it was 1990's, sekolah menengah with white shirt,
green pants and the songkok. me and the guys were
walking by the school park when we saw zaini,
a poor guy who always wore a second hand
school shirt with the hole for the name tag
was so big that u can put a finger through it,
a broken down bicycle without the chain cover,
his green school pants is filthy with the oil stain.
we approached him.
he was opening a nasi bungkus badly wrapped
in plastic and newspaper. seeing this,
just for fun, we decided to eat his rice.
yes and that was what we did.
we took his rice from his hand.
he didnt say anything,
he was either too afraid of us,,
or he might as well be having another one
stashed inside his bag. he just looked at
his rice being eaten by four hungry thugs.
i am not proud of this pocketeers,
but this is the story.
it was a normal nasi puteh with gulai and
some sambal tumis ikan bilis.
there was a fried egg too.
regardless of the nasik's simplicity,
it was delicious, the curry got a tint of
ikan masin flavour in it,
the telur goreng was perfectly cooked,
hard outer with soft and somewhat raw inner.
realizing this, the harassment continues...
'zaini.. waaa sedap la nasik kak hang buat'
'bukan kak.. mak saya buat.'
'oooo mak hang buat juai (jual) ka?'
'dak.. mak buat bagi kami bawak bekai (Bekal)'
'umph!! sedap!! kami suka!! kami nak!!
besok aku nak hang buat lagi sebijik macam ni jgak
pat bungkuih. buleh kan?'wfierce intonation
Grabbing him by his shirt collar,
fist clenched to the left jaw. he nodded.
The next day he kept his promise,
he brought us nasik.
we didnt hope for the nasik though,
we thought we could harass him again
since he didnt obey. but no he did,
4 pack of nasik badly wrapped in newspaper.
we got the nasik,we ate the nasik,
and oh my how we luved the taste of a home cooked meal
like that, i dont know how was zaini's explaination
to his mother, but there we were..
licking our finger on nasik that was not paid.
Jahat kan.. humm hummmm
Monday, August 08, 2011
365. LimaKupang
Ngacuman oleh
8:42 PM
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huuu so cruel oh you guys! if i were there, i'd save him & punch you in the face...hahaha...jk! but poor him, did you ever think how hard they work out to get the rice...???
somehow i can imagine u're running along in pengawas baju, and start to stand infront of him, protecting him.
punching me in the face?
yes, i deserve that i guess,
humm hummm...
n the sad part was..
the nasi was for 'bekal' from a mother to his son.. amat lah sedih nya bila pikir pikir balik.
apakhabar si zaini itu sekarang?
sudah berjaya kah dia?
iskk.. kalau ai jd cikgu sekolah u time tuh, confirm ai gantung korang sekor2 kat tiang bendera.. menci tau jahat sgt.. nnt ada org buli anak u baru padan muka..
tatau laaaaaaa..
*lekaih sambung.. x sabaq nak tau*
jahat owhhh..haha..bgs mtk maaf cepat !!! haha..
Poor him..huhu..
sgt jahat! tak suke org ragging hahha
entah lah, pastinya.
masa kecik pun semangat dia kuat.
dah dewasa pastinya dia 'SuperSemangat' lagi lah kan..
nasibb baik la i tak jadi student u, kalau tak, bukan setakat kena gantung dari tiang bendera..
mesti ada meja ker, kerusi ker, tayar keter pengetua ker bergantungan dari kami..
cikgu jangan ikat kuat sangat!!
darah tak leh nak lalu!
bukan jahat,
dah mintak mahap dah!!
raya 1993 mintak mahap dah :D
kami cuma berkomunikasi agressive satu hala :D heheh
Why would i wear pengawas baju?? hahaa :p
yeah i'm kinda protective person..i saved a nerd boy in my high school from being a bully victim..baik kan sy..not like lah, just kidding ^^
kira kita ni geng jenayah nasik lemak gak la....
naper hana baca rasa sedih ekkk
rasa kesia kat mak zaini yg susah kena sediakan bekalan yg lebih utk anak and kawan kawan dia
maybe mak zaini sanggup niatkan sebagai kenduri or sedekah walaupun serba kekurangan
yer la, then only an authority figure can stop such obscene scenery. plus, i think u look nice in Blue
Yes, bukan abang long la lagi, tapi tgh dok berebut kawasan menjual nasik lemak lah gitu gitu :D
(Tak der kena mengena langsung kan poket ni kan)
Pocket yang tengah dok citer ni lagi kesian, dah la pocket sndiri yg buat. ngan muka kesian zaini tu dok menepek dlm kpala otak ni lagi!! adeh laaa...
jht jgk..hahaha..
btw, waaa..dh mtk maaf rupanya..
good boy then :D
ohmyggggg.. jahatnya u pocket!
sobsob for Zaini. =(
if i were Zaini, i'll tell cikgu disiplin.
and get the protection.
4 vs 1 tak larat weyh!
i dont know,pocket. but i just grip on 'what goes around comes around'
but yeah, kecik2 kot..
(but at that time,u were in secondary school kan? eee,jahat!) =p
Ni kalau cikgu tangkap confirm kena rotan!
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