Hoh,, minggu lpas manyak bz lah pocket..
skrg ni pun duk bz lg .. nak wat camno kan.. dis is the life dat we choose.
but then again.. if u're breathing happily... why not :)
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Monday, August 07, 2006
guess what .. pakcik dah ado net access kat umah.. memoga buleh la nak nulih selalu sket.. bkan apo .. cian la plak kat ko yg tak tahu menahu citer pakcik disini... tengah duk nak develop kan lifestyle baru lah kat sini .. nak develop bilik sndiri.. susah jgak nak menselesakan diri dalam bilik nii.. nak taruk sofa at the right point.. nak bagi buleh goro goro atas sofa dalam mase yg samo nak tgk vdo .. gitu ... humm.. anyway tgk lah .. lebih kurang nyer cam kat bawah ni lah... what do you think?
the human figure would be me sleeping.
the orange oval thing would be the meja to place the comp.
the blue thing would be the sofa.
the black box surrounding everything would be the dinding.
so the opening on the below area is the door and the opening at the top side would be the window.
got one more phot. below
there's the sofa, theres the meja n the kerusi for the meja, believe it or not , the kerusi cost 5 ringgit... second hand kerusi.. ok la kan.. the sofa also second hand. br jer abis bayor.. tiga bulan jgak woo sangkut .. ado sesapo ado pendapat?
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Tte ikut suka aku la pocket!!!
Egg… Telur… Tamago…
Telur is a food that can be prepared in various ways. Boil it … fry it … steam it… or simply eat it raw. My favorites would be eating it half raw ( or is it half cooked? ) with a dash of soy sauce n some pepper. Hummmm… sungguh enakk
There’s a few way to fry the egg… with medium minyak .. just enough to sink the egg in the Chinese wok… will make the egg cripple and small. The edge must be let to hangit a little bit … wether u like it to be medium or hard.. its up to you… one tip to let u guys try will be … use the senduk to splash the boiling oil on to the yolk. This will produce a thin white layer on the yolk… but still mentah enough to sip through the nice juice heheh .. cam sodaaaappp jer
Abura ni ki ni naru de areba … use the frying pan instead… put in some oil inside the frying pan, use the kitchen paper to dry out the excess oil. Break the egg on to the frying pan and let the egg heat up a little bit. Then put in some water.. and tutup frying pan tersebut ngan penutup… ‘some water’ would be like a spoon or two… then since the water will be di panas
Like a new way to eat an egg la
Suka eki soba yang diorang taruk telur sebiji mentah dlm soba gitu jer .. try wat ngan maggi tapi tak jadi…
Onsenn tamago pun besh jgak
Korang suka makan telur camne?
How do you like your eggs pocket??
Hummm…. Kicap n pepper…
Jangan taruk sos cili atas sunny side up.. huh!!
Camne aku nak makan telur pun .. ikut suka aku la..
nak perah lemon atas ker ..
Taruk Mayonnaise ker ..
Taruk dalam sup ker ..
Apasal lak orang nak persoalkan cara aku .. its not the best way to eat eggs.. but at least I like it… n all those outsider can tell me their own pendapat.. but don’t tell me that I’m a fool just for loving my own way.
Anyway… lama tak ber celoteh disini… soriiiiii bebanyakkk….heharapnyer pas ni ado la mase sket bila dah ado net kat umah sndiri nanti:P
Some pics for your eyes only pocket... will try to update more after this...