there's a song by lynn Anderson - Rose Garden
some of the wording was something like this,
U better look before u leap do water runs deep
and there wont always have someone to pull u out,
and u know what i'm talking about
i take it ...its about joining or doing something,
or trying something, u better learn the whole
thing first and be ready for the obstacle that awaits.
like blogging for instance,
u know u wanna tell people story.
opening your heart is always the best therapy,
(I guess that's explain why pocket never went amok before)
and having people react to your story is a plus.
at least to me it is ..for i find it comforting.
but before i've started to do this, no one told me that
one day i'll become sooo addicted to it, that without
streamyx line in the house, its just like no air.(not that its a bad thing :D)
and no one told me that one really tend to become
transparent and too transparent will make u fear
your secret will be well known to the blogging community.
Celc0m 100 day 100 cars campaign.
i tot it was a cabutan bertuah,
answer 10 question and stand a chance to win a car.
number 11th question puzzled me,
i tot there was only 10 question?
and i've continued till 75th question.
(Thats RM5 per Question)
then celcom announced in national TV that it is not
a lucky draw but a race. who ever have the most
points of the day wins. now why didnt u tell me dat before!?
Well the blame is on me,
i was the one who didnt ask
i was the one who didnt check
i was the one who leap without looking.
goes the same with those EMWei, KosWei, Highway(?)
heheh and any other way that u can find.
so study first, know the lies first
do not be deceived
some of the lies are just too sharp.
Cuts your heart, stab the liver,
and puncture your lung so bad ...
u might not be able to stand up anymore.
(Some might end up having a leech sucking your blood till the end of life)
So Pocket... u guys ever tried any of the above?
Friday, July 25, 2008
82. PocketWay
Ngacuman oleh Pocket Pada 10:32 PM
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when u want to agree to sumthin, make sure u read the terms and condition 1st, i have come across people who made wrong choices financially because of's ok...u've learned my dear...
never never never read the TNC thing & click 'I Accept'... bahaya wooo
~ sejak amy berguru ngan my boss, i know how they can be a million air. they are really damn a big liar. org2 kaya nie mmg kaya dengan penipu kot. but, it's quite fun actually.
so, next time, kena tahu dulu taktik2 mereka nie. kalau diorg nak give something yg sangat la lumayan. mesti la ader trick di situ. so, find the trick 1st. ;) ~
~ salah eja la plak... *millionaire* ~
yer yer.. aku penah terbabas ke dalam M.L.M.. habis duit kahwin aku buat menatang tu.. giler..
semua tu mohong jer.. korang jgn buat.. yg dah kaya tu, biokan demer kaya.. kita carik rezeki kot menda lain.. janji jgn menipu org..
budus budus budus..
(kalo la aku tak join MLM dulu.. isk isk isk..)
I haven't tried all of those craps.
Except for blogging. DUH.
And I think I might just have become a bit too transparent...hmm...
CHeryna P,
but a lesson learned with Rm350 Paid is hell.
why dont they come cheap? like a book for 20 ringgit
or something. huh!!
banji!! if u ever publish your LessonInLife,
can i have a copy?
bahaya kan, tambah tambah pulak kalau ada kena mengena ngan kredit kad kan..
kan, pasal tu la diorang jadi jutawan,
penipuan, camana la diorang tido memalam yek?
tp actually diorang tak lah tipu totally,
cuma memutarbelitkan kebenaran jer :)huhuuuu
Meniaga Larut Malam yek?
peh sampai abih wit kawin ko ?
oooiiii... tapi takper,
pas ni kita tak yah buat gitu lg.
Bendul!! kita bela pacat la plak jom!! hahahaha
Yup, i'd say most of us do become more and more transparent each day.
its ok if u'r not writing your feeling about
some of the people around u,
if u are... better stay anonymous kut...
I wonder what MrBig will think if he ever reads my pocket.
I might go private one day. :D
ayaq kalo nk private jgn lupa invite watashi
hye pocket!
pengalaman mengajar
dan sekarang watashi sudah insap
hu hu hu hu
wah!! takkan la terjadi terlalu transparent sangan sampai nak privatekan sugarPlumPickle kot!!
anyway, kalau nak privatekan, benarkan pakcik datang jugak yek. ^^
u'v learned your lesson?
and that would be?
^^ sajer je tanya, buat buat tak tau :) Hihiiiii
yes dearS i is will adding u.
takpe lah.. an expensive lesson but a lesson nevertheless.
buku? hehe am working on it bro :) if it does make it to the shelf of MPH, you'll get from me by hand
aahaha apo nak dikato.. slalunya mmg camtu la kan. nampak cam bleh 'kaya' tp liku2 yg perlu dihadapi sangt 'mencabar' ekekeke
mmg manyaknya pentipuk haihh
Thanks, and i will always make u the first five to attend to daily:)
yes banji, give it to me by hand,
after u've signed it on your launching day.
after i've que in the line for 1 hour just like the rest of your fan :)
huhahuha huhahuha...
tak per, u tak yah jual barang, u just cari orang kat bawah u jer,
Senang kan :D
tp u kena la amik minimum of 200 point monthly to stay in the program,
and to do that u have to buy RM500 worth of MyWay product, u can use it, or u can sell em:)
Question: what do u do when u've bought ten cans of skin product?
apa ni cakap macam aku dah nak privatekan dah.. haha tak private lagi la... bila dah keja nanti baru private kot?
uikssss, sah2 laa contest camtuh nak makan duit org jek .. belum tentu dpt ketenya, tapi nak main kena guna sms bleh sampai beribu2 .. rugi . rugi ..
Ooo..gitu ka peraduan Celcom tu. Nasib baik tak try. He he.
Dah alang2 tu Pocket, teruskan je la. Mana tau boleh dapat sebijik keta. :P
wahahaah 9 months full time MLM worker (slave)
and now i am a very critic man
p.s: dont come to me asking to join something that u r no familiar hahahha nnti kena tembak:)
wat wat taktahu ekkkk
anyway,thanx a lot bro!
bela pacat..? ohhoo.. ko tak cukup modal nak bela lintah, ko ajak bela pacat eekk.. baik bela berudu.. freee..
nak keja nanti? umph!! umph!!
tp any particular reason why dear?
transparent factor?
tp camana nak blogging but keep anonymous kan?
Yatie of dubai!!
dah lama sangat kakak tak datang sini :)
Yup, memang makan wit orang ...
ari tu dah dekat 400 inggit,
nasibbaik Celc0m kasi balik setelah kempen itu dibubarkan:)
kalau pikir pikir tu kan,
tiga ribu inggit worth of SMS for a 140K worth of Car, is dang cheap kan :)
kalau menang..
ni filantera, ada satu ni baguih punya ibu duit.
nak try tak?
Pooommm!!! kedengaran bunyi tembakan :)
Bela jentik jentik la... besh
buleh dpt denggi.. heheh:)
tak tahuuuu laaa... tak tahuuuu..heheh:)
(Tak nak komen ^^)
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