Tuesday, August 23, 2011

377. Lipas

Farid moved to a new house, a terrace with no stairs.
He was so happy about his new house, the wife too.
They bought all the required things in the house.
Furniture here and there..
Curtains with those fancy railings , pole and rings.
Kinda remind me of that pondan tailor who turns out
to be a great kungfu master in stephen chow's
kungfu hustler.

'Serious cantik gelang, bli mana beb?'
'haa.. ni custom made beb, tak jual punyaa.'

As a test to the newly wed,
it seems like that place is swarming with lipas.
So bad that there was nothing safe left uncovered.
A lipas at the back of every door and shelf,
Lipas running here and there,
sleeping with lipas jogging across the belly button.
It was the worst condition imaginable.

Oh they did try to exterminate the pest by themself,
(The cant afford the Exterminator so..)
They've tried everything..
Kept the place clean,
Daun pandan for the scent,
Cat to eat the lipas,
Frog to scare them,
but none prevail.

Depressed with his failure Farid buttoned up
his pagoda and went to seek his neighbour,
hoping for tips.
hoping for their kindness.
But to his dismay, they turned him down,
regardless of the neighbours floor was 'lipas'less
No lipas scent around. He even went for a chitchat
in the kitchen hoping to see any lipas's eggs but
none found.
They told him that they did nothing about the lipas,
for them lipas was never an issue.
in aching ears he listened to their lies,
Smiled and nodded.
He knew it! there got to be something!

Chin down to his chest, eyes to the floor,
he went back and sleep the night off with lipas
licking his lips for any trace of food.
Poor farid.

That was the story farid told me...
and he finishes his story with a complain..
'aku bukan apa pocket, aku cuma nakkan keadilan,
kalau ada cara tu, tak yah la buat kan..
kita share la lipas tu sama sama...
kot kot la 50% lipas aku buleh gi umah depa..
baru la adil n saksama..
baru la masyarakat berjiran, tak gitu?'
he said with his serious face like he meant it.

Eh? silap kot tu farid...
silap tu...


banji said...

bahagi sama rata sesama jiran mcm cerita pramlee nujum pak belalang

mungkin mcm ni - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWxrL1CSJKw

Anis izyan Abd Rahman said...

i hate lipas !!! exp yg lipas terbang ~

tak boleh terime , tak boleh , siyesly tak boleh ~ GELI

Pocket said...

heheh, kiranya p ramlee memang dah buleh foresee dah perkara yg nak jadi. heheh,

akan tengok bila balik umah :D

pocket pun,
pernah sekali terasa gatal di tangan masa tido, i scratched the itchy area just to feel like ada benda crunchy n berair kat tangan.. heran dan bukak la lampu..

daaahhh dia dah mati dah hancur di'garu' pocket.. eee bwelk!!

intan.maisarah said...


kat sekolah dulu
ada seorang kawan
takut lipas
sampai sekarang
nickname dia "lipas"


JawahirAbdullah said...

"sleeping with lipas jogging across the belly button."

p/s : ubat geget doesnt work?

Unknown said...

sama2 ^^,

kerana dia
wujudnya melangkahkesana.
kerana dia jua
titisan hujan yg mjadi teman

Anonymous said...

poem ke tu??

Asma said...

you can never run away from lipas in malaysia!

Pocket said...

heheh, kalau kat sekolah kena dub nama cenggitu, sampai ke tua lah dipanggil nama tu:D

jangan bini panggil gitu dah :D

well, utk pompuan kurang sikit la kot pasal korang camana panas pun tak la topless kan.. (Keerr?)

tapi bagi lelaki, memang dok jadi!! eewwwuuukkkhhh!!

kenapa rasa cam kena guna capital letter D utk 'DIA'

Poem? part mana tu dik?

kan, kat maner pung ada lipas kat malaysia nih, kalau kita buleh wat lauk, memang la terbela nasib org miskin kat kampung kampung sana :D heheh

Sarah Mohd Saleh said...

euwwww..lipaspon nak share ke..euwwww.euwww.n euwwwww.geli2.geli boleh x.grrrr

.drakula. said...

maaf lipas musuh nombor 1 aku...keh3

Anonymous said...

suka tgk lipas:)

Dee said...

share lipas sama2..eeuuuwww!!

Dhiya Fariza said...

did he found the solution to terminate the lipas now? pitied him so much. lipaas euwwwarghh

~Sal Ismail~ said...

ohoh, sy kalo nampak lipas, pastu dia semunyik2, x puas hati , carik jugak sampai dpt n kasik bunuh dia!~ =p

Pocket said...

tu laa..
ingat tiupan angin sepoi sepoi bahasa ker nak share antara rumah.. kan

Pocket pun!! Baygon hijau ubat dia.

Kamu suka!!?
that is new :D

Kira macam longkang lah kot,
kita share lah longkang ni,
i kemaskan bahagian i,
u kemaskan bahagian u,
moga air buleh lalu ngan senang nyer :D

Not sure,
he never mentioned anything after that story, maybe he did..
or maybe the jiran stopped their 'preventive action' and finally the lipas is shared evenly :)

Yes yes,
kita cari biarpun dibelakang tempayan beras, jumpak jer!!
kita bunuh!!
kalau buleh tangkap,
kita bakar atas dapur. muahahaha