Dah hampir sebulan rasenyer pocket tak posting,
adehlaaa... last post pun rasenyer cam bukan post
sangat. just a notification dat i'll be away.
Hate this absence,
Lot to read,
anyone knows me anymore?
What happenned to u guys?
Ada orang kater nak datang kedah..
duk mengharap buleh la pocket amik cuti
untuk gi berselisih bahu kat Pekan Rabu Alor Setar
sana nuu haa..
Kalau pun kita dilarang berjumpa..
berselisih bahu pun jadi lah..
oh!oh! kena gi buat spec.. kang tak leh nak
nampak kamu dari jauh (Almaklumlah rabun)
gi bayor TiEm Net tadi tanpa berpikir.
sekarang dah menyesal. yes internet
penting bagi pocket, tp makan dan minum juga.
Ammount yang perlu dibayar adalah 440 hinggit.
'bayor separuh buleh la buat penyambungan'
kata adik kat dpan tu, senyuman nya membuatkan ku terlupa diri.
'kang dah bayor kang, datang sini lagi tau untuk penyambungan ok'
ok.. hypnotized and paid just for her 30second of smile shining on me.
Paid 250,
Sekarang ni check balik..
pocket kena isi minyak tiga inggit jer seminggu.
kena makan 4 inggit jer arian,
4 minit jer talipon harian,
Iron man tak mungkin,
konsert faizal tahir tak mungkin,
buku baru bulan depan la,
motor oi, jangan pancit la,
sorry perut,
sorry mizot,
sorry mama,
macam miss lagi bulan ni.
*n suddenly the ladies smile is not worth it anymore.
stupid me.
Friday, April 30, 2010
285. A Smile Dat Cost Me...
Saturday, April 17, 2010
284. Potong!Potong!...
...ala ala iklan PiWanWaiMex :D
tuan tuan dan puan puan,
pastinya sudah perasan yang pocket tak update dah sminggu.
Pocket yang slalu update tu tak update? kenapa?
well alasan nyer mudah.
internet kena potong!! hahahahahah
abih la target nak dapat 200 post setahun lah gini!!
so sorry yer kengkawan,
pocket akan eventually be stealing time to visit the CyberCafe
and comment a bit here and there, but i dont think i'll
be that active till May.
Huuuuwaaaaaaaaaa!!! nangis nangis!
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
283.Biar Omak Cari Yang Lain...
...Ompok oghang jangan di idam...
Pocketeers, ini kisah sebenar, betul betul terjadi.
Pocket nak jumpa seorang lelaki india yang berkerja
di kilang lain untuk satu isu berkenaan timba yang
mereka hasilkan berlobang. Tak leh nak isi air.
Masuk jer dlm lobby, pocket senyum kat penyambut
tetamu tu macam salesman nak jual barang,
perkenalkan diri dan tanya nama dia.
'nama saya Ima..'
'Cik Ima, boleh saya jumpa Cik Nathan?
saya ada appointment ngan dia pukul 10am'
Ima talipon sapa ntah, katanya suruh pocket tunggu
10 minit sebab cik nathan tengah mencebok.
Ok ok.. ngan penyambut tetamu yg comel cam dia ni
pocket tunggu sampai kul tiga pun ok:D
So since tak der orang lain kat situ, pocket bertenggek la
kat meja penyambut tetamu tu n dok sembang ngan dia..
ada la cucuk jarum sikit sikit, tp nothing dangerous ..
standard procedure when talking to a lady.
(Cucuk adalah terma untuk tindakan menyentuh hati
pihak lawan dengan ayat ayat berbau pujian, puja pujaan
dan juga ayat yang boleh mengalirkan minda ke masa depan
yang terhias dengan cinta)
Kata kata cucuk seperti...
'abang ok jer, kalau ngan ima.. bangga abang nak buat
special appearance kat mana mana dinner pon'
'alaa.. kang bila abang dah kuar.. lupa la kat ima tu nanti'
'abang balik keja kul pat.. ima?'
'ima suka main bowling, average rendah jer.. 180 gitu gitu..'
'180 jer? (gulp)'
Innocent and yet a nice conversation that
was leading us to know each other better.
Tgh duk gelak gelak tu,sambil tangan ima tu dok main main
henpon dia.. (dok mengharap kita tanya nombor dia la tuuu).
'abang.. abang dah kawin belum?'
separuh rasa happy, waah, aku ni masih buleh memberi kesan
even after 24 minutes of sembang,
But lagi separuh terasa plak..
camana punya sejarah la yang adik ni dah lalui sampai
perlu jadi sebegitu was was dengan hubungan?
yang masih lagi jauh plak tuu, uuiihh.. nama penuh
pocket pun dia belum tahu lagi, status dulu?
camana pun kenangan pahit yang pernah ima lalui dulu,
pocket doakan yang terbaik untuk anda.
tp pocketeers.. kena tanya ker?
Ok .. setuju, memang kena tanya.
(Sndiri pun pernah sangkut jgak dulu skali...adehlaa)
tp selepas 24 minute?
tidakkah intention anda jadi terang seterangnya?
yang anda nak benefit dari hubungan itu. Kearah Cinta.
kita sembang dulu, then along the way kita hati ke hati
tak leh? (tak yah la kuar gi pangkor sesama lagi kan.. sabo!!)
Kena tanya ker?
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
282. ShootingSunday
It was sunday and i woke up early, fried my nasi
goreng recycling the KFC for last dinner and i had
my rediculously heavy breakfast.
Arrived at the place at 857am, and the person i'm
suppose to meet was not there yet, he's late.. oh!!
well kinda expect it already.. janji melayu.
Just as iwas to curse him for being late, i come to
know that his son got demam.. OK.. forgiven.
928am and the place was starting to flood with blokes
with military wears, camouflage jacket, with long ponco
bag like they're carrying an RPG to the place, wow!!
I was intimidated.. hell i was in my jeans and giordano shirt.
Best i chicken out and flee..yes! i should flee....
but just as i was doing so..'oih!! takkan nak balikdah!!
mai la .. ramai lagi nak mai nii' was the call of
a friendly voice, Farid came. Alhamdulillah... ada
orang yang juga memakai baju macam tentera yg
berenti makan roti canai on the way nak perang.I tailed him like a little boy got lost in a shopping
mall and the security was going to bring me to a'happy' place..
he reached a table and starts spilling his gear,
waaahh!! i am looking at good money spent on a boys dream.
Gun and mask, knee pad and gas tanks with coil that makes u look
like u need pneumatic pressure to move your hip :D hahahah.
Robocop baby!!And by 1037, eddy the team leader came,so he was suppose
to teach me how to paintballing.The briefing was simple,
mostly the thing that i've read in the net, basic rules would be
not to shoot people outside the court.
'Yes teacher, but can i shoot animal instead?'
he didnt answer, betcha they shoot animal just for target practice :D
There was a few girls coming there to try their luck in
this sport.. and the strangest thing happened.
They were cute enough for the usual pocket to go flying
over them like flies on delicious shit. but instead the
pocket goes feasting his eyes on to the macho and nice
looking gun and gear that the paintballer was wearing.
Paint balling was nice.

I got to shoot a good player, in the head
may i brag. Not to forget a big guy who was
running mindlessly out in the open,
I shot him 6 time but only one of them
broke the pellet.
Rules of Paintballing, if the pellet dont
break splashing the paint inside.
The shot is not a kill.
I got shot five time and only two shot
killed me.(Break and painted)
the other three bounced like a balloon
from the beach side. I guess there's a
plus being fat in paintballing.
The pellet just bounce off of u:D
Heheh, there's more for me to tell,
but i need my sleep now. So pocketeers,
do some sport will ya,
DOnt end up a fat bullet bouncing paintballer like me ok:D

Saturday, April 03, 2010
281. KleshOfDeTaitan
adik adik sekalian, kalau nak bagi blog anda glamer,
sila jangan buat macam pocket buat yer, kalau ada
kata nama yang glamer macam tajuk filem tu,
sila taruk yang sebenar okeh..
baru la ada orang browse kata nama tu dan 'mungkin'tersesat ke blog anda :Dso bebaru ni pocket gi tgk filem the Clash of the Titans,
waaaahhh.. since Sam Worthington ataupun Jake Sully
dalam filem Avatar dulu tu, dah tak kecik lg kaki dia..
dah tak biru lagi... dah tak jadi tentera tapi jadi nelayan
plak dah.. heheh:)
Besh filem ni, kalau anda suka CGI (Computer Generated Image),
yes people, those are CGI and dont bother googling where on earth
did they find a 20 feet Scorpioch. The action was nice..
People jumping around trying not to get killed by the scorpion.
Wait a minute.. come to think of it.. that is the only action there were..
waaahhh!! because u see,
fighting Medusa was no hand to hand combat..cause well as u guys
know from Percy Jackson and the olympians : the lightning thief,
Medusa's gaze put a 'coma' in human flesh... turning it solid.
Luv the movie the part it actually entertained me.
Hate the part that it actually deviates from the actual
greek mythology where Perseus is not 'fighting like men'
as he wanted in the movie, he had a sandal with wings,
knife of adamantium and a polished shield so mirror like
u can use it as a side mirror while driving,
Io in the greek mythology is actually a nymph who turned
into a 'lembu' by Zeus, sebab Zeus tak nak kantul beromen
ngan Io oleh Hera (bininyer zeus).
Sekali Hera hantar lalat utk hurung Io sepanjang umur.
hahahah jangan memain ngan dewi yg ada kuasa..Wait a minute ... entertained?
there were only two scene of action, (The scorpioch scene and the kraken)
there were only 3 jokes altogether...
-flute scene,
-calling Perseus as a fisherman
-and aaaa.. well lets seee... hummmm Oh!! baju Mop Io hahahahah:D
There were no Bres, no bellybutton,
only a few men and one lady... Io (Medusa tak kira la kan)
Only the above but somehow it did entertained me.
a bit.. have to be true to myself in writing reviews,
i guess its the story kot.. even tho deviated from the
story written in wikipedia about greek mythology.
i guess its not about the legend or mythology anymore,
its about the two hours of sitting in there watching a story.
so.. sorry sam.. luved avatar, this one is kinda ..........
(Panjang tanpa pengabis)
pocketeers who watched, what do u think?
Thursday, April 01, 2010
280. Men Dont Listen,
...and it was also indicated that venusian only looking
for empathy from the Problem-Explanation session and
not solution.(I dont get it but i'm a martian, no mystery there folks)
we martian, being the martian we are usually misinterpret
this and start solving the problem even though all u need
was empathy.
The reason would be, men talk about problem in search of solution,
Problem without solution shows our weakness. You guys dont want
to rely on a useless man right, heheh, kinda understand too.
well MrPocket here have one more point to add.
By offering solution, we also hope the long story would end.
so that we can watch our favorite Dvd, read our books and
maybe start browsing on the next power tool to add into our
U know how u can go with your talk right..
one point of problem is repeated 23 time!!
so why do we offer solution, in other word..
would be to end the long talk:D heheheh
Small Note : Venusian really digs Martian who can actually
lend an ear without offering solution, so listen to them my
fellow martian... maybe we can get lucky afterall. Hopefully:D