1. Because kita percaya pada peribahasa.

"Kerana nila rosak susu sebelanga"
Kak Ida is the susu, other people are the nila bertitik2. Susu itu rosak sebab Kak Ida duduk dalam sebelanga nila:)

2. Because kita suka manipulate kenyataan berunsur agama
"Perempuan ada lebih nafsu dari akal"
Though Kak Ida has brain, org will see the nafsu. Yeah, we're so called religious when it comes to marriage. Yang part itulah! Bab munakahat yang itu kita memang pandai. Tapi tanggungjawab suami tak balik2 selama 4 tahun tu kita tak reti. Oooo...munakahat kita dah cukup tera! Sebab kita sibuk bising yang detail, tp basic tak amik tau:)

3 Sex is our favourite topic
Kalau tidak takkanlah ada simpulan bahasa "janda berhias"? Dan ada yang suka dengan term itu?Ataupun perkataan2 seperti gersang dan sangap? Yes, kalau janda...secara logiknya tidak boleh buat itu. Dan just because some of us ada imaginasi yang tinggi...

they will chase after janda. kononnya for better sex life.

the women will avoid janda
kononnya the janda might be able to provide better sex life.

Semua fikir kotor!

And thanks to all this 3 things (might be more), ramai perempuan takut jadi janda.

There'll be more domestic abuse for the women who stay in the marriage.

Lepas tu, masyarakat pun cakap,
"Bodoh dia tu tak mintak cerai."


That's my say. Sorry kalau ada yang disagree ya!

Ayaq said...

Janda somehow lagi intimidating dpd anak dara. Kalau tak takkan wujud drama2 Melayu pasal janda berhias ni.

Dan kisah pasal mokciks mokciks takut janda curi laki depa ni bukan berlaku dalam masyarakat Melayu ja. Masyarakat Barat pun, masa 60's 70's, bila one of the 'Stepford' wives jadi janda, the whole wives in the suburb area jadi tak friendly to the widow. (Ini saya tengok Mad Men, dan baca buku...was it Mitch Albom's? Can't remember heh)

And I don't even know why janda dilihat sebagai satu ancaman? Kenapa? Kenapa?

izzati fuad said...

it's shit kan? this labelling thingy.

the prob is, the perception is there because of us. the community.

but hey, nasi ayam die sedap kan pocket? kat mana? nak cuba! :D hihi

attyfir said...

skrg janda2 kat malaysia ni cung2 belako..

*SiRibenMerah said...

skarang da byk sgt janda.. hurmmm, ape nak jadi ngan lelaki zaman skarang neh??? buat naya wanita.. huhuhuhu..

Unknown said...

hhhhuu.. nak buek cam no en pocket??

smua pompuan dlm dunia nie paling takut jd jando sbbnya, biler jd jando mereka akn d pndang serong.. :)

datz y, ada wife2 kat luar sna yg snggup mkn atie berulam jantung sbbnya xmo title jando nie.. nak glamer kek cnie d pngil MJ (bukan MJ yg dah meninggal 2 eik) ;p

ngape org pndang MJ nie serong?? sebabnya ada segelintir MJ nie yg pntang nmpak LELAKI.. xkiro ar suami org ke, tunang org ke, anak bujang ke semua nak d try usha.. so tau2 n phm2 aje ar... ;p

datz y, biler keadaan ini terjadi (cehwah) smua MJ akn d pndang serong terutamanya kaum hawa 2 sndri..

mmg ar x d nafikan xsmua MJ nie yg geleyah, ado gak yg baik... snggup bosarkan anak2 tnpa kiro dri sndri.. yg 2 mmg kna salute spring... :)

apa pun, cian kat MJ ida dlm citer 2... :)

WNA said...

pelik kan kenapa persepsi terhadap janda mcm ni skali.kesian kak ida, and I bet ramai lagi 'kak ida' kat luar sana.

p/s:panjang komen sha :)

Kak Long said...

Sian Kak Ida,

Macam cerita dalam drama pulak lah pocket!
Macam ada badi pula kat title tu ya!

Anonymous said...

alaa J ker tak sama jek,jnji baik sudah.. =]