'aaa... kat sini taruk nama la kan?'
'humm!!' farid just nodded while making that hideous sound.
'aaa farid, Employer tu apo yek?'
'tak yah taruk apa apa kat situ, pocket tak pernah keja lagi kan..' farid explained.
'Spouse's name' pocket was reading the word out loud hoping farid would take the
initiative to answer what's the meaning of the word.
'nama pasangan' farid still answering but with a slight sound of annoyance.
hummm, i think another two words more and he'll blow his top up ... humm..
have to choose then.
'health, hummm... yg ni aku tau'
pocket was thinking to himself.
'farid, violation or conviction tu apo farid?'
another one more question to go... eheh..
'ummmmm kesalahan undang undang!' farid said
a bit shouting.
'farid farid...last one..'pocket was begging..
'ok .. last one .. yes?' farid was happy since
it was pocket's last question.
'physical disabilities?'
'kurang keupayaan fizikal'
'ok' pocket have used up all his life line...
no more help anymore after this.
'race? lumba kuda ka... malay, chinese, indian,
etc... oooo... bangsa la ni.
taruk la portugese. eheh..'
'sex? aaa.. yang ni tau..'
'education? aaa ... yang ni pun tau la jugak..
jawapannya : Educated' heh heh
and the whole form writing process ended.
Now the interviewing process for a job at
the Shopping complex begin.
The Shopping complex was called 'ocean' located
infront of the jam besar Sungai Petani.
It was 1996 and everybody was still wearing
those GQ belt. the one studded with metal buckle
on the tip of the belt.
Of course pocket was still unable to converse
in english that well yet then.
'ok pocket, name... ocupation nil, ini kerja
pertama awak ya pocket?' the interviewer asked.
'aaa.. yes' pocket answered short and simple.
terified by the interviewing environment.
the interviewer scan through...
and then suddenly he laugh...
enjoyed the humour for a while
and he Called a nearby friend
and he too enjoyed the humour written there.
then after a while they managed to calm
'boleh tolong explain tak...
Sex : Normal tu macam mana?'
ya ya saya paham bahawa bahasa jiwa bangsa.
Tetapi kadar kefahaman bahasa inggeris yang
terlalu rendah boleh menyebabkan anda
dimalukan di khalayak ramai dan sekaligus
menyebabkan anda hilang keyakinan untuk
berhadapan dengan dunia.
Monday, June 16, 2008
65. 1996Interview
Ngacuman oleh
6:16 AM
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wakakakka.... lawak benor cerita ko ni...
Sex: Normal
hahaha.... maksudnya bukan gay la kan.. bukan juga bisexual... normal maksudnya suka pompuan jak... hahahaha
nice joke for this morning...
haha lawak sial! terbatuk-batuk aku baca.
p/s: mungkin dia x baca kamasutra, tak tengok blue.3gp sebab tu dia jawab normal.
hehehe. bukan ke sex tu refer pd jantina. :p
memula ingatkan napela tanya byk2 soklan, rupanya nak isi form interview. huhu.
ahahaha.. but better than another joke, the guy mentioned...
Sex : 3 times a day
Sex: Normal
can u explain it now, mr pocket?
lawak lawak... lawak di pg isnin
~ amy dah gelak tergolek-golek kat ofis nie. punya si partner amy tuh pandang pelik asal suddenly jer gelak bagai.. hahaha....
btw, 1996 tuh amy baru je darjah 6. tapi kalo org tanya sex and races tuh maybe paham kot, tapi tak confident gak la nak jwb takut salah. :P ~
hahahha menarik menarik!!! kira ok arr kan.....
kalau ter jawab
sex: maniac....pervert kan susah
Sex : normal? apakah?hehe
bukan Sex : Male ke.hik2
Hahaha... adoi, tak baik gelak ok, api tak boleh blah la..
first time commenting here i presume?
Thanks for coming.
will be linking yours,
pls link mine in yours:D
hehehe, memang gitu la jadi nya,
pastinya jadi kenangan lawak utk interviewer tu.
Cik kiah pun rasanya cam first time commenting ere kan?
makasih la mai sini:)
Akan menge'link' anda disini,
Link lah sy punya kat sana yer ^^
Hooh Hooh, 1996 tak der lagi bebenda tu suma.
Just a simple thinking mind. Fresh after school...
so normal jer la jawapannya... eheh:D
Memang la Diya,
'sex' tu merujuk kepada jantina,
kalau ado kotak male and kotak female tu buleh la jgak
pocket agak and bantai tick kat one of them...
tp dia pakai tulih
SEX : _____________ (Ado line jer...)
Mano la pocket nak tau ... ^^
wahahahah!!, kalau pocket reply gitu lg la teruk...
for sure tak dpt keja nyer lah..
Sekarang dah boleh explain dah, in detail lagi.
tp dulu.. eheh:D Maafkan pocket yang buta huruf back then:)
ehhh!!, jangan tergolek golek!
kang jatuh tangga heheheh,
jangan terkejut... memang bagi amy yang darjah nam dulu paham.
tp ado jgak abang abang yg keja sini still tak tau perbezaan antara :
Heh heh, pocket pun masih merangkak rangkak.:)
Heh, betui tu filantera.
agak agak depa bagi kita kerja tak kalau kita jawab
Sex : Sexy,
heh, jangan gelak kuat sangat dik,
nanti sakit rahang :D
heh, tu la liyana, paham paham kan la english anda setakat basic necessity tuh :D
sex : normal.
klo lah mmg dorg tanya sex yg tu kan..
myb pocket still kene gelak gak.. tp sket je laa.. :p
sbb it supposed to be "straight" yg bermakna bukan biseks, homo, or lesbian. betul tak??
mind me klo salah.. hehe..
tapi, ini betul terjadi la.. bukan pocket je..
dulu time nk isi borang masuk UKM pn nina pening.. tu dah 17 years old tuuuh.. hahha..
amik je sbg pengajaran, kan pocket??? *wink*
huhu:..basic necessity..:)hehe
Ceh, mmg sengal :))
Bese la pocket, waktu tuh bhs inggeris nih tak di ambil berat sgt :|
umph, amik wat pengajaran, the moral is, some people actually screaming out loud about the importance of BahasaJiwaBangsa...Knowing certain level of english is a must. :D
Basic necessity as if
'Please teacher, may i go to the toilet'
gitu gitu la, haaa...liyana mula la nak kemana tuu?:D eheh...
Masa kekecik dulu tak pikir sngat pasal english,
sekarang terasa plak rugi.
kalau la dulu pandai.
mesti sekarang ni berasap asap..eheh:D
Sir! Or Sir Pocket!
huhu.please Sir, i need to see that handsome teacher. Can i go now? haha:p.tukarla,asyik g toilet je.haha:p
watashi pernah terdengar gak la citer camne
tp mmg lawak giler ok...
ada resume yg watashi terima camtu
~ watashi nya komen kelakar tak hengat... boleh tak camtuh. hahahaha... ~
tp mmg betul la amy
watashi aritu kan pangku jap jawatan HR tu
mmg letih duk gelak sensorang
tp sbb watashi pro kan..(uwekkk))
so cover la skit gelak tu
aish, jangan gelak tau..benda ni happened to 1 of my close fren jugak..
so mr pocket, would u mind telling me how u become proficient in this language? i need to know, so that i can help my friend.
teacher azie in the house:)huhu
~ kalo amy jd watashi pun, harus gelak tergolek-golek.
nasib la pocket jwb normal. leh la gak nak cover aper yg patut. if jwb virgin ker dan seangkatan dengan nya. lagik teruk la kan kena gelak. ~
Pocket said...
P Liyana,
btul jgak,
asyik the same old
'may i go to the toilet'
jer boring jgak kan,
tp nak mintak gi jumpak
cikgu ensem Yg tak paham tuuu. eheh:D
i got no comment for that ayaq,
tgh duk gelak sesorang ni hahahahah,
yang herannye dia tahu la plak perkataan virgin tu?
perkataan Sex plak yang bleh disalah pahamkan...
ahaaaiiii... tingin nak tgk resume tu :)
Gelak Sesorang dalam bilik HR? eheh, cam pernah tgk jgak Kakak HR kitorang duk gelak dlm ofis diorang, terhibur baca resume la agak nyer tu yek?:D
umph, pasal memang jadi tu la yg nak share kat blog nih,
hummm...acaner nak jadi pandai english?
Pocket sendiri tak pandai...
kalau tanya pocket apa itu
present tense,
past present,
pocket presenting the past...
suma jadah tu langsung pocket tak paham.
pocket cuma dengar english bebanyak and rasa sedap bila bercakap dan menulis.
pasal tu grammar tak betul sangat tu hahaha (Malu^^)
so, my nasihat to you azie will be...
bli DVD bebanyak n play the same DVD berulang ulang kali
sampai buleh hapal script. eheh...
then the english will come to you by itself.
apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan normal itu?
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