Ere I put a pic that I think beautiful enough to show to everyone. Melaka’s pic.
Heh.. sori bebanyak lah pocket, kebelakangan ni kanari bz siut.. tak tau la camne. Kna la pulun sket..

I have been damn bz for the past few days lah pocket… my utmost apologies for those who visited my pocket but found no update. Heh.. I’ve been flying with MAS for 7 times in 5 days. Not to brag bout my luck or that naik kapal teghobang tu besh sgt. (jealous ngan yan yang naik kapal teghobang kechik tuu..) but to ngacum to you guys that my life have been very penat lah lately..
16Dec Pegi : Bayan Lepas ~ KLIA ~ Senai (Johor)
16Dec Balik: Changi (Singapore) ~ Bayan Lepas
17Dec Pegi : Bayan Lepas ~ KLIA
18Dec Balik : KLIA ~ Bayan Lepas
19Dec Busy with the arrangement for another trip.
20Dec Pegi Balik : Bayan Lepas ~ KLIA ~ Bayan Lepas
21Dec Penat cam nak mampus jer bangun pagi..
Something like this lah pocket.. and my birth day was on the 17th, got sms from frenz and family at melaka… TQ lah : )
I think I luv my job.. gaji tak la mahal sangat .. keja langsung tak der kena mengena ngan minat.. but still… I luv my job.. why? Cause..
I get to know people (though I know they don’t remember me)
I get to go places (Though it was not that big deal.. setakat lalu jer tpi port Dickson .. huh!!)
I get to work with people
I get to taste foreign cuisine ( nashi goreng ikan mashin shingapore beshhh wooooo)
N I get to flirt all over Malaysia (Don’t tell her I said this..)
Hheheh… cam besh jerk an .. (actually tak la sangat^^; )
Anybody went anywhere lately?
So today I’ve got a wonderful news bout the motor, Kurnia already paid the workshop the money, but I need to go and see the thing before they can start doing the repair.
Heheheh.. heharapnya bleh la menunggang lagi.. cam dah lama tak naik motor .. cam dah lama tak balik kg naik motor..
tadi kna handle customer visit, huh.. cam ganas jer rasenyer .. takut jgak.. kali ni pun kna xplain bout little bit of this and that in Japanese.. huhuuu… cam takut jer .. pasal dah la jpun tu tak mau tau pun apasal ko gagap cakap jpun.. apo yg dia nak tau.. xplain bebetul kasi paham.. tak paham kalu .. bad impression.. hohooo.. takuuuutttt…dan cam biasa la kan ..bleh makan lunch kat restoran yg besh besh.. heheh.. like besh nyeeee… (walaupun tak sedap mano)
Then terpikir, korang tak pernah rase yg makanan yg orang lain makan cam besh jer .. kekadang masuk pantry n jumpa orang tgh makan maggi perasa kari.. cutting sket .. rase cam besh sesangat.. balik bli la maggi .. masak la same cam orang tadi tu masak .. tp tak sodap mana… tte pelik kan ..
Kalau orang tgh makan karipap… bleh mintak sket tuh!! Punyer lah tingin nyer .. tp kalau sndiri bli .. walaupun karipap yg samo … abis kan pun tak.. huhuuu…apasal yek?
Masuk restoran,order ‘nasi goreng ikan masin ngan bali ais satu’ n kawan kita plak order .. ‘nasi daging merah n teh ais satu’ … biler makanan sampai ..mula rase cam nasi daging merah dia lagi sodap .. tte nande nanda?
Orang memang tak bersyukur ker ?
Somebody told me that she looks like Crystal Kay
Come to think of it, she does look like crystal kay a little bit..
So I’ve surfed the net to find similar pic.. similar with her..
Looking at these pic.. anybody see any resemblance?
Heh.. I do..:P