lately there is this joint that i like to go as a third place.
but then again, the time spent there was too short that
i dont think anyone would have the time to ask me...
'masuk keja kul berapa bro?'
well if there are any conversation
going on between me and the waitress or the fellow customer...
it would not last more then 3 minutes.
cause i reach that place at 705,
and i have to leave the place at 720.
mana nak mencekik lagi, nak sembang lagi..
third place? a long way to go...
but the makcik seems to know
my ammount of nasik. 'TIGA JARI'
the food was normal homecooking,
i cant call it a very special delicacies,
as the same old meal is presented in the usual way,
from the periuk. But kerang goreng kunyit is there...
so does daging goreng kunyit. Ikan isi (?)
ayam goreng.. and best part of all..
the sambal belachan is well balanced.
(Dont u hate those sambal belachan
that puts too much asam or too much belachan?
some even puts asam jawa instead of limau.. wow!)
i guess i was attracted to the waitress kot...
she was those usual faces u'd see on a fair
symetrical malay faces with her hair strap
to the back, pony tail.
small frame lady with long legs and obvious
waistline. somehow her upper attraction
was less but i never put that as a must for ladies.
She was... oooopppssss time is up..
have to go to work pocketeers..
will finish my karangan later ya.
yes.. this karangan is wrote today at
28thNov 645am... auto published at 845 :D
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
590. TheAttraction...
Ngacuman oleh
8:45 AM
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eh..arwah mak k dee org utara..kitorang mmg mkn sambal belacan yg dicampur air asam jawa..kalau limau k dee pun tak berapa suka..hehehe..
lenkali dtg awal tau..leh ngorat awek flat chest tu..wakaka..
At first I thought you gonna talk about the nasi lemak with sambal belacan but end about the waitress
Ahem. ;)
My latest entry, Gill dah mula tayang pic Gill sikit2.
Tapi masik tak nampak muka.
Sebab tak seiras gadis cantik itu. ;D
eh terbalik terbalik!!
pocket lebih suka kalau taruk limau,
asam jawa tu kalau nak wat masak cabai besh la,
tp kalau sambal belachan memang kena limau kasturi.
baru terhangkaat :D
memang datang awal, 705 nak sampai tu,
kena kuar dari umah kul 640 tuu!! pergh!!
yes yes, its all about the waitress.
my second post about this will be more mengarut:D
ohh ya ka!
tapi pocket tak leh nak tengok kalau kat ofis,
diorang block blogspot.
tp tak per.. balik umah tengok :)
pocket makan ke usha makwe =.=
gatai gatai gatai. dah agak dah udang dibalik batu hahahaha
Mcm lama lagi je tggu karangan bersambung heeeee :)
*xcited! :)
sambung lahhhh karangan ni kawann!
this suspense is tormenting me. T_T
asam jawa in sambal belacan? ada eh? o.o
alaa masa dinner kan ada
ni kira breakfast show lah..
tak leh ker?
ada udang disebalik mee :D
gatai? garuuuuuuu
oh oh jangan la perli saya yang dah jarang update nii :D
(Terasa terasa^^)
tapi dah apdet!!
yes, and i'm hating it,
terasa macam orang tak taruk
daging or ayam dalam karipap.
salah tuu!!
macam orang taruk serbuk cili
dalam sushi... salah tuu!!
or the worst is
taruk kichap atas pizza.
salah tuu!!
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