tte lama lama boring pakai tajuk yang samo.
Thai Lagi
Thai Lagi
Thai Lagi...
well what else can i put it there...
will be tellin u stories of me going there next time lah
pocket. Dont think i have any battery left in me. Need to
go to sleep, tomorrow's have to meet all the boss n tell
them how screwed up the whole trip was.
So Pocket...
bebawak la gi mandi
bebawak la gosok gigi
bebawak la basuh kaki
n tido :D
Friday, December 28, 2007
9. Thailand Again
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
8. Kodawari
Kodawari [kata nama]
kodawaru [kata kerja]
kodawatte ['Te' form]
ado tak sesapo kekawan yg buleh explain the above japanese word in the most easy to understand explanation? basically this is my version :
'Kodawaru' ni cam obsession without reason. Maaa selalunya memang la ado reason utk apo apo yg kita wat kan...Tapi kodawari ni cam lebih kepada 'ikut suka hati aku laaa...'
contoh keadaan.
'kedai laksa Pak Mat memang ado kodawari sket ngan telur ayam kampung, mesti nak kena pakai telur ayam kampung'
tapi kan pockets... tak der la beza sangat rasa telur ayam kampung ngan telur biasa kat kdai tu... n kalau ado pun perbezaan nyer... still the contribution is to small that u can ignore the requirement kut...But Pakmat choose to use telur ayam kampung jgak...
Contoh Keadaan :
'aku kalau susun cawan ni ...suma tangkai nyer kena ke kiri... n mark ni kna duk dpan..'
alaaa.. kalau tak duk dpan or the tangkai diletakkan berterabur pun... bkannya sapo nak tegur... restaurant maa...
Bebaru ni ajak maktuk makan kat kedai mamak...
dia kata dia tak nak makan, since she's already full
eating the kachang rebus all the way from bukit gantang ...
n then when i approach the mamaks stall.. she asked me,
'ada ayam kampung tak?'
Well lately mamak stall are taking initiative to use ayam kampung instead of ayam daging ... health concern issue.
'Ado' jawabku pendek...
'kalau gitu hang amik la seketui, kita makan ber empat'
i asked maktuk 'tadi kata tak nak makan, skrg ni dgr yg ado ayam kampung... tingin la plak?
'umph... aku tak buleh... aku kena makan ayam kampung jer...'
tte why?
Ado beza sangat ker rasa ayam kampung n ayam daging?
Ado beza sangat ker rasa telur ayam kampung n telur omega III?
Ado beza sangat ker Tangkap gambo pakai underwear ngan tak pakai?
Ado beza sangat ker bila masak maggi kena tunggu air mendidih dulu br masuk perencah
instead of pakai taruk jer suma mase air tgh sejuk lg n biarkan mendidih?
Ado beza sangat ker bila ...
Nak kena gi siam lagi 40minit [berlepas ngan teksi dari umah]
lagi 2 jam sampai la kut siam nyer tuu... so pocket...
camno nak jumpanyer cinta kalau duk skip lagu nii neh!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
7. PocketYangBz
Alahai... duk kato kat diri sndiri yang akan meng'updet'kan blog utk kempen '40 hari mencari cinta' tapi turns out yang bukan senang jgak ...
commitment is needed.
just a few days ago i went to KL to see the mother and attend a relatives engagement party. after the engagement party done, we was tired to the toes. back at Mama's place we just crash down whereever we can land and starts to snore.
woke up at 2 in the mornin, n i saw banji with his laptop updating his blog.
wow... talk about commitment haa...
well i need a lap top tooooo...
to TokiDoki san,
'Life's life like box of chocolate, u never know what u gonna get' ,Forest Gump
Sunday, December 16, 2007
6. History Tells
Ari ni nak tulih post ke 6 dalam usaha 40 hari mencari cinta.
or in other words... 40 hari mencari habit.
so sebelum tulih citer ni td... duk baca la citer lama lama....
tertengok la satu gambor nii... gambo kitorang gi melaka...
gi utk tujuan keja actually... but me being me... never puts aside the fun n joy of the trip.
atleast to the inspector who didnt get much from the whole trip.
it was a picture of a fren of mine.
nama nyer ain, from terengganu. a wife... dont know a 'mother' or not.
a very good person who knows her way in life.
sorang lg was an indian guy.
kumar is the name. very fun guy to be with.
n he keeps stories like a stone keeping stories. not a word to anyone else.
watching the phot. makes me think. i wanna call them up tomorrow. it has been soooo long n i miss them. A slight problem to meet ain since she's somebody's wife already so lets meet kumar only lah :D
but a phone call tru kilang's phone wouldnt hurt ...would it?
Chinami ni ... ari ni Bday aku yang ke 19...
everibadi...wish me epi 19th bday!!
tte sajer je membohongi diri sendiri :D Bendul... u know better
5. SundayBlues
Ari ni sunday...
bangun kul 0600 macam biasa ...
pakai baju uniform macam biasa...
gi keja cam biasa...
singgah kat gerai dpan tu nak bli karipap cam biasa ...
tp luarbiasanya dia tak bukak ...
pasal ari ni ahad.
biasanya ahad memang dia tak bukak...
biasanya ahad ...pocket tak gi kdai dia pasal tak keja...
er? ahad biasanya pocket tak keja ...
tp ahad ni luarbiasa.
ahad ni pocket keja
begitu juga raya aji ...
begitu juga birthday banji.
biasanya pocket cuti...
tp pocket keja nanti .
Friday, December 14, 2007
4. Freezing the Truth
'nih... gambo annual dinner ari tu..'
'umph...makasih ... eh?'
'hummm? apasal?'
'apasal kuning jer gambo nii...? tak lawa laa..?
'laaa... memang la kuning .. malam tu kan ker lampunyer kuning?'
'tak nak lah camni ... abang cuci balik lah.. tak nak amik yang nii..'
tte nande?
actually kan malam tu memang la kuning...
pasal kat dewan hotel tu memang kuning...
so suma orang yang di terangi dek lampu tu jadi kuning...
so ?
apasal nak gambo jadi puteh plak?
i thought the meaning of photo was to freeze the memories.
well ... how does the photo is taken n the beauty of it is a plus...
but no need to change the whole photo.
Minor is allowed.
Major is a little bit too much dont u think?
padam the whole idung...
whiten the whole face...
Thursday, December 13, 2007
3. Reevaluate
missed yesterday... n for that i am sorry.
will promise a double post in next.
i came back from kg just now. n just to my luck ... it was raining.
it got better when i have to wait for 6 minutes for the train to pass.
n then i was wondering... dont nobody ever suggested to the
gate keeper that the time they're putting on is a little bit too long?
have they ever evaluated when is the right time to close the gate n
after how many minutes does they need to open.
i mean... there i was... wondering where is the train... n it was four minutes later
that the train comin pass slowly...
japan have lots n lots of trains. they even publish books of trains schedules
for all japan which was as thick as a McD double cheese burger. n the fonts was
not even 8 size... more like a 6 or 5...
but still their trains doesnt kacau the car traffic.
n the gates closes at only a mere 30 seconds.
add in 10 seconds maybe but still the time is far too short comparing from what
we have ere.
I remembered i've fallen asleep while waiting for the train to goes by.
re evaluate anyone?
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
2. AnnualDinner
I have went to our annual dinner the other day. Our company's annual dinner was done at equatorial hotel.
It was nice since i've never went to any annual dinner which have artist comin to sing.
she didnt let me go.
cause she say that i'll start ogling the indonesian girls.
well... i think she's right :D ... i did.
Which i did enjoyed me self doin it ...
n i think u guys did seen one of the photo i've took dat nite.
the photo with the car theory.
but the food was a dismal.
cause i still felt hungry even after i've finished all the menus.
The artist was nice...
Although he sang for only a mere 30minutes.
The last 30 minutes.
but it was an enjoyable 30minutes and
that pakcik can really sing :P
Monday, December 10, 2007
1. Pocketing as a habit
Me Brother.. the banji...
talks bout '40 days equals habit' which i think is a good thing to discuss.
well basically if u start doing something which consist on
same time
same operation
same person...
n it'll be a habit. n once its become a habit to us... then i think it'll be
hard for us to shook the habit off.
just like puasa during ramadhan. u havent been eating for 30 days n the
first meal u eat on eidul fitri mornin would felt awkward ..
so this me first day of making blogging is a habit.
hope everything goes fine :D hahahah
Sokong bendul also for trying to do the same thing
Tumpang kejap :D
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Ari ni aku gi bli lauk kat restoran... lunch...
lauk yg aku bli was :
Ikan Pari bakar 2 keping
Ayam goreng rempah 2 ketul
ulam n sambal
gulai pisang
Telur Masin 2 biji
small ikan masin 1 ekor...
we ate for three person.
me ... paklang ... filantera...
the thing is .. i can still remember when i was
still kechik... mother wont let us have our own
piece of chicken... we have to pinch the chicken's
meat from the main plate.. n eat it with the rice.
one drumstick by myself?... only on special ocasion..
sabtu or ahad maybe....
nak amik cebisan terakhir yang still melekat kat
tulang ayam tu pun kitorang tanya...
'amik tulang ni naa..'
same goes with ikan ...
the kesan would be...
... i felt those kids who asking for two piece of chicken instead of one per meal is 'too much'
... filantera still askin for that final piece of chicken... the attitude just wont worn off.
... now that i have my own gaji... buying my own meal... still i luv the pinching style.
[Gorgeously la kan... like ikan dua, ayam dua but for three person's meal :D ]
which one is better eh, pocket?
pinching style... or one piece per meal?
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Dey Pocket...
have u heard bout me car theory?
i bet i've tellin me frenz bout all
the time already but couldnt be sure
weather have ever wrote ere before..
basically if u own a car...
a car that u loved the most...
a car that fits all your needs.
a car that needs maintenance but still at an affordable price...
well even if u are having problem maintaining...
u're still maintaining the car without any second thought...
cause u love your car so much :D
u need to fill in the gas ... of course
u need to change the tire if it worns off...
u need to polish it once a while...
washing should be done as a daily basis...
more to weekly i think:p
but, is it a sin to look at another car while u're driving your car?
u'r in your toyota, a kelisa overtake u, u can always admire
the color of the kelisa right?
the bumper maybe...
the paint work maybe...
the tinted glass...
or simply those little thing they put on cars
which makes it looks slightly different than the standards.
its not like u wanna step right
would be a problem...
owning another car?
well thats another story...
if u can handle the yearly
but need approval from the
i mean... to all cars out there...
u have all the rights to be jealous... but ...
please la ...
just because we have the tendency to ogle at another cars... don't be cranky n start to meletup ere and there
we don't have any other place to go to other than to your lap anyway...
until then...
Friday, November 16, 2007
Tadi masa gi semayang jumaat kan poket...
ujan la plak maso nak balik nyer tuuu... alahai nasib...
ujan punya la lebat... memang kalau lapan tapak berjalan jer trus basah lencun...
aduhai la aduhai...
tp nak kna balik kang trus sambung keja
tunggu la sampai ujan seriyat sikit... n off i went running for the bus...
well... it was menyakitkan..
that i can say... eheh..
dah lama tak lari ... so sakit pinggang...
pening kepaloo...
sakit otot tu tak yah kabo la ..memang banyak sangat ...
terasa yg diri ni tak fit lg ...:/
Me Mother is fighting with her Blood pressure right now.
mostprobably she wont be eating anything oily...
anything sweet n masin anymore la kut...
so as an act to support her fight... i'll do the same...
wont be eating those kulit ayam anymore...
my next KFC will be somewhere in january of 2008
huhuuu... pulun pulun....
atleast untill her BP goes down again...
by then ..i'll celebrate with the 5piece of Fried Chicken
n some sup ekor eheh...
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Pocket yang pendek
Pocket... ari ni tak nak tulih pepanjang...
just a few sentences only:D
The softspot girl... she know i'm having a soft spot for her....
The Boss................ he know i've been sleeping on the job...
The luv one............ am still deciding...
(Which is bad for me health n future)
The kasut.............. is still yet in the box
(bought an adidas for 229.90 for slimming purpose)
The job................... is still yet out of me grip...
The room................ was described as 'Mcm ada bom baru lepas meletup'
Dunno lah pocket... i guess i need some time for me self to get a grip of me own life.
so that atleast i know what am doin...
Friday, November 02, 2007
i heard a sad story yesterday, well its not sad actually but a story bout KakNgah's pain.
KakNgah works decently in an office somewhere ere in penang.
She deserve a good amount of wedges by the end of the month,
she goes home to a very sorry family,
pays the bills to her divorced sister who have three kids.
pays the bills to her parent who're not workin
give moneys to her father who drunks n uses the money to get cheap ass.
the mother never talked to the father...same goes for the father of course.
The question would be, why does KakNgah stays with the family.
Just run off to some rumah sewa la kan...
seems like the father did knocked down the previous rumah sewa's door n dragged
kak ngah balik.
cian la cian kan..
There were Abang Long working in Australia, wiring money every month.
But due to the father is holding the Card to the bank account.
The money is well spent for booze n ass.
cian la cian kan..
Moral of the story..
dont know lah...
dont drink n drive?
Saturday, October 27, 2007
gi siam la plak lagi ari tu ...
so kali ni gi pasal audit nak teman customer kitorang audit supplier kami....
basically camni lah... kalau lah kitorang ni company yg wat karipap...
kami antar karipap kami ke restoran namo 'pelita'
kiranya cam pelita tu...
nak datang audit kilang kita yg buat karipap nii...
n nak gi audit kilang supplier kita yg wat tepung nuu...
n nak gi audit pembekal gandum utk hasilkan tepung tu la...
all n all the audit went well...
somehow i lived the next day to tell the tale:D n make the report bout it ...
somehow i find that thai people is cheap on smile.
as sweet as can be, they'll smile to you .
i was drinking at this bar with my boss...
i was having coke la kan... me boss was having beer...
n this waitress kept on smiling at us whenever our eyes met hers...
which makes us kept on staring at her doing her work ...
attending to other customer ....
nak kata comey sangat pun tak la jgak...
tp muka bersih n neat la kan...
which is different in malaysia...
sampai nak kena kempen pasal senyuman...
'senyumlah...senyumlah... ahai cek mek molek...'
lets try... korang gi kat kedai jual makanan...
gi senyum n kasi salam... tp jangan wat gerakan cam nak beli
or bermuamalah ngan kakak yg jual tu.
baper kedai yang balas balik salam n balas balik senyuman...
tried this today's morning.. n the answer was 3 kedai only
'senyumlah ... senyumlah... ahai cek mek molek ...' :D
Friday, October 19, 2007
Kedai Photostate
so apo kabo...
br td kan ... aku gi kedai...
photostate kad pengenalan...
mahal nyee..dpan blakang dua lai...
kena 60sen ker?
macam tak paham...
then since dia tak potong kertas tu ...
the copy was still in A4 size la...
peh nak pegang susah la plak... gi la tanya
dik tu bebaik...
'dik... ado getah tak? takut rosak laa..'
n without berpaling pun kat paying customer dia nii...
dia menggelengkan kepala ....
n me being annoyed by that...
'sopan nyer staff... patut la kedai ni ramai orang..'
'haa... lu apasal?'
gitu balasan dia ... alahai bangsa ku...
to all the pekedai diluar sana...
we do understand that without you our life will be
susah... but we will get by.
But without us... there's no food on your dining table
for your family to have. n u wont get by.
so jaga la attitude sket...
kalau aku pun kurang hajar... understandable la...
Monday, October 01, 2007
today i've heard about a news. About a bad news.
Somebody havin trouble ere n there..
somebody's periuk nasi is contaminated with pasir
lantak dia la...serves her right...
the thing is... i hate her. she have been giving me bad time. as if really really bad times.
so... hearing this bad news happenin to her... its just like hari raya >:D
'naaa...padan muka.. buat pasal ngan orang sangat'
'hambik ko, skrg br ko tahu dunia ni tinggi ka rendah..'
'tak la macho sangat kan sekarang.. now that that thing n those thing happenin to you..'
tingin nak kata gini bila sekarang ni dia tengah jatuh ditimpa tangga.
tapi cam tak betul la plak...
cam kejam la plak ...
cam tak berperikemanusiaan la plak...
now pocket... i know myself
i know that i am not a good person.
on the outside i may be nice..
but down inside, there's a devil inside me.
n i just wanna do those thing which u do to people who hurt u.
I kept imagine me hurting those who hurt me.
punchin them in the nose.
pour the whole bihun sup panas on their heads.
n when i heard this news. its time to really do those thing
that i only kept dreaming of doing...
i can just walk up to her... n look her in the eyes..
'padan muka'
'hambik hang... blagak sangat'
gitu gitu...
but ... it'll be me becoming them...
one who are hated
tak nak ah...
Sunday, September 23, 2007
kat umah kita ni ado makhluk charlie ni la pocket....
we have to do something bout it....
yeah... yg macam dalam gambo sebelah nii...
yg ni aku tangkap maso dia tgh duk melata atas lantai... blur sket pasal camera aku tak der MAKRO tp u get the idea la how does it look like.
huk alooo...makhluk ni ado yek kat umah kito...apo namo nyer skali lagi? Charlie? as if Charlie's angel nyer Charlie ker?
peh glamour nyer namo....
Ntah ...aku pun pakai bantai jer ... tp orang panggil
so instead of 'Cali'...better Charlie kan...
also known as 'Wahid' dalam bahasa malaysia...
oooo... gambo apo ni?
camana ko tangkap nii?
heheh...aku pakai Mitutoyo Visual Scope kat kilang
peh... maju....
alang alang pakai visual scope kan...
charlie's Fang... naaaa...gitu la gigi makhluk yg duk rajin
gigit aku ....
oooo.. takuuuutttt....
apo jadi kalau dia gigit ko ?
Actually aku sndiri pun tak pernah sedar dia gigit aku, tp katanya cukup la makhluk ni melata atas kulit ko. Kulit ko akan jadi gatal, then ko garu, then kulit ko akan blister cam dalam gambo nii...
then ko garu lagi pasal at this is soooo Oishi (sedap) utk garu, bila blistered skin broke off... then the hell is brought upon u. kulit tu akan jadi makin pecah ...air bisa tu plak cam pemangkin utk nak jadi lagi gatal... kulit di bawah blister tu jadi cam buruk... basah with more n more air bisa ...huhuuuuuuuAbih tak der ubat ker?
Aku taruk benda ni jer... tak la tau plak appropriate ubat for it or not but it works for me.
Kering right away. But would leave a scar though... so if its on the face. Better treat it fast... or u'll look like u've touched your EX5 exzos with your face. hahahaha
Pocket... have u ever heard bout this bug?
if u have... pls tell me how to prevent them from coming to me house.
tak larat nak bli creobic dah....
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
alahhaaaiiii pocket sayang
dey pocket... what do u call your awek?
intan payung?
pooh bear?
well the list just goes on and on la kan :D
i have a theory for u to think la pocket...
if u call her those cutie lovey dovey name...
would it still means the same towards her?
like sayang for instance...
u call her sayang ...
would the phrase 'sayang' means the same?
would she feel the same adrenaline rush
through her spine when u call her dat?
would sayang means the same as ...
'saya sayang jangan la buat camtu
lagi...lintas jalan tgk kiri kanan dulu tau'
the same goes to that lame words...
sayang sayang, sayang saaaaayang sayang...
sayang sayang sayang?
n how does it sounds if u'r in a rough
discussion with her... in other words bergaduh
'tu la sayang... yg gi bodoh sangat tak tunggu
i tu apasal!!? kan dah terbeli pat tiket...'
'anje la yang lamat... sayang ingat kan
anje tak beli tiket lagi...sayang blikan la'
'call la confirm!!..kedekut credit la sayang nii..
'yang anje tu bli dulu apasal tak cakap kat sayang?
laki laki tak guna!!' !()
the same goes to lagu raya i guess...
u'r just started puasa today... n u'r listening
to lagu raya already.... the same song would go
on and on four time a day everynite till hari raya.
will the song means the same to you if u're only
listening to lagu raya the last seven day of puasa?
it will be different.
i myself shed tears listening to the song
when i celebrated raya with frenz in japan...
previously murtabak only served during the fasting
month but now it is served in all mamak's chain
restaurant. dont u guys know already where i'm going
with this?
what trigger me to write this today? well ...its for two reason...
i just remembered one day... me,banji,filantera n
our mother were going to left our rumah kedai to
go back to our maktuk's. our mother write a note to
his husband which sounds something like this.
'abang... **n* balik dulu'
n then i asked...
'mama... who is **n*?, tought your name is different?'
i cant remember anything else after that...
heard a guy who maki hamun awek dia in public using
the lovey dovey cutie name...
anyway... pasted a few pic on the right...
guess which one is me :D
Thursday, September 06, 2007
When anyone tells u dat they're on a diet what
firstly crosses your mind?
'hummm.. nak kurus la tu... tak sedor diri..
dah tua pun nak ngorat lagi ker?'
'Perut tu dah terlalu boroi dah nak ngorat...
kna la diet sket kan...'
basically i would have to say ... people would
think that u wanna aim for better looks when
u're doing diet.
well i have to correct u for thinkin so pocket
Its not totally about looks only.
its about your health...
its about your pain...
its about your loved one...
its when u couldnt bersila long enough during friday prayer
its when u couldnt crouch long enough to deliver your output.
Its when u felt malas nak bangun just to get dat reference book on the shelf.
Its when u can sleep while sitting but didnt
even lean on anything solid.
(U sleep on your stomach)
its when your meat shakes upon vibration when
u are riding your motorcycles.
Its when u'r visiting a fren who got hospitalized for his aching knee
(Due to overweight)
N Ofcourse...
Its when u heard someone died of heart attack
recently... People u know...
So what about u pocket?
signs showing dat u're overweight pocket...
(Other than the number on your weighing machine dat shows 86 kg)
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Pay it forward...
Its a DVD that someone bought for me as a birthday present. Luv this present... luv it soo much dat i've seen it soooo many times. its a story bout a boy who had this idea of a perfect world.
where one would help other three person in advance and the helped one would be obligated to help another three person.... Pyramid theory....
its just not money.. but help..
I've lost my handphone today...
my very usefull handphone...
i dont know how to go on with my work without it.
i've already called Celcom to cut off the handphone
usage... am thinkin .. i've lost it...
but then just to my surprise...
the guardhouse called me...
'dey anee... nasi kandar tiga... all sotong n kambing naa... '
'Come to the guard house cause your handphone is wit us...'
It seams like some punk who found my hP n gave it to the
Guardhouse... the punk can always take me hP n sell it...
wont sell much... but still 50 ringgit is guaranteed.
but still he chooses to return it to the owner... the hP was
found lying near my EX5. what a luck...
Filantera dropped his Wallet at the carnival...
panicked a little bit but having faith in people.
went to ask the 'Urus setia'
The wallet was there.. with all the money n the cards safely
intact. So the founder of the wallet gave it to the urusetia...
He or she can always take the money inside but he/she chooses
to return it to the owner.
(a very good lesson to the Mira n the girls...)
In a way... i would say that this is most similar with the
pay it forward concept.
To start a better world.
So Pocket... should you ever find a wallet lying somewhere...
pick it up n return it to the right authorities...
cause u'd do the owner a big favour :D
Luv Pocket
Puteri Tagged me, so here it goes
21 criteria i need inside me luv one...
but first i have to ask ... why 21??? :D
cause i dont think i can finish the whole 21...
but i'll try to elaborate.
1. One who are a female (yer la kan... heh)
2. One who can converse in Malay
3. One who can understand my passion for Photography.
so jangan la jeles kalau kita duk shooting awek model memano :D
4. One who jealous... but never doubt me.
5. One who can cope with my level of 'childish'ness heheh...
6. One who can leave me with my self every once and a while.
7. One who can stand me putting my family first.
8. One who are also putting her family first.
9. One who Understand me having my carrier.
10. One who also having a carrier.
11. One who dont try to like what i luv. its enough for her to understand my luv for it ...
12. One who dont add on extra unnecessary words to her complaints.
'umph... orang dah ajak dia gi dari minggu lepas lagi ...sekarang tak leh la plak ...bukan nya tak leh arrange... sajer je tak nak usaha ... utk orang lain bleh la plak...'
loose the 'utk orang lain bleh la plak...' tu bleh tak? cam perbandingan jer ... kalau orang lain tu family ...lagi la terasa sangat di hati ni ...
13. One who ask... not assume blindly n kept to herself...
'awak call tadi?'
then buleh la kita nak cerita and explain... assuming 'awek la tu' quitely to herself would only makes things worst.
14. One who Luv Chicken
15. One who luv children
16. One who are not a smoker nor a drinker...
17. One who are not attracted to Ferrari... Cause i dont think i can buy her one :P
18. One who are not Camera Shy... cause i like to take photo...
19. One who are not working in the same place as me...
20. One who dont put dat much make up... cause 40 microns of 'foundation' on the cheek is to much for me already :/(is dat what u call that skin coloured habuk u put on your cheek?)
21. One who didnt read this list... or else she would try to fulfill the mention item above. where's the fun in that? its a list i want... it doesnt have to be a list the world will hand to me on a silver platter...
fuh! ... there u go pocket... took me three days to fill this up... heheheh...
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Yesterday... i've went to the Carnival of sungai petani... it was quite nice if u're bringing kids less then 15 of age... if u came with your girlfriend which both of you are in early 30's ... u wont enjoy that much...
if u are 30's and still wanna enjoy this place... come with the boys club only... then enjoy the 'scenery heh heh...
So ... first of all...let me introduce the club...
From left... the Chocolaty macho G-Han... the next top model Dek'ah... G-Nan the 'BonApetite' ... Mira the cute... n ofcourse.. our friendly Wira... DaFilantera!So basically we arrived there at two pm... thought that we were late ... but there were still people standing in line to buy the ticket. we had to pay for 3 adult and 3 children... G-Han is considered adult.. hummm.. i seriously doubt it heh...
Once we entered the premises ... the girls cant hold their horses anymore... was askin... 'can we lompat already?'
hahah... we let them run first.. got changed to our swiming outfit n off the adult team go!!...
I was fascinated with the girls wit... cause they're like soooo brave to try all the attractions... some of them really did scare me a little bit.. but it was them who asked... 'can we go on the blue slide?' hoooooo.... takuuuttt... (Or is it me the pansy ere?)
First we swam around the river like pool... its goes round and round... got a few of fountains and waterfalls along the way... (just a mere water fallin under the bridge..) then there was this area with some wave effect... i did enjoy that area...Cause u can really get sea sick when u ride the waves on your pelampung... I tried to swim my way tru the waves... no luck... its just too hard...This is not the blue slide i was tellin u about. This area is just for kids n i asked them to come here for Photo Session (IceCream can be a good bait to 8 years olds..)
All and all ... it was nice..
I did enjoy myself attending to the girls...
I did enjoy myself watching all the angels swimming ere in this Human Made water attractions. If only i could ask for their name n number... i'd be busy callin 8 of them a nite the whole week tru...
lastly after all the battery has drain out from the swimming.. we went to Pizza Hut. Seems like Mira was longing to have the sausage dip the end of the eating session... Mira did say,
'Ari ni Mia sooonoooook sangat... :D'
N this touches me inside. peh... sentimental la plak...
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Dear pocket..
it have been quite a while, sorry
i have been demam... couldnt cope with the speed of today's life.
its too laju for me... n to my luck... i'm crippled along the way.
heheheh... bottom line ...sorry ...
i've went to a restaurant serving indonesian delicacies in bukit mertajam.
the place is clean... the food is too simple... no garnishing.
the place is filled with white light... the food looks dull in white lighting..
the place is soooo indonesian...which makes u think twice before entering the place.
when i tasted the nasi ikan keli... my jaw fell down... its just basic white rice
with sambal, but it was very very nice. u just dont get it ... why does a nasi
without any kuah ate with ikan keli can be so sedap... they did place a bowl of soup
on the side but i didnt touched it .
(For your information Pocket... i hate ikan keli... i basically hate ikan darat)
the fish was lightly salted, crispy on the tail side, cooked perfectly without those
smelly ikan darat smell... the taste? as simple as it can be... ikan keli original...
i'll be putting the photo here next time i'm there...
it wont be long cause am planning to go there again this ahad...
Pocket... mangan nasi gelih yok!!
Monday, August 06, 2007
amin buat karipap
karipap amin dihantar ke semua restoran zamri
seluruh negeri.
karipap amin teramat laku.
kenapa karipap amin laku...
kerana tepung nya gred A
kerana daging nya hampir 40% of the inti mass
kerana production nya total cleanroom.
kerana Pekerjanya yang bersih dan cekap
zamri menerima aduan ada lipas dalam karipap.
zamri membuat aduan kepada amin.
Amin's Customer Service Investigation concluded
that the lipas was not originated from amin's.
this is because :
the lipas is still alive
(How come lipas still alive after goreng karipap)
There was a hole on the karipap skin.
(The lipas might sneak in at zamri's)
The lipas inform them during interogation.
tapi zamri cannot publicly agree to this.
this will cause
buisness collapse
kepercayaan customer.
so after taking all the necessary action on
preventing the lipas from sneaking into karipap
again... Zamri went to see amin...
'amin... hang tulung mengaku sat kata ni salah
hang... takkan aku nak mengaku lipaih tu mai
dari kedai aku kut... hang pun paham la kan..'
'umph... ok.. hang habaq je apo yg aku kna wat
dalam hal ni'
action have been taken...
paper have been forged...
effective date : july'07
So ikut kertas nya rasmi lah amin yang salah..
zamri tak salah..
duk tak duk.. perbadanan kesihatan negara
nak datang audit amin the karipap maker.
so isu lipas tu menarik perhatian badan audit
tersebut. soo... amin terpaksa la buat semua
document terbabit...
wujudkan yang tak der...
ilang kan yang wujud...
record dari exterminator saying ado sarang lipas dedekat ngan kilang amin...telah dihapuskan pada july'07
record aduan dari jiran tetangga yang amin actually buang sampah merata rata sehingga lah
record internal menunjukkan lipas control was out sehingga lah july.
dan banyak lagi...
untuk apa?
sebab nak jaga nama zamri restaurant...
sebab zamri restaurant adalah customer...
sebab zamri restaurant will always believe in
amin's quality.
penat woooo nak wujudkan yang tak wujud...
Perbadanan Kesihatan Negara :
'Zamri.. camni punya supplier pun hang buleh
layan jgak noo... heran aku apasal la ni kali
pertama ado komplen lipaih dalam karipap...'
zamri restaurant :
'umph... selepas drastic measure yg amin the
karipap supplier amik pada july lepas ... kami
percaya dengan quality product yang dibekalkan.
no doubt...!'
Sunday, August 05, 2007
ari ni gi tgk the simpsons... besh film tu ...
lawak every five minutes... hilarious ...
so pocket.. kalau ado masa.. gi la tgk...
i did felt 'lama la plak film ni ... bila nak abih yek?'
cam armageddon... tak rasa pun lama ...
cam transformers.. tak rasa pun lama ...
cam harry potter... tak rasa pun lama ...
tte.. apo la makna nya tu kan... heh:D
about the japanese class...
i'm opening another blog for it ...
the Juppun jepun...
meaning ... sploh minit jepun heheh
hopefully the blog can go on. harap kat korang jgak pocket...
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Pocket... tomorrow is sunday n here i am writing to you.
its not that i dont wanna go jalan jalan malam sabtu nii...
but the thing is ... i dont know where to go... heard a fren
busted for bringing an underage indonesian to clubbing.
even sangkut for pills also... seriously speaking, it got
worst for him since he got terminated from his job, the
girls who sangkut for pills was sent back to their home
country. Poor them
dunno bout u pocket..
i felt lucky i'm not the one busted for clubbing with
underage girls who also do ecstasy pills...
i felt jealous cause i never had a first hand experience
of that kinda adrenalin rush... clubbing
although i know its better dat way :)
Thursday, August 02, 2007
i got this idea of me putting some japanese language basics here along with my 'acuman' heheheh... so i'll basically put in some verbs and tatabahasa... hopefully pocket... u can speak japanese too....
if u take note lah kan :D
and u have interest lah kan...
the first lesson...
Ayat penyata :
watashi wa hito desu
saya adalah orang
(heheh.. cam la tak tau kan... )
watashi wa otoko desu
saya adalah lelaki
(buleh digunakan masa orang ragu ragu anda
lelaki atau pompuan heheh... bila la agaknya tu yeh?)
ayat penyata negative
watashi wa neko dewa arimasen
saya adalah kucing bukan
(Direct translation... please try to understand
the susunan)
anata wa onna dewa arimasen
awak adalah perempuan bukan
(Kalau ter blind date ngan pondan hahahah)
heh... so buleh paham ker pocket?
kalau dah paham ... sila buat latihan... gunakan perkataan dibawah utk membuat satu ayat masing masing...
kata ganti diri
saya ... watashi
kamu ... anata
dia(L)... kare
dia(P)... Kanojo
kami ... watashi tachi
mereka... karera (Jarang digunakan)
Kata tunjuk
ini ... Kore
itu ... sore (within sight range)
itu ... are (out of sight range)
sini ... koko
situ ... soko
sinun ... ano
kereta... kuruma
pensel... enpitsu
buku ... hon(g) basically bunyi cam 'hong' jgak :D
lelaki... otoko
pompuan.. onna
Small lesson :
A no B menunjukkan 'A punya B'
seperti contoh
watashi no hong
saya punya buku
anata no neko
awak punya kucing
banji no kuruma
banji punya keter...
happy japanese pocket... heheheh
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
he got married again... i cant believe it ... he already have like two wife and still he got married again. Whatever in his mind... only god knows. Dah la tu... yg gi pinjam kamera orang tp bila pulangkan tu tak padam balik gambo yg ko dah amik mase wedding ko tu apasal? alahai anak omak.... tak der la .. cam kalau nak wat jenayah tu .. make sure la pakai glove tak nak kasi fingerprint sangkut...
tp kononnya bila ditanya kenapa.. alasannya mudah jer... 'servis tak bagus'
sendiri nyer alasan jer kut tuuu...
tak tau la .. mintak simpang malaikat pat puluh pat...
katanya no dua tak tau tentang yang baru nii...
memoga kekal idup sejahtera dan bahagia ke akhir hayat ...
wish u all the best...
Monday, July 30, 2007
Plastic Pocket
'aih..tadi aku nampak cam hang dapat camca
palastit?' tanya maktuk
'umph... dah buang dah ... ado lagi dalam
palastit sampah tu tuk... tuk nak buat apa?'
kataku sambil sibuk nak drive...
'laaa... yang hang pi buang tu buat apaaa...
simpan laa... buleh jugak buat cedok apa apa...'
'berapa banyak la nak simpan tuk... bukan nya
nak pakai pun... kat umah tu banyak dah la tuk'
maktuk pun diam ...tapi still amik sudu plastic
tu n tuck it nicely inside a layer of KFC tissue
daiji ni daiji ni atsukaru
teinei ni teinei ni motsu
warenai youni
nakusanai youni
Other day... Other occasion ...
'okeh maktuk .. nak pi kl dah... dekwan bawak
buboq maktuk ni na.. buleh jugak makan kut jln'
'naa.. amik la camca palastit ni... takkan hang
nak langgah buboq kut.. tumpah satgi belemoih
pulak baju hang...'
'umph.. bak mai...'
can see a slight senyum at the corner of her
'hummm.. nasib baik jugak ada aku ni yang duk
amik simpan camca palastit nii...tu la hampa.'
basically she have proven her action of keeping
those plastic spoon which u receive inside the
takeaway sauce n tissue pack
is right after all
is worth doin after all...
Saturday, July 28, 2007
yesterday i've went to makan makan with the
fellow colleague. ramai jgak gi makan... besh la.
the tempat makan was the kind where u take
the food from the shelf there and cook them by
your self.... the thing is ...i'm not a good cooker..
so its either over goreng or ... mentah... heheh
the member...
well the top bloke would be the Big Boss... he's
the head of QA Dept.
Very good man....
strict and bold....
a good role model...
36 and he hold the Quality Decision in his hand.
second guy is the Pak Nan...
people would say he's an all talk but no action...
but i know he's otherwise...
tapi dia ado jgak kata ...dia sure dia akan makan
lebih dari suma orang but it turns out he's eating
ice cream in the middle of the eating session...
and gave up eating while everybody is still busy
cooking their blackpepper ayam...
Charlie... He's the one holding his face while saying 'apo la yg diorang
jamu niiiii...'
he's the 'usaha man'
while i'm the lazy selalu demam man:D
these is the people i'm always facing everyday...their support and
decision puts me in the right track...
hope i can work with these guys till i'm 40
Thursday, July 26, 2007
went to minum wit her today.. she came back from
north today ... should've gone karaoke with
her but it turns out that the rain stopped us...
well we ended up having a drinks instead...
nasi puteh n soton kunyit n teh o...
bali panas...
teh o limau panas gelas...
seriously it has been quite a while since my last
meetin with danisha... she shed off quite a sum
of kilogram if you should ask me... she looks
we talked...
we laughed..
we discussed...
mostly bout old story...
her pengalaman in thailand...
my pengalaman in thailand...
heard bout this cute character who want to start
wearing tudung as a permanent routine.
actually started wearing and look dang cute in
it... saw a picture of her and stunned with the view.
her cheeks still red with make-up which she use to
her eyes is soo big...
dat covers almost 25% of the whole face...
this tudung thing is seriously a a good thing for her
since previously she's not a person u give salam tu...
i pray for her new life with new tudung heheh...
i wanna show u a photo of mine wearing tudung...
dont show this photo to anyone else yaa...
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
somebody asked me...
why do u kept on tellin pocket your stories
of the day? its not like anyone is interested
in your s**t pun...
well... maybe its like a diary... for me to
ngacum what ever i want to ngacum...
about her ..
about me...
about u pocket...
about the world...
to banji maybe :D
to filantera maybe..:D
n ofcourse to others who accidentally comes
to my pocket n then kept on coming to read my
but why?
why not?
i just felt like typing...
i just felt like tellin stories...
thoughts... ideas... gossip HEh...
although tak der pun gossip lagi setakat nih ...
but anywow... respect those who can realy type..
like banji...
n filantera..
malu lak kiternyer blog ni just for ngacum... heh
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Rimau Mati Meninggalkan...
Rimau mati meninggalkan belang...
Orang mati meninggal kan Nama...
Pocket... sapo Eri tu??
basically today i've listen once again the name Eri...
it seems like she was once an Engineer ere in my place....
a plump chic...
a 'happy go lucky' kinda chic...
a very popular chic...
sometime sings
sometime jokes
sometime marah marah
so... even after she has left...
her names was still heard in our department...
people kept on talkin bout her...
the thing is ... i wonder...
am i gonna be remembered the same when i leave?
was i remembered the same after i've left my past kilang?
thats what they say...
manusia pergi meninggalkan nama...
pocket pergi meninggal kan comments ... hahahahah
Monday, July 23, 2007
Dey Pocket...
this week is a very hard week for me...
it'll be me not tellin u story anymore...
well what can i say...
i'm a keja kilang boy hehehe....
i'm goin to thailand again...
this time with the Mazda guy...
wish me luck pocket...
for i need them the most.
I hope i can snap some more this time...
will show u some more.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
This morning...
woke up at 6...
done the usual things...
out of the house by 640am...
when i was speedin my EX5 along
the same old road... a woman stop me... woooo..
she was talkin to me in mandarin...
somehow i understand what she was tryin to
request to me...
she wanted me to send her to simpang empat...
somebody is waiting there... please help me...
she even wanna give me money.
but pocket...
m already late
n i was a little bit mamai...
n i was worried about the meeting
so i turned her request down.
cian dia...
mesti dia panic gila sampai start to request
to stranger yg naik motor utk hantar dia yg
still early 20s to somewhere yg quite jauh...
even wanna pay me money for doing so...
apo la yg mempanic kan dia sampai gitu skali
kan pocket...
wished dat i can help her though...
cause i've been helped during my panic time...
n i've got my panic days... quite often.
So Pocket... helped anyone lately?
i know no one would answer this question since..
macam juah lagi berbangga bangga la plak ngan
bebenda kecik yg kita wat kan... heh
Thursday, July 12, 2007
A Stroll In The Park
Yesterday i've went for a stroll around
the park. it was nuttin much ...
just as simple as it sounds....
'a stroll around the park'
with her...
her who stands in my 'soft spot' zone.
her who will never make me angry.
her who will always make me smile.
(Even during my sugar crisis heh)
we were talking...
about work...
about life...
about 'transformers'
about u pocket...
about her BF.
about her BF family.
about her BF pet cat.
about how much she luv her BF
about how she couldnt breathe
when the BF xciden dulu skali...
ring ring ring!!
'helloooo... haaa... nak balik dah la ni..'
some guy voice muttering on the other
side of the phone line.
'alaaa.. jangan la marah...sampai kang
kita gi makan kat kdai bihun sup ari
tu yeh?'
'OK ... i balik cepat ok?'
the face starts to hambar...
'umph...umph.. hummm... hummm.. ya ... ok'
gets more pale n bored like...
'ok ...sorry ... umph... babai...'
closing her handphone...'
'i'm sorry but i gotta go ... call me...
but not when he's around ok ...
u know the drill ...'
she said while the face slightly red n
the eyes was waterly glittering, trying to
smile but failed..
Pocket : people just dont ask or think
first before blurting out nasty
words kan....
ME : yeah .. tell me about it...
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Thailand Lg
well pocket...
i've been to the Thailand again...
i wonder why they kept on referring
thailand as the 'kingdom'... maybe
its in the language kut ...
so ...i've went there for an audit
to this supplier of Ours...
below is the finding :1)Thailand people is slim...
well as far as i know their percentage of
slim people is high... throughout the two
days of me observing. i could only found
5 person with a little bit of obesity issue.
others? slim as slim as a model can be.
i would say their food culture would be the
blame for the slim issue.
Pedas n masham...
Ikan tiga rasa...
kerabu mempelam...
so pocket... maybe we should try to add in
limau nipis a little bit here and there
inside our menu...
2)Fruity Culture
At the ends of every meals... they would ask
for desert. its like a must...
i've looked at other table and what
i found was fruits are served in the
ends of the meals.
Fruits like
(Nenas..excuse my northearn slang)
limau bali...
These habit may balanced out the chili
mass consumption tru out the day.
(or else ... they would have their
appendicitus filled with chilli seeds in
no time)
3)I ate alot of seafood...
Regardless of my resdung condition
well... actually i dont have any other choice :D...
dont blame me for this...
4)Hungry in the airport...
i found a place to eat in
the suvarnabhumi airport.
a canteen like ..
a food court like..
cheaper price but not cheap.
(Compare to the burgerking
and McD.. lah kan)
basically if u're in international
airport. Ask the staff where
can u find staff canteen
its much much better than
having burger, n as everybody
knows.. inflite food taste
Pocket : nak gi jgak thaiiii.... nak makan tomyam...
Me : aku pun tak makan tomyam... namo jer
gi thailand... puih!!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Pocket...Bebawak la kemash umah...
Stop Littering ...
heh... tp kat umah penuh ngan sampah jgak...
semut merata...
makanan merata...
baju baju merata...
heh... minggu lepas ngemaskan bilik n found...
my long lost hush puppies socks.
my long lost Handsfree for the sony erricson
my long lost thumb drive...
my long lost coins
ado jgak wit nak makan nasi goreng petang tu :P
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Yo pocket...
i'll be going to the Thailand tomorrow.
just work... nuttin much...
basically i wish that they're sendin me to
Indonesia more cause i havent got enough
of indonesia yet...
(one time to the Jakarta n had the
Mee Ayam is just not enough laa wei)
i'll put in some phot for your viewing
lah pocket...
Last week Singapore.. the phot is gettin
ere... just not yet :P
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Roti Pocket
Dey pocket
so whats up...
done the photoshoot in the rain yet?
well get on to it...
today i've went to Pelita...
usually i'm reluctant to go ... since
the place is soooo the Hindi ...
aree.... ab kya hal heee?
i've ordered roti canai...which is something
that i've never ordered in quite a while...
n the roti canai taste ordinary...
n then i ask to myself... how to describe this
roti canai...
'the roti texture is just like biting a
rubber band but more brittle in a kinda way'
'u cant taste anything out of the roti ...
unless u ate it with the curry'
'should u choose to eat it without the curry...
the taste would be like licking your lips in a
hot and sunny day, salty n oily'
remember a film called 'city of angels'
nicolas cage
Meg Ryan
Where the moral of the story is ...
'dont close your eyes when riding a bike'
and the quote of the story would be ...
'what good is a pair of wings if u couldnt feel
the wind on your face?'
lagu 'iris' tu tetap menjadi pujaan hati ku
dlm filem tu jgak ado usaha meg ryan menceritakan
betapa sedapnya buah pear tanpa menyebut
but then it struck me...
hey.. this roti canai is tak sedap...
they why do people kept on going to mamak stalls
ordering themselves roti canai ?
its a question no one knows:P
lets go to melayu roti canai next time ^^;
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Well i just wanna talk bout soft spot today.
i dunno why but i do have soft spot to certain
people, its not like i like her or anything.
its not like i want her or anything...
i dont feel jealous when i met her handsome
boyfriend. i dont think i'll regret my wasted
life should i meet her again 10 years later
with her nice n loving family.
with her being as cute as she is right now.
why the soft spot... dunno..
maybe the way..
maybe the sway...
maybe the shigusa...
maybe the face...
maybe the voice...
but then again, she's not that cute.
she's not that bong kyu bong
she dont have that melodramatic voice.
she's just being her...
and ...
i dont think i wanna call her everyday.
cause its not luv.
i dont think i wanna know how was her day
cause i dont care.
i dont think i'm gonna miss her smile ...
cause its not like that
but whenever i lay my eyes on her...
i just felt easy, no more worries.
anything she ask me to do..
i'll put my top priority for her.
if she come to apologise on behalf of others
to me, i would melt and say 'its ok'
if she come and apologise to me for her wrong
doing, i would apologise to her instead for
making her feel like she needed to apologise.
i would do anything to make her feel better.
i just dont care if she stays or not.
i just dont care if she is single or not.
i just dont care if she is eating right or not.
i just dont care if she is 'anything' or not..
i just have a soft spot for her somewhere inside.
Cloud our judgement the soft spot will :)
(Ala ala startrek nyer Yoda)
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Dey Pocket!! tgh duk tgk citer puteri nii haaa..
citer yg diorang gi kuching tu...
naik air asia ker? pernah skali jer naik air asia nii...
tak dpt minuman.... tak besh nyeee...
so yesterday i got this new penyakit ... simply batuk ...
tekak berkahak...
tak der suara ...
kalau wat 'do re mi fa so la' tu kalu ... sampai 'fa' jer dah
tiada bunyi lagi keluar dari tekak ini ... hoh!!
susah woo nak keja kalau tak der suara nii... dah la keja
kita ni kena pakai suara... (sory ... bukan penyanyi yer...)
'ni!! roslin!! ni apo barang palastit ni short mould ni!! cuba
buat barang ni bebetul sket... pressure ado tgk ka!!?'
Bayangkan camno nak cakap gitu dlm keadaan tak der suara...
cakap fon ngan tak der suara tu camno yek:)
Saturday, May 12, 2007
The Nazakenai Watashi (Patetic Me)
'aku akan abiskan malam ni jugak!!'
'yer la tu ... umph!! umph!! besok aku nak tgk...'
kata mereka bagaikan kata kata ku tak bermakna
mase kat jpun dulu kan... aku jadi mamat tu ...
mamat yg pakai main bantai jer cakap apo yg dia nak buat
n somehow cannot commit. well its not like i promis or
anything... i said that i wanna have my own sniper gun so
that i can shoot anyone i hate off the road...
but everyone knows that is imposible right?
'tp bundle ... ko duk kato benda benda yg buleh di buek
dek manusia ... cam nak jadi power dalam bowling...'
umph umph... aku nak jadi power .. tp aku tak mampu -_-
bukan nyer aku tak usaha ... tp aku just simply tak mampu...
umph... so azam aku blk my ni ... aku tak nak lg jadi manusia
yg pakai announce jer kat orang azam aku ... n never achive
the thing... heharapnyer InshaAllah ... buleh la aku wat suma
nyer ...
tanjunni happyou shinakereba? (what about simply dont announce?)
kato nak citer kat ko tetiap ari pun ... putus putus jgak poket!!
hai hai... apo nak jadi ...
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
malas ker penat?
bila balik keja ... memang la penat... tp dulu lagi penat kut ...
bila penat ... rase cam tak nak wat apo apo dah... nak duk jer
atas couch n enjoy the evening... sambil tgk tv... layan dvd ker
tak pun youtube hehhhehheheh... taip jer momusu kat situ ...
n layan hahahah...
but actually how do u know that u're actually not lazy and actually
axhausted with all the days work?
i mean .. the feeling is the same (dont u think?)
basically your work will not be finished...
your thing will be pending till tomorrow...
n what was the excuse?
'well i m flat penat lah... let me take a minute or two of rest first ... '
n somehow nattoku
acaner tuu kekawan?
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Bz konon!!
well actually pocket... i have been bz...
i dunt know why...
it seems like this new work that i'm
doing is better in terms of time and pay...
but i still couldnt cope withthe situation.
it seems like my financial is a lot worst
then it was when i was in myprevious company...
ELNA ... did alot of OTs?... naaa... i dunt think so.
same as right now ...
but somehow it is more hectic here... the work ...
the tanggungjawab...
there's a lot happenin to me lately that i havent
got the time to tell u ...
i've been broke...
i've been broken...
i've been breakin...
i've been pleadin..
i've been a 'paladin'....
hahah(world of warcraft syndrom)
i've been a mess....
well.. if i'm about to tell u about all those thing
that i've mentioned above ....pocket... hell its
gonna a be a long nite typin ... heheh...
so i guess i'll just keep the long story short...
'i've been 'sick'
but now i'm cured... (or at least i think so...)
hope i'll be tellin u stories again pocket...
i'll try my best...
promise u i'll be spendin at least 5 minutes to
tell u 'the stories of today' everyday for the rest
of our life...