This is a sequel from previous post.
the question of people would change spiritually / technically
if he's in a different outfit.
Remember rambo? he can never go to war without
tying his shoelace, bandanna on the forehead,
and his rambo knife on the side.
If he dont do this ritual, he's as good as dead.
blown away by the simplest footman or a peewee
mercun raya. (Pop-pop yang baling atas lantai meletup tu)
well enough about baju, what about yourself?
hair, belly, shoulder? i definitely be going to the beach
more often if i have a six pack. now its just one pack..
one large pack..huhu (Lagi satu cerita pasal nii... nanti lah!!^^)
i Know a girl by the name
of susanti, she use to be
quiet a matured girl who
only smile with her lips
closed in together.
Tudong tidily tucked
under her collar.
tiny mole by the left lips
is like a lonely chocolate
rice on the cream icing.
Her spectacle enhance
the lady-look in her
making it hard for me to
ask her number. Adoilaaa...
But recently...
she coloured her hair red,
removed the mole, stashed the
spectacle over some light brown
contacts, either she requested
a smaller uniform or she amended it, but there is no room
between her baju and kulit anymore, even a semut will have
a rough time crawling in those tight spaces.
(I'm over exagerating, but u know what i meant lah kan..)
now that her appearance changed, her personality also changed.
ceria and upgoing, call me up from accros the hall
'abang pocket!! mangan yok!!'
in another word,
Dari dayang senandung yang serious memanjang tu,
ke fauziahGHouse yg dia jadi pembantu rumah dlm anak mami tu :D (Anak mami yek?)
Now... i dont even want to ask for her number anymore,
terasa cam too ceria till i cant cope up. hehehe
dgr dgr ada yg baru putus cinta?
apa kata tukar penampilan? potong rambut,
gi buang taik lalat kat maner maner,
tindik telinga? tatu ker.. (Jangan jangan, haram nih)
mengharapkan perubahan hati kearah positif
Moga kenangan pahit terbasuh hilang bersama rambut dulu,
moga ruang baru boleh tersedia for the next man in the que.
Good Luck!! :)
kepada yang bersemangat baru, keja baru ker..
apa kata tukar sikit samting insignificant just to
celebrate the new changes.
a new ring maybe,
a new tudong style?
agak agak buleh ubah perasaan dlm diri tak?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
225. Attire to Change
Ngacuman oleh
5:03 AM
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taknak tukar penampilan lagi!
yes, i admit..dulu bila broke up dengan mr geeky, sha potong rambut panjangku dan lepas tuh simpan rambut dalam kotak. adalah somewhere tuh, kat mana tak tau lah.
but now, bila dah ada duit kat cafe world, masa tukar tuh jadi bengong. lantas, peking duck yang telah dimasak sebanyak 13 ribu servings telah lenyap.
sekarang sha tak ada duit sebab dah beli meja dan dah pakai nak masak crab. huwaaaaa...
the change of outfit and style is refreshing but will never change the person we are.
still bengang lagi dengan cafe world. 18 hours of waiting for nothing. just the change of hair colour which eventually look stupid!
* pocket, sha emo.
hair around the head..?
kadar petumbuhan rambut, janggut, misai, side burn aku sangatlah lambat..
pernah sekali nak simpan jambang macam james hetfield penyanyi metallica tu, (yg sideburn sambung ngan misai skali tu..
tapi takleh, pasal genetik dah macam nih kot..
sometimes tukar gak hair style.. pernah skali wat macam style david beckam, yg tajam kat tengah tu.. seminggu orang panggil aku ayam..
but, kalo properly change hair style to something different and to quite dang-good-looking-style one, noticed that girls will be sok sek sok sek after i passed by them..
hope to be good sok sok sok sek one la kan.. :)
semangat sikit nak wat kejer..
tukar penampilan? owhh, tidak kot buat masa nih. lagipun, tak dek apa yang perlu ditukarkan untuk melupakan sesuatu.
tukar penampilan tuk melupankn sumthing?? berkesan ke?? :)
(ada ke patut tnye soklan blk kat org yg tnye soklan) ;p
bg sy ar, xde mknanya ubah penampilan semta2 nak lupakan bnda2yg pahit nie.. sbbnya dah try dlu, msa gaduh ngan exbf sy, sy potong rmbut.. konon2 nak epy ar.. ktanya "new me".. tp.. habuk pun xde.. sy mkin skit atie ada ar tgk rmbut sy yg d bela sjak kecik kna kerat dek tkang gnting 2... :(
(sdey sebntar)
alih2 sma aje.. smpai skang pun sy msih xdpt lupakan dia n smpai skang gak rmbut ku nie mcm majuk xmo pnjang2 dah.... :>
so...moral of d story... xyah ar tukar penampilan semata2 tuk sumthing.. tp kalo tukar tuk kebaikan ok kot... ;p
Eh serious tau, I feel like getting a haircut after I broke up last year. Finally got my hair cut a few months later...and I felt like a new person! Don't play play with rambut ha..hehe
Ohhh James Hetfield...makin tua makin hemsem. huhu.
kdg2 dgn cr kt ubh penmpilan utk lupakn seseorg tu berkesan jugak...
tukar penampilan?
LECEH! haha
kenapa nak brubah klo dah selesa dgn penampilan skrg?
it's fine la if nak tukar ke lebih baik, utk kebaikan diri sendiri...
but ish.. kalau tukar, kena beli byk benda baru pulak nak ngam dgn personality, penampilan baru haha
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