kat umah kita ni ado makhluk charlie ni la pocket....
we have to do something bout it....
yeah... yg macam dalam gambo sebelah nii...
yg ni aku tangkap maso dia tgh duk melata atas lantai... blur sket pasal camera aku tak der MAKRO tp u get the idea la how does it look like.
huk alooo...makhluk ni ado yek kat umah kito...apo namo nyer skali lagi? Charlie? as if Charlie's angel nyer Charlie ker?
peh glamour nyer namo....
Ntah ...aku pun pakai bantai jer ... tp orang panggil
so instead of 'Cali'...better Charlie kan...
also known as 'Wahid' dalam bahasa malaysia...
oooo... gambo apo ni?
camana ko tangkap nii?
heheh...aku pakai Mitutoyo Visual Scope kat kilang
peh... maju....
alang alang pakai visual scope kan...
charlie's Fang... naaaa...gitu la gigi makhluk yg duk rajin
gigit aku ....
oooo.. takuuuutttt....
apo jadi kalau dia gigit ko ?
Actually aku sndiri pun tak pernah sedar dia gigit aku, tp katanya cukup la makhluk ni melata atas kulit ko. Kulit ko akan jadi gatal, then ko garu, then kulit ko akan blister cam dalam gambo nii...
then ko garu lagi pasal at this point...it is soooo Oishi (sedap) utk garu, bila blistered skin broke off... then the hell is brought upon u. kulit tu akan jadi makin pecah ...air bisa tu plak cam pemangkin utk nak jadi lagi gatal... kulit di bawah blister tu jadi cam buruk... basah with more n more air bisa ...huhuuuuuuuAbih tak der ubat ker?
Aku taruk benda ni jer... tak la tau plak appropriate ubat for it or not but it works for me.
Kering right away. But would leave a scar though... so if its on the face. Better treat it fast... or u'll look like u've touched your EX5 exzos with your face. hahahaha
Pocket... have u ever heard bout this bug?
if u have... pls tell me how to prevent them from coming to me house.
tak larat nak bli creobic dah....
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
alahhaaaiiii pocket sayang
dey pocket... what do u call your awek?
intan payung?
pooh bear?
well the list just goes on and on la kan :D
i have a theory for u to think la pocket...
if u call her those cutie lovey dovey name...
would it still means the same towards her?
like sayang for instance...
u call her sayang ...
would the phrase 'sayang' means the same?
would she feel the same adrenaline rush
through her spine when u call her dat?
would sayang means the same as ...
'saya sayang awak..so jangan la buat camtu
lagi...lintas jalan tgk kiri kanan dulu tau'
the same goes to that lame words...
sayang sayang, sayang saaaaayang sayang...
sayang sayang sayang?
n how does it sounds if u'r in a rough
discussion with her... in other words bergaduh
'tu la sayang... yg gi bodoh sangat tak tunggu
i tu apasal!!? kan dah terbeli pat tiket...'
'anje la yang lamat... sayang ingat kan
anje tak beli tiket lagi...sayang blikan la'
'call la confirm!!..kedekut credit la sayang nii..
'yang anje tu bli dulu apasal tak cakap kat sayang?
laki laki tak guna!!' !()
the same goes to lagu raya i guess...
u'r just started puasa today... n u'r listening
to lagu raya already.... the same song would go
on and on four time a day everynite till hari raya.
will the song means the same to you if u're only
listening to lagu raya the last seven day of puasa?
it will be different.
i myself shed tears listening to the song
when i celebrated raya with frenz in japan...
previously murtabak only served during the fasting
month but now it is served in all mamak's chain
restaurant. dont u guys know already where i'm going
with this?
what trigger me to write this today? well ...its for two reason...
i just remembered one day... me,banji,filantera n
our mother were going to left our rumah kedai to
go back to our maktuk's. our mother write a note to
his husband which sounds something like this.
'abang... **n* balik dulu'
n then i asked...
'mama... who is **n*?, tought your name is different?'
i cant remember anything else after that...
heard a guy who maki hamun awek dia in public using
the lovey dovey cutie name...
anyway... pasted a few pic on the right...
guess which one is me :D
Thursday, September 06, 2007
When anyone tells u dat they're on a diet what
firstly crosses your mind?
'hummm.. nak kurus la tu... tak sedor diri..
dah tua pun nak ngorat lagi ker?'
'Perut tu dah terlalu boroi dah nak ngorat...
kna la diet sket kan...'
basically i would have to say ... people would
think that u wanna aim for better looks when
u're doing diet.
well i have to correct u for thinkin so pocket
Its not totally about looks only.
its about your health...
its about your pain...
its about your loved one...
its when u couldnt bersila long enough during friday prayer
its when u couldnt crouch long enough to deliver your output.
Its when u felt malas nak bangun just to get dat reference book on the shelf.
Its when u can sleep while sitting but didnt
even lean on anything solid.
(U sleep on your stomach)
its when your meat shakes upon vibration when
u are riding your motorcycles.
Its when u'r visiting a fren who got hospitalized for his aching knee
(Due to overweight)
N Ofcourse...
Its when u heard someone died of heart attack
recently... People u know...
So what about u pocket?
signs showing dat u're overweight pocket...
(Other than the number on your weighing machine dat shows 86 kg)