Pocketeers, karangan blues for the monday blue.
i was playing chess the other day with this cute girl
who is waiting for her calls to be upgraded from
lepasan-SPM to a university student.
I heard she did well in her SPM. Nearing maximum result.
The Chess set was small, the kind that u have to hold
the pawn using a tweezer. Not much fancy the game though,
cause i just needed her number.
'now i wonder, why do u move that knight over there abang?'
she asked. Since i've been losing for three consecutive game
i dont bother telling her why.
'Well i'm trying to open up a way for my queen to go out'
sweat trickling my forehead.
'yes, that i can see, but why there? of all the location u can move,
why there?' Suddenly she doesnt look that cute anymore.
'i dont know, random?'
'now abang, that is where u are wrong..
in life u have 60 years, and if one step
takes u 1 year, then u have 60 step only.
u've lost half of that, dont u wanna choose
your step wisely from now on?'
she's moving her bishop taking my pawn.
'i thought we're talking about chess?' Smile faded.
now i think my late grandfather was downloaded
into her mainframe and started to give me advice
from beyond.
'well life is chess, and chess is life..
and so does others..'
'others?' i'm looking at her in a different way now.
'every step have a meaning,
every phone calls, every touch,
every kiss. Every thing u said,
do or not do... if it doesnt produce
a meaningful result, why do it?'
(Sakit ati nampak? baru putus cinta ker dik?)
i kept my silence then, dont think its
appropriate for me to dig more,
her expression is like she's not there,
wandering elsewhere reminiscing old
memory maybe, Am starting to feel like a boy,
taking advise of life, from a girl half my age.
well well pocket..if that is true,
u might wanna re consider...
why do u buy the new chair,
when u still have lots to pay,
why do i wanna buy the PaintBall gun,
when i'm playing it once a month,
why am i still working here,
when i am best working there.
why am i still in luv with u,
when i have her here with me,
and u have him with u,
step up, jangan malas.
nasihat buleh datang dari mana mana pun.
open up and listen will ya? I hate monday..
cause they're for monsters:(
Monday, May 31, 2010
296. Chaiiiiissss!!!!
Friday, May 28, 2010
295. Emas yang hilang.. eh?
i was talking to a friend the other day
about interest, his interest was
goldfish, i state my point that keeping
a live goldfish is cruel, cause u'r putting
them in a man made environment that
is not allowing the gold fish to swim freely
in the open.
Basically kesian kan ikan tu terperangkap dalam
perhiasan di rumah kita and ... remember Nemo?
'tapi pocket... ikan maih mana ada natural habitat?
penah hang nampak dia berenang kat sungai memana?'
betui jugak...
tanya pocketeers sekalian...
penah nampak ikan emas kat natural
habitat dia?
kita dah terlalu biasa ngan situasi ikan emas tu domesticated
dan tidak dibiarkan berenang kat sungai sampai kita tak pernah
tau cara kehidupan dia.. yang kita tau dia duduk belakang gelas.
sama la macam semua benda pelik dlm donia skarang,
memula ditentang, dibenci dicaci... tp gay n lez dah tak der
masaalah sekarang. buleh buat movie lagi pasal Lez (GIA)
n gay (Valentines)
kalau sekarang ni bebudak kat jpun dah tak tau dah beef tu mai mana.
tanya kalu.. supermarket!!! jawab mereka.
sepuluh tahun nanti... ada jer anak lelaki yg cakap ngan bebasnya
'abah... saya gay lah.. apa kelas layan budak pompuan gedik tuu'
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
294.Hobiku Memukul...
...kanak kanak nakal yg memang jahat.
simply sebab pocket rase diorang deserved to be 'jentik'ed
on their forehead 143 time producing good 'pak!pak!pak!'
sound :)
Pocketeers, korang ada minat tak?
Minat macam memancing ker?
mereka yg minat memancing ni dikatakan penyabar orangnya
sebab tak selalu action from minute one till minute last.
wit manyak jgak nak kena pakai nii!! sebab joran tu tak murah
beb.. ada yg beriban riban jgak woo.. ada satu kawan ni katanya
joran nyer mencecah puluhan batang!! one for every occasion.
humm mesti besh kan..
Senja nanti ada jer citer.. gi laut sana, gi laut sini,
tangkap ikan tu ari tu, kawan terlepas ikan ni ..
menarik kan.. tp apa kata isteri?
Minat macam backpacking n jejalan ker?
waah, mereka yang layan minat ni, memang berpengalaman
luas.. almaklum lah.. jauh perjalanan luas permandangan.
mesti banyak dah diorang tgk, pengalaman kena curik bagasi
mungkin.. sakit masa menghadapinya, tp pengalaman indah
untuk diingati kan.. wit pakai banyak woo.. masa lagi.. org yg
keja kilang cam pocket ni buleh ker? keja camana? amik cuti?
Senja nanti ada jer citer.. denai mana aku tak lalu,
jalan mana aku tak pernah sesat, ticket bas kat guangzhou
sana pung ado dlm album gambo ni haaa..
menarik kan.. tp apa kata family? ker family gi skali?baby?
Minat macam tennis ker?
Setiap hari main tennis. kalau tak main pun, jogging utk keep
fit nak main tennis. Ranking dalam negeri nombor 1459.
Duk usaha nak dapat kan top 1000
racket ada lapan, upgraded dari zaman mula main sampai lah
sekarang. HEMY? ko main tennis... camana ?
Senja nanti ada jer citer..
jumpa mamat top ten Penang tu, jumpa minah SUKMA ni,
jumpa agassi (Waahhhh!!)
pertandingan tu,
pertandingan ni,
menarik kan, yg ni tak der tapi.. mest menarik kan...
Setelah puluhan tahun korang idup...
Belasan tahun korang buleh pikir sendiri...
Apa yang korang dapat untuk diri sendiri?
(Standard necessity tu tak leh kira lah kan, rumah, keter, bini, second bini hehehe)
Pengalaman yang boleh disenyumkan senja
Ikan apa yg korang penah mancing?
Berapa ranking tennis negeri tertinggi?
Denai mana korang pernah lalui?
Sebab pocket tak der minat.
so pocket tak buleh jawab...
tingin nak ada satu, ada idea?
orang yg dah established
base nyer tak yah risau
pasal family, utang keter
umah dapat wasiat gitu2?
tak aci laaa!!
Monday, May 24, 2010
293. CintaPasarMalam
Pocket is walking fast,
need to be there as fast as he can,
a feeling of guilt and regret for sleeping
after work just now, he should have known..
A guy who just ate a late lunch of nasi mamak
wit kambing and bendi wont wake up on time.
Blame it on the soft sofa he was sleeping in just now.
It was too comfortable.
'err tumpang laluuuu' he started to tap people's
shoulder trying to make way through the congested
pasar malam walk way,
The feeling of letting Nabilah wait was tormenting him,
kesiaaaan nabilah.
he was thinking of all the excuse he can think.
Overslept at 4pm was a bit too pathetic he thought.
Traffic Jam? but this is Guar CHempedak..
There is no traffic jam since the petronas was
bringing their new tank from alor setar to Selangor
back in 1990
what about hujan? now that's lame..
'your love for me is so thin that u left me to wait
cause u dont want to get wet?' he wont have a
chance anymore next time.
'Best that i blame jackie chan for making a movie along
the way coming to this Pasar Malam GUar Chempedak.
She wont believe me anyway so why not make it a nice bluff.'
He thought..
After a few jump and scary stunts like those action
u can see in Ninja Warrior.. Pocket has arrived.
Another ten step to reach nabilah's usual waiting location
he stopped. take a deep breath trying to speak in a proper
way rather then coughing or vomiting from those runs
he made just now.
'sorri lah!! lambat sikit la..'
'sorryyyyy!!! diorang belakon drama kat dpan tu tadiii!!'
'lama tunggu, i sengaja lambat, nak tengok u tunggu i ker tak..'
he was reciting his excuse trying to ignore the chest pain.
ehek ehek... pocket is not that young anymore u know.
But just to his surprise, nabilah was not there,
a puzzle cause she always wait for him,
and not the other way around.
Well there is always the first time he thought.. and so he wait.
'nugget dik?' an old makcik ask from a stall nearby,
'Tak per..' pocket put his hand up a little waving it.
And there she was appearing from the crowd like
the sun in the morning. Bright and beautiful,
stunning in her own way, she look like the lady who acted as
Maya in that telenovela Adamaya but with a simple tudong
strap neatly aroung her neck, fair skin with those japanese sepet.
Large in the middle with pointy tip.
'sorry kak.. lambat sikit'
her soft voice was the only sound pocket is allowing to enter
his ear right now. regardless of the noisy sound of people
bargaining in the crowdy pasar malam.
She went directly to the lady who asked pocket
if he wanted any nuggets earlier. Taking out the apron behind
the counter, talking something bout toilet being crowded...
'err.. nabilah..' stuttering as he always is,
'sayer' nabilah turned towards pocket with
her enormous eyes that could easily took 25% of her face.
'...' u know pocket with smiles right?
turned him to stone instantly.
'abang nak beli nugget?'
nabilah voiced out with her hand on her back tying the apron's strap.
Pocket just kept his silence letting three of his finger stands.
'nugget tiga cucuk'
'jual yer..'
Saturday, May 22, 2010
292. Lekatla Pulaaakkk...
Entry mudah di sabtu hening,
sunyi lagi sangap biarpun suma orang duk layan AF,
pocket yg tak der Asro ni tak terpengaruh so...
tak tahu siapa itu shahir!!!
ini gambar toothpick yang melekat kat idung pocket,
(Jangan komen tentang bibir kering lagi misai berceragah tak kemas ittu)
yes, as stupid as it may sound...
Saper pandai sila teka camana benda tu buleh
melekat kat situ?Peserta pertama yang berjaya meneka dengan tepat..
akan pocket adiahkan McDonald punyer voucher!! yeaaaaa!!!
(Err.. McD punyer voucher minimum berapa yek? dua hinggit ader?)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
291. Betul.. tak tipu..
'aiyaaa.. mana mau makan ni pocket!!
lu pasai talak bagi tau mana mau makan ni,
wa sama bini wa sudah sejuk sejuk oo!!. '
'apasal plak..'
'ya laaa. wa bagi tau mau pi makan makan,
dia tanya mana, wa kata talak tau..
dia tanya.. talak tau ka tak mau bagi tau wa kata talak tau,
wa cakap organizer pun talak tau'
'wallaweeeh, hang kebelakangan ni mencurigakan kot'
'well tu pun ada jugak la sikit sikit,
tapi sekarang dia talak bagi wa pi makan skali woo..'
'so malam ni boleh pegi makan skali ker tak ni?'
'nanti wa kawtim dulu dengan wife dulu.. dia sudah marah pi la'
peh pocketeers, if u wanna have an easy life where u are
allowed to go wherever u want... dont play anything weird
behind your spouse's back. Ok, having another one is inevitable,
Cause a sin is not a sin, if u dont get caught :)
In the end 7 people ate this.
(Thanks to the blurry picture, i can post this pic here)RM75 set for 5 people:
RM53 set for 5 people:
Ayam pandan tiga org makan,
daging merah tiga orang makan,
ketam masak merah 8 ekor..
ni makan ke mentekedarah nii?
Friday, May 14, 2010
290. CheckPerut
pocket can sometime be so dull (Tumpul)
that if he was suppose to be an axe...
he would look like a hammer. Blunt and thick.
HEMY from his post ...
'Langgar je, takyah pikir-pikir!!! naluri suami mmg hebat!!!'
...reminded me of this story. A short one, its weekend anyway.
I was calling Zaifizam, the Zaifizam from the post : 130.Senawang
he was driving his 4WD, he cant talk.. 'ok.. i'll call u later yah'
Then about 4 hour later, i called him again.
'Alamak beb, kejap lagi buleh ka.. aku tgh duk check perut la'
'Aaahhh, ok ok.. wei apasai wei!!?'
'Tuuuttt tuuutttt' he didnt answered. Wah!! i began to panic.
What can possibly happen to my friend that he needed to check
his stomach? err..
And so i waited, walk the same two point back and forth till the
my shoes worn off and my knee lost its ligamen, about 20 minute
or so and i called again... this time he was on the passenger seat of
his wife's Altis.
'Wei!! pasai apa wei!?'
'Tak dak apa aiihh, aku accident la ngan bini aku'
'Hang accident ngan bini hang? macam mana buleh jadi tu? simpang?'
He drives a 4wd, his wife drives an Altis...
would be nasty hit i thought. Imagining them getting out
of their parking area and the lady's thinkin lady's first,
the men never understand women so... bedebang!!
'La nak jadi macam mana lagi, macam biasa ja la..
tgh duk drive best best.. tak sedaq punya pasai.. accident la. hheeh'
Zaifizam is chuckling all the way.. i bet the accident
was a silly mistake like the kind u'd laugh about after.
'Hang lagi buleh gelak.. sampai kena check perut punya accident,
mesti teruk punya nih.. so perut tu ok ka? jahit?'
'Perut ok jerr... Alhamdulillah.. dah 8 minggu dah'
eh? check perut? 8 minggu?
loh!!nasib baik dia tak bagi tau camana accident.
kalau tak.. mahu jadi cerita lain dah post pocket
ari nih heheheh:)
Tumpul nyer pocket...
Tumpul nyer pocket...
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
289. Panas!!
Pocketeers.. a short post..
kebelekangan ni panas kan?
panas ngan kes budak kena tembak pasal speeding tu,
panas ngan kes pemimpin dituduh menyodom tu,
panas ngan mentor mas idayu yg sanggup blakon iklan mudah tu,
panas jgak ngan boss pocket yg tegur...
'aik, panjang karangan nampak.. tak nampak cam report pun..'
dan trus .. [Alt]+[Tab] 'plup.. tak der la boss.. nukilan rase jer'
agak mengexplain kan kenapa kurang cerita mengikut schedule
pocket yang selalu, sekarang ni schedule berterabur!!
panas jgak ngan ekonomi yg makin mengarut skrg ni,
ada lagi citer pasal OT kena control... 30 jam jer sebulan.
kalau sejam dpt 96 hinggit tak kisah la beb!!
nih sejam cukup utk makankat kdai mamak nasi lauk kambing
ngan sotong goreng plus bendi dua ketul jer pun...
(Kalau sebut ngan nisbah nasik mamak rasa cam banyak plak.. )
simply tak besh kalau menaip ngan ketiak ni berpeluh
dek bilik pocket yang memang panas dek cuaca nih...
nak pasang ekon, kang marah lak roomate kang.
so tak pasang.. tp makin pendek jer rasenyer masa
pocket online kebelakangan ni?
panas kot...
yes memang panas, dah bau cam changing room gym
lelaki lelaki kampung dah ni, bau stokin plus bau pluh.. warh!!
sapa yg duk penang.. korang panas tak? Pocket panas nih!!
Thursday, May 06, 2010
288. Kasut Pompuan
pocket baru perasan satu perkara, secara umumnya,
kasut pompuan akan dikira lawa atau impresive kalau
nampak baru, now nampak baru disini tak semestinya
new model baru kuar kat kedai dah ada kat kaki dia..
Maybe kasut tu bli tahun lepas tp pakai 3 kali jer setahun.
So kurang nampak lusuhnya, kurang benang tecabutnya,
yg besi besi tu tak bengkok lg, n less scratches.
Sebab ini lah jgak.. pompuan ada kasut banyak.
(Sebab nak pakai satu tu 3 kali setahun)
Dompet pompuan juga begitu, kalau kita gi kat kedai,
maner ader dompet pompuan yang di design bagi nampak
lusuh.. suma nampak baru shining, lagi bersinar sinar...
unlike lelaki.. CamelActive tu kalernyer matt brown.
bukan shiny brown disini ok..
Lelaki juga sukakan barang antik.. pompuan macam kurang..
ker pocket jer yang tak tahu? kalau ya enlighten me will ya :D
Lapi laki.. umur benda tu penting. contoh nyer honda 70
lampu bulat tu.. memang la digilap tetiap ari..
tp tak der makna kalau lampu bulat tu dijadikan lampu
cam motor kris..
Conclusion nyer?
Lelaki suka barang lama
Kalau dah suka satu barang tu, will stay
ngan barang tu jer la sampai end of life.
Lagi lusuh masam masin ngan peluh talipinggang tu.. lagi bagus..
lagi bulat dompet tu mengikut bentuk ponggong lelaki, tu lagi bagus..
sampai kad kedit yg duk dlm pun bengkok abis...
Sebab kalau kami sayang, kami sayang satu jer..
*or maybe budak kampung jer pikir gini, tapi lelaki metrosexsual
yang sedang menunggu giliran untuk manicure nyer di bandar
sana tak pikir gini?
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
287. Changing My...
...Font size was what i wanted to post about today,
its not a post actually, an inquiry was more like it.
wanted to ask u guys what do u think?
but somehow shocked with Jard's post about
our fellow blogger who sleeps to peace till the almighty
wake him up again for the 'gathering'. Hope he's one
of the people who able to stand inside the three front
line in mashyar.
Hisham of UnrestMind57, we'll be missing u.
if his blog is decorated with the nuffnang banner,
oh please people lets go and click 1 time today.
But i cant find one. (Its not showing any adds.)
then someone pls put in some way for us to ease his
loved one's burden. WOnt make a difference though...
cause we cant buy 'him' back..
but at least she can pay the water bills for the next 4 years
to come. If that would lighten her burden.. then why not.
My acquaintance with him was short.
but yet i know that he is a good person.
no he didnt commented on my post that long.
not a mystery, men dont comment that long.
but i can see the sincerity in em, gonna miss em.
wish i come to know him earlier,
then i know what to write more today...
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
286. The Day 'A Book' Took Flight
More of my 'took flight'
stories from the past.
99. The Day Paper Took Flight
116. The Day Rubber Took Flight
To those who havent read it,
maybe u wanna take a look,
its not related, not any good,
but it’s just the previous 'me'
Have u ever heard of an honourable act towards love that
u wanna puke or shake your head in disapproval?
like a story i've once heard about a guy who was so inluv with
his adik angkat. He is not wealthy or anything but he paid his
adik angkat's school and tuition till she was old enough to get
into UiTM Shah Alam. He however didnt finished school but
working his blood and sweat at a construction site for her
expenses. Both of them were from the same orphanage.
In luv from those young age, when ice-pop is shared by both.
Its just that she was the brainer, he is just a muscle.
This luv story ended with the girl introducing his future husband
to him on his proposal day. A dinner at some fancy restaurant.
He left the table never to be found anymore, left the bouquet of
flower and the proposal ring on the table....
some say he end up owning some piece of land
in pahang living a lonely life of a pembuat arang.
Kesian kesian, adik sayang tak sayang,
kesian kesian, abang sayang jadi arang,
Never heard of those kinda pure true love sacrifice? (Whatever that may mean)
Then try reading the book 'Dear John'
somebody told me that this book reminded her of me,
i wonder which part?
The guy who got tensed a lot just because he is missing her too much?
or the guy who surfs with strong build and crew cut, channing tatum,?
The Story...
...was slow and detail in the first half, where all his thoughts of her.
His view, his feelings, the gesture and what they're talking about was
mentioned in the best way one can put.
He lets u afloat in his world of fantasy where u'd feel
the same romantic pink sky and bird singing merry song like
tailor swif's tude was a feritel.
Till u'll fallen for the girl he's describing, Savannah.
The last half however, was fast. He just let us see the whole scene
like clipse of picture, one to represent every two month of
John's life in Iraq. Am not saying that i hate it, that is just his way
of writing. The ending was never an issue, u know the ending right
from the beginning. And he was great in his writing to let u hope for
Its like when watch a movie that the hero's death is inevitable,
he's shot, he's left to die in a locked door and the water is rising.
U kept on hoping for someone to open the lock door and let the
hero live to smile in the end.
yes, he kept u hoping till the end,
will he fulfill u in the end?
read the book and tell me.
The Flight...
The ending was too heart touching, pure love that if u'd put it in percentage,
it'll be like how they describe wires... 99.99% copper.
His act towards his loved one was too honorable, too selfless,
that i throw the book from one end to the other side's racks of files.
Scared the people away with a slight shout 'tidaaaaakkkk!!!'
(I actually did this ^^)
The hero actually spent his father's money to pay for his GF's husband
medication. What was that all about? and by doing so, what will u get?
The feeling that she'll be happy? Then what about your happiness?
Ok, their son will be named after u maybe, but that is it!!
living happily ever after? yes they will, not u!!
Just let Tim die and u get savannah instead. u still luv her,
and u know she luves u still. Then u'll get a happily ever after.
That is why these kinda story is always told with an intro like
'i know a friend who know a man that is related to this guy called pocket, ...'
cause in reality it never happens, and if it does happened...
No one will talk about such mistake. True love konon...
What do u think pocketeers? Even if u dont read the book yet,
what do u think a pure selfless sacrifice for love will get u?
happiness? the feeling that u belong in heaven?
I-am-simply-better-then-him kinda attitude?
i dont get it, i just dont.
kira abih besh la sampai ter'sentuh' kan.. cumaaaa