the other day i've went to this place at the back side
of juru rows of restaurant. it is sooooo at the back
till u'd never guess there's a restaurant there.
makanan nyer biasa jer, try rasa nasi goreng depa,
cam biaser jer, pocket makan mee tomyam tu,
bila sampai tu rasa cam besh sgt!! waaaahhhh!!!
gitu gitu... tp bila start cedok jer, ahaaaiii.. mee nyer
cam mee segera jer... rasa nya pun lebih kurang.
cuma maybe diorang taruk udang n santan sket.
membuatkan terasa keoriginalityan nyer disitu.
tp apa yg membuatkan pocket terpegun sikit tu kan.
seriously pocket pernah masuk restaurant tu kat
thai dulu. Or atleast the same kinda environment lah kan.
cam diorang tiru sebijik restaurant kampung kat siam
sano, maaa.. without the dogs running around and
liquor rack lah kan....
ada lunch set.. RM8.90.. dpt pilih between 6-10 choices
of nasi or mee kinda main dishes. +ice lemon tea and the
desert pisang u can see in the photo.
sesekali nak dating sila lah ke situ.
habaq awai awai... makan nyer jauh la nak kejar golden triangle.
tp kalau nak lepak tu ok jer :)
PS: memula rajin buat photo tu, tp in the end.. mula malas..
sampai la part peta tuu.. dah sebelah mata jer yg bukak... ahaaaiiii..
happy cuti pocketeers.. kepada buruh buruh sekalian.
sila cuti!! jangan duk ngada ngada gi side income plak..
nanti kita keja kuat lagi yer :)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
167. Pedaassss...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
166. NaikBelon..
'...bla bla so he will be going to lahadDatu... bringing his family with him...
bla bla i mean the place is new to him. u ever gone there before Mr G?'
it was a trip from SungaiPetani and we were having a non work related
chitchat just to prevent the driver (Which was me) from falling a sleep.
and after the fish head and mutton curry the tendency were there.
'lahad datu, well... let me seee' he took a fair bit of time to remininsce the
good old days.
'when i was there, it was a bit of a rural area where the roads was still
tanah merah, if its raining, your car will be plowing the ground till u'r
stuck under 2 feet of mud. Red Mud. I remember being stuck once,
trying to change our flat tire in the rain, there was local passing by
and they smiled at us. like its a normal thing to be happening out there.'
He smiled, chuckled a bit and continue his story.
'definitely your car will be a mess then?'
'yes! and there were rules that u cant contaminate the city with the mud...
so u have to wash the car before entering the city' waaaa, then car wash
business are making profit lah yer:)
'The place was an harbour back then, the locals are very rugged u know'
at this point, i was imagining amy search with his tight leather pants
colourful shirt and long hair.
'well its not a mystery since most of them are fisherman and lumberjacks.
no wonder they have such well built bodies' oooo that rugged kaaaa... heheh
'back then i was still in the army, we were going out one day when one of our
officer gives direction to us to have our arms with us' Pocket yang tak pandai
english actually thought 'memang la bawak tangan.. takkan nak tinggal kot'
'it seems like everyone in the city owns a gun and u shouldnt be out there
without protection' oooo, arm as if armforce, gun was the meaning!!ok
'but sir, what do u protect yourself from anyway?'
an obvious question but yet i still asked.
'well.. animal mostly.. man can also be animal if u know what i'm saying'
haaa!!? animal here is referring to binatang buas ker? ada apa!? beruang? cipan? lipan?
'Sir, may i ask, when was this?'
'well... somewhat 20years ago, i was still young, so add in another five or so'
loh!! 25 tahun dulu!! logik laaaa... buat takut orang jer!
sekarang ni dah ok dah kot. tgk dlm google earth,
airport pun dah ada daah.. AdrySabry bleh komen pasal
keindahan LahadDatu tu sikit please:)
so banji, jangan risau... regardless of all the
story u might hear, i'm sure u'll be alright there bro.
am sorry i cant be there to send u off in KLIA.
me, Catty, aishah, aleya, Dewi and a few other girls
here are wishing u all the besh.
Bawak balik that traditional shield yg iban warrior duk pakai tu bleh?:) heheh
Sunday, April 26, 2009
165. GemuruhJiwaII
I've wrote a story today, too long, too detail, (bunyi hingus pun pocket citer satu paragraph)
so i've rewrote... but it was still long!!
maleh dah nak rewrite.. so read on pocketeers,
i know u guys having the monday blues anyway.
(Why the title was gemuruhJiwa? well u have to read the first one : 55.GemuruhJiwa)
i got a friend who lived by the second.
The kinda guy who would go amok by reaching the
finish line a second later than his opponent.
The kinda guy who consider 140km/j on his RG bike
was slow. He needed the mach speed. (atau kelajuan bunyi kot)
One day he crash-landed badly on the road infront of
Muzium negara using his chin as one of his landing gear
(Among others, which was his elbow and knee)
He was taking the mild curve in his best speed (140km/j)
when an angry KL Rempit kicked his Johor plated RG to the ground.
The bike was badly damaged. so damaged that u have to use a
'penyapu' to gather back all the debris.
Putting it back on like a 10Thousand pieces of jigsaw puzle.
He however walks away from the scene to the UM Hospital Universiti
to get a fresh preaching on 'speed kills' from the fat nurse while
she's stitching his landing gear, i'm sorry, stitching his chin.
His story of the accident was told right after he arrived
back in fifth college,UM. All in the room listening to him like
he just survived the war. Him in the middle. Us all around him.
'aku nak gi mandi lah, poko! tlg bukak baju aku ni, aku tak larat
nak angkat tangan dah' he gives direction to a junior nearby,
i cant remember his name right but lets call him poko shall we.
And as he takes off his black t shirt,
we realised that there's red colour strips,
formed right where his rib should be. both side of his body.
Skin peeled off showing the meat inside. Bloody red meat.
with skin in the middle of every strips, like three bridges
crossing a lake of blood.
yes, he used his rib to land as well.
To lighten the situation, one of us joked
'waaa sticker baru lawa la.. hehehe'
and all of us laughed of course.
but poko was in tears now. He either cared for his senior.
or maybe he's just those kinda mushy sensitive guy who tears alot.
'kenape la ko kena racing jenghis! aku tgk ko ni pun aku kesian,
ko tak rase nak insaf ker?'another guy asked, i think it was aboojin.
exhaling, with a smile he answered
'Apa buleh buat beb.. aku dah jatuh cinta dengan kelajuan'
Hek enneeeee punya la macho jawapan!!
meluat aku!! tapi pasal macho sangat jawapan tu la
pocket tak leh lupa cerita ni, ngabih kan memory space
dlm kepala otak aku jer, nak delete pun tak bleh.
dah aku emo malam malam ahad ni, besok nak keja... hoh!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
164. NemTeg
seperti yg pernah ayaq masak post kat blog dia
satu tika dulu di postnya yg bertajuk 'Aku'
dia ada masaalah tak leh nak concentrate,
.terpikir kenapa tumpuan aku untuk keja hanya
10 menet saje, lepas tu pegi main fesbuk selama 3 jam
.takleh jadi orang yang bekerja dalam opis
akibat tumpuan 10-menet aku tu
.tak tulis... ' was what she typed.
pocket pun pernah menpunyai masaalah yg sama.
bila pocket sembang ngan orang, pocket tak tahu
nak concentrate kat mana. sepatutnya kat mata la kan...
tp kekadang merayap ke tpt lain...
bibir (Lips reading)
tulang selangka (nihonggo nyer sakotsu)
dan kebawah lg...(accidentally yer!! accidentally!!)
tp itulah masaalahnya!!
adalah tidak sopan utk lelaki memandang ke attraction
yg lain selain dari wajah.(Hear me trying my best to be platonic)
so pocket telah berusaha satu musim panas itu,
dan telah berjaya utk menanam minat kepada lips reading.
sekarang ni kalau sembang mesti nak baca gerakan bibir.
gyakuni (Terbalik pulak) tak leh paham kalau sembang
ngan orang yg pakai mouth cover atau orang yg pakai
full face helmet.
post yg yg lepas mengenai acu 163.Pusingpusing...?
Ada mention tentang nurse yg pakai name tag,
persoalan nyer, camana la pocket nak sembang ngan nurse tu
dan nak tgk nametag dia tanpa disyakwasangka kan..
atau disalah paham melihat attraction yg lain itu?
'so acu sy ni... cik kenal lah yer?'
'kenal.. dia yg landing atas belakang keter pakai dada tu kan?'
'haah, cik ni namaaaaa... ' sambil mata memerhatikan nametag
hitam bertulisan puteh yang kemas disematkan didada adik tu.
(Surely dianggap memandang permandangan yg lain nyer lah!!!
nak gatal lagi cuba nak pegang plak name tag tu kononnya sebab
nametag tu hadap kebawah, susah nak nampak urup... hoh!! mahu
kena penampar on the spot!!)
tu kira ok lg, kalau peramugari MAS lg lah besh...
tulisan oren berlatarbelakang kan gold!!!
kalau aku tgk tiga belas minit kang, dikatakan aku ni gatal plak kan...
taruk nametag kat dagu takpun dahi ker tak leh ker?
Thursday, April 23, 2009
163. PusingPusing...
...Kat Ipoh
acu xciden ari tu, filantera bagi tau masa pocket
tengah kalut nak gi smayang jumaat.
kami pi la tgk dia sat petang sabtu tu,
bertolak pukui 5.. sampai hospital pukui 630.
645 sampai kat acu. acu ok jer, buleh buat lawak
lagi tu kira ok la kan. Duk eksyen kat kami kata
dia kenai semua nurse kat situ,
'haaa yang ni nama ayu, budak kulim...'
'haa yg pakai spek tu budak grad UiTM, campuran german melayu tu!'
n banji ... i have to admit that acu's act of making me jealos did work.
nurse kat situ punya la comey!!
kcik kcik jer n muda muda nyaaaaaa...
makes u assume that they allow girls after their
PMR to be a nurse.
all pretty and clean, clean here is refering to their uniform which is pure white. I dont think the size was standard size though, cause those girls are wearing em tight on their bod.
haaa... (Sigh) teasing men without them knowing it.
but i bet acu only know them by the name tag on
the chest. How we wish they would also put in the
Handphone number there just in case of emergency.
Jalan nak pi spital tu punya la pusing pusing!!
peta tak sempat buat lg, tp punya la banyak pusing pusing
pasal ada banyak sangat roundabout.
Bendul selaku orang perak... korang memang suka
sangat ker roundabout? banyak sangat ruang sampai nak buat roundabout at every turn.
Nak taruk Misile silo kat bawah every roundabout tu lah kot. tak pun helipad:) heheh...
Acu ok jer, ada keter masuk dari kanan
secara mengejut, pi break dpan dia katanya.
acu sakit dada jer sikit, so laughing, exhaling
and inhaling would cause pain to him.
Jadi, marilah kita gi wat lawak kat dia.
memoga dia sakit dada banyak lagi.. hahahah..
(Sajer je nak cari pasal)
Kami dah tau camana nak gi ke hotel
seriMalaysia. So next time kalau kita
ada plan nak gi ke Tambun mandi...
buleh jer kita arrange.
Pocket :)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
162. A Disgrace To Man Kind
'Anaa.. maih sat' said ucop who just woke up in the afternoon,
sarong but topless was his choice of fashion that day.
We were there visiting milah, Ucop's wife who recently gave
birth to a baby boy, the fourth one in her family.
'Semalam keja teruk kot, sampai siang dia tidoq'
milah suddenly giving excuses even though no one asked..
It is 11 o'clock in the afternoon, (Or is that still considered morning?)
and i just cant understand a pasar malam hawker need
for longer sleep, its not like he's selling till the sun comes up
or selling fruits requires that much muscle.
'malaih nya mamat niii' was what i said inaudibly.
Ana stand up and goes to his father, i cant hear what they
were saying but i can see him handing his daughter
the red money with some instruction. Ana also put up her
tiny finger as if making sure the items are well remembered.
Off she went happily riding her bike, paddling fast like she's
running from dogs, without the screaming of course.
We were still there. Talking to Milah about her labour, the hospital,
how was the treatment? how does government nurse treating her...
the usual stuff. After a while our conversation was interupted by
the sound of ana coming back from her mision. A red plastic with
what seems like nasi was inside. Ucop took the nasi bungkus and
opened it up in the living room, having his nasi with ayam goreng,
some yellow colour vegetable. acompanied with a can of cocacola
and melody on sunday noon.
'Makan' ucop was trying to be nice. I just replied using my chin.
pointing it up like trying to hit someone with it.
waaaaiiiiitttt seminit!
its lunch time and ucop is having his lunch all by himself!! this is odd...
i was hoping milah would answer differently but she didnt when i asked her..
'eh, kak dah lunch?'
'belum.. tunggu mak balik, dia gi cari ikan haruan kejap kat sungai'
'anak anak?'
'yg sulung gi pancing ngan mak, ana tu dah dpt coklat la tu kalau
gi bli nasik kat bapak nyer tu'
haa!? pancing ker? loh!! yg laki ko gi makan nasi tu apasal?
dia tak rasa nak gi blikan ko ikan haruan tu ker?
ikan tu susah sangat nak dpt?
ko buleh suruh anak ko gi bli nasi utk ko, tp anak anak ko tak makan lg.
bini ko pun tak makan lagi...jantan apa ko ni!!?
i'm having my speculation, my thinking hat is on.
and bad ideas are pouring in, even wondered
'will a person bleed if a chair is swing to his left ear?'
'kak saya nak balik dulu lah yer, ada dua tiga tempat lg nak gi nih:)'
was my farewell speech as i slide a green angpow envelope with
RM20 in it under the pillow, obvious enough for her to realizes it.
'makasih la yer pocket... teh pun kami tak dan nak buat'
and i went on without even looking at the guy who's having his lunch. hoh!!
I took my time getting out of the kampung. Drove slow.
Stopped on the side of the road to think about my speculation.
Trying to deny them all, it took me quite a while...
My thinking hat is quite good. It wont go away without a good excuse.
And as I was coming up to the main road, I saw ana.
she was buying nasi from a gerai there.
Smiling as the makcik handed her the big red bag of goods.
The green envelope was gripped tightly in her left hand.
hummmm hummmmmmmmmmmmmmm....
Friday, April 17, 2009
161. MedicalJoke
Last Tuesday i had a hard time in the morning,
Morning sickness? no, a friend sent me below
jokes and i was laughing till i suffocate myself.
Just wanted to share with u all to set u up for
your weekend mode:)
Keja? apa kelaaassss ^^
1. A man comes into the ER and yells,
"My wife's going to have her baby in the cab!"
I grabbed my stuff, rushed out to the cab,
Lifted the lady's dress, and began to take off
her underwear. Suddenly I noticed that there
were several cabs---and I was in the wrong one.
Submitted by Dr. Mark MacDonald, San Francisco
(Hahahah, agak agak kena penendang tak DrMakMekdonal ni? heheheh)
2. At the beginning of my shift I placed a
stethoscope on an elderly and slightly deaf
female patient's anterior chest wall.
"Big breaths," I instructed.
"Yes, they used to be," replied the patient.
Submitted by Dr. Richard Byrnes, Seattle , WA
('yes, i bet they were... now take a deep breath please' would be my respond if i was DrRichard)
3. One day I had to be the bearer of bad news
when I told a Wife that her husband had died
of a massive myocardial infarct.
Not more than five minutes later,
I heard her reporting to the rest
of the family that he had died of a
"massive internal fart".
Submitted by Dr. Susan Steinberg
(Kentut Dalaman yang...? massive tu apo yek dlm bahasa mlayunyer?)
4. During a patient's two week follow-up
appointment with his cardiologist,
he informed me, his doctor, that he was having
trouble with one of his medications.
"Which one?" I asked.
"The patch, the Nurse told me to put on
a new one every six hours and now I'm
running out of places to put it!"
I had him quickly undress and discovered
what I hoped I wouldn't see.
Yes, the man had over fifty patches on his body!
The instructions now include removal of the
old patch before applying a new one.
Submitted by Dr. Rebecca St. Clair, Norfolk , VA
(Pocket tingatkan afdlin shauki ngan citer buli nyer masa kna patuk ayam^^ heheheh)
5. While acquainting myself with a new elderly patient,
I asked, "How long have you been bedridden?"
After a look of complete confusion she answered
"Why, not for about twenty years - when my husband was alive."
Submitted by Dr. Steven Swanson- Corvallis , OR
(Heheheh, yg ni pocket tak reti nak komen... heheheh, gelak jer gelak jer)
6. I was performing rounds at the hospital
one morning and while checking up on a woman I asked,
"So how's your breakfast this morning?"
"It's very good, except for the Kentucky Jelly.
I can't seem to get used to the taste" the patient replied.
I then asked to see the jelly and the woman produced
a foil packet labeled "KY Jelly."
Submitted by Dr. Leonard Kransdorf, Detroit , MI
(Couldnt get this one, anyone from hospital?)
7. A nurse was on duty in the Emergency Room
when a young woman with purple hair styled
into a punk rocker Mohawk,
sporting a variety of tattoos,
and wearing strange clothing, entered.
It was quickly determined that the patient had
acute appendicitis, so she was scheduled for
immediate surgery. When she was completely disrobed
on the operating table, the staff noticed that her
pubic hair had been dyed green, and above it there
was a tattoo that read, "Keep off the grass. "
Once the surgery was completed, the surgeon wrote
a short note on the patient's dressing, which said,
"Sorry, had to mow the lawn."
Submitted by RN no name
(I'll definitely try to leave a patch or two just to keep the grass... go green!!!)
Disclaimer: pocket tak menulis joke diatas,
pastinya ada kutu mana mana yg rajin amik
dr majalah riedes daijes ker, taim ker, mana2 la
kan, dan antar kat kawan buat junk mail...
dan jadi chain of junk mail.
Tp menarik utk buat iburan utk kakak skalian
baca masa kami gi smayang jumaat:)
and not to forget... happy weekend pocketeers..
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
160. NafNeng
pocket duk layan blog pocketeers tadi dan jumpa post ini di
blog tehais. sincere pendapat dia , gi la baca for details.
then nak la tulih komen, tp skali lapan belas page la plak jadinya..
cukup karangan 35oo patah perkataan, so pocket rentikan.
baik aku wat post jer pasal ni instead of komen.
Yes, kalau tuan tuan dan puan puan tgk, kebanyakan blog
taruk nuffnang nyer iklan. apo itu nuffnang? well iklan la kot.
Setakat yg pocket paham...
Ada orang nak iklankan laptop nyer,
Taruk papan tanda, 'LAPTOP UTK DIJUAL'
dan pelekat dijalan paling sibuk keter dan motor dan juga
pejalan kaki lalu. Tp kat mana? jalan mana yg ramai orang
lalu? kena bayar ker tak? empunya jalan bagi ker tak?
disitulah nuffnang datang. menjadi 'pengantara' antara
Yg nak menjual barang dan empunya jalan.
Bayaran nyer lumayan wooo...
kakak ceera kita pernah dpt 171 inggit!! skali tu jer tuu...
pas tu dia dapat lagi dan lagi!!
Amy pun cam pernah dpt gak skali... (Maybe berkali kali, tp pocket lupa plak)
Bendul? ari tu katanya dah 20an inggit dah...
peh... jelesh jelesh... dlm masa gawat ni,
kucing jalanan pun rase cam nak tangkap n kasi mandi...
dan jual kat internet for 70ringgit... (Ok, that is cruel, i know)
anything to get the money into my pocket:)
tp kan... jangan la harap sangat kot!
yes, memang ada antara kita yg blogging to get the money,
ada jgak yg sincerely nak menulih jer,
sincerely nak memberi pendapat jer,
sincerely nak mengisi ati yg kosong jer,
pocket plak, sincerely nak ngacum jer...
Pasal pocket rase,kalau kita dok harapkan sangat,
pastinya kita akan buat bebenda yg tak baik tu.
-Copy and paste cciter orang...
-Guna gambar orang wat profile photo...
actually jadi dan pocket pernah baca!!
dan lain lain lagi usaha jahat lagi nista..
jadi dimana keikhlasan?
karangan anda... ada kebenaran ker dlm tu?
ker anda tipu jer tgh duk bercinta ngan nelayan laut dalam?
(randomly typed, tak der kena mengena ngan yg idup atau mati, ada ker?)
ker anda tipu jer kata anda adalah nelayan laut dalam...
(Gambar amik dr flickr orang n photoshop jer)
ker anda tipu jer kata anda memiliki bot untuk memukat dilaut dalam?
(Ngan harapan ramai orang nak dtg baca adventure anda)
POcket sendiri pun buat appaaa!!?
umph!! tak dinafikan, pocket pun buat nuffnang,
pasal masyuk tu besh. 4 sen sehari pun, masyuk tu besh,
tp pocket dah tak harap sangat dah...
(Dulu pulun gilaaa!! dua jam discuss ngan banji how to increase the traffic)
masuk kalu besh, tak masuk.. eh tak masuk ker? gitu gitu jer...
so TehAis, harapnya komen ku memenuhi tajuk:)
PS: Buleh ker komen cenggini?
Sunday, April 12, 2009
159. ButNowWeWont...
We use to wait for our GF to come even after
2 hours of waiting back then when HandPhone
was just a dream...
But now we wont,
15min without any call or sms? I'm off!!
We use to be able to stay cool even after few weeks of mail unreplied...
(The snail mail, the mail that abang posmen comes to your house and scream out loud 'Posto!!posto!!')
But now we wont, 3 days of unreplied E-Mails and we're asking what
went wrong, i typed something that hurt your feeling?
u didnt get it?
u've replied, but i didnt get it?
(This was me)
I use to walk from SekolahMenengah GC to the
post office in jalan yan (Tny should know how short this is)
But now I wont, too much lemak already laahhh!!! heheheh
and the kids who lived next door also will not,
cause they have their fathers motorbike to ride on.
I guess nowadays generations are time and
effort concern that walking the distance
is considered absurd, hahahah.
('Itulah akuuuuuuuu... padamuuuu' ala ala faizal tahir dari Cuba)
I use to ignore groceries price cut,
I mean what does a less 5% would do
to your monthly expenditure?
But now I wont,
cause life having only basic pay at the end
of the month is tormenting enough that
i'm riding my EX5 to ALMA just to get the
sabun basuh that cost 1 ringgit cheaper.
(And now!! i know..)
The people use to walk around the kampung
in the middle of the night safely
But now we cant, cause extortionist and rapist and
burglar who would slash someone's hand just
for a casio watch are at loose.
Watching the 8pm news nowadays
are like watching horror movie.
ohh what have we become?
Thursday, April 09, 2009
158. Patuk Cini Amat Perit Wooo...
... atau Fettuccini Alfredo, Wuhuuuuu!!!!A (The Pemekat)
Amik butter, cairkan dan larutkan ngan tepung.
Bukan tepung jagung ataupun tepung parata,
tp tepung gandum biasa nak buat jemput jemput tu.
larutkan sampai ulian itu mengeras sikit
cukup utk dipegang guna chopstick.
buat la bulat bulat sebesaaaar...
besar maner yek? hummmmm...
besar biji mata orang? hoh!! tak penah pegang la
besar guli? kecik sangat tu, cair sangat plak kang
besar buku lima? besar sangat tu, peqat sgt nanti
jari telunjuk menyentuh ibu jari akan membentuk
bulatan. lebih kurang besar bulatan tu lah kot.
Sejukkan dalam peti aih selama 4 jam minimum.B (TheKuah)
Bawang besar potong dadu 1cm3,
cendawan kering yg telah direndam sejam tu
potong pat pon ok, potong nipih nipih pon sodap:)
Separuh dari Ikan salmon tu potong dadu kecik,
sama besar ngan kuku jari kelingking gitu...
Lada hitam sebanyak 40 butir dipotong ngan pisau.
kalau korang ada lesung batu, guna jer,
just makesure kasar sikit. jgn berabuk trus.
C (The Fettucinne)
Rebus Fetuccini anda bersama ngan brokkoli mengikut
masa panduan fetucini anda. abih rebus, basuh ngan
air sejuk. (besh ni, dia tak melekat n kenyal sket)
Masukkan fetuccini dan broccoli itu kedalam frying
pan yg sedang menumis 6 ulas bawang puteh yg
dipotong nipis dan goreng jer dulu
D (TheTopping)
Goreng Ikan salmon atas frying pan,
garamkan secukup rasa...hancurkan utk hiasan.
Gorengkan B sampai ikan tu masak,
bawang tu layu, taruk air ngam ngam
B tenggelam dah lah...
Garam ajinomoto hanya buleh taruk
masa ni, pas ni kalu dah terlamat.
And rebuuuuus!!!
Selepas mendidih lama dah sikit,
taruk A dua ketul.dan susu sebanyak
100ml. (sebut sukatan la plak kan)
jangan dilupakan juga Cheese td,
taruk jer dua keping:) hhuhuuu
Disini crucial, sila kacau diatas api
kecik hinggamencapai kepekatan yg
dikehendaki. kalau tak kacau, A td
takkan hancur evenly n susu akan
mendak. Tak besh!!.
(Jgn kacau sampai jadi dodol sudah lah!)
Abis jer goreng C, Taruk C dalam pinggan
cantik cantik dan tuang B. DIhiasi ngan D sikit ... walla!!
dan makan!! Bon Apetite!!
selamat berexperimen di weekend kedua april niii!!!!!
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
156. ReBirth...
...Of D Nu Pocket
tte tajuknyer cam gempak jer kan,
tp sebenornyer pocket yang sekian
lama tidak bertalian hayat ini kembali
berinternet dirumah...
Which means that i have more and more
time to bloghopping, make new friends,
reads more and more of your writings...
and look at photo's u're putting on your
(For the past three month, it was me and the CC infront of Kurico...)
hell it was...
Rebirth tu macam ganaz jer bunyiknyer...
tp pocket just tukar langsir baru jer...
nanti akan ada beberapa lagi pertukaran.
tp yg pastinya semangat dalam ati dah berubah!!
happynyer bleh online kat umah...
Sunday, April 05, 2009
155. Rebirth...
Pocketeers sekalian kalau perasan kat sebelah tu ada tertulih sejak jumaat,
'Tgh dok reply comment dari computer free kat TM Net.
Pathetic kan...i know!!'
tak, bukan nyer pocket tak der wit sampai
nak komen kat blog pocketeers sekalian kat
TM Net yg provide internet free kat tiang tu
since mereka tahu yg keja mereka lambat
dan akan membuat pelanggan mereka tertunggu
tp pasal pocket nak gi tanya sikit camana ngan
kes pocket nyer akaun tu yg dah berkurun lama
tak buleh nak online atas alasan tak der port.
seems like memang tak der port sunggoh...
abang yg handle my case actually mentioned
'humm barunya tpt ni punya port nii'
ada tertulis aribulan installation of the port kat
situ la kot ...
according to them, i'm going to have my lifeline
on the 7th of April...
lets just hope they are right and true,
cause it will be a rebirth of the pocket!!!!
mana kayu panjang tadi?
nak kait buang ketupat basi tu hoh!!