Sambungan dari citer semalam , 228. Bii, apa mau buat biii...
Heavy as it seems, but i still need to spill it out. :)
'Maaaad, dengar cakap Appa yaa, malam ni jumpa bonda,
besok Amma buat paratha ya, Mad makan paratha Amma ya,
tp malam ni musti mau jumpa bonda tau' Param loosing
his control of his tears starts to lie to the poor boy,
planning on how can he send his wife's paratha to Mad
if he dont know to which family mad will end up to next.
Thinking of words to put to Sheila,
persuading her to let him take care
of mad just a day more,
just for a day more.
Listening to this lie from his father who took him in
when he was just a baby 6 years ago, Mad unwillingly
agrees to take his bags and approach the car.
His Amma is at the door now, so does Ganesh.
Param was escorting Mad to the car when mad realizes
that something is wrong, yes bonda sometime do come to
pick him up for a night or two, but she never come to
pick him by herself. 'something is wrong!' he thought..
he dont know what it is, but he thought it is best for
him to search for the best protection he have, his Ammaa.
He ran back to her who waited at the door.
Seeing him running, his Amma open up her arm, to hug him,
to soften his landing, to hold him even for the last time.
But as he was reaching her mother's hand, he felt a fast
tug by his collar and the next thing he know was that
he is on the driver's big shoulder, taking him to the car.
'ammaaaa!! ammaaaa!!!'
crying on top of his lung, but there's nothing the little
hand with only 3kg of muscle can do, struggle hoping
for sympathy.
'Tu la, kan saya dah kata, jangan bagi bapak dia mai jumpa,
tapi u degil param! u jangan salahkan saya dalam hal ni,
u yang buat ni pada diri u sendiri, Mad akan saya hantar
ke family lain, u tak payah cari dia. anggap saja dia dah mati.
elaun u jalan... u jangan risau, saya janji sampai 14 tahun,
saya bagi sampai 14 tahun' A lady stood in front of Param with
all the might of an authority character, suit and high heels,
coming back from work maybe.
'MemSheila, mem tengok la isteri saya saaanngggat sakit hati tu,
dia sayang sangat sama mad, kesian la sama kami mem,
kami tara perlu itu duit, kami cuma mau Mad saja,
tolong la mem, tolong lah' Param was trying his luck,
kneeling to Sheila. Showing his hand to his wife,
who are rocking on her bottom, foot touching each other,
crying her eyes out looking at mad being manhandled inside the car.
'u yang salah! besok Farid datang kan!?
u suruh bini u nangis lagi kat dia,
moga dia tau kesan dia datang jumpa anak dia disini.
Baru padan muka dia. huh!!' pushing the begging hand away,
walking boldly with her 4 inch heels, approaching the car.
And the car roll away, with a silenced silhouette of Mad
struggling in the car, trying to get out.
'Appa, mad mana pigi appa?'
'appa pun tara tau la ganesh..appa pun tara tau'
n he hug his wife who are still rocking,
striking her forehead, crying, cursing her life
for her beloved Mad was taken away.
Farid can only stood frozen like an ice statue with sadness the
next day when he arrived at Param's house to visit his only son
from a 'mistake' he made in his younger time.
The food he brought, the plastic truck he bought is meaningless
now that Mad is gone. Param is patting him on his back,
trying to calm him down, somebody please shut that old lady up
cause her wailing is freaking agonizing.
'ayyooo, ampun farid!! ampun!! kami tara buleh buat apa apa juga fariddd..!'
Thursday, November 19, 2009
229. Bii, apa mau buat biii...
Ngacuman oleh
12:31 AM
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dear pocket,
tak baik tau. sha tgh bayangkan diri ini menjadi achi yang menjerit2, "Mat..Mat..Mat...!!!"
Haiyooo...appa! Tolonglah kasi babab sama ini pocket! Tara baiiiiikkkkk....huwaaaaa...!!!
Mat - son of Farid
Mat - adopted son of Param
Question is:
Mat - Muhammad or Matthavan?
3rd da....
ala......... kak sha baru nak wat onar..hahaha
skali kene lempang ngn si param..
"miera..blk itu kamu punya rumah jga skrang kalu.."
apakah?? tunggang langgang ayat... haha..
saje cari gaduh. awat? tak bajet kak sha nak mai ka?
* huiiishh...kena jauhkan diri kejap aaa...lidah nieh dah kurang lemak sejak kebelakangan nieh.
nieh sume pocket ngan miera punya pasal!!!!
ok...ok..saya blk sekarang... ekeke
ekeke.... xdo kurang lomak kek lidah tu eh... menten yo...
...hai pocket...
...lieya dtg jenguk pocket...
dah 229 lebih post baru banji tau farid tu sapa..
adeh mmg salah satu cerita sedih kita.
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