Monday, August 06, 2012

564. Biasa Biasa aja..

pocket bebaru ni dok layan tv..
entah kenapa ternampak lak vdo clip
cik NajwaLatiff kita tu nyanyi ngan dua mamat ni.
ok jgak la diorang 'chanting' perkataan yang sama
jer dari awal sampai abis..
saper buleh jawab.. berapa banyak 'untuk-dia'
yang diorang sebut?

maa still catchy :D

part yang besh nyer is... the first verse that sis Najwa
was singing... her voice was as usual, not like siti
with all pulun and menyakitkan tekak trying to hit
the correct pitch. Hers was more relaxed.
Anyway her verse was ...
'mungkin kau lihat ku banyak berbelanja
tapi sebenarnya ku biasa biasa saja'

ohh sis, on what standard are your referring to?
having 17 pair of shoes per quater year and
another 17 for the next quater is 'biasa biasa saja' for some,
but nor for most, not for another 70% of hardworking labor
out there trying to make a living :D
sis.. all three of u are driving topless..
eh silap!!
itu maknanya sudah jadi lain,
all three of u are driving a 'bumbung'less car
and u'r saying 'biasa biasa' saja?
is a bit worrying for us who drive
wira and still thinking its a babe magnet.

let me tell u kids out there...
in my factory there is about 2000 people working.
about 100 person only having basic salary of more then 2K,
which 50 of them are more then 3 and can goes up to 6 to 7...

if u talk about 'biasa' then u'r suppose to be from those
1900 people who are getting less then 1k of sallary.
tell me? how to pay insurance for your kids la with 1k of sallary?
rumah jer pun dah RM700, keter lagi RM400...
makan aper !? astro lagi... heheh:)

my point is... video kamu menyesatkan sis :D
(Menyesatkan pun, tp kamu comel so tak per)
kanak kanak zaman akan datang akan pikir
the colorful life that u portraying in your vdo
is actually what they'll be having when they
grow up... when it is not. well maybe yes,
only for 3% of youngsters today.

terus teringat 'SlumdogMilionaire'


HEMY said...


untuk poket..untuk poket..untuk poket yang keringggg

Hanie Dew said...

aku tgk vid ni bekali kali tak tepikir plak pe yg ko highlight dlm entry ni.

ada betul jgk pe yg ko ckp tu.budak budak skrg tak main tapis tapis pe yg dorg absorb je sume. bahaya..bahaya..

littledolphin said...

maybe ..i repeat maybe,the 'biasa biasa saja' she's saying is refering to the brand of the products she bought.

ordinary brand -> cheaper price = banyak belanja =less money consuming=biasa-biasa

"having 17 pair of shoes per quater year and
another 17 for the next quarter"

i only have one two shoes for per quarter of the year.i prefer investing money on clothes rather than shoes BAHAHAHA!

littledolphin said...

oh btw,of course point taken.can be quite such an indirect negative influence for kids

and thats why im sticking to linkin park,eminem and fort minor forever :p

Akue Achik said...

hohohoo..pocket taip post ni bt sy mcm trbgun dr mmpi plak..sbb slma ni layan je tgok vt lgu ni..dgn dua mamat ensemmmmm...waahahha..opss..

Sarah Mohd Saleh said...

tp vdeo dan lagu itu sgt org kaya yg melimpah ruah,itu mmg biasa,tp bg kami yg yg biasa2 sahaja ni,semua itu luar biasa ;)

fatin said...

Term biasa jer nih slalu didgr dr mulut org yg humble gitu...bile ditanya gaji bp... Biasa jer... Bp ko beli nih..mesti mahal... Dia jwb biasa jer...

Down to earth kind or mebi perahsia...

fatin said...

Term biasa jer nih slalu didgr dr mulut org yg humble gitu...bile ditanya gaji bp... Biasa jer... Bp ko beli nih..mesti mahal... Dia jwb biasa jer...

Down to earth kind or mebi perahsia...

fatin said...

Term biasa jer nih slalu didgr dr mulut org yg humble gitu...bile ditanya gaji bp... Biasa jer... Bp ko beli nih..mesti mahal... Dia jwb biasa jer...

Down to earth kind or mebi perahsia...

fatin said...

Term biasa jer nih slalu didgr dr mulut org yg humble gitu...bile ditanya gaji bp... Biasa jer... Bp ko beli nih..mesti mahal... Dia jwb biasa jer...

Down to earth kind or mebi perahsia...

Unknown said...

hahaha.. setuju berabis..

ada beberapa kenalan sy yg selalu mengaku dia biasa2 saja..

tapi tiap kali update status di fb tengah lepak di starbucks! hahaha

kuyak pocket!

E said...

oh pocket..tak terfkr sampai ke situ sekali..hehe..

think outside box la si pocket ni..

eh.."biasa2 saja" tapi skrg bdk2 pun pakai smartphone mhl2 jgk :D


Pocket said...

heheheh, untuk pockeettt...

orang dah tengok berkali kali kan,
pocket baru nak tahu ada vdo ni,
ohh ketinggalan zaman btul pocket nih:D

bukan itu saja,
banyak lagi, buleh wat satu post!! :D

i biasa biasa ajer..
tp pakai samsung galaxy tab,
branding tak la sampai IPad,
tp still... hampir sebulan gaji pocket tuu!! wow!!

and how many baju u'r having sis?
may i ask?
'biasa biasa' ajer kan :D

hoyeah!! eminem is the bomb!!
pocket dok gila lagu 'im not afraid' yang kamu propose kan ari tu, beh weh!!

ker layan pelakon yang hangat dok layan awek dia macam hapantah tu? heheheh

macam hebat kan pelakon nyer?(Pocket tak tahu nama^^)

apa yang sweetnyer sis?

hoyeah u said it sis,
bagi yang 'berada' arriving to the school wit a toyota is 'biasa'
but for us, arriving by bus is
the norma :D

kenapa ada banyak komen sis?
buleh pocket padam n tinggalkan satu?

so basically sis najwa tengah merendah diri jer la yer?
ooo... point taken sis..
that is one way of looking at it.

well.. biasa biasa bagi dia is starbucks sis..
bagi kita? err old town cofee buleh ker?

tak la outside of the box sangat,
justsimply terperasan jer.

smart phone!!
pocket pernah tanya sorang tu..
pakai smartphone ker? pakai apa?
'biasa biasa jer...' jawab dia...
'nokia lumia jer'

Unknown said...

lifecost tinggi.. memang perempuan skrng kena demand..

right now imagine bagaimana suara najawa latif bila dah mencecah 30 tahun..hehe

a said...

sedap lagu ni ekceli, cuma najwa bila dia high pitch tu tinggi sgt suara dia. hee...

Elie Lily said...

Popular dah Najwa Latif ni. Untung dia dah jadi artis berjaya even baru 17. :)

Shafiq said...

I did wonder about that.. :-) Children nowadays are quite fast at absorbing things from the media, especially from the television..

inche hlovate said...

tak tepikir plak..bila baca ni baru perasan..erm tapi najwa ni boleh tahan juga popularnya..budak2 ramai suka dia

Anonymous said...

ahakss mgghyati lirik tuuuuuu

Pocket said...

heheh demand masa hantaran :D

30? dia nyanyi lagi ker by then?

hooh hooh,
agak tinggi..
kira kalau dgr walkman tu,
mahu bergetar gak la gigi ni kan:D

well dia ada peluang,
ada usaha... n harapnya dia
banyak menyimpan..

buleh bersara awal :D

Television was one of the metaphor of Dajjal Bermata Satu..
its when everyone is following the'D' and no one following quran or hadith anymore...

memang memamng,
pocket tak berapa nak suka lagi,
'biasa biasa' ajer :D

kesitu plakkamu..
heheheh kantul pocket dok dengar apa yang si female singer nyer nyanyi instead of the male singer nyer :D mueheheh