Monday, December 03, 2012

592. GoodMourning...

I took my dinner last night all alone sitting
on the floor infront of the TV my housemate
had scratched some pen marks just from the
thought of experimenting.

it was mamee slurp with eggs and some tofu.
ohh menarik menarik :D

while having the mamee slurp,
I had that movie on.
HITCH with will smith as the matchmaker..
A story of a guy who think match making
can make money but he failed to realized
that not putting 'NO CELEBRITIES' in the
policies is hazardous to the business.

well whatever, he still looks good in that movie.
Even though its not a movie where he's showing
his skin that much like when he's playing ALI...
still u cant hide those candies for the eyes right?
(Ohh typing with the gay in me emerged)

supposedly that pakcik was already in his 37
when he was acting that movie, he was born
in 1968.. that movie was from 2005..
err aa.. hummm 37 lah kot..
give it or take 1 year,
not considering his birthday comparing
the date of the movie taking.

hey hey not much different with me no?
i'm somewhat younger then KAK DEE
about 2 to 3 years, and Kak Dee is still
26.. which makes me abooooouuuuutttt....
(elongate 'about' with eyes looking at
the sky on the left... ohh pocketeers,
u know i'm lying, dont take it seriously ya)

the point is he still looks good even with the age.
ladies have their prime from 16 to ... to...
to... err nak tulis 20 kang yg 21 marah plak.
nak tulih 31 .. karang yang 32 marah plak..
berapa yer ladies punyer prime time?
(Ada yang kena maki jap lagi ni)

and men having their PRIME from 22 to 52..
easily said that is 30 years of flirting okeh..
i guess i still have my time to flirt some more.
and having a juicy figure like Will Smith would
be a plus! dont forget Hugh Jackman,
or Danny Glover (iyer?)
I guess i have to start doing something.
Herbal Life kot? simply senaman kot?
gaji baru masuk, gi beli alat senaman smart shop kot.

as soon as I thought of this,
I've already gone half of the MAMEE SLURP.
ohh nak buang sayang,
nak makan lagi 'SAYANG'
so what to do?
WILL SMITH punya pasal..
kita buang. bazir?
well membiarkan awek chomel berdiam
diri di perhentian bas tanpa ramah mesra
kita juga pembaziran...
so buang buang buang...

hehehe .. entah apo la karangan ari nikan pocketeers,
monday blues kot :D good mourning pocketeers!!
done any mourning lately?
I am, mourning over last night's Mamee Slurp


Anum said...

moning :)

Dee said...

ehem2..namaku kalau pocket kata k dee 26..EHEM2 lebih kuat bunyinya..hahaha..

shazika said...

good morning :)

Len Inouie said...

Good morning..

Will smith and eva mendes.

iAmCekbolat said...

Morninh pocket ! amboi makan mami smbil berfkir tntang umur . ohh bagus bagus .

Mumystrawberry said...

slam kenal

Gillette Flores said...

Will Smith always looks good. ;)
Well, PRIME TIME for women?
No worries, Gill takkan maki Pccket.
Hardly tell prime time women now, zaman dah berubah - teknologi berjaya mengubah banyak benda. Agree? No?

Monday. Selalu malas.


Namee Roslan said...

i love will smith !!:D

N-S said...

buang jangan tak buang....

littledolphin said...


you always have this random thoughts.

what should i say? have no idea what to comment. hahaha

i think if you wanna have a juicy figure like will smith,discipline is gonna be an important key here.

i dun think buying a alat senaman is gonna help if there is no discipline. :p

jangan disalahkan mamee slurp itu.kesian dia kena abandoned. T_T

how can you mourn over something that you killed? -_-

Ahmad Sabree said...

nice ...

wow! entry yg sempoi n blog yg superb !

terkejot n terkesima sekajap...

Dhiya Fariza said...

Tak tau nak komen cemana. Tapi melampau nya prime time lelaki ish.