Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Somebody talked bout sunyi lately, so here goes my versions of sunyi…
Sunyi is like going to clubbing but nobody knows you…
Sunyi is like going to sleep thinking, how are you?
Sunyi is like having your lunch alone but the table next to you is riuh rendah
Sunyi is like opening your e mail but no new e mail
Sunyi is like sitting on the beach where lovers sit and holding hands, alone
Sunyi is like watching movies by your self(Mr & Mrs Smith)
Sunyi is like asking for movies that u luv at the counter, but they don’t have it….
They’ve never even heard of it…(tte samishiiiiii)
Sunyi is like giving aisatsu kat boss but he didn’t even look at you
Sunyi is like opening your blog, but no one write’s any comment:P heheh
Macam orang tk baca pun apo celoteh kita ni kan pocket..^^;
Actually u suck in writing la bundle!! That's why...
Shut up lah pocket!!
To da sisters yg kiut, biler lg nak nulih blog?


yuuichirounis said...

Sunyi is like playing bowling,but no one's there to share the joy,(kes main sorang2 ler ni)...isk...

Pocket said...

Niss,kalau dpt 300 pun, tak der opponent main skali nak enjoy it with pun tak besh jgak kan.hehe..no count!huh!!tambahan jgak....
Sunyi is like after cuci gambar but nobody there to look at it and cherish the moment of the photo. Huh!!

Anonymous said...

aaa..sunyi ke bundle..nih sunyi version org yang dah kawen la plak..hehhe ..sunyi bila masa masuk tido sensorang dan bangun pepagi masih sensorang jgak atas katil..saikin eechii jek..kekeke
oh ye..nak promote nih..
ade lagu dedicated utk niss kat sini..