Wherever that may be, I’ll get to go there for a visit lah pocket.. heheh.. da bro will be moving there…
Good for you bro.. that way u’ll be able to go and visit the mama all the time. And mira..
Jd orang nogori la lg .. gitu .. heheh ..
Apo kono eh jang.. tomonung ajoo…
Oghang ko bulan .. ekau kek manooo..
Kek bahau la mok… kek bahau sano nu haaa
Hopefully I can swim in portdickson after this.. since I’ve been dreaming to go there for ages but never got the chances.
Wish u all the besh la bro with your new environment… hope people will treat u well there..
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Good day pocket.. how was your week? Well just to my luck .. I do remember that I was warned (Dead Seriously) by someone not to do this and not to do that but I could not remember who did the warning and do what? (its kinda stupid kan… heh)
Watched ‘The Devils Advocate’ the other nite.. well its not like I got nothing to do but I’ve chosen to stay at the home and watch dis movie.. heheh.. actually I’ve slept half the story la pocket.. why..? well its not because the story is not interesting enough but I was damn penat la pocket.. cam nak mampus jer penat nyer..
Charlize theron was damn comel kan.. filem ni kuar pada tahun 1997 datte… hummm kat maner yek kita mase tuu… tak ingat dah.. tp first time tgk film ni mase kat jpun…kata bb.. dia tgk film ni mase kat skolah mngah .. huiyooo.. I’m damn old lah ..
Si mamat Keanu reeves (btul ker heja nih .. ) pun tak reti terbang n bersilat lg ..maklum lah .. 1997 maner ado download download nii..heheh…
Al pacino slick suit .. dia ni memang pakcik yg kakkoii.. apo la yg dia pikir bila dia baca skrip ni kan.. dia tak ngaku dia tu setan.. tp still dia menerang kan segala details cam dia tu setan la kan .. huh…
‘What are you?’
‘Oooohhh I’ve got so many names’
‘Call me dad…’
Filem Malaysia takkan bleh wat gini.. but then again .. whybother ? our industry will still get around making movies without these essence.. and we will still be doing fine…
Gambo yg last ni kan .. cam cian jer dia .. pas nampak antu n everything.. dah tak leh nak idup lg dah.. so…pcs of glass was the answer
What amaze me was the makeup.. nampak dia cam sengsara idup kan.. my housemate is doing make up for a side income… depa actually kna bayar 6 ribu for the course siut .. huiyooooo… including wedding makeup .. helloween make up .. n upacara upacara biasa spt contoh nyer makeup utk perlumbaan kuda longkang dan juga manching…..
tte kang beluuuuuu ( filem apo tu yek .. tingat OS berlakun jer )
okeh la pocket.. go and get yourself this dvd lah pocket.. n amaze yourself on charlize therons colour, structure, texture and sweetness…. lately cam ngantut awal..
am I getting fat..
am I getting lazy…
am I getting kakko waruii..
apo apo jer la pocket.. heh
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Mornin pocket, sayer ni kan .. tak la pandai sangat nak main bola. Apasal yek? Cam cursed plak.. whenever people talk bout Manchester united vs Liverpool .. huuh!! Cam tak reti jer nak masuk.. should I start to put my head in the game? Or just leave it to other people to enjoy it.. hummmm..
Kenal la ngan sorang ni yang pulun tgk yakiu (baseball) hanya utk buleh bersembang ngan kekawan kat tpt keja .. pasal keja kat jpun .. kalau tak tau yakiu cam bangang banget gitu .. mamat tu tak suka pun yakiu… a really boring game where the kantoku(coach) is the main playing role and the players are mainly biji chess yg diletakkan ikut formation.. dah la tu .. lamo plak tu..
Which I know that the above sentences is not true… but I insist to hate it.. since I never got the chance to be good in it (kut)
But then again .. what sport do you play pocket? The banji is really into silat .. which I don’t wanna argue with it .. heh.. nak kna penerajang?:) me and adik never into any sport whatsoever .. unless u call fishing is a sport la kan..heh:)
Hummmmm…. Pocketeers… da niss is bowling …
Anything new in sweating activity?
Anyway .. below is my newest phot.. just something to show to you pocketeers…
Have a happy rabu… toodalooooo…
Friday, February 17, 2006
Dear all, we've lost the cat the other day, a very sad lost. Though his presents was ignored nor he was acknowledged by all.
He's just the cat which maktuk fed every day with fish head.
He's just the cat which we seldom pat on the head.
He's just the cat which we dont dub him any name.
He's just 'kuching'
But he's the cat we miss today,
and he's the cat we burried on the 12th of Feb'06 with awfull rain dripping like tears
till we meet again.
Hope your short two years hanging with us was worth living it.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Thai he ikitai,
Sampai sana kita makan petai,
Tapi ado ko kedai jual petai?
Tak per.. tak der kalu makan udang kepai
Tak pun kat kedai yg cikai cikai ..
Tp kna la cari yg halai..
Heh, ari isnin lpas .. aku tgh duk menghadiri satu majlis pertunangan, tapi si pengantin lelaki nyer belum sampai lagi .. dah dpt satu panggilan telefon from da boss.. ‘aswan nak gi Thailand tak?’ katanya .. ‘peh besh jgak tu boss.’.. ‘then come back here by 4 o’clock for briefing’ he said… and it was already 1 o’clock.. Had to sped my Honda back to penang. To meet him.. the next day .. off I fly to Bangkok.. huhuuuuuuuu … first time in thai lah pocket..
Early in da morning I’ve arrived at the airport.. had some breakfast.. checked in .. and sat on our designated seat.. it was the last seat.. it was soooo at the back of the plane.. that I could hear the tailgunner crying for ammo.. hahahah
But then came this pramugari asking me weather I’m interested in sitting in the business class since there was an opening.. heh.. free punyer pasal.. hantam sajer lah kan … got a little happy bout it and walked to the front giving the bangga smile:P… just to my luck …it was not that nice pocket.. just more space for you to relax your feet.... n there was no window for me.. the seat just don’t come with a window.. hummmmmm…. Good Riddance heh…

Area town diorang tak der la berbeza ngan Malaysia pocket.. cam lebih kurang jgak .. tp terperasan la diorang actually bina satu flyover hanya utk kenderaan buat u turn.. tp kalau kat my.. just simply buat jer la bukaan kat tetengah jalan tu .. yer la kan .. mahal siut nak wat flyover.
Sampai la kitorang kat kilang customer kitorang tu .. dia tunjukkan jalan .. dia suruh wat ni wat tu .. then .. bila abis keja .. kitorang balik .. (had lunch with the manager of that place, washoku!! Huh!!Washoku kat thai ado limau nipis kat sebelah ..hahaha… Negara ngan perbezaan nyer ..heheh)
The boss actually helped us with the taxi …talked with the taxi driver asking him to send us to miracle hotel.. such a nice boss.. sesampainya kitorang kat hotel tu kan.. ternganga lah hamba ngan keindahan awek yg jaga pintu tuu.. heh.. tak la comel sangat .. but as a kanbang musume .. mesti la kna lawa kan ..heh.. tp hotel tu cam ganas nyer hotel jer .. ado fountain here and there.. lampu here and there.. and ado bapak ayam sekor .. huh!! apasal yek ?tak sempat lak nak tangkap gambo bapak ayam tu .. berdiri tegak ngan gagahnyer .. samo cam kuching yg jemput customer kat Nippon dulu tu kut.. hummmm.. I wonder..
Malam tiba .. lapo so kitorang gi la cari makan.. tahan la teksi tu .. kat saner kan pocket.. Toyota vios tu wat teksi jer .. altis pun menerima nasib yg sama.. heh.. Tanya la kat pakcik tu .. ‘makan .. food.. eat..’while showing the gestures of men eating with a spoon.. chewing on something mouthful.. hahah.. kalau pikir balik camana rupa kita mase berbody language ni kan .. cam baka baka shii jer kan..heheh Hantam jer lah pockettt!!
Kami di bawa ker satu tpt nii .. cam gerai jer la pun .. duduk dah .. mase nak order tu kan .. si waitress tu tak nak layan kami kut .. dia pakai letak jer kertas kusung n the menu n the pen … nah tulih sndiri.. hehe.. kami pakai blah jer dari situ .. heh.. tak reti nak nulih tulihan diorang yg ber’rengkol’tu hahaha.. then kami jalan trus .. sampai la satu restoran ni ado udang idup di biarkan berenang kat dpan kedai.. kitorang pun Tanya la .. ‘this make tomyam.. ok?’ (Excuse my English) pas tu pakcik tu panggil la manager diorang kut .. awek comel yg pakai seksa jgak .. dia bleh la cakap English.. nasib baik la kan .. banyak jgak kitorang makan ... tomyam ngan ketam ngan kerang bakar .. ngan nasi la ofcourse.. Dia nyer tomyam .. huiiii.. gilo nyer jahattt.. sodap siut…ado taruk santan sket.. ketam tu diorang wat stim n goreng ngan telur.. (Tiada dalam photo) .. kerang bakar nyer jer yg biasa sgt.. yer la kan .. apo la berbeza nyer kerang bakar kat Malaysia ngan kat thai kan ..heh Punyer lah pedas.. berdarah jgak beesok nyer mase buang hajat …hehehe…
One thing bout their service that impressed me was,
samo cam kat jpun jgak.. air nyer tu free.. (Please refer to photo)
kalau kurang sket jer air tu kat cawan… ditambah nyer diorang..
kalau nasi dah luak sket…ditambahnya diorang.
Pinggan tu dah penuh ngan kulit udang.. ditukar nyer diorang…
huh!! si manager ni kan .. punya la baik nyer service.. teksi pun dia tulung amikkan.. huhuuuu… the saddest thing was.. we didn’t even gave them any tip.. hehehe…
Kop Kung Kaap

Hari seterusnya penat la jgak, kami kna gi ker tpt lain, which located around 1.5 hour from our hotel. The trip was nauseating. Naik van sket nyer besor ker .. tp cam kurang selesa … Toyota jgak.. wat keja kitorang .. balik.. mintak la kat mamat driver tu suruh berenti kat restoran murah.. like gerai gerai.. tp dia tak berenti jgak.. instead dia brenti kat TESCO.. tte aho janai!! Setakat tesco tu kan .. kat my pun banyak .. kitorang makan la mee goreng pattaya n some seafood ditaruk kat tpi.. igai to oishikatta yo..
Then.. sampai la kat airport Bangkok, tak besh langsung kalau nak dibandingkan ngan KLIA. Ado natural light la kunun, cam tak class la gate dia.. dah la tu .. nak kena naik bas lak tu kalau nak gi ker flight kitorang.. huh!! n me being me the archi stud.. the stairs to aboard the flight was damn dangerous siut … kalau makcik tua .. mesti tak nak naik nyer ..
On our way back, kami ditanya dek abang pramugara tuh.. (huh.. hensem kato staff yg gi skali tu .. humph.. ikut suka ati korang lah.. ) ‘do you wish to have muslim prepared food?’ hummmm.. better la kan ..ingat kan diorang kasi la ayam .. tp halal toka .. tp diorang kasi ikan tempura tuu.. taruk atas butter rice ngan sepalit kari ijau taruk atas.. bebuah tu biashe la kan .. n the butter was with the halal mark.. heh.. cam besh la plak .. kat jpun ado tak? Ker pasal kitorang duk naik thai air ways..