...Week ever,
3rdAug (Monday)
Dah la mai keja lamat, kena bantai ngan jpung jpung plak lagi,
ada email yg tidak diantar sebetulnya..ada info yg silap katanya.
'So how? farid pi ngaku kata buleh'
'dan pocket yg kna ngaku kata pocket silap dgr,
sebab farid is not the one to be blame, u are'
adoilaaaa... ilang senyuman, ilang harapan,
SMS sent but no reply,
Called but not answered,(i dialled the wrong number? maybe..)
few direct order from me was not followed.
A few defect found in the production line
due to my wrong information.
4thAug (Tuesday)
somebody questioned my overtime last week,
seems like the time spent was not productive enough.
The same defect found last week emerged from the
depth of the murky production line. I'm to blame.
'you're not doing your job properly pocket!!
what happened to u!!?' was the word.
Posted my last post about angau and Ah ngau,
my last post for the week, (or is it my last post from me own room)
5thAug (Wednesday)
everything is needed today,
'Audit schedule' and therefore audit memo...
audit memo and therefore audit item and cause.
arranged three, one in KL, one in Johor and last one local.
hectic day.. hectic day..my internet was out, what do i do,
6thAug (Thursday)
came to work late, have to work till late night.
my internet is still out, i am still out,
managed to call up TMnet to ask why?
'incik tada bayar bil, kami terpaksa potong...'
'baper inggit tu?''508 ringgit''haaaa???'
it seems like i've been mistakenly paying my
TM phone bills instead of my internet,
How stupid is that kan.. MyMafiaaaaa!!!!!
Trip to KL, Johor is canceled! MrBig dont think
its important enough for pocket to fly again.
no objection sir, no objection.
But this has just rip off my smile again when
i was hoping so much for the trip.
Am a typical sagitarius...
need to run free,
need to see places,
need to arrange for some side tour,
up north then to south maybe...
bring me smile again....
showed it to everyone but their respond
was revolting.
poyo, mengada ngada, narcisme and most
of them laughed away..
kenapaaa!!! tak der yg kagum ker?
(Happy jgak org gelak, kira menghiburkan
la kot, heheh^^ atleast yang 'itu' gelak)
at least now i know how do i look with polkadots neck tie.
hummm hummmmmmm,
DOn Pocketione crying inside..
hoping someone out there would understand,
but ...
pocket, pocket..are you alright?
don't worry. things will better soon owait?
hihi. yeah. the pic is kinda cute. :D
Owh..la tuh gambar pocket ke?? hahha ingat gambar sape la tadi..i only remember your sweet smile, takde dlm harddisk otak aku nih muka yang serius ala mafia..erm..good effort!
pasal kije tuh, erm just do your best, memang ade up and down..
U looked awesome bro!
I thought to hire u as my sweet assassin. will u do it?
just hope everything will be okay for u bro!
hahahaha... nak gelak jap. tapi itu benar-benar nampak yg pocket tengah demam dengan mafia war itu. dlm FB penuh duk main bendalah tuh kan?
amy pun tengah tension kat ofis ni. tapi apakan daya. :(
hey, u dont really change much in this 11 years, do u? (last view : klia, march 1998) ;D
bro pocket dah buat "rintihan" di dalam blog...adedehh...(tp yg nieh wajar nak kesian cuz jarang buat rintihan tuh kan!)
tak boleh bla tgk gambo nieh...dr tadi dok tergelak dan tersengih sampai my mum is asking, "kenapa lelaki tu pakai macam tuh? dia gangster ke? ade blog gangster?"(anda mesti bangga kan org cakap macam tuh?!)
tapi dalam mase yg same sha rase macam rupe bintang 3 pon ade...macam kampitai jupon pon ade...ahahah...
* adehh...kena tahan jgn tgk blog nieh sampai the posting gi kat "next page!" (hihihi...)
banyak bersabar bro...
dekat2 nak bulan puasa ni mmg ujian banyak sket. just remember.. what doesn't kill you will make you stronger :)
tgh tak ok sangat, tp tak per,
ngan harapanye pas ni sihat balik..
heheh, sweet sangat ker smile pocket nih? sampai itu jer yg anda ingat? muka sejuk kat Snowboard ker.. muka sakit jatuh beskal ker, tak der yek:) heheheh
ok, dats good sis,
who u want me to clip?
ala ala mafia hehehehe:)
heheh gelak la gelak la,
its suppose to be funny :)
memang pocket tgh dmam mafia wars :)
dulu demam tikus tu,
skrg ni mafia plak,
pas ni apa la plak...
owh!! owh!!
the part havent change much tu mengganggu...
bukan kan pocket bertambah hensem over the years?
hehehehlagi mau perasan:)
umph, jarang ada rintihan hati, walaupun blog ni utk mengacum, tp somehow jarang plak rintihan hati... heheheh heran kan..
samseng hongkong!!?
tp come to think of it, memang ada pun, sila lihat movie lama :)
mak sha tgk!!?
kabo kat dia, sha knal mamat ni masa kat hongkong, tgh kutip wit perlindungan..hahahahah
yes yes ..
tgh sabor lg nih, tp nangis buleh tak? tak der kena mengena ngan sabar kan :) heheheheh
kesitu plak pocket :)
dugaan je tuh..
take it simple and easy..
ada org yg lg byk dugaan nya..
gaji xde hampir 3 bulan..
fon kne barred almost 2 weeks..
hutang loan ngan family lagi..
demam, batuk2 selsema, seb baik bukan H1N1..
nk kne buat entry rintihan jugak.. hahahahaha =P~
**take care bro..
sian pocket..tp gambar tu lawaklah..at least akak senyum gak..
bro pocket!comel n stylo gitu gmbrnya..ahaks..opsss jgn bg JK dgr..hahaha...;P
Bro, kuatkan smgt ek bila masa2 dugaan gni...n doa byk2..tkmo sedih2 ok!;)cheer up..huhu
pocketttttttttttttt selamat berpuasa!!!
pocket!!! kenapa dah lama tak update blog ni? mafia wars kat FB tuh asyik nampak gmbr pocket je.
Yo bro!
awat lama tak update.. hehe.. ingatkan aku sorang jak busy.. hehe.. anyway... jrg sedih naa... cheer up... salam ramadan... puasa tak?? hehe
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