Dalam ayat panjang nyer, Budak Kota Pening,
Kota mana? Kota sarang semut kot? Kota tinggi? heheh,
Dalam ayat sebenarnya, DakotaFanning.
Bebaru ni tgk filem dia, tajuk 'tolak!' tuh. (Tolak ker tekan?)
Budak Kota kita tu dah besor panjang, katanya
baru 13, tp dah panjang dah la banding ngan
AiAmSAM dulu.
pada dasarnya citer ni sama la ngan eksmen kan.
banyak sangat citerkebelakangan ni yg kita tgk
pasal kebolehan Hero hero, Termasuk HiroNakamura
yang buleh travel through time and space tu.
Dalam citer 'tolak' ni ada banyak jenis ability,
tp semuanya terbahagi dlm certain group.
Pusher, Mover, Sniffs, dan beberapa lagi.. (Yang duk menjerit tu aper? screamer?)
dengan kebolehan tu ada kelemahan,
so kat situ la besh nyer citer ni pasal hero yg
kononnya bagus sangat tu kena belasah mcm saya
budak baru belajar, kalau salah belasah la saya.
kat situ yg besh tu, pasal diorang menang ngan teknikal.
alaaaa sama la cam tgk gusti pon, mesti korang tak besh
tgk 2 org sama kuat dok belasah masing2,
then salah sorang menang. kan ker boring tuu...
yg besh nyer bila tgk sorang kecik, sorang besor,
skali yg kecik tu yg menang ngan teknik.
yg tu menarik sikit kan:)
cerita tu kononnya berlaku kat hongkong, ahaaaiii..
entah kenapa diorang amik background yg tak lawa jer suma.
jalan yg bersampah,
kedai runcit yg semak,
Pakcik kuku kotor,
masa kat restoran mahal tu memang la cantik.
(Dlm preview kat TiViTiga ada tunjuk hero kena baling
ke sana sini kan, masa tu jer la kot yg lawa sikit)
lawan nyer pulak, if u are a fan of hand to hand combat,
memang boring la filem ni jadinya, pasal cuma ada lawan
power with power, and some gunfight.
Sama cam dalam cerita heroes,
mana ada lawan tangan tangan,
gusti ker tinju,
Tp betul jgak kan, nak tgk orang bersilat,
tgk la Ombak ker, tomyam kun ker,somtam ker
tak pun ayam pandan. (Banyak sangat tajuk makanan kan)and the best part of it all, pocket suka awek yg jahat tu,
Popo ker apa nama dia. comel!!:) sukaaaa!!! nak nak!!nak!!
ngan baju merah dia, (Bukan gambo ni) ngan english yg cam tak terus
tu, heheh oh why oh why...
Kepada mereka yg rajin nak gi tgk
DakKotaPening tak larat nak pegang
pistol tu.. sila lah.
bg pocket technical strategy diorang
tu besh. adding that mereka ada special
ability la kan. Dr segi plot, mcm biasa jer,
tgk lg pat kali paham kot.
(Skali dlm wikipedia,
dia taruk semua jalan citer daaaa...)
to those who've watched the movie,
two question :
1) what ability do u wanna have?
2) How does the mind wiping guy with the dirty fingernails got there?
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
176. DakKotaPening
Saturday, May 23, 2009
175. SomeTalkMore...
Tte pocketeers tahu tak iklan meksis ker,
hotling ker tp bukan selkom.
Tp iklan talipon la kiranya yg ada nampak
satu budak ni duk belakon dlm play dimana
dia jd warrior kot, duk pulun tarik pedang n
berskrip sesorang tu.
'Some Talk More' tertulis kat skrin,
(Well tak la betul betul tulih gitu, lebih kurang lah)
dan kamera tu trus ke belakang hero tadi
sikit ke budak yg duk snyum dalam pokok.
Basically watak dia adalah 'pokok' lah kan...
'Some talk Less' plak tertulis kat situ,
heheh, budak yg jadi pokok tu amat lah comel
ngan matanya nya yg menjeling itu.
terpikir plak...
if ever in the future, my sweet daughter run up to me and say...
'abah abah!! cikgu suruh adik belakon dalam drama kat skolah!!'
running to me with her bag and water canteen dropping
here and there like nobody care.
'yer ker!!? good girl!! tajuk apa sayang?'
being a good father would definitely ask the title right?
hoping it is not 'pretty lady', 'titanic' or 'transformers'
'HangTuah!!' proudly announcingit like she won something.
'waaahhh!! and u are?' praying to god the answer would be
tun teja or atleast siput serawak.
dah tu takkan nak suruh dia gi tukar kot!!
'err cikgu, saya nak mintak anak saya tak pegang watak pokok buleh tak?'
dan camana plak ngan...
'pocket, pocket! tu haa naufal jd hang lekiu, bj biru tu'
kata bendul yang bz pegang viewcam dia taking every
moment of the play. 'anak ko maner?' being polite,
so that the next ayat from him would be
'aku amik gambo dia jgak yer ...'
'tuu yang belakang sana nu tgh jadi pokok tu'
hek enneeeeee... kesiaaan pokok.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
174. FinixKu
Seperti yg tertera di post lepas :
173. Reality...
pocket sndiri pernah pulun buat bus stand.
punya la syok nak buat bus stand nih!!
siap ada pertandingan lg tuu n the winner's design
will be actually built there at the actual location!!
Plus your name will be stated there as the designer.
(In a small font so small that u'll use amoeba as a comparison)
semua orang seronok ofcourse, gi amik gambo,
study the requirement,. nak check saiz n everything.
benda tu kena buat kat dpan Finix plaza,
so disini pocket pun terpikir lah...
finix burung terbakar,
bakar api
api oren
oren kaler
oren burung.
oren bulu burung
bulu burung oren...(FnN oren perasa burung?)
so lets make a bus stand that have a roof that looks like a finix's feather!!
so camni lah apa yg pocket buat...orang tu?
amik idea dari karikatur Tony Wong dedulu
(Pengasas publication company utk komik pedang setiawan,
raja rimba dan banyak lagi lah)
karikatur dia duk tanggung gigantic pen kat bahu.
comel!.. so why not.
so draft idea nyer camni lah...
antor kat cikgu, dia kata...
'Fuzakenna yo!! mou chotto majimeni yatte yaaaa!!!'
(jangan main main la, buat betul betul la sikit)
hummmmmm... Nangis nangis^^;
pocket seriously rasa buleh pakai dah.
Reality kills creativity?
Sunday, May 17, 2009
173. Reality...
...ruins creativity.
Pocket dpt satu junk mail ni yang menunjukkan pelbagai bangunan yg menarik.
Pocket suka bangunan. Dulu teringin nak jadi Arkitek tp somehow impian
tak tercapai. Amik pengajian jarak jauh bleh tak?
tp dah umur akhir pat plohan ni sapo nak amik keja lagi!!?
maa.. buleh buat rumah kuching ker rumah anjing ker jadilah huhummm...
Among banyak banyak bangunan tu,
pocket minat yg ni.
Kansas City Public Library (Google lah yer)
pasal? bkan aper,
terpikir plak..
diorang kasi royalti tak
kat penulis buku tu utk
menggunakan buku dia
sebagai hiasan luaran
bangunan tu?
Ker terbalik plak penulis
tu plak yg terpaksa bayar
utk library tu kerana
mengiklankan buku dia
kat situ. Heheh, lagi besh nak tanya...
Diorang tukar buku tak?
Cam twailait nyer buku ker nenanti..
heri potter ker... hummm.
tp kretif sangat sangat ciptaan diorang ni,
memang kalau dah jadi top arkitek, orang akan
terima jer idea diorang.. biarpun menambah kan kos.
(Tp kalau arkitek yg baru grad pada umur 42, nak tambah railing utk tangga pun pasti dipersoalkan.. heheheh)
teringat plak zaman dulu, pocket kat jpung belajar
buat toilet. cikgu tu tanya...
'ni toilet hang ni buleh nampak orang tengah kencing nii'
kata cikgu tu tanpa angkat kepala pun nak tgk student tu.
'err, aaaa.. memang saja jer saya nak wat gitu cikgu! kiranya kalau duk tak duk dia jatuh sakit jantung, orang dari luar nampak la. tak la mati sorang sorang.'
Punya la nak tergelak dgr alasan dia ni, tp pocket control jer la kan..
'So faktor keselamatan la?' the teacher was trying to entertain himself.
'yap!! faktor keselamatan!!' the student was happy with her self,
thinking that she got away with that silly answer.
'Buat lain!! aku tak mau orang lalu lalang tgk aku masa kencin'
screamed the teacher half throwing the drawing towards the student.heheheh, kreatif nya jawapaaaaaannnnnn (Mengelat actually) but fair for me to say that
Reality ruins Creativity..
what say u?
Saturday, May 16, 2009
172. Minang!!...
... bukan bukan, Menang!!
Gambar sebelah diambil agak lama
dulu, pocket baru balik umah dari
keja, nampak ada mamat ni tgh duk
mengemaih kancil nyer,
dan kunci itu menarik perhatian ku
cukup untuk menggodek henpon
dan tangkap gambo.
Apa yg menariknya?
Entahlah.. gawat gawat ni,
kalau dapat sejuta dr pawerRut tu
besh jgak kan? kalau pakcik ni bleh
menang Nouvo pasal makan mayones
pilihan wanita banyak2, Kenapa
pocket tak leh menang sejuta ngan
minum kopi penambah tenaga?
Silap silap bleh jgak salam ngan
rosham noor masa penyampaian
hadiah tu.
(Tak minat pon pakcik tu)
so pocketeers, berbaloi tak?
spending 4000 ringgit on buying
PawerRut banyak banyak dan menang sejuta.
(Kalau menang... kalau tak menang? ahaaaaiii)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
171. HowDoU...
How do u invite your ExGF to your wedding?
How do u tell your friend that his wife falls for u?
how do u tell your GF that it is wrong to slap
her Boss who scolded her for messing up the
presentation of the decade.
How do u tell your daughter, the limping is god's
gift and not to be ashamed of her father.
How do u tell your mother, that u've left your
family and her beloved daughter in law for a 19 year
old girl.
How do u tell your father, that u hate him for not
teaching u about engine. Makes u the clown who
dont know which is spark plug and what it is for.
(I hate u for not teaching me about engine... hummm well that was easy^^)
How do u tell your friends, that the prick who use
to beat u and took your money, a drug addict who
is not working, will be the one taking the vow
next tuesday. Tying the knot till death do us part?
Well, he's changed, and i luv him now,
or...he will change, i know it...
yaa yaaa, like we've never heard it before.
How do i tell her about u? a song from Lobo
Sunday, May 10, 2009
170. Twailait
allamaaakkk ari tu dah tgk dah citer ni,
proposed by MrAdrySabry... believe me, your review
makes me wanna see this. katanya ada novel, nak bli lah
jgak novelnyer nanti. mesti besh.. mesti ada small
detail yg diorang tak buat dlm movie.
But then again... what is there to seek for?
its not like HeriPoter nyer series dimana magic nyer
lebih besh dalam novel dari kat movie.
Filem ni actually simple sangat jalan citernyer.
sama cam drama yg selalu kita duk tgk kat TiViTiga.
drama tentang cinta antara dua kaum.
The differences between both culture and how does the other
race taking it was the interesting point.
Dalam filem twailait ni kaum nyer plak adalah between
vampire and normal human being. sama jer kan... vampire
kononnya buleh terbang. so that's the plus.
vampire have this hunger for blood.
Now that will be the minus point. hek enneee
Samaa jer ngan lelaki melayu cintan ngan chinese girl kan?
Pork in the wife's mother's kitchen
lunch using hand in husband's mother's family
I have once written a heavy question previously:
59. GonePocketGone
do u make your beloved GF forget u for her own good?
do u make her marry another guy cause its the better option?
What about love?
well the same question arise by watching twailait.
he's a vampire that cant die, loving a mortal soul would
torment both being. one seeing another dying.
another have to live with an everafter 17years old boy. hummmm...
He cant be human... but she can be a vampire,
He doesnt wanna change her, but if he does,
they can be together forever. humm not bad huh?
but that'll be another movie isnt it? :)
Pocket being the pocket he is,
always have an eye for the other girl.
Never think much about the main character.
(Always fall for the enemy or the bad one)
Everybody take a look at the pitcher alice!!
Luv the hair, luv the face, luv the eye!!
and the awkward (but cute) pitcher pose like she's not use to it.
Pocket nak!! pocket nak!! ehehehehwait a minute, i luv this movie, watched it 3 time!!
but if u read the above, my review shows negative point more.
why? well that is for u to find out for yourself ^^
(Sambut lah kempen 'boikot-barangan-mereka' dengan membeli DVD lanun)
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
169/ Bakaarr!! bakaaaarrrr!!!...
...ala ala lanun dalam filem dulu.
I believe all of you frequently have BBQ...
...or sometime
...or maybe eventually
..once in a while?
never? ooiihhh!!!
the other day the filantera was having a BBQ event near some river nearby, since he went without me tagging along, he left some of the chicken that he
marinated for the event.
He did ask me to go though.
I refuse using my age as an excuse,
'am too old already lah bro' heheheheh
Anyway, since he was kind enough to left me with some of the chicken,
there i was grilling the three piece of chicken in a pasu bunga...
(hekkenneee terasa cam kat maktab siut... puchi grilling. eh tak..
masa kat maktab dulu kitorang BBQ guna longkang^^)now let me tell u abit about grilling as what i've learnt in AruAruDaiJiten
(A variety show in japan every sunday nite at primetime)
Believe me, i find it helpfull
There must me no fire on the charcoal,
the charcoal should gone white n then u start grilling.
The distance between the charcoal must be about 5 to 7cm...
(agak agak laaa... jangan taruk pembaris plak yer,
kalau nak taruk jgak..sila guna pembaris besi.. heheheh)
How do u know the right temperature?
well u put your hand about ten cm from the charcoal
and try to stay untill 7 seconds, now this will differs
between men and woman, Considering ladies have
delicate skin and men are mostly 'buaya' so their skins
are 'in theory' thicker.
If u'r grilling beef or mutton, the thickness of the daging
is important, dont go and put the whole leg on top,
then u'll need a longer time to grill. 2 to 3 cm is the best,
I did tried with 5cm once, ended up eating raw meat.
But it was dark (Night time) i thought the meat was juicy,
but it was actually the blood... iyakh!!weekkk
The best question to ask then would be,
'how do u know masak ke belum?'
haaaa, yang ni pocket pun nak tanya korang... camana nak tahu yek?
tang masak tak masak ni tak reti sangat, goreng ayam pun pakai timer
kat henpon.. heheheh
Hampeh kan...
Monday, May 04, 2009
168. Addiction
it has been three days since my last dose. (Progress huh?)
i'm trembling inside, the bone felt like its
exposed to the air outside. cold and dry.
the muscle ache. Eye Balls watering up
like i'm cutting onion using my nose as
the chopping board. aaaarrrgghhh!!
Unlike my usual days, i woke up today trying
my best not to think about what day is it.
Cause if today is wednesday,
my source for 'it' will be Seberang jaya.
If today is thursday, it'll be sungai dua.
Well i've tried to forget what day it is this morning,
but the sound of spongebob opening theme just
gave away the mystery.
Its sunday and my source today would be alma.
i know where to get my supplies, if i cant
get the usual supply, making it myself is
also an option. Desperate? yes..
Ever addicted with smoking pocketeers?
My addiction is also the same, cant go on without it.
3 hours of no smoking would cause the saliva to
taste like stale black cofee. without the black liquid of course.
Same with me, when its getting dark and i am still
short on supply, then my body will start to itch.
Frustrated and hot temper. The saliva will taste
like salty seawater, thick inside.
Oh!! please just put one on the head so that the pain would go away.
Yes pocketeers, as bad as it sound.
The pocket have an addiction.
cant get enough of it.
Today is my third day i'm not getting it,
I hope i can stay clean till wednesday
for my first attempt on stopping this illness.
but tomorrow is monday,
meaning that its another three days to my next dos of ...
Ayam Goreng!! lambat nyer lagiiiii!!!
sigh(_ _;